40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    1st time on this board. I'm 41 this year. Looking to see if we can plan a trip to France next Sept. for a week to visit some friends who always go for like 6 weeks. But I don't want to go looking like I do. :( Neither does my hubby. So, here I am, back at it, trying to make things a bit more permenant this time with 'lifestyle changes' instead of dieting.

    Even seeing a dietitian who has been awesome on some insights, suggestions and answering questions. She hasn't been trying to get us to 'stop' our 'wicked' ways but instead letting us discover how unhealthy certain things are for us and how good other things are.

    Don't have kids, just four legged furballs and a husband ;)
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    1st time on this board. I'm 41 this year. Looking to see if we can plan a trip to France next Sept. for a week to visit some friends who always go for like 6 weeks. But I don't want to go looking like I do. :( Neither does my hubby. So, here I am, back at it, trying to make things a bit more permenant this time with 'lifestyle changes' instead of dieting.

    Even seeing a dietitian who has been awesome on some insights, suggestions and answering questions. She hasn't been trying to get us to 'stop' our 'wicked' ways but instead letting us discover how unhealthy certain things are for us and how good other things are.

    Don't have kids, just four legged furballs and a husband ;)

    I do not have nor want kids either and these are our 2 four legged furballs, Annie, Kendy
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Flora - great to see another Nebraskan on the site. Go Huskers!! Although I'm not sure you're a football fan or not, good luck in losing weight.

    Here is my advice that I've followed since April 4th - I've used the 80/20 rule our fitness instructor told us to follow. 80% diet (what we eat) and 20% exercise. Use this site to track what you eat each meal and day, set your goal of reaching 140 lbs like the site instructs you to do, exercise, and then watch the lbs slowly disappear.

    That's the easy part, the hard part is trying to tell your brain you don't need all that junk food to survive and that fruits, veggies, good carbs, good sugars, and protein foods are just as good. My motivation was the first time I had my measurements taken, sort of like a before and after picture in which I lost 28 inches and 7 lbs. I try and workout or walk each day, watch what I eat, indulge in 2 cheat meals each week (that really helps knowing you can do that) and track it all on this site.

    Here's where I'm at since April 4th

    Inches lost - 50
    Weight lost - 25 lbs (started at 180.7 lbs)
    Body Fat % - 13.5% (started at 20.4%)
    I've lost 24 inches around my stomach and hips alone... Woo Hoo....

    Now my challenge is to keep it off.

    I agree with you about posting on this site and letting others like ourselves give us the incentive to lose weight and or keeping it off with their advice. Its nice to hear others say that "you've done a good job" or "you gotta look great", etc etc.

    Continue to post and one more piece of advice. Water is your friend. Drink plenty of it and get used to waking up 2-3 times during the night to go pee. :)

  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    Hi there! I wanna be a cool kid too! I am 49 (geesh - that's hard to type) and have been on and off MFP for a year or so. Just joined a gym for the first time in.. i can't remember. I need to step up my game, asI would like to lose some weight, but more importantly I can't get over how quickly it jumped on after I hit 40! I need to stop it now, and I need to get myself in great shape so that now that my kids are big and retirement is in my future, I want to be able to enjoy it!! Glad to see the 40+ group! I would like to lose about 20 pounds, so far I have only gained, but the measurements are going down! :ohwell:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hello cool kids!

    Welcome Flora and Cinday!

    Good advice there RD!

    Yay on your labs Kelly!

    I am finally feeling some more energy after being on the hormone therapy for almost a week now! Happier and less moody too! woo hoo!

    I have another day at the dentist tomorrow, to get my crown and finish up some other work! Kids and hubby get to go this time too and get their cleanings! fun stuff!

    I hope you all have a great weekend and make yourselves proud by working hard and staying strong!


