How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • brisr001
    brisr001 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there, I'm looking to start C25K myself, any beginners tips?!

    Slow it down... if that's what it takes to get through a session. I think this is my 4th or 5th time starting C25k and this is the furthest I have gotten (doing W3D1 in the morning) I was pushing/trying so hard that I couldn't make it through a session and therefore got super discouraged:sad: . Now I just want run ALL my running intervals, and work on increasing pace when I know that I can run the 5mins or the 20:sick: min interval. Each session is a win for me. :drinker:
  • brisr001
    brisr001 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh wow wow wow... Just home from doing W3D1.... Good session today, pounding through the intervals, trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, just doing a walk interval feeling seedy and I hear a dong... Whats the first thought through my head... :noway: OH NO NOT AGAIN... Then it clicked I was at the halfway point! Wasn't reallly quite sure what was going on... But yes it was right so I just went with it... Weeeee...
  • dldrucker
    dldrucker Posts: 90 Member
    I started C25K in June , right fter my 50th birthday. I've never run 5k in my life. The main reason I started really had nothing to do with weight or even exercise, but that I needed a goal I could have complete control over (work has sucked lately).

    A couple of thoughts:

    Know your own body -- there is nothing that says you HAVE to get through it in nine weeks. You can repeat. I did this a couple of times, and it is working. (I also skipped some runs when it hit in the high 90s here...and did aerobics indoors, with air conditioning). DO NOT OVERDO IT just to keep up with the program - this is how you get injuries, especially if you are really out of shape.

    Find a partner if possible...I am running with my sister, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it without her, especially at 6:00am!

    Don't worry about speed or distance until the end of the program. Once you can run for 25 minutes, you can start working on increasing. Until then, just make it through the workout!

    As others have said, good running shoes. I have an achilles tendon problem and put heel cushions in mine as well, which made all the difference. Especially if you are carrying extra weight, good footwear is important. If you have a specialized running store near you, go there to buy running shoes - some of them actually videotape you running on a treadmill and analyze your gait.

    Run in the morning if possible. It's great getting those endorphins first thing in the morning!

    After a couple of repeats, we're now in the middle of Week Six. I really cannot believe I can run 20 minutes straight (two miles), for the first time in my life, at age 50. Pretty cool!
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Graduation Day! I just finished the last session of the program. Unfortunately my pace is so slow that in the 30 minutes of running I still haven't covered 5k yet and I have an actual 5k run in 3 weeks. I guess I'll keep extending time by 3-5 minutes until I actually cover the distance.
  • I have just started, will complete W1D2 tomorrow. I'm doing it pushing my 5mo in the pram.... any pram runners?
  • Hi guys I love c25k, I'm on week 5 day 3, couldn't manage the full 20 minutes, I did 17 so almost there, I will repeat until I do the 20, it's more mind over matter I think. I would love thou to add me for support, out on my next run tomorrow, can't wait I think it's the best form of exercise ever. Just to let you know I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and since starting c25k I have reduced my glucose levels and don't need to go on medication, also my blood pressure has reduced well into safe levels, so not only do I enjoy it, it's helping my health. Next year I hope to run my first 5k race for charity. Good luck to everyone and keep running!

    I just finished week 5 day 3 on Friday. I didn't think I could do it at all but I did! For me, the key was never checking the timer on my iPhone, and taking it really slow. I actually ran at a slower pace than normal through the 20 minutes, probably slower than most people walk, but I still say it counts :) I covered 1.32 miles during the 20 minutes of running. My plan is to start working my speed once I can run for 30 minutes straight, with the hope that I might be able to actually make it 3.1 miles in 30 minutes eventually.
  • I'm starting the C25k tomorrow. I'm hoping I can do it in 7 weeks. I have a 5k i signed up for that I usually walk on Columbus day weekend. I don't want to rush it, but i would like to run most of the 5k. I'm not a runner at all, but I'm gonna try to imagine myself that I can be a runner!
  • jfl5
    jfl5 Posts: 37
    A cold crimped my style last week, and I didn't run, but I got back on the wagon this weekend.
    I knocked out W1D2 yesterday morning, and I just finished up with W1D3 this evening.

