Fat Girl Care Package



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I use the fleur de sel when I make salted butter caramel ice cream, vanilla bean salted caramel sauce, and to top the milk chocolate salted caramel filled cupcakes I like to bake so much. Hmm... No wonder I'm here on MFP, huh?

    Thanks for the idea to check Target for the arm band. I have a pretty huge phone, so I'm hoping I'll find one that fits. :)

    I got one last week.for my phone on eBay. It was under ten bucks with free shipping. I have tiny arms and a HUGE phone, but it works.

    My care package would mainly be Epson salt for bath soaks. And because I love getting girly fun bath bombs and frou frou body stuff. Cupcake scented body butter and stuffs.

    Sometimes after I crawl home from a particularly brutal workout I like to do some girly pampering.

    And maybe treat myself to a visit to the outlets. Nike, Reebok, Colombia, Northface, Merrell, New Balance.... I can always spend money there.
  • hnsr1021
    hnsr1021 Posts: 58 Member
    My care package would include....

    * An elliptical
    *Bright colored tennis shoes (preferably hot pink...)
    * I'm with ya on the sports bra!
    *A case of Smart water
    * A mani/pedi
    *A basket of fresh fruit
    * A gift certificate to get my hair done

    .... Yea I think that's pretty much it. I could probably go on for days but, I think this will do for now. ;)
  • amandajones1978
    Unlimited Gift Card to Whole Foods Market
    Weekly sessions with my trainer
    Victoria Secrets bras
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Man I wish I had a tub to do some epsom soaks! Alas, I have only a shower. :( And yes yes yes to the getting the hair done! I need mine done soooo bad.

    And an unlimited gift card to Trader Joes ( inspired by the Whole Foods gift card)

    So many fun ideas!
  • jessetfan
    jessetfan Posts: 373 Member
    Okay, this is fun so I'm thinking; I want to do rewards at different points in my weight loss.
    10 pounds-new shampoo and conditioner
    20 pounds-face care products
    40 pounds-new sneakers
    60 pounds-new workout clothes
    80 pounds-dress from ModCloth
    100 pounds-running shoes (I want to start Couch25K, but need to be a lot closer to my ideal weight thanks to having seriously injured my foot, eventually I'd like to run a marathon, but let's start small)
    120 pounds-bra from Victoria's Secret (I've never fit into their sizes)
    Goal-New wardrobe, makeover, exotic vacation
  • georgiapeach1965
    My package would include, but not be limited to, a brand new wardrobe of very nice and fairly expensive clothes, a trip to Greece and one really hot cabana boy!!:drinker:
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    My care package would include....

    * An elliptical
    *Bright colored tennis shoes (preferably hot pink...)
    * I'm with ya on the sports bra!
    *A case of Smart water
    * A mani/pedi
    *A basket of fresh fruit
    * A gift certificate to get my hair done

    .... Yea I think that's pretty much it. I could probably go on for days but, I think this will do for now. ;)

    This, This and All this!! lol... ^^
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    A care package is a great idea! (I've just had a setback with a back injury, so mail of any kind--especially mood-boosting goodies--is up there in terms of items I LOOOOOVE at the moment)

    The "Fat Girl" Practical Care Package of Fitness Equipment:
    A new yoga mat and hot weather nonslip towel
    Yoga trousers from Lululemon
    A gym membership
    A new heartrate monitor
    An iTunes giftcard (to put electronic copies of my Jillian Michaels workouts on my iPad)

    The Helpful-But-Totally-Unnecessary Care Package for Wellbeing of Mind AND Body:
    Subscriptions to fun magazines (Women's Health, Glamour)
    A spa day (mani, pedi, deep tissue massage, facial, and body polish)
    Molton Brown lotion, cinnamon orange tea from the local tea shop, good quality cast iron teapot
    Cooking lessons (probably Japanese or Indian)

    The Dream Care Package of Bliss:
    A worry-free, all expenses paid trip for a weekend in London (train tickets, museum exhibit tickets, hotel room, money for a night dinner out) to see friends and my boyfriend
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    So most of us need chocolate, new shoes, new bras, more underwear, hot men, exotic vacations, exercise equipment, our hair done, our nails done, a massage......I'm so in!!!! :)
  • janaegreen
    Nothing I want and can afford is a waste of my own money. I'm treating myself, and that is the whole point. Negativity is not needed. If you don't want to play along, stay off the playground.

