
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Here is my happy hubby with his new grandson
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Congratulations Barbie! Your new grandson is gorgeous. I am really getting 'itchy' to meet my grandtwins. Can't wait for cuddles from them both. Oh, and I'm loving your 'Tink' top.

    Vickim - the charity shop is for local community projects. Always a good cause, it's just a shame that one shop assistant has really let them down.

    Our Aussie guest is with us for another ten days and then I think I will be able to feel as if I can get back to normal. It's been a delight having him (especially as he is SO helpful around the house and is forever cleaning and clearing up for me!), however I am conscious of feeling as if I need to entertain him rather than spend more time in my gym. Once he leaves us, I intend to up my game as far as exercise goes. There are only a few more weeks until my grandtwins are due, and I want to have lost a good bit more by then and also to have improved my fitness levels.

    Speaking of the babies (which I do ad infinitum) I am going to their next appointment for ultrasound scan next Wednesday. I am so excited. Son-in-law has promised to take extra paper tissues for me. I know I'm going to need them!

    I was chatting with my other daughter yesterday and she told me she's having another operation in a couple of weeks. This is to prepare her for what will be her ninth round of IVF. It truly has been a heartbreaking few years for my lovely daughters and it would make me the happiest person alive if DD#2 could also have a baby. Prayers and wishes please.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    WOW...WELCOME NEW POSTERS...ALL OF YOU!! I'm really intrigued by the one experiencing the first day of Spring!! Where are you??? New Zealand, Australia ??? Anyway, everyone is welcome and sharing successes, failures, what works for you, what doesn't is all encouraged.

    I'm on Day 4 of being back on track and still feeling really good about it. Doesn't mean I haven't had to stop and ask for the strength to stay out of the kitchen and away from the food...but I am doing MUCH, much better!

    Did exercise a little differently this morning. Turned on the tv and found first jazzercise, then yoga, then tai chi....did three back-to-back programs of exercise and found it fun and relaxing.

    My goals for September are as follows:

    1. Stop procrastinating and making excuses to binge.
    2. Faithfully practice true and accurate portion control (no guessing and being a little too generous).
    3. Log all of my foods, every bite.
    4. Lose the 4 pounds I am up from a bad July and August plus 4 more to boot.
    5. Schedule that congratulatory massage as soon as I hit that oh so elusive 50 pounds lost mark!

    That's it...hope everyone has a great month (myself included) and a really good day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barb - congrats on that new grandbaby...great pic of your hubby too:wink:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    September! I plan on this being a MUCH better month than August!
    I am setting more specific goals than I normally do--I think I need them in order to getback on track!

    August was an awful month for me for some reason and to top it all off my best friend at work was let go yesterday. It was her own fault but still...I'll miss her a LOT!

    It's a new month and I am determined to get the scale and inches moving in the right direction--DOWN!

    Amanda--Your experience in the shop was oh-so-wrong! I wonder if the directors (or whatever) know about this assistant? She needs a serious attitude adjustment!

    Welcome all you new ladies! You are SO welcome here!

    Barbie--the baby is beautiful! Where did he get all that hair! (We tend to have bald, or nearly bald, babies in my family.)

    I took today off and my dd and I are going into Olympia to look around for a couple of hours. Thankfully it isn't raining like it was yesterday.

    I have done 30 minutes of Richard Simmons' Blast and Tone and will do 30 minutes more of exercise later. I have really been slacking on my exercise lately and on logging my foods. (I sure hope we change our phone plan to one with internet access soon so I'll be able to track my foods wherever I am.)

    Let's all have a healthy and happy September!
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Just posting to pick up the thread.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Barbie, Cute grandbaby. Jake is not too bad either. LOL. how close to them are you guys. will you get to see the baby often. I am so close to my grandchildren. cannot imagine any other way. Barbie love the pic of you and your friend. You look like one of those ladies who has always been slim and trim. No one would ever know you battle with your weight. Great inspiration to me as always. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
    Vicki M
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    How do you join the 50+ group? I will be 53 in Oct.

