Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Great job, Marca. Those are great milestones. Kaye
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    @ Lori - What kind of dog do you have? I have a little 11 lb Bichon/Poodle and she loves to go walking too. Unfortunately, she drives me nuts because she thinks she has to squat at every smell. I just want to walk and have to pull her along. I take her once in awhile, but not every time that's for sure.

    Susan - I have a Shih Tzu - he loves to go for walks and also likes to stop at every mailbox and pole. lol. We use one of those retractable leashes and he runs ahead of us so he can stop and smell, we end up passing him, and once he feels the pull on the leash (because we've gotten enough ahead to get to the end of the leash), he runs ahead of us and starts over. It's actually pretty funny. :)

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Feeling pretty good about how today went - got a walk in this morning, and spent much of the day cleaning the house. By this evening I was exhausted and wanting something really yummy to eat. Fortunately I had enough calories left that I could have almost anything. LOVE when that happens! Chose a steak and cheese sandwich, and it was worth every bite.

    Uh-oh. My son just sat down near me with a big bowl of ice cream. And my husband is in another chair with a different snack. Willpower, don't fail me now!
  • Helenavee42
    Saturday success- I did a lot of gardening today and ate fairly well. I didn't have time to track it but I'll input the data later. I feel like I had a great day today.

    Tomorrow I plan on sitting down and working out a calendar for myself. My calendar will include what days I plan on working out and what exactly I'll be doing and my menus. My menus will include snacks. I feel like planning like this will be beneficial to me so I can properly stay on track. It will also help me plan my macros out better than an on the fly kind of thing. I think I am really starting to get serious about this which is good. I think before I didn't really have my whole heart in this which was my downfall.

    Have a good day/night.

    P.s. please forgive my spelling mistakes if I made any. I'm doing this on my new phone with a Swype keyboard and I'm fairly tired so I don't feel like checking for mistakes right now. Goodnight!
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning! Today is a lovely day here. It is quite warm but the shade makes it feel glorious. At least this morning that is. I rolled out of bed and let Deputy outside and felt how nice it was and fifteen minutes late my sister and I rolled out of the house to take Deputy for a walk. It was funny he actually wanted to wear his bandanna today. He looks super cute in it.


    my sister flipped his ears back.

    Sunday share:I'm Helena I am 23 and live just south of Houston TX. I have a wonderful puppy named Deputy. (pictured above) I also have a chinchilla too. Not a lot to know about me. I have been overweight forever really. In high school i was in the color guard (with the marching band not ROTC) I was always pretty active but still a big girl. I know I will never be small because I have a large body frame. My dad thinks I could be an olympic lifter if I wanted to be. I'm still rolling that thought around.

    I hope everyone has a great day! I will be back later to catch up and post some personals. I'm being bossed around by my 15 yr old sister because she wants to go somewhere.


    ETA: This was my first time posting pictures and i'm so glad that it worked!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    @ Helena,
    I like your plan to plan! It makes such a difference than winging it!
    I've done both, and planning just makes my life easier, really.
    I get my lunch & snacks ready the night before. Sometimes I do all of them on Sunday PM, then just have to pull them out that AM.
    Remember, you start where you are, Helena . . . give yourself a lot of credit for beginning anew!
    Best of luck!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    HI there. I started checking in here about a month ago and then fizzled. I used as an excuse my two vacations and that it was too hard to stay the course on vacation. WELL here I am again. I did not gain. BUT really felt limited and self conscious at the beach :( with DD starting HS in next week and DS starting middle school I think it time for me to commit myself to a lifestyle change. Please bear with me! My initial goals are to limit bread and wine. Exercise 3X a week with C25K ( I made it to week 6 once before and quit) I am a very slow slogger and want to be able to do a 5K. I did my first in May and was really slow...but finished.
    I went to the store today and loaded up on healthy options.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Good afternoon :) I'm making a big bowl of Mexican quinoa salad type thing, that will last me a couple of days. Had a huge breakfast so just laying low for the rest of the day. Definitely not been hungry yet.

    Sunday Share: A little about me - I've been married 20 years and have an 18 year old girl and nearly 17 year old boy. We live in SW Missouri near Springfield. We have a pommie named Tyson. He's the meanest kid of all :) Very protective of his family.

    I've been really BORED today...I think I'm going to go sit out in the sun before it goes down, hope you all are having a terrific Sunday!

    ETA: @ Allie, great job getting back to it and recommiting! You got this!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Pie - I'm BORED too - just got back from spending a little money at CVS stocking up on toothbrushes and vitamins - such an exciting Sunday! I'll be sitting in the sun in a little while too - got to get some exercise in of course today - will be doing my upper body routiine today, it only takes about 10 minutes but its a killer!

