

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies and Gents:
    Just saying going morning from Canada and would like to be part of this group.
    Happy September and I hope everyone has a loss before
    Thanksgiving and Christmas. Good Luck to all!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    What a day!!! We've got rain/hailstones/thunder - you name it!

    I was just getting ready to go for my therapy appointment this morning when my dad called to say that he was feeling unwell and had called an ambulance. I sent a text to my therapist, jumped in the car and dashed straight round to him (as this dutiful daughter always does!) The ambulance guys were with my dad when I got there and my dad was laughing and joking with them. I took my asthma inhaler and calmed down a bit (my asthma is always worse when I have a bad cold or similar). Anyway, the ambulanceman asked if dad thought he should go to the hospital to get checked over - that it was his decision. Naturally my dad said yes, so off we go to A&E to hang around for six and a half hours .... to be finally told that my dad is suffering from an upset tummy! I managed to keep my cool with him and not say things like - what a waste of valuable resources!! I don't know how I'm ever going to get him to stop calling an ambulance. DH said I should let him go on his own, but he knows that I never will do that. For sure, the one time that I did would be the one time that he really needed help.

    Anyway, I got home with five minutes to spare before my telephone hospital appointment, which was a good thing. I have to go back to see a specialist about the pain that I sometimes get in my stomach. Most of my pre-surgery problems have gone, but this has remained ... along with IBS, although that is much better than it used to be.

    I didn't get to go to the ultrasound with DD#1 so I missed waving to my grandbabies. They are now 2.5 pounds each ... which is not a bad size for just over 28 weeks. The doctor said that she wouldn't be surprised if they arrived by 32 weeks. Scary!! We would all like those little cupcakes to cook a little longer than that if possible!

    Big hugs to all those who have poorly pets right now. I know how bad it is when your doggie isn't well. I used to hate it!

    Barbiecat - how are you doing with your frozen bread? It sounds like a good idea, but I'd be worried that I'd just pull them out and toast them! I buy bread for DH but don't eat any myself. Sometimes it's hard when I bake fresh bread, but I don't allow myself any of it - that would definitely be a slippery slope!

    Sister Veggie Queen - I like your reprogramming. An extremely useful tool!

    Laura - I hope your bruising heals quickly.

    Michele - I really admire your determination with bowling! I was always useless at bowling, even when I was young and we went every week.

    I need to find a sweater to pull on now. It's positively nippy noodles today!

    Catch you all later.

    Amanda x
  • msmarysue
    Hi Ladies & Gents thanks for the encouraging words. I love reading all the successful stories which encourage me sooooo much.
    I am 50 as of this year and would love to lose 20 lbs..:blushing: :flowerforyou:
    I have been in this pattern for about 5yrs where I lose 10 and gain it back never getting below a certain point.
    Any suggestions on foods ideas? I know I can work out more that should help.
    So I am joining the 50 group for September any amount of weight would be great
    To lose for me.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hugs to all going through issues with pets. It is a hard road to care for them when they get old and/or sick.

    Hugs to those caring for human family too.

    Congratulations to all those holding their own and loosing or at least resisting bad choices.

    Happy Hump Day to all those still working for a living. lol

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning Ladies!!!
    Awful rain today. oh well. I am still taking it easy but I am feeling better. I am trying to real hard not to get sick so we can go to Vancouver. I had a good clean day yesterday with food and I hope that I can do it again today.

    My heart goes out to the poor doggies that aren't doing to well. Mine are both doing very well lately and I feel blessed.

    My DD is doing well in her new place and that makes me happy.

    So we plod along today doing the best we can. I hope you all have a stellar day.
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Evening All ....I seem to have lost a day somewhere!! I missed my Zumba as I've bought back a souvenir cold from the cruise and am feeling sorry for myself now. :frown: Even sorrier for Mum as I fear she has it now! Amanda ...I hope your cold has improved!!
    Still ...carry on we must and do!

    :happy: A lovely day here today ...warmer out than in! The holiday washing has been done and...that lovely ironing fairy has bought it all back ...ironed!!!:bigsmile: Heaven!!!! What a lovely use for the Carers grant.

    Anyway ...the scales were down 1lb today so I've decided one of my goals should be to lose 1lb per week...surely this will be achievable?? I'm not going to feed this cold ...rather starve the fever I think...but I did succumb to some chocolate. It was shouting at me from the fridge. I'm going to bin the rest!!!!:noway:

    Nothing else much to report ..... so it's
    :heart: Jackie

    I have just found this ....enjoy

    A man was walking along the beach when he discovered an old lamp that had been washed up on the shore. picking it up, he began to rub the dirt off when a genie popped out of the spout. "you have one wish." said the genie. "what do you want?" " i would like to be rich,dark and irrisistable to women."

    so the genie turned him into a box of black magic

    And ...I managed to get a posh frock picture on ...for a while!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Bec, Hope things turn out alright for Angus. I still remember how difficult it was when my Dreyfus was ill, so I have some idea of what you are going through. Bradley, my 14 year old Yorkie has compromised liver function and he takes a milk thistle supplement for it, and it has been working well for us.