    You just did! :happy:

    Here's my goals:

    August goals:
    More "me" time - did okay but I'm still feeling "stretched" I think that's going to be my reality until I finish my Ironman
    Find a new job - didn't do SQUAT on this one. Argh!
    Heal my calf injury - it's MUCH better. It's still not 100% but I went back to running and was able to continue to make progress instead of falling backwards

    Sept. goals:
    Be able to run for an hour by EOM - I am up to 10 min. Ha!
    Find a new job - without fail I will post my resume and apply for some jobs
    Continue to heal my calf injury - PT 2x a week, acupuncture 1x, foam roll every day and careful with the workouts
    Do Tabata Squats 5-6x a week - or Tabata Something-Else for variety
  • A new month already. Times flew by in August. I didn’t make my August goals but did get in some exercise (did well the first part of the month then took a “break.”) I’ve picked up again now. :happy: I probably lost about 4 pounds in August, again in the first part of the month. I won’t know for sure until I get home and onto my own scale. It’s not the pound-and-a-half I’d hoped for but, you know, I’m feeling pretty good about it.

    I relaxed the way I was eating, a couple of weeks ago (for my niece’s shower). Since then, it’s been non-stop visiting. I stayed “relaxed” (but not crazy) for 9 or 10 days. I think I maintained my weight while I was “relaxing” and I count that as success. Getting back on track was hard, but not as hard as it’s been other times. It helps that I didn’t get very far off track.

    I’m going to keep my same 1-1/2 lbs per week weight loss goal for September and change my exercise goal to 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week. I’d like to do more. I hope to do more. I *plan* to do more. But a stretch goal works better for me than an Elasti-girl goal.

    Barb, congrats on the big weight loss. When you got going, you really did it! :flowerforyou:

    Laura, 1 lb left. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful feeling that must be. Congrats to you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, a new grandson is so exciting. Welcome to the world, Jesse! :love: Thanks for sending the pic of you and your friend. You look so cute – and tiny! Awww. Just saw the pic of your DH and Jesse. He’s a cutie. (Jesse that is – oh, of course, your DH too!)

    Kathy, how fortunate you are to have the talent to make jewelry. I hope you’ll post pics.

    Vicki and Terri, doesn’t it feel great to be back in the groove! Good for you. Good for us!

    Viv, not gaining weight is a good thing. I look at it as practice for the rest of our lives. It’s really all about maintenance, isn’t it. Unless we can maintain, we might as well forget it. And you just proved you can maintain!

    Michelle, you are an exercise champ. Always doing something new and, so often, doing something that sounds like fun.

    Vikki, lambs and calves. Delightful!

    Welcome to everyone who’s new. This is a terrific bunch of women. They’ve made a huge difference for me in motivation and support.

    Amanda, I’m sad for you, missing the wedding ceremony. What a bummer. I’m glad the rest of the day went well. Your day at the spa sounds heavenly.

    Your bout at the charity shop sounds ridiculous. :noway: I hope you’ll contact the manager. I went to a charity shop once where the person waiting on customers refused to give me a receipt for my donation because it wasn’t big enough. Honestly! I always wished I’d gone to the manager. People like that are not so good for the charities they’re ostensibly supporting.

    On another note…you’ve done so well at losing…almost 90 pounds. Woo hoo! You are smokin’ hot. :flowerforyou:

    Denise, welcome back.

    Mary, I hope you’re feeling better.

    Labrat, adding lots of fruits and veggies to my diet has worked well for me. I do much better calorie-wise when I eat them. I’m not someone who likes deprivation. It doesn’t make me feel proud, it makes me feel hungry!

    I’m eating better now, liking it so much better, and losing weight. I couldn’t ask for anything more. If you want to shake it up (and aren’t already doing it), you might want to try adding some fruits and veggies. It really does take the temptation to munch away.

    I didn’t like veggies until last January when I discovered I could ROAST them! What a difference (high temp, short time). Other people grill them. That sounds yummy too. Good luck to you. You have the right attitude!

    Pegstet, fabulous fifties, huh? I guess I’m in the sexy sixties! :laugh: I bought an old truck from my nephew. It has a sticker on the back that says “Sexy Grandma.” I took the truck in to be painted and told them they could paint everything but had to keep that sticker!

    Birdie, I like what you said, “what I call a "bad" day today....was one of my "good " days before!” Amazing, isn’t it?!