    A little about me - I'm 62, divorced after 20 years, no kids or pets, live in Omaha, NE, love to garden and have a little deck on my second story condo where I have a lot of flowers crammed into a small space that gives me a chance to use my green thumb.

    I started this thread three years ago the day I started MFP and its been going strong ever since. Its had many successfull graduates, but not me! I still need to lose 55 lbs to achieve my goal! I KNOW I am going to achieve my goal as I have learned over these past years how to do things the wrong way and now how to do things the right way. Its 90% diet and 10% perspiration!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - I'm with you. I'm starting to have runner's envy. I'd love to compete (or at least participate in) a 2 or 5 K some day. I'm making it a future goal. Good luck to you too!

    ohh we can compare notes.
    Toots- C25K is a great program.... IF you make it fit YOU!!! I and several folks I know start out trying to do the whole first day and fail and think, "I could NEVER do this!" This time around, I did what I called "Floor to Couch". Meaning I started out doing LESS that week 1 day 1 and worked up. It took me 5 weeks to finish week 1 but I did it and am now doing 3 and 5 min. run intervals and out pacing friends who are smaller and more fit than I!!! Remember YOUR pace is what is important( faster OR slower than the program).... when you can do a workout and think, well that wasn't bad, move on to the next week. Get to it girl!!! Your cheerleaders are here and we are READY!!!
    Toots - Start out slow. It is an effort for me to walk 20 minutes. But having a goal is great and I'm sure you can do anything if you really want to
    Toots- I think you can run a marathon just remembers to take it slow and easy when starting out. Couch to 5K is a great way to start or look for some local walks/fun runs in your area they are typically 1 mile.

    Yeah, i basically plan to do that. several weeks, three to four, of just walking before starting the actual C25K
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Sunday Sharing... So I got on the scale today big NoNo:noway: but Its going down :) So I was happy especially considering I didn't exercise two days this week... Other than trying to get this weight off of me... I haven't heard anything from my bosses on the new position its just sitting vacant and the two people who I thought I was up against, I found out didn't get it... I'm super upset because now I don't know whose up for it besides me but I know like 20 people applied. Yikes:grumble: :explode: :embarassed: :indifferent:



    I Got in a fight with another manager at work yesterday, he took my items out of a box and slammed them on the floor and I just ignored him and then I asked another manager what did he say to you.. and he came back in yelling I said we aren't suppose to have this back here. I said well why tell me, you've seen it in that box all day why wait till I get it to not only slam it on the ground but to act like you don't know where it came from(a higher manager than both of us put it in the box knowing he wasn't suppose to) "He yells out why do you always have to say something back" Which I know he has been keeping in for a while which makes me think, he thinks he's above me and he wishes he could write me up for being me...I was so shocked my response was because I have a mouth and I know how to speak.. he ran to his manager and I got called in the office and she was like wtf he told me something completely different... and she tried to make excuses for him.. but I was like whatever you need to have a serious talk with him.. she was acting normal afterwards playful and ish like it never happened, but the whole situation was ridiculous and exactly the reason I don't want to eat humble pie... I NEVER WANT ANYONE THINKING THEY ARE ABOVE ME AND I SHOULDNT SPEAK BACK TO THEM... %$#*#! YOU WILL GET YOUR FEELINGS HURT AND YOUR EGO SQUASHED DISRESPECTING ME. But even with that I wanna feel like I don't care what they think, I wanna be free of anger and resentment, I don't want to be bitter and arguing with asshats all the time. Let the asshat think what they want. Vent over!!!! #@#*(^!
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    Check in 3 weeks
    Hi my name is Ann 349.5 next weigh in Monday morning. Goals keep going, make four weeks, and drink my water.
    In California ( fitness state) Have a great dog her name is Hailey live in the country. I’m a Grandmother love my grand kids. Mother of two daughter and son . Paint, play piano, guitar and love to fish.
    I do feel alone, normally I complain that no one understands what its like to be so large. These complaints are mostly in my head, every one I know is thin. To lumber about in pain, family feels I did it to myself its my problem not there’s its true I guess. Husband wants me lose weight as long as it does not interfere with his life after all he does not have a problem.
    Then searching calories on the net I found my fitness pal and its like so many people understand and I don’t feel so alone in my struggles to control my weight. I’m so happy that others cheer you on and understand. I don’t want to be a whinny cat any more. When I read other peoples struggles and success I feel maybe I can do it too. This is the first time I can talk about weight and not feel so condemned.
    Thank you for being there!!
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    @Robin..are you a couponer by chance? I was a couponer before couponing was cool! But I'm finding it hard to be motivated about it anymore!
    Great job on what you've accomplished thus far and you have a great attitude and very strong support system that you created yourself, I think that's pretty neat!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    It’s been a super busy couple of days. I left early yesterday morning to spend the day with my grandmother (who is at her home on hospice) – we had a fantastic visit, as always. You look at her and listen to her you would swear she wasn’t as sick as she is, it’s hard to believe sometimes – I’m grateful we had the day together. She put me to work, but always does and I love to help her when she’ll let me. It was extra special since my cousin stopped by with his dad (my grandmother’s older brother, amazingly all of her siblings are still living), who is battling Alzheimer’s. I haven’t seen either in a very long time, to it was nice to visit with them for a while. Then my mom stopped by later in the evening, I haven’t seen her in about a month. So all-in-all a great day – I really hated leaving though. Today was getting caught up around the house, running errands, and had a session with my trainer this afternoon.