  • Sarahsw9
    Sarahsw9 Posts: 18 Member

    I don't want to be cool, I just want to find a friendly place where I can ask questions and not fear the answers!
    Am I in the right place?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    SeaWorld tomorrow....we biked around Coronado, today. And did the safari park. This part of the trip is tiring!
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    1st time on this board. I'm 41 this year. Looking to see if we can plan a trip to France next Sept. for a week to visit some friends who always go for like 6 weeks. But I don't want to go looking like I do. :( Neither does my hubby. So, here I am, back at it, trying to make things a bit more permenant this time with 'lifestyle changes' instead of dieting.

    Even seeing a dietitian who has been awesome on some insights, suggestions and answering questions. She hasn't been trying to get us to 'stop' our 'wicked' ways but instead letting us discover how unhealthy certain things are for us and how good other things are.

    Don't have kids, just four legged furballs and a husband ;)

    I do not have nor want kids either and these are our 2 four legged furballs, Annie, Kendy

    Awwww....How sweet! Well mine are paints in the butts but I love them anyway. Thanks for the welcome and sharing :)
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    Flora - great to see another Nebraskan on the site. Go Huskers!! Although I'm not sure you're a football fan or not, good luck in losing weight.

    Here is my advice that I've followed since April 4th - I've used the 80/20 rule our fitness instructor told us to follow. 80% diet (what we eat) and 20% exercise. Use this site to track what you eat each meal and day, set your goal of reaching 140 lbs like the site instructs you to do, exercise, and then watch the lbs slowly disappear.

    That's the easy part, the hard part is trying to tell your brain you don't need all that junk food to survive and that fruits, veggies, good carbs, good sugars, and protein foods are just as good. My motivation was the first time I had my measurements taken, sort of like a before and after picture in which I lost 28 inches and 7 lbs. I try and workout or walk each day, watch what I eat, indulge in 2 cheat meals each week (that really helps knowing you can do that) and track it all on this site.

    Here's where I'm at since April 4th

    Inches lost - 50
    Weight lost - 25 lbs (started at 180.7 lbs)
    Body Fat % - 13.5% (started at 20.4%)
    I've lost 24 inches around my stomach and hips alone... Woo Hoo....

    Now my challenge is to keep it off.

    I agree with you about posting on this site and letting others like ourselves give us the incentive to lose weight and or keeping it off with their advice. Its nice to hear others say that "you've done a good job" or "you gotta look great", etc etc.

    Continue to post and one more piece of advice. Water is your friend. Drink plenty of it and get used to waking up 2-3 times during the night to go pee. :)


    Hey hey! Nebraskans! We midwesterners gotta stick together! Well, actually, I'm an Iowegian by birth (Iowa) but I'm not a big football fan so I never really picked a team. I like the Huskers, don't get me wrong but just not an avid follower.

    Actually, hubby and I are learning, well more him than me actually, about portion control. He claims I eat like a bird, and he eats like my one dog who acts like we starve her, snarfs her food and then goes looking for more. He's the one with serious protion control issues and knowing when to say 'stop'. It's also been a real eye opener to him at what you get a restaurants and how it can really rack up the calories.

    So we are learning, making better choices, eating better, learning about foods that will satisfy the cravings but won't cost us hugely in calories or fat/carbs.

    Excersise for me isn't really a problem too much. I never stop moving to be honest (except at work...when I have to sit still for 8 hours being a receptionist) but watch out when I get home. I'm either in my gardens, doing housework, home improvement or puttering. Plus being a receptionist, I'm forced to take a lunch, so I do so by going to the gym in our building at 10am when no one else is there. :)

    Gonna be another warm muggy day, and I've got a half day today at work. Going up to Fort Atkinson to work in the hobby garden pulling weeds, cleaning up the walkways and trimming back plants....in 90 + heat and high humidity. Made sure I brought my big mug for water.
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member

    I don't want to be cool, I just want to find a friendly place where I can ask questions and not fear the answers!
    Am I in the right place?