    Chiclet sent a message to my mailbox. I asked her if it would be okay to post my response in the forum. There are always so many new people. (If you're an "old" person, skip this part!)


    Hi Mimi, 

It's me again. I went to the store and was in the tuna aisle and saw the pouches of albacore and such and noticed that there was packaged salmon also from Bumble Bee. So I bought one that was lightly marinated with lemon and dill. I don't know if you've seen them before but they are ready to eat. Well I had it the other day and I did not like it. It was very dry. 

    Sooooo I was wondering where do you get your smoked salmon? This was my first time eating salmon and I am hoping mine was just dry and yours is something different. 

    Also, what is this Lavash bread? Is it like a pita? Where do you get that? I notice you say you eat 1/2 of it. How large is this bread? 

    Finally a campari tomato??? 

    I know you shop a lot probably at Trader Joes and I am thinking you get a lot of these things from there maybe. Just would like to know what it is you are eating. 

    Oh and one last thing. I notice you don't eat a lot of protein. I know you are into veggies and all but is there a reason why you don't eat more protein?

    By the way, I roasted some veggies again the other day and this time I shared some with Boo. Her favorite was the broccoli. So know that you have converted my dog too! 



    Lol. Boo eating broccoli! I’m so glad you (and she) are eating lots of veggies. They’ve saved my life. Probably literally. I don’t think I’d be losing weight or keeping it off without eating lots of fruits and veggies. They fill me up. And they’re so good. I don’t feel deprived at all – a novel experience with a diet for me.

    I get a lot of my food at Costco and Trader Joe's.

    The salmon I use in my wraps (usually made from lavash, an ounce of feta, a diced tomato, an ounce of smoked salmon, and sometimes miscellaneous other things, such as avocado, basil, and spinach) is from Costco. You can get it online too, but it's more expensive. It's the only one I like. It's the Honey Smoked Original Flavor. I have to say some packages are better than others. Sometimes it's firm and sometimes softer. It's hot smoked so it's not like lox, although you could use lox if you like it. All the other hot-smoked salmons I've found are too salty or have too much flavor added. This one is really good. It's expensive, but it lasts me for a couple of weeks as I use only an ounce or two a day.

    The lavash is from Trader Joe's. It's the whole wheat kind. The pieces are fairly big so half (110 calories) is big enough for me. It gets crisp - kind of like a cracker - when you grill it in the pan. I brown it lightly on one side, flip it over, then add the feta and diced tomatoes. (I like the Valbreso brand from Costco - nice and mellow and more creamy than some fetas (but still feta-like!))

    After the feta's gotten slightly melty, I add spinach or basil or avocado - whatever. I NEVER add the salmon until after I've put the wrap on a plate. It leaves your place smelling fishy for hours - maybe days. Yech.

    I've also used pita (although it's a bit of a pain to split in half and I don't like it otherwise), whole wheat tortillas (try to get some that don't have a lot of preservatives - the ones at Costco are ridiculous - they're better at Trader Joes), and Indian wraps I get at the health food store. (I thought they were awfully expensive - about $5 for a lg package - but they were really good.) My sister likes the Indian wraps the best because she likes a moister wrap, where I like it more like a cracker. You can also use a piece of bread!

    Campari tomatoes are everywhere. They're kind of small. They're much better than the big ones. They taste more like home-grown. When I can, I get tomatoes (not Camparis) at the local fruit stand. Those are usually good.

    As far as protein goes, I try to get the amount recommended by MFP, which is plenty according to my sister, who's a dietician (graduated from UC Berkeley, so she's pretty smart) and according to the articles I've read that are convincing to me. Americans (and probably all the folks from the more "advanced" countries) generally get too much protein. I've recently learned that protein from veggies is just as good as protein from meat as long as you get a variety of veggies. It's a myth that you have to worry about balancing the amino acids to get complete proteins.

    I'd always believed that but apparently it started when the author of Diet for a Small Planet wanted to popularize her approach. Later, she retracted what she'd said. She'd overstated the need to balance the amino acids. Unless you have a really one-sided diet (like all sweet potatoes!), you're okay.

