Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    And this probably goes into the realm of Too Much Information, but I think my boobs are interfering with my breathing during jumping jacks/jump rope. :noway: :laugh:

    LOL STRAP EM DOWN AND KEEP IT PUSHIN!! But yeah I was thinking I might end up with 2 black eyes myself!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :wink: :wink:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I missed it today :( bit late now as well.

    But I got weighed and have lost 2lb, so 2lb and 1 inch in 7 days of doing this.
    that is awesome BUT I hope you got a work out in today!! :glasses: <<<<thats me watching out for you lol:wink:
  • Mrsjb I am 17 weeks, first trimester was rough for me, doing a lot better although I do have bad days, I want the least amount of health complications, and I know Shredding will help.
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi guys i did day 3 last night, an hour earlier than usual. Anyway I made it through I think with a few less pauses (probably just in my mind) but I did it. Of course half way through I think "Why am I doing this to myself, this is for the birds?" Especially when i put on 1.5lbs when I started despite calorie intake.....

    But here is my good news my pre 30 DS weight was 196.5 the day after Istarted 30DS it went to 198:( but this morning 195.5!!!!!!


    my goal for o october 1st is only 190 if this keeps up i may have to buy boots and a new pair of sneakers for myself!

    Oh yeah I found out this morning while doing cardio my 4yr old is the best motivator. He sat there eating his cereal saying "good job mommy...mommy your the best exerciser" this one almost hurt till he explained hisself.."mommy your too big" then he said"the floor's shaking" I was jumping so I told him "that's why mommy is exercising so she can be little" when I finished he said "Mommy are you little yet" I said no but I'm getting there!
    I definately need him when I am up against Jillian:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Mrsjb I am 17 weeks, first trimester was rough for me, doing a lot better although I do have bad days, I want the least amount of health complications, and I know Shredding will help.

    2nd trimester is the best one so enjoy it!! I am assuming this is your first baby? I am glad you are staying active I did NOT my last pregnancy 3 yrs ago and got BIG but last night my 2 1/2 yr old worked out with me to 30DS!! lol It was fun! I kicked her *kitten*! LOL
  • [/quote]

    2nd trimester is the best one so enjoy it!! I am assuming this is your first baby? I am glad you are staying active I did NOT my last pregnancy 3 yrs ago and got BIG but last night my 2 1/2 yr old worked out with me to 30DS!! lol It was fun! I kicked her *kitten*! LOL

    Mrsjb, glad your daughter joined you in exercise, and you were able to complete 30DS. I have a 4 year old active big girl, with that pregnancy came alot of complications, including high blood pressure, 65-70 lb weight gain, and always low on energy, as well as other issues. I want this to be a better pregnancy, after day 1 level 1, I am sore. woo hoo!
  • colleen_mairead
    colleen_mairead Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going to start tomorrow! I just found my DVD. I'm off to a great first day on this site.
  • I just discovered myfitnesspal this week -- and this thread. Perfect since I'm trying to start the 30-day shred -- again. I did about 7 straight days a month ago but got busy with other things. I've since suffered an injury so I'm starting slow and Day 1 was Wednesday. I'll jump back in in hopes of getting motivation from this thread.

    For me, like tissyazd, it got harder as the days progressed. I think that's normal and it's OK to take a day off now and then.

    I can't do the pushups right now because of my ab-related injuries. But I wanted to chime in with yummygoods and offer a tip for getting the strength to do them. For years I did the knee ones after losing the strength to do "real" pushups. I don't find that you suddenly, one day, pop up and are able to do the real ones, no matter how many knee pushups you do.

    What I did find, though, is if you do the plank -- the full plank, like in yoga -- and just hold it, you will suddenly be able to do real pushups!!! So, during the pushups, you might substitute the plank and hold it for as long as you can. I really think ab strength is super important for pushups. Once you get that, you'll be able to do the pushups.

    Also, i LOVE the side lunge. OK, I don't love it while I'm doing it and I also worry about form. But I always get sore in the butt, which is right where I need it. :smile:

    Let's go get 'em!!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member

    So I came home from work to find a new dog brought home by my husband! He is a big boy we have been talking about a new dog and he is actually perfect for me to take and go walking early in the am with me before the sun comes up! So we took him on a 40 min walk and man my knee was feeling not so great by the time we got home. I fell down some stairs and hurt my left knee (the same knee I had laser surgery on 14 yrs ago) about 2 months ago and it still hurts when I put to much strain on it. So I did a lot of walking today and then after dinner I started feeling the soreness in my legs and abs from day one of 30DS!! So I really wasn't going to do the day 2. Mostly because I don't want to reinjure my knee and not be able to do any excercise at all! But BECAUSE I AM ON THIS THREAD I DID DAY 2!! I couldn't tell you to not give up and then give up myself! So I did it I just didn't jump on my knee but kept my arms moving and legs side to side. I cant wait to get the fat off of me and not feel like I am lifting an extra person!! Mostly I can't wait to give my knees the break they deserve. Keep going everybody!

    I have experienced injury to both of my knees and now arthritis has set in. I wear knee braces that support my knee cap - I couldn't do any kind of exercising without them. Yesterday I actually ran 1/2 mile at about 12mph. Not huge for a lot of people, but it was huge for me. Then I came home and did my first day of the 30DS (I only did about 15 minutes, though, and quit). I will do it again tonight - but try the knee braces. I got one from the specialist I saw after the 2nd knee injury and ordered one on-line.

