40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Love the motivation! I am a long way from tossing tires! lol

    Just had my annual blood work done. Will let ya know if I passed or not!

    Happy Hump day cool kids! ; )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Got my lifting in and done.

    Think I'll choose a salad with some chicken on it for my lunch. And, more coffee!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    A full day at the office, today. A half-day tomorrow (our team is supposed to be doing a "team-building" activity in the afternoon).

    And then Saturday we pack. Sunday we leave for our 2-week-family-vacation.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- sounds like you are just a bit excited! I have to say I would be too. My younger daughter is getting married in November and they are going to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

    Today was a lifting day for me and while my weight limits are still light, I increased all of them by at least a few pounds. It was a good work out!

    It's a late work day for me as it is performance night for the folks that I work with. It's always a lot of fun, but very busy so I will be hopping later this afternoon. I will try to get a bit of paperwork done before then though.

    Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Good for you for increasing your weights! That *does* feel good, for sure, KellySue!!

    My day, tomorrow, has been hijacked by a work-emergency. Alas, we've cancelled our "team-building" event and I'll have to work the entire day - perhaps PAST 5:00!!!


    No lifting today. But, since there's no team-building thing-y tomorrow, I'll bring my gym gear and go lift at lunch-time. I'm cool with that!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday! Feeling some DOMs from my workout yesterday. I got my work out in when I came into work today and cleaned up from last night's performance. We had chairs to put away as well as moving our conference table back into place and vacuuming and setting up for today's session. Lots of lifting and it always makes me sweat, but at least it's air conditioned in here 'cause it is very humid outside today and if I did anything too strenuous outside today, I think I might pass out! The air feels very heavy.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Maybe I'll go lift at lunch. Maybe it will be a "team-building" lunch away. Unsure at this point.

    I do know it is 2 more sleeps to HAWAII!

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Am back from vacation and trying to get caught up with everything...including MFP!

    Vacation was wonderful! had a great time and great weather. Did exercise about 5 days I was there - ran twice and then walked the same loop I ran 3 days.

    Was back to work on Tuesday and then off again on Wednesday. Had to take my husband to see the specialist for his follow up (he had surgery on his foot in June). Yesterday had a workshop most of the day and a terrible headache. I think I was just over tired. Went home right after work and slept! I never do that. Headache was gone when I woke up. :happy:

    Have not had a chance to workout at all since I've been home which is pissing me off. Today....it's going to happen today!

    I started a 21 day reset..today is day 2. Clean eating and no caffiene. Not a biggy there, as I've been caffiene free for a while, but do enjoy a cup of decaf every now and then. Will have to stick to my Caf-Lib instead.

    Will try and catch up on all the posts. Beeps- your Hawaii vacation is fast approaching! Jealous.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Welcome back sdereski!!

    Yep, we leave tomorrow on the 7:30 am flight. So, today I'm at my cardio class (haven't gone to it in 4 weeks - yikes!), then I've got a little bit of work to do, gotta get to the library, and finally PACKING!

    We'll celebrate my son's 26th bday tonight with some DQ ice cream cake and then he'll drive us out to the airport tomorrow morning....at about 5:00 am!


    I'll catch up here when I find wi-fi spots. In the meantime, 40+er's, go get it!!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Enjoy Hawaii, Beeps! My husband was born and raised in Honolulu and my mother-in-law still lives there--I like to say I won the "location of in-laws" sweepstakes. Would love to go more often but man, is that a long flight from the East Coast....

    sdereski, I admire your commitment to no caffeine! That is one thing I just refuse to give up.

    Hit the farmers' market this morning and stocked up on fruits and veggies. Planning on a chill day taking care of business around the house, and a yoga class later this afternoon. I haven't done yoga in so long, but I have a deal coupon I need to start using before it expires.... I'll do the restorative yoga class today, though, can't mess that up too badly. And I could use some relaxation/stretching after this week.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps-have a great time on your vacation!

    I made it to the gym early this morning. Going to spend the rest of the day wigh my hubby on this beautiful day!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hey cool kids!

    Nice on the upping your weights Kelly!

    Love going to the local farmers market rm1!

    Beeps! Have a great vacation! I, well we, lol (hubby and I) have a friend who is an army doc based in Hawaii currently. He has gone thru a tough divorce and started blogging about his hikes thru the mountains as a healing part of his journey! Love reading his stories and the pics he takes! Such a beautiful place!

    My blood work is not back yet but my tooth is fixed and will have a perm crown in 2 weeks. I go to a holistic dentist and I always leave there happy! Who would've thought you could come out of the dentist chair and be happy! lol

    Hope to get a hike in today after work! The body really missed not doing anything yesterday!

    Have a great weekend everyone! ; )
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Have a wonderful time Beeps!

    Chelle, never heard of a holistic dentist. Interesting. I don't mind the dentist, but I know many that do.

    Kelly, good job making it to the gym this morning!

    RM, you certainly did hit the jackpot with those inlaws! It is unfortunate that it is so far away though. One of these days I am going to get there! It's been on my list forever!