    Well, I don't think I'm cool but since we're all adults here and hopefully mature enough to give honest, straightforward answers, I hope so!

    I was kinda shocked yesterday when I stumbled across a posting somewhere else that started out with the question, "What does it mean when I gotta pee?" The answers had my jaw on the desk. I didn't realize we had so many immature people on MFP. Oh well, takes all to make the world go round, but still......

    But welcome, feel free to ask and hopefully someone will be able to answer your questions and give friendly advice :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday all you cool kids! What a day it has been so far. President Obama stayed in Auburn NY last night which is where I work. It has been a zoo in town! They actually cancelled our programs because so many of the streets were closed this morning, but now because the program that I work in doesn't start until this afternoon, and all of the excitement is over, they are considering having me call those people and bring them in if they want to come. The time is fast approaching where I need to start doing something and someone is not making a decision as quickly as I would like them to!! Sorry- work is just driving me crazy today!!

    I had a great walk this morning. I live in a small rural town that was one of the stopping spots for the boats that used to travel on the Erie Canal and we have a walking trail that goes along the old canal route. I walked part of it today and took a ton of pictures of the sun coming up over the water and the trees. I am thinking that tomorrow I will walk the trail to the next town over which is 2.3 miles one way.

    Have a great day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    I don't want to be cool, I just want to find a friendly place where I can ask questions and not fear the answers!
    Am I in the right place?

    you sure are! :happy:

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Soooo busy, can barely think straight!

    Fish Derby all weekend, plus planning a reception event for a young runner that is running across Canada raising money for Sick Kids Hospital...totally unsupported.

    Am going to try and get out and run with him tomorrow - just no time today.

    Also have to bake for a bake sale we're having to help raise funds. Our goal is $500

    have a great day all - hope to catch you sometime next week.

    Oh - reset is still going well. It's vegan week, so this is going to be tough. Nothing but fruit and veggies for the week. Agh!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Glad the "re-set" is working, severe ski....I'm on full re-set mode, next week, myself!

    KellySue - President Obama came to town?!?!? Well, that would be very exciting!

    SeaWorld is done and my kids had a great time.....but, I'd be fine if I never did that theme park, again....

    Tomorrow is a lazy day. We fly home Sunday. Back to work on Monday!
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    Hello everyone, I thought I'd poke my head in here, since I'll be turning 40 on the 7th of next month: eek!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi y'all, just come across this thread. I'm skidding towards 41 and have around 20lb or so to lose.

    I'm married with 2 lovely kids age 6 and 4 and am from the UK however my husband is currently working in Virginia at the moment so am considering a move stateside after spending a fantastic month there with him :happy:

    I've been on MFP for almost 2 years now, altho lost my count while I was in the states but have spent the last year or so with my weight going up and down. This time I want to stick with it and get to my ideal weight/body shape and stay there
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- yes, it's true. Pres. Obama did come to town. Lots of security and big areas of town completely blocked off and shut down. While it may have been exciting it was also very inconvenient. I did hear that he went to our local YMCA and worked out on the elliptical and shot a round of hoops with some kids that were there for basketball camp. His entourage drove past my work site on their way out of town.

    I walked the trail between my town and the next town over today including walking from my house to the access point and back home when i finished. A total of about 5 miles. It took me about an hour and a half. It is absolutely beautiful here today so it was a great walk.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Nice walk, KellySue!

    Hi to the new joiners to the 40+ group!

    I'm typing this by the pool....my daughter is swimming (again!). I did my pool/beach stuff in Hawaii.....
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    saving my spot

    will be back in 18 years
  • jennifert40
    jennifert40 Posts: 10 Member

    I'm 41 and would like to join. I've lost 30 pounds so far and still have about 10 to go. The thing I'm struggling with most right now is losing belly fat, which I've never had before. My stomach has always been small. I'm usually worrying about my hips, but they're slimming down. I'm so glad to see other 40+ on here to be friends with.