    Chiclet, Wow, if you can think positive thoughts after everything that has been going on in your life, you are truly exceptional. I am glad Boo is getting the care she needs, but sorry it is so costly.

    I know how frustrating dealing with insurance companies can be, so I hope you are able to get your mom's to see the value of continued rehab.

    I will be thinking of you.

    Welcome to newbies.

    Yesterday, we set a new all time record for rain. We had over an inch in an hours time!!! Just in time for the evening commute, so lots of people got home later than usual last night as the roads were a mess.

    I have to get going as I have an errand to run, so have a good day everyone.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    One thing I forgot to mention. Now that I have been through my first round, I wanted to give an update to my experience with the HCG diet.

    Today is day 5 since I finished the low calorie diet phase of HCG. I am no longer taking the HCG, and I have been eating as much of whatever I want, as long as it doesn't have starch or sugar. I am sticking to lean protein, lots of veggies, and a very small amount of whole grain in wraps or a little whole wheat pasta. Of course, I am continuing to drink plenty of water. I have had no trouble maintaining my lowest weight. I weigh daily, and there have been no fluctuations.

    In another two weeks, I can add a little starch and sugar and see what effect it has on my weight. Shortly after that, I will probably go for another round of the low calorie phase. Now that I know how to avoid the carb monster by avoiding artificial sweeteners, I figure, based on my past experience, I should be able to drop another 20 lbs. in about a month.

    Maybe I will do even better, but I don't want to be unrealistic. If I decide to go for another 40 day round (instead of just a month), I could end up with my 100 lb. loss by the second week of November (assuming I start at the beginning of October). My schedule will dictate what I am able to do.

    I never felt better. Plenty of energy. I am not saying this is what anyone else should do. Many people on this thread have had great success, because they have done what works for them. I just thought it was time to give some feedback based upon my own experience.

    Now, I REALLY need to get going!!!

  • marlouise
    Chiclet: oh thank you for telling me that, sometimes I feel like a prototype for something. I can woot woot for the - 30 you mentioned, wonderful!!!:drinker:

    The doc said yes loosing weight will help a great deal, but yes we also need to keep our legs strong to carry us at the weight we end up in. Lunges, with a 5 pound weight in each hand. But do not stretch your stride, keep it comfortable, so you have balance and a 45 - 50 degree angle on the knees not a 90 like some pictures show, this will reduce the stress on the knee. Also using a step in step up exercises will help too, if you do not have one, use a stair, or a treadmill, for a step. I found this is a good one too because it kicks in other muscles to help you balance.

    Anyhoo all; it is getting on in the eve., I have some work,(studies) to review. Hope all is well around our great land, catch everyone tomorrow..:heart:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Chicklet - you mentioned that you have a hard time exercising the lower part of your body. Have you ever given any consideration to exercising in the water. That is 0 impact, but you get really get a good workout! I'm so sorry to read of Boo's troubles. Here's praying for a good outcome. That vet sounds really compasionate.

    Welcome shirley! What part of Canada are you in? You know, I'm always wishing that the US would celebrate Thanksgiving like Canada does -- earlier than the US. Thanksgiving runs into Christmas which runs into New Years. It would be so nice if we had a bit of a break, then we could enjoy the holiday.

    Amanda - reading about your dad's experience going to the hospital reminds me of how my FIL always wanted to go to the hospital. I kept telling Vince that his father was experiencing panic attacks, their neighbor who is a therapist agreed with me. At one point he even had me lie to the ambulance guys and tell them that he couldn't breathe so that they would come faster. To this day, I regret with all my might having done that. Vince didn't believe me. I'm so so sorry you weren't able to go to the ultrasound.

    Went and bowled 3 games today. I think I'm going to take a bit of a break. But I am going to see the bowling coach next Mon. Tomorrow we're going to lunch with the Newcomers. When we first went to this restaurant, they were pretty good, the second time they were just ehhhhh....it looks like this time they have gone from bad to worse. They no longer carry the grilled asparagus, that wasn't so great the last time I had it, but they did say that I can substitute a baked potato for the french fries, so that's a plus.

    A big welcome to msmarysue! You come to the right place for encouragement.

    Did an hour of spinning today. Will probably do about 45 min of weight training tomorrow.

    Everyone, have a great evening!

  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: HI everyone!