    Did make it to the gym yesterday and my body is feeling it today. :happy:
    Volunteered at the drag races all morning. It was fun.
    Am doing the ultimate 21 day reset and you are not supposed to do any strenuous exercise, so for the next couple of weeks, I'll be walking. :tongue: I think that is going to be tougher than sticking to the diet plan! But, I want to do this, and do it right, so we'll see.

    Volunteering again tomorrow morning!
    Have a great weekend all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Gawk, I love Hawaii soooooo much!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Have a great time Beeps!

    Well my blood work came back. No wonder I have been just barely chipping away at my weight while busting my buns! I am Severely hypothyroid, my estrogen is too high and progesterone is too low. Just those 3 things can keep me from loosing visceral fat (tummy) and any weight at all! But my Doc is going to get me all fixed up hormone wise and then I should see some fat start going bye bye! So bummed and excited at the same time! Bummed because it took so long to figure out and excited to get things fixed!

    So I will keep exercising and wait to see what happens as my body gets right with itself!

    Have a great day and week cool kids! ; )
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Princess- hope it doesn't take too long to get your body righted around. I have that tummy fat problem too, but have had my thyroid and all checked several times and all is normal. I do also have diabetes which doesn't help in that area, but the diabetes has been improving as I have lost weight. I have an appointment next Monday which I am actually excited to go to so I can talk with the doc about my progress and possibly decreasing some of the medication I take.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Chelle - wow! It is frustrating that sometime it takes so long to figure something out. I think all women should be have their thyroid tested at each physical as it is such a prominent problem among women! So glad to hear that they have finally figured things out and hopefully you will soon be on your way to better health!
    You always sounded like you have so much energy. Were you not feeling sluggish? Whem my thyroid goes out f whack, I can sleep the day away.

    Kelly - that is fantastic about your diabetes getting better! Diabetes is one scary disease, and diet and exercise really are the ONLY things that will help it, so keep up the great work!!!

    Beeps, glad you made is safely to Hawaii, now, relax and enjoy that beautiful piece of paradise!

    Rain here again today. We have had such a miserable summer, which really sucks because we had such a long, nasty winter. :tongue:

    Am on Day 5 of my reset - so far so good! Was hoping to get out for a walk tonight, sure hope this rain blows over.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Nice Kelly! I hope you do get to drop those meds!

    Yes I am seemingly full of energy....... lol I have just gotten tired of being tired and decided to get off my a** and stay that way! I am hoping that once we get the hormones right I won't have to push so hard and it will be a piece of cake to do my exercise and all the other stuff, like house work and yard work etc! So much stuff to do and I never get caught up!

    I don't like being worn out by the time it's bed time for my kids and then I want to hit the hay too!

    It will get better!

    I have some accounting to do and I better get to it! Been putting it off too long as it is! ; )

    Take care cool kids!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Princess, I'm glad they figured that out for you with the thyroid! I've been hypo for years now (was hyper first, ended up doing radioactive iodine and becoming hypo). The one thing I'll say is that it can take longer to get your meds dialed in than you'd like. Lots of going back every month for more blood tests, getting dosages tweaked.... I had a rainbow of Synthroid in my apartment at one point (different dose = different color). Once you do get dialed in though, it's great.

    Kelly, fingers crossed for the appointment next week!

    sdereski, boo for the rain. We had some this morning but fortunately it cleared up in time for my commute home.

    Not much to report here. Hit the gym for some stretching/foam roller and a little elliptical today (back/hips still giving me some trouble). I think I managed not to curse too loudly this time while on the foam roller, so that's progress.
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Guys!

    Back in the land of the 9 to 5 working class. Had a WONDERFUL break, 10 days to be exact, doing absolutely nothing other than sleep, shop and do fun things with my teenage daughter.


    1. Get together with friend went extremely well! 2 of the ladies dod not recognize me, the others gushed over how good I looked. Best compliment of the night "You look so good it's disgusting! It felt great to be the center of attention, for all the right reasons.

    2. The gym DID NOT see my behind for 8 straight days!!! I know, went back Saturday and it hurt big time! Back to normal now, regular WODs all this week in addition to The Bear Complex and 15 minutes of strength training - hit a new PR yesterday, 85# ovehead strict press.

    3. I did not count 1 single calorie during my break, ate out often and had ice cream 3 times. Scale did move, lost 1 lbs :)

    4. Shopping was FUN, although it would have been a lot more FUN if it was for me. My teenage daughter outgrew her entire school wardrobe this summer. She goes to private school and has a dress code so everything had to be replaced. Delicates (oy!), shoes, pants, tops...you get the picture. This kid just turned 13 in March and is 5 feet 9 inches tall, size 11 shoe and size 8 women clothing. I told her she needs to stop growing, not the she can help it.

    5. Saw a couple of movies, went to the beach, but the nicest part was the quality time spent with my kid and the fact that she thanked me for taking the time off and taking her shopping, with her dad's hard earned cash no less.

    6. Oh, I had scheduled all of my rutine check ups and everything came back A OK. Specially proud of my blood work, Triglycerides went down 219 points (im in the normal range now), HDL went up 16 points!

    Back to work now, came back to over 100 emails and over 15 voicemails.

    Beeps - have a great time in Hawaii - jealous!

    Newbies - welcome!

    To the rest of the cool kids, have a good rest of the day!