    Words to live by. You get it, girl!
  • Loss4TheWin
    Oooh, fun! In.

    I've been setting a little money aside regularly for a while now for just such a reward. I want to go on an EPIC bike tour. Like a week long tour of some beautiful place (holland? greece? italy?) with a plush tour company. I want to ride hard challenging routes, get to places you can't get to by car, meet locals, taste local foods/spirits and stay in plush or semi-plush accomodations...maybe even have a massage scheduled towards the end. The idea of it gets me through many a tough workout.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Costco Strawberry Cheesecake!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Good idea!

    Ok, I'd like...

    Someone to babysit my kids so I could get some rest and actually have a decent sleep
    A new pair of trainers for Zumba and some cool workout clothes
    A new sports bra
    A holiday
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I'm also not treating myself with food, because I am not a dog.

    Woof, woof.

    Mine would be gift cards to Boston Pizza, The Keg, and Newfoundland Chocolate Factory.

    Clearly you didn't continue reading my responses....

    Actually, I did. You said:
    As for treating yourself with food: I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. For right now, it doesn't work for me. It is counterproductive to my goal, so I am finding alternatives to food. Do not in anyway think I find treating yourself with food to be bad,

    Dogs may eat the food we give them- but my dogs are certainly "treated" with food. And unlike people, my dogs could care less about any treat other than food. Hence the "I am not a dog" comment. I will change it to " I am not my dogs therefore I do not need to treat myself with food right now." Satisfied?

    You don't want to reward yourself with food. Fine, whatever works for you. I, otoh, enjoy treats, be they a night out at a steakhouse or a big chocolate cupcake. To me, it's offensive to be told "Don't reward yourself with food. You're not a dog." from which I take, "You're subhuman and do not deserve any respect."
  • amychantel
    amychantel Posts: 52 Member
    I had never heard of these sports bras, but found a web site selling factory imperfect ones for a discount and ordered one. The site is discountsportsbras.com. Thanks and I hope this helps someone else. :-)
    Get the Enell sports bra. Terrific for us 'bigger' gals. Really helps when excersizing. :)
  • rheinrich17
    rheinrich17 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been buying myself a new houseplant for every 5 pounds I lose as a mini-goal. I love having growing things in the house, but don't have much of a green thumb. Plus, seeing them while I'm on the exercise bike is motivating.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Things I would like to have in a care package:

    One months worth of sessions with a personal trainer.
    A day at a high end spa with full treatment.
    A beautiful robe that makes me feel feminine and pretty.
    A great moisturizer with a hint of self tanner.

    And once I hit and maintain my weight goal, a new wardrobe.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    My care package:

    Scented lotions
    Lovely Bath gel
    New work out mat
    A pedicure
    A warm soak in my tub
    A nice glass of wine when it's all done.
  • Junie2013
    Oooh, fun! In.

    I've been setting a little money aside regularly for a while now for just such a reward. I want to go on an EPIC bike tour. Like a week long tour of some beautiful place (holland? greece? italy?) with a plush tour company. I want to ride hard challenging routes, get to places you can't get to by car, meet locals, taste local foods/spirits and stay in plush or semi-plush accomodations...maybe even have a massage scheduled towards the end. The idea of it gets me through many a tough workout.

    Oh you will LOVE it! I did one of these. 11 days in Spain and Portugal. Top of the line & such an adventure. Best vacation EVER!!!
  • skesterline
    For an upcoming goal mine would be:
    mani/pedi and movie night with my friends

    When I reach my goal weight I would love a "night out" with the works-- awesome new dress and shoes, get my hair, nails and make-up done, nice dinner out and go to a play/musical