    Thank you all for Boo's good wishes. I really appreciate them. Last night was my first night without my baby here to sleep with and I was so lonely.:cry: I cried for about an hour after posting last night and ended up staying up for another hour watching something on TV that I can't remember. I just couldn't sleep! Ended up taking something and that did the trick. My thoughts wouldn't stop racing around in my head. All I kept thinking was missing Boo, was she in pain, did they give her something for it before the left for the night, ( I called and they were closed, so I left a message in case they were listening that it always gets worse at night), insurance problems, mom problems, money problems, ex problems, housing problems, I was going crazy!!

    Good New though today! :happy:
    Boo had her surgery and when I had called she was still coming out of the anesthesia. He said he removed 12 large stones along with a bunch of tiny ones.:noway: He said she was recovering nicely. I am so relieved! I realized last night that she is the only one in my life who has not deserted me. Even after my son moved out recently to live with his girlfriend, I did not feel as lonely as I did last night without Boo. I am dreading not having her tonight with me, but at least I know she is not going to have the pain it caused anymore. One less thing to worry about.!:smile:

    I :heart: my Boo so much!
    Thank you all once again for putting up with my last post. It helped so much to just spill it out here. I am all alone and have no one to vent too, you have no idea how much better I feel today because of that and also because of the good news about Boo.

    Yes I have thought about water exercise and would love to do it. I had signed up for the classes last summer and then my car was repossessed and then I had no way to get there. I can't walk to a bus stop let alone climb up the steps of the bus. So I am homebound. I am too young to use the transportation offered for disabled or senior citizens, so I am just stuck. I know that they would have helped me tremendously. I don't have anyone that I can rely on to ask to take me to it either. But thanks for the suggestion.

    Marilyn :flowerforyou:
    I will definitely try those lunges. I think I might be able to do those as long as I don't do them at 90 degree angles. I will do the 45 as you suggested. How many do you do and how many reps do you start with? As for the step, I cannot do that. I have trouble just lifting my legs over the door jamb when I come in from outside.

    :smile: I am eating better today and am about to roast some veggies for dinner. I guess our summer is going away. It has been overcast all day today and yesterday. I don't mind though, I kind of prefer cool weather to hot. My mom says it's raining in Washington and that they are expecting a early and more rough winter. I hope she recovers soon so I can get her out of there before the first snow.

    Milk thistle??
    Gosh that would be great if Angus could take that and it would help him. I've heard of it, but never knew what it was. I am really hoping that Angus will be okay. Our little ones are so dear to us and love us so much....unconditionally.

    Going to make dinner now.

    Good night all:smile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Went and bowled 3 games today. I think I'm going to take a bit of a break. But I am going to see the bowling coach next Mon.

    Everyone, have a great evening!


    :smile: I love bowling! Wish there were a bowling alley nearby. I am absolutely not good at it, but that is beside the point!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: a quick hello to all

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I'm so sorry to hear about Boo and her health problems and glad to hear that things are getting better......I know how lonely you must be right now......we're not furry and we can't sleep with you but you have lots of loving friends on this thread.

    :flowerforyou: today I took one sandwich thin out of the freezer, put it in the microwave for 20 seconds to thaw and ate it with a sliced tomato.....a great snack. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I'm so sorry to hear about Boo and her health problems and glad to hear that things are getting better......I know how lonely you must be right now......we're not furry and we can't sleep with you but you have lots of loving friends on this thread.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie

    I loved your furry comment. It's true though. I have never been lucky enough to meet any of you, but it's nice knowing that people are out there all over reading and listening and caring. I thank you all.


    Oh and I love those sandwich thins too. I do the same, pop it in the micro for a few and they taste great!

    I had my roasted veggies tonight and decided to add cayenne pepper to my seasoning on my potatoes and carrots. It had just the right kick and oh was it yummy. I hust used garlic powder on all the other veggies though. They roasted to perfection tonight. A perfect way to end the day.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So glad to hear Boo is doing better. I am sorry you have to spend another night without her. Hang in there, and, as Barbiecat said, we are all here for you.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Chiclet
    Hope Boo is home with you tonight. Just wanted to add my best wishes to you and for Boo's speedy recovery. Only just caught up after a few days and it sounds as if you have had a hard time. I don't know what I would do if one of our dogs was taken ill during the night and I had no transport to get them to the emergency vet! Ditto everything Barbie and Barb said. :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Just a quick post as time is running away from me again :frown: Congrats to all who are losing or maintaining and must say (before I forget again) :flowerforyou: Jackie you look great in your new profile pic, I think you should keep it.

    Well there was loads more I wanted to say, but I'll have to catch up with you all later. At least it is my last day at work for a week :smile: I have next week off so I'm hoping the weather isn't too bad. We've had quite a bit of sunshine this week.

    Really must go or I won't get my exercise in before breakfast and DH gets up. You'd be proud of me ladies, I have been doing at least 10 mins aerobics every day and sometimes 30min (depending on how much time I have)

    Viv :smile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    It's a grey and wet day again here, although we did actually have a glimpse of the sun earlier on today.