    @Carla~Welcome, this is an extremely supportive group – couldn’t do this without them! Yep, we complain from time to time, get frustrated from time to time, and even need a kick in the pants – but we do it in a nice way. :laugh:

    @Vicki~Mugged by Haagen Dazs? Uh, Oh! Been there!

    @Toots~What an awesome goal!!!

    @Robin~Happy MFP Anniversary! You have come a long way – your losses are consistent & you have really embraced the exercise. So happy and proud for you!

    @Marca~Congrats on reaching the 20# milestone! WTG!!!

    @Laurie~Awesome run and great time! So glad your knee didn’t aggravate you during your run. Isn’t a great feeling to have your first run behind you?

    @Ann~Welcome, you’ll definitely find the support you need here. Check back often and good luck on your journey!

    @Susan~I'm so glad the trainer is working out and they aren't working you too hard.

    AFM~I’m Kelley, mid-40s, and an accountant in the healthcare industry living in north Texas. I’m not married and never had children; I have a 10-month old Maine Coon who today demonstrated the ability to jump from the floor to my shoulder (I'm pretty tall). Kind of surprised me! I love to exercise so am a self-proclaimed gym rat – I work out on my own 3-4 days a week and with my trainer twice a week. He’s great for keeping me motivated and for keeping my body guessing.

    Did have a great workout with trainer today and did some things that have bothered my back in the past, we'll see how today went in due time I'm sure. :wink:

    I hope that everyone has had a great weekend – laundry and the kitchen awaits, so I better get back to it. Have a great evening!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Ann (1802) Welcome to the group. You can lose the weight if you put your mind to it. You are in control of your life and your thought patterns. Think positive thoughts, take control of your life and find an activity that you like to do. All these will help you be successful in this journey. It is a learning process and you will discover what works for you.

    This week the scale finally went back under the 200lb mark to 199. So far this month I have lost 3 lbs so I hope this weight loss continues. I also ran my first 2 mile run and was happy with the 27 minutes that it took. My ticker does not reflect this lost since it is still set for my lowest weight of 195 lbs.

    Share- This week I return to work for the start of new school year, I teach 7/8th grade science in Maryland. The challenge will be avoiding the bagels, doughnuts etc. this week as they provide breakfast a couple of days this week. Then classes start next week and all the kids will have free breakfast that will be served in the classrooms and teachers get it to. My goal is to eat at home a healthy breakfast then eat a snack mid morning. I started working on losing weight 3 years ago when I turned 40. I spent the first 6 months just walking the track at the gym which helped some. I started working with a personal trainer, who made me face the fact that I was obese and he really started me on the weight loss path. He introduced different exercises, interval training, weights etc and was very supportive. The last two years the weight has been holding steady. In June, I started working with a different trainer who is challenging me to work harder, do more interval training with intensity and variety. My life has changed for the better and now I am participating in a variety of activities that were not possible before such as rock climbing, jogging, biking etc. I have lost 67 pounds and have managed to keep it off so I know it is possible to be successful. I still have a ways to go before I reach a weight I will be happy and can maintain it.

    Workout schedule
    Sunday-Swim- DONE 45 minutes with 4 sets of 200M of three strokes. Over .5 miles
    Monday-Trainer either drills or run
    Tuesday- Rest (working late)
    Wednesday- gym Run 2.25 miles or drills
    Thursday-Cardio intervals
    Saturday-bike ride
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Hubby woke me with flowers and a nice card for our anniversary. We went out to breakfast and I planned in advance. Another nice with no GERD but could not get to sleep. Tried counting sheep but got up to 500 and no results. Finally took a sleeping pill but it took a while to kick in.

    My grandson came over with his family and we visited his father's grave and got in some walking. Then we went out to eat but the place I had planned to eat at had closed and we chose a diner. I could have chosen better but was only a little over plan. If I get in my walk tonight, I should get some extra calories to cover the overage. I stopped by my niece's on the way home and saw an old friend, who kept hugging me and saying how happy he was to see me. I didn't know he cared that much, but he said that I had always encouraged him. I don't really recall that, but I guess I must have. We never know how others take our actions. I've had employees and others tell me the same thing and I didn't even realize I had an impact.