  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member

    But here is my good news my pre 30 DS weight was 196.5 the day after Istarted 30DS it went to 198:( but this morning 195.5!!!!!!

    That's wonderful! Great job!

    I almost decided not to do it tonight, I am super sore for some reason, but I looked in the mirror and, it might be a placebo effect because I don't think I've lost anymore so far, but my jeans looked really loose around my thighs that's given me enough motivation to do it tonight! I'll just have to tough it out.

    Welcome to everyone who's joined and keep up the good work everyone! :drinker:

    (Also, about "Strapping them down"... I try. I do, but I can't find a sportsbra that will hold 'em still! :grumble: )
  • I just started this today! It was a total blast! There were times when I felt like quitting tho! But I stuck it out and feel great! I think I am even going to do a little Biggest loser on the wii tonight. :) ( I kinda went overboard on dinner:( ) But I am hoping this helps me get fit before my husband gets back from deployment:)

    Sw- 149
    Mini GW-131( this was me BEFORE I had children:) )

  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    ok update to this mornings post I just finished my day 4 and my 4 and 2 year olds did it with me. THey had fun I enjoyed watching them. Was it as intense for me as usual no but I think it is a combination of the fact that it's day 4 and 1 was watching them a lot to make sure they weren't hurt. ANyway I didn't even notice that we were in the 3rd part until she said it and then I was overjoyed but I did still burn a good number of calories 600 exercise calories for the day total and I underestimated :smile: :happy: :happy:
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    DelphicScorpion about strapping them down...when mine feel extra bouncy I put on one of my old nursing bra's it has really good support without a wire then a sports bra and they move much less. I found this out bc I was in a hurry one day to get done and didn't feel like changing so just out the sports bra over it. Anyway maybe it will help you. I am about a 40 D or DD it depends on where I go to measure.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    DelphicScorpion about strapping them down...when mine feel extra bouncy I put on one of my old nursing bra's it has really good support without a wire then a sports bra and they move much less. I found this out bc I was in a hurry one day to get done and didn't feel like changing so just out the sports bra over it. Anyway maybe it will help you. I am about a 40 D or DD it depends on where I go to measure.

    This is what I was going to suggest as well! I always double still nursing but weaning so they are large and in charge! Sometimes I put a regular good supportive bra with a sports bra over, sometimes two sports bras...just depends on whats clean...but I always have extra support! Good luck!

    On a side note...I'm much less sore I decided to double up a little bit! I know...crazy! I'm going to finish out the 30 day shred as planned, but am then going to go into P90X! Anyone willing to take the challenge after Sept's 30 days are up and start on a 90 day extreme with me?!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Great job, amy!

    faith and bk, thanks, I'll try that!

    Did day 6 today (I think? I'm losing count!) I am actually less sore than I was before I started the video today... :huh: But that's good! Strange, but good.

    P90X... Remind me of that when we're done and I might join you! It kind of scares me though, honestly, haha... My brothers looked into it once and said it was mainly pull ups, which would be bad because I can't do a pull up to save my life. We do have a chin up bar, so there's that.
  • Day four for me today... still very sore. Very sore. Especially in the legs. :sad: I did not get to finish today... the gym closed at 2 and I got caught up in time. But I did get about halfway through it. I stayed very active today. Went and got new plates for the car, went to class, washed the car (manually, not the drive through) got an oil change, etc. At the gym I did 30 minutes of cardio, an extended strength workout session and then half the video. I think today went well despite not finishing the video. Since I have started, I gained a pound as you all know, but today I weighed and I am down 3 pounds!! yay I am not measuring though, I need to get on that
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Day 3 done! 27 more to go :sick: :ohwell: Have a great weekend everyone and make sure to find those 20 mins!!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    WOOHOO! I've lost 5 pounds since starting the shred at the beginning of the week! I'm counting today as day 4 because it's just become easiest to do the 30 days with the 30 days of Sept!!! My little man sits in his high chair eating breakfast or a snack while I work glad its 20 minutes because thats about the extent of him sitting in there!!!

    DelphicScorpion - I will remind you at the end of the month! I'm going to start with the lean version, which is more cardio than strength training, and focuses more on losing weight than toning. So hopefully not many pull ups. I'm going to modify it anyway and use resistance bands for the pull ups instead (they show you how to do that in the workout). Anyway, I'm going to try a couple of the workouts here and there in Sept so I will keep you posted on the pull up situation! And also, they are mostly 60 min workouts I think, so that will be a bit more challenging to get the time in for me. But I'm going to do it!!!
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    mturner25, thanks for the suggestion on the pushups! I will try that next time!

    I didn't do the shred yesterday because of my knees and ankles being sore the last few days. The last thing I want is to injure myself and have to take a real break!

    I was talking to my sweetie about it and he reminded me that my sneakers are old and worn and they may be the problem. So yesterday I went out and bought some new running sneaks. Ran in them this morning and no knee soreness!

    I will try the shred in them tonight and report back.

    The cool thing is, I kind of miss it from not doing it yesterday! It really feels like fitness has become a hobby rather than a chore and I love that.

  • :yawn: :devil: :frown: :frown: :embarassed: :glasses: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad: So... gained everything that I have lost so far :sad: :sad: :explode: :angry: :mad: :ohwell: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad:
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