You guys really like to over complicate things.



  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Who are the "you guys" and where are all the threads "complicating things"?

    Just close your eyes, click on a random thread, and you will find them.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Whoha- you agreeing or disagreeing with OP? one minute you want to buy him a plane ticket and say this to your face, now it seems like you agree.

    Buy me a plane ticket and I'll come up and tell you if OP does not

    Say that to my face and not online bro

    buy me a ticket, lil fella

    not sure why you are even mad. lol!!!

    OP is speaking the truth for vast majority of people.
  • letmebangbro
    letmebangbro Posts: 213 Member
    Can you recommend be a specific guide or you plan when you decide to "cut" or "bulk".
    How does one eat less or eat more?
    Pls repsond.
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    I think the op's post is true for some people but not everyone. It is not that simple for everyone. I have diabetes. Some of the meds I an on make it harder for me to lose weight. I was told that by my DOCTOR. Sometimes it is not as easy as pushing away from the table.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I believe MANY of us on here have weight issues and are confused about how to lose it in a healthy way. So being such a crabapple about it doesn't help anyone. If you are such a pro and the rest of are losers, find a different site to share your heavenly wisdom with.

    ^^^ +1
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    You still haven't discussed those with chronic illnesses that either the illness itself makes it difficult or the medications taken for it do. Just Google to see full lists of illnesses and medications that affect weight and weight loss. What you are saying in it's simplest form is true but nothing is always that simple for everyone. Your attitude is dismissing to all of the people that do have the stack dealt against them. It is not always a matter of lack of drive, will power, or common sense.

    This thread is for the majority of people who are over weight and or trying to gain weight, not people with medical conditions lol.
  • arguing on the internet smh
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    While the OP is technically right, some of the criticism is valid as well.

    I think the psychology of this is the real challenge.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Boom Goes The Dynamite
  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    I think the psychology of this is the real challenge.

    This is a valid point that should be considered...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I thought there would be cats.....
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I thought there would be cats.....

    So Did disappointed xD.. To those who are complaining to the person who posted this or the others that don't agree, walk away. Its like they say "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." :)
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I thought there would be cats.....

    they are waiting for it to get a little more awesomely butthurt in here

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Its like they say "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." :)

    My horse drinks whenever I lead it to water. Why are you trying to overcomplicate things?
  • I thought there would be cats.....

  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Its like they say "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." :)

    My horse drinks whenever I lead it to water. Why are you trying to overcomplicate things? you not give it enough water in the day then?! O_O THAT'S ANIMAL ABUSE!!, lol
  • Here Here my friend. It's a crazy world around here
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ah, the arrogance of youth having all the answers. Like we haven't seen this many times before. Like we weren't in your shoes many years ago when we were the ones with all the answers. And in 30-40 years when you in our shoes and you know you won't have all the answers.

    Time is the great equalizer. We've seen this play before.

    Don't be hatin, OP is speaking the truth.

    While everything is technically correct, there are a lot of nuances missing.

    "Just eat under maintenance" would be a whole lot easier if we had a little plug we could attach to the nearest analysis machine and get the correct maintenance calories. A lot of thing affect the human metabolism. Quitting smoking could cause one's metabolism to slow down, as could hormonal imbalances, age, nutrition (or lack) or a myriad of other factors.

    And, in reality, if all it took was a bit of education to lose weight, we wouldn't be in such a pickle as a nation. The diet industry wouldn't be a million dollar market. Dr. Oz would still be performing heart surgery. :laugh: There's so much emotion and motivation tied up into what we eat and how much we exercise that it's easy to plug a quick fix and have tons of followers flock to you…

    And then to get shamed when you ask a "simple" or even "stupid" question … well, no wonder some people quit before they've begun.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Whoha- you agreeing or disagreeing with OP? one minute you want to buy him a plane ticket and say this to your face, now it seems like you agree.

    Buy me a plane ticket and I'll come up and tell you if OP does not

    Say that to my face and not online bro

    buy me a ticket, lil fella

    not sure why you are even mad. lol!!!

    OP is speaking the truth for vast majority of people.

    Hmmm... Do you think it's possible he is joking?
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    I didn't make this thread to be a ****. I made this thread so that it could help people understand that for the majority of us, losing weight(or gaining) isn't that complicated. It was more to motivate than put you down, but if you have a medical condition or are taking meds, then you really don't apply to this thread and you know that.