    I didn't start out to go low protein and I don't avoid animal protein on principle (although, if you look at the documentary Food Inc., you'll start to be a lot more careful about the sources of what you eat. The food industry in this country leaves something to be desired). It was more a matter of wanting to limit calories and liking lots of food (volume). You can't eat a lot of animal protein on a low calorie diet and have much room left over for other foods. But, if you keep your animal protein intake low, you can eat a lot of fruits and veggies!

    For me, volume is important. That isn't the case for everyone. I'm also happy knowing I'm getting good nutrition. The fruits and veggies have lots of micronutrients that you can't get in a vitamin pill.

    Some people like to get more protein and they're okay eating less of the other things. I like the fruits and veggies so much, I don't want to sacrifice them for more protein.

    Good luck to you. Congratulations on being an official HECler (member of the Healthy Eating Club)! How does it feel? I'm loving it. I could go on an on about it. Oh, gosh, I just did! :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Kathy, how fortunate you are to have the talent to make jewelry. I hope you’ll post pics.

    I have a few (not very) good pics on my profile, if you are interested. (I really need to practice more with the camera! We keep taking pics of the baby, instead!)
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I am 55 and a grandma and I just started doing P90X, my 3rd day into it and I love it!
  • :flowerforyou: what a wonderful pic grandchild are so neet debi(momof10)
  • PamelaHoneyHuggy
    PamelaHoneyHuggy Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am so happy to be here and to be losing and feeling so much better!!!!:flowerforyou:
    You all help me so much!! Thanks for being there and all the encouragement!:heart:

    Happy Fall!!!:love:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Okay so I decided I needed something new to get me happy to exercise again and kick start this losing thing again. So I bought Turbo Fire today. I love ChaLene Johnson since I have Turbo Jam and ChaLean Extreme so I should enjoy it. shhhh don't tell DH since I can't really afford it but sometimes you just gotta, right?

    I have been doing better on my exersizing. I did another strength training today along with my 5 mile run and then I will get my other 4.5 miles in before dinner. I also have done ab videos for the past two days. I am feeling better but I am struggling with sodium right now. Oh well it will all work out. I hope you are all having a great day!!!!!!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi! Can't believe it's already September. We will be starting school next week. I only have 4 homeschoolers. Our tribe is decreasing. Catch you all later...:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you, Barb, for starting the new thread……we are all the leaders on this thread and sharing the responsibility makes it feel more like it belongs to all of us……..it was wonderful to come back to the motel after eating too much pizza and laughing too much with grandchildren and find the new thread started.

    :flowerforyou: Vikki, welcome to the thread…..I did a double take when you said the days were getting longer and then did a little detective work to figure out that you probably live in New Zealand…now we’ve added a new hemisphere to our women 50+ family.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the other new members, Sue, Collette, Mary, Labrat, Pegstet, Bopper, and any others that I might have missed…..this is a great place to get support and encouragement and new ideas for food, workouts, and how to approach challenging situations.

    :flowerforyou: Erica, with your new busy work schedule, see if you can schedule a weekly “date” with your hubby…..even if you are ships passing in the night, there can be a special time on your weekly calendar just for the two of you

    :flowerforyou: Debbieanne,one reason this thread works so well is that we have an understanding here that we don’t get from our family and friends even if they love us a lot……now that I’ve reached my goal weight, my best friend says, “so now you don’t have to count calories and you can eat whatever you want”….all of you know that this is a one day at a time challenge no matter what we weigh

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, thanks for sharing the charity shop story….you were right to be amazed at the treatment by the clerk….what ever happened to “the customer is always right”

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congrats on the one pound loss……that just shows that there is not always instant correlation between today’s right or wrong eating and exercising and what the scale says…..what is important is the aggregate of days.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I love your goals….I’m so glad to see you back on track….I have gained so much from your posts and I’ve missed hearing from you regularly…..take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, we live almost 700 miles from our grandkids and probably won’t be back to see them again until April. In contrast to you and practically everyone on this thread, I am not a passionate grandma and occasional visits and phone calls work just fine for me.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: About my August goals
    I liked being focused on being “complaint free”…it felt good to aim for that……I treated my knee well and it is almost healed (my goal is being completely healed in time for the five day line dance workshop starting September 12)….I did upper body workouts most days including on this trip when the hotel had a fitness center….I think I learned a few more ways to use dumbbells.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: For September, you can see my goals at the bottom of my signature…….the new ones are “dance more”
    I want to learn some more dances really well before the workshop
    and “eat at home”
    after all these restaurant meals, I want to be the one planning and cooking everything I eat…..obviously that won’t always be possible but it’s a goal to aspire to