    The maternity pics turned out nice. We took some in the gardens and some on the bed with baby shoes on her tummy, with the ultrasound pictures. We took one where there hands formed a heart on her tummy (She is 7 months) and some in my photography studio under the hot lamps. We took one with a ribbon wrapped over her tummy with a signed that ready "Do not open till October 3, 2013. I'll post a few on my profile for a while if you would like to see these. Things have changed so much. I remember someone scolding me in the 60's for being on the streets when I was 7 months pregnant. I also remember being required to make someone take maternity leave when they started to show. The change is for the better.

    Helena, Deputy is precious. I used to live in Houston and really enjoyed it. I would have retired there but the property taxes are out of sight. I still have many friends there and visit a couple of times a year. Our weather in Atlanta was rainy and dreary

    Calpeach, I was most sucessful at weight loss when I planned my meals in advance. I used to cook for all week on Sunday night and just come home and heat supper. Need to get back into that mode

    Alliern - Welcome back. Sounds like you have a plan. Not to worry, you set your own goals, and eliminating trigger foods is a good start. Best of luck

    Robin, you will meet your goal. You are doing it the right way, learning and making steady progress. I was think about being 68 years old next month and wondering why I was still trying to get my weight under control and my hubby reminded me that he quit smoking over 100 times before he finally succeeded. Let's hope this old dog can learn new tricks

    Doing this for me - Congrats on the weight loss. Having been in Management for many years I can tell you that I ate plenty of humble pie. The most important aspect of most higher positions and the successful managers I have known have had the quality of humility, along with patience, ability to get along with others and the ability to turn the other cheek. I worked with many wonderful people and with a lot of folks who were not nice at all. Some of the not nice eventually became my friends, because I always treated them with respect, even if they were not acting nice. People do change and sometimes the example we set helps them do so. At others times, nothing helps, but they have to be accountable for themselves. It's easy to be nice when someone is nice to you, but the real challenge is to be nice, when someone isnt being nice to you.

    1802go - Ann, Good weight loss. Congrats to you. I like your goals. They are realistic

    kAH Kelley I admire your stamina with exercise. I am gradually increasing mine without harming myself, which I have done in the past (ie, aggressive Kick boxing, aggressive Karate, running). Sounds like you had a wonderful day and your Grandmother sounds awesome

    Laurie, what an inspiration. It's tough with so much food around but your plan sounds doable. I'm sure you will be sucessful
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Awesome successes, dear friends. Robin, Thank you for starting this thread. It is a life saver for many of us.
    Sunday share: I'm just a few weeks away from my 1 year anniversary on MFP. I found this thread just a couple of weeks after I started and have really appreciated the support and information that I have gotten here. I turned 69 in May, but still want to be very involved in the lives my children and grandchildren, so I will keep on losing weight until I feel good about how I look and feel. I have been married for 48 years, have 7 children with spouses, and 14 grandchildren (#15 due in January). We live in a small community in Western ID. We are the only town in ID where OR is south of us. I baby sit my youngest daughter's 2 children. She is the librarian and a teacher at the middle school. School starts for her tomorrow and the students next week. Too much of my summer was taken up with knee replacement surgery. I don't feel like I got enough done while I was on break from the kids. Of course, I didn't get much of a break because I tended the 5 year old while she was getting her master's degree. Maybe that's why I don't feel like I had much of a break.
    My weight loss has slowed down a lot, but I still know what works and it will keep coming off if I keep doing what I know works.
    Have a great evening, Kaye
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    I am new to life has been turned upside down. My father has suffered great illness this year and we moved him in with us....that would be myself, hubby and teen daughter. Hubby is a truck driver and hardly home...daughter is in college while living at home and works too. I am his father that is. I work as well and while I am trying to do my best.....I cant seem to keep motivated with anything and I never seem to get everything done...I am always behind. So...I joined this site in hopes of once and for all being able to accomplish some weight lose which is difficult for me......I am always in pain muscular and back,, doc says fibromyalgia....who knows really, just trying to do what I can each day.....depression has been trying to take hold , major crying spells..sometimes off and on all day......I am on anti depressants
    Have no friends and noone really to talk when I look at myself I tell myself it could be worse and trust me I know it if ur feeling blue....just know I am too.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    So what works for u for weight loss?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    So what works for u for weight loss?

    Eat less, move more.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    hi all, just a quick check in (feeling pretty puny today). All of your successes are so inspiring!

    Anyone have any great suggestions for GI problems? I'm running out of ideas, and really tired of feeling like this.

    On another note, I splurged and ordered off an infomercial (!!!), so I've got that "Rockin' Body" DVD set coming (well, the music sounds better than the few little Zumba bits I have... just looking for something to get me back motivated....)