    We went out last night and met up with DD#2 and her husband plus DS and his fiancée. It was a lovely evening and a chance for them to say their goodbyes to our Aussie before he flies off on Saturday evening. Everyone ate except for me. I stuck to my coffee and mineral water. Not particularly exciting drinks, but relatively harmless. Oh, I did try a couple of dried wasabi peas, which were scrummy!

    Had a good chat with my future DIL about weddings etc. They are thinking of having a very low key affair next summer and she really wants me to help her to organise it (I have quite a bit of experience with wedding planning ... and I don't just mean my own!) As my son and fiancée (Krishni) are both active Buddhists, they want something in keeping with that - so I'm going to have to do a lot of research. Krishni doesn't think her parents will be up to travelling from Sri Lanka, so they plan to marry here and then honeymoon over there. She would still like to do the traditional wedding dress and I have offered to loan her my diamond tiara, or possibly make her one to her design. I had previously said that I wouldn't make any more after making mine, but would break my rule for her and my son's wedding. More joy on the horizon!

    I'm getting a little nervous about my first swimming lesson on Monday. I really hope that a) I don't make a complete fool of myself and b) I actually learn to swim this time!! Once I see how the first class goes, I may take the induction at the gym after my second class. That way I could make good use of the facilities when I go over there for classes. I know I have everything I need in my gym at home - and I love it, but it would be nice to have one day a week at a different place. However, if I drown next Monday, this will not be an issue!!

    For anyone who has an iphone, I downloaded an app for mine the other day which is quite good fun. It is called virtual weight loss model. You input your details including your current weight, highest weight and goal weight and it brings up a little model of how you look at each of these weights .... It's just a bit of fun, but I quite enjoyed showing it to my daughter last night.

    Speaking of weight ... I'm another pound down and a little closer to my 100 pounds loss.

    Time for me to step into my gym for a while now - or I'll not lose any more!!

    Hope everyone is doing well ... plus doggies, parents and other loved ones.

    Hugs to all.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just lost my post by accidentally closing the wrong tab. lol I haven't done that in a while.

    So congratulations to all who have lost. Speedy recovery wishes to Boo.

    Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November due to pressure during the depression to get everyone celebrating it on the same day to help with sales. Some states celebrated it the 3rd Thursday and some the 4th. Back east where states are smaller families did not always have the same day off if they worked over state lines. Schools did not have the same day off either. There was quite a battle over when it would officially be and the 4th Thursday in November won out. The retailers lost out on their 'extra' week of shopping for Christmas, but American families won out as everyone was now off the same time.

    I hope to get to the Y today after work and try some new to me equipment as a change from my stationary bike. Have a great day and make good choices.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies from the grey and gloomy PNW.

    I am disappointed but we will not be going to Vancouver. We really couldn't afford it (kenneling the dogs and eating out etc.) and since I haven't been feeling 100% we didn't want our friend to get sick after our visit so we cancelled. It was the right thing to do. but it still sucks. :cry:

    I am still maintaining at about 3 pounds up from my lowest weight but I won't change my ticker. I will get down again and keep going. I am feeling better and I think taking a big break from the hard core exercising I was doing is a good thing. But I plan to get crazy again next week. :tongue:

    I have to keep my bedroom door shut at all times now. Bodi finally discovered that he CAN jump up on our bed and he has decided that it is a lovely place to lounge all day. much better than the floor. :noway: He is not allowed up unless he has been invited. he understands this on the recliner so he should eventually get it about the bed. Poor Keira just can't jump up there anymore. She could a few years ago but not now. (it is quite high. 36 inches up.)

    I need to get inspired with fall vegies. I love summer vegies but I am not to familiar with things like beets, turnips, acorn squash etc. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Amanda - I love weddings and planning and stuff. so much fun

    Chiclet - I hope Boo is home soon. ( I had a dog named Boo when I was young. He was my first real dog and I had him for 10 years.)

    Peggy - I am sure we will get together when I am up there. I will be there 9/24 and leaving 9/27

    Barb - I know you cut out artificial sweetners and sugars so what do you do when you want something sweet?

    Congrats to all of you who have lost lately . I am jealous.

    So heres to all, :drinker: eat vegies and drink your water.:drinker: I love you all.
  • debieanne
    good afternoon i have not been on so i am not sure how everyone is i will be doing some back reading . will i have to say this is not been easy trying to get back on track even my little day by day goals i seam to keep putting everything else before them.
    so how was everyone gardens this pass summer? i just loved the yellow and green squash i am going to miss them our tomotoes did wonderful this year enjoying those toasted tomotoe sandwiches and on a cool day like today i make pot of vegs soup i want a green house to grow all year. ok almost time for the school bus many blessings to all debi(momof10)