    :flowerforyou: I’ll never get my 10,000 steps today if I don’t get out of this chair and go for another walk.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Barbie, I would love to be able to get toghether when you are in Mount Vernon for your Rally. I know you will be busy dancing but maybe we can work something out.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    It's so good to know that even tho I haven't had my period, it is normal to get cravings. Last night not only did I crave chocolate, but later at night I absolutely had to have a cheese sandwich. Well, I really wanted to finish up most of the fat-free cheese that I have, now I only have one slice left. But did I pay for it this a.m.! Not only with a weight gain, but also (and this is interesting) some GERD. Now today I have no desire to eat, I didn't get hungry around lunch time, even tho I had an early breakfast.

    Did 1 hr of the deep water exercise today. Tomorrow, I think I'll do some incline intervals on the treadmill (2 min @ 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc.) After the water exercise today I took a bowling lesson. Like I said, I STINK. Well, I have some things to work on, now it's just a matter of practice, practice, practice. I did bowl 3 games after the lesson, the first game I bowled a whopping....get ready for this.....35! I told you I STINK! Then I did some food shopping, didn't have any urge to snack or anything. Tomorrow after the incline interval, I have to go for my bone density scan. Actually, I'll probably stop at this one food store, buy a little because if I get over a certain amount, I get 10 cents off a gallon of gas and I need gas. Then the BDS, then a store around here has triple coupons so you know that I'm going to go there and do them.

    Thanks for the suggestions of places that have steps, Vicki. I don't remember ever seeing them at Ross, the Marshall's by us just closed :(. I'll have to give Ross a look-see

    Ever since we had to put PJ down, Vince and I have been volunteering at the Humane Society as cat cuddlers. The nice thing about them is that they are a no-kill shelter. Yesterday I went for an orientation to be a dog walker. You know, it's funny, when Jessica was training the servince dog and I was helping her, it took me a while to wrap my mind around the concept that this isn't a pet, he's a working dog. Now I have to wrap my mind around the fact that these dogs are to be pets, not working dogs. I reverted back into my ways of training. Speaking of no-kill, the animal shelter around here had some sort of infection and had to euthanize all the animals. I can't help but wonder....the humane society sometimes gets animals from the animal shelter. They recently had an outbreak of coccidia, but they got it under control. I just can't help wondering if the animal shelter didn't have the same thing, but because they are publically funded, they are required by law to take in every animal that animal control brings. They were very overcrowded. I just can't help myself wondering if this wasn't just their answer to the overcrowding so that they can disinfect for the coccidia.

    Welcome vikki! So glad to have you sueburch, you joined by posting! Let's not forget ccdutch! Marymooster, hope you chime in very often an everyone else that I probably missed.

    Amanda - Sounds like a simply lovely day you had at the spa. I can't believe that you're banned from a charity shop!!!!!

    Mary - feel better, hun

    Birdie - I can tell you where that 1lb went to. It decided to move to a warmer climate -- NC

    Want to post this so I can mark my spot.

  • :bigsmile: I wanna join your group! New here....by three weeks. Lost five pounds. I'm 51 years old or young depending on the day.

    I really want to make September a 8-10 pound month.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Ladies, Happy September!!! I am really pleased with myself . I 'm losing inches. The clothes I've been wearing...elastic waist and stretchy pants .....are getting to large for me. Yippie!!! I pulled tuppers of clothes out of storage that I haven't been able to wear for a long ....and I can wear my SIZE 8 jeans again!!!!! IT FEELS SOOOOO GOOD!!I I'm not sure how much weight I've lost because I put my scales away a few weeks back because I became obsessed with it. And I'm scared to step on it in fear I'll be bummed out by what it says. so I think I wait awhile longer. HAVE A BLESSED NIGHT LADIES.


    My September Goal is 10 lb less by Sept 30th
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