    I'm using the Zen Labs 8-week (because that's how much time I have) training app on the iPhone.
    So... seven weeks to go!!!
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I have gone from 375 pounds down to 298 - and I am now considering this...but not sure if I am too heavy. I do not want to set myself up for failure....I know that T25 and Insanity are beyond my abilities at the moment. Also - I have knee issues.

    What are your thoughts? Can I just jog it really slow? I would not be doing it to actually run a 5k...but just to get some extra movement and have another goal to work towards.
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    I have gone from 375 pounds down to 298 - and I am now considering this...but not sure if I am too heavy. I do not want to set myself up for failure....I know that T25 and Insanity are beyond my abilities at the moment. Also - I have knee issues.

    What are your thoughts? Can I just jog it really slow? I would not be doing it to actually run a 5k...but just to get some extra movement and have another goal to work towards.

    I started it at 290. I am now down to 267 & just completed week 4. I would suggest trying it, but not be afraid to stop if you need to. Just take it at your own pace!
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    Did week 4 day 1 of C25K. It was very hard. I made it through the first 3 min run interval & I actually made it through the 5 min run. But I was near tears and my lungs and legs were on fire. During the next 3 min run I could only go for 90 sec. I was ready to kick myself and scream FAILURE!! Then I realized I had the treadmill on an incline.... Not much of one but enough to make a difference. I finished out the 2nd 5 min run. It wasn't pretty, it was sloppy as heck, BUT GLORY TO GOD IT GOT DONE!!!

    D: Girl if it's killing you like that, you're going too fast. You should be going slow enough that you could actually carry on with conversation while you run. Try it out and say a few full sentences, and if you can't do that relatively easily, slow down! At my weight, when I first started tracking by breathing effort instead of what I thought I SHOULD be doing and thus slowed waaaay down, I was running 17+ minute miles. People told me what I was doing wasn't even running, but I didn't listen to their negativity and I kept going. I'm at the end of the program now and still slow as a snail, doing 15 minute miles, but I keep going!

    Speaking of which, modified version of it that I'm doing now, Week 8, Day 1.5. I ran 1.5 miles today in 22 mins 30 secs. Tomorrow I'm aiming for 2 miles at least, and I go by time so 35 minutes is what I'll hit.

    I'm not going to fast. If I slow it down anymore I would be walking. It was so hard for me because I was on an incline. By the last interval I had already worn myself out from doing it on an incline that it was hard to finish. Completed week 4 today, no problems.
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Hello all,

    I just completed week 4 and I'm enjoying the training so far - especially the fact it gets me up and out first thing in the morning!

    My biggest trouble is controlling my breathing, especially towards the end of the session - like the last interval. Sometimes I feel like I can't catch my breath and then I'm concentrating on that instead of running.

    I've also started getting a stitch during that last interval - what can I about this?

    I think I'm going to repeat week 4 session a few more times before moving to the next week (by the looks of it each week 5 session increases in difficulty so I want to be sure I'm ready.

    Never thought I'd enjoy running and I'd like to know if I'll have the same enthusiasm in a few weeks when it's cold, dark and raining outside lol (though I did run in the rain a few days ago).

    Nyk :)
  • SadieBabie
    SadieBabie Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the great pointers everyone, reading the comments and hearing other people's experiences has made me see that I might just be able to do this!

    I'm roping in my 11 year old son, who loves to run, as my PT...he's excited about the prospect!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I start week 5 this week (either tonight or tomorrow morning). Big running intervals this week. Hoping to accomplish them all!! Great job to everyone who make it to the next session. Welcome to all the newbies. Take it slow and repeats days (or weeks) if you need to.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I start week 5 this week (either tonight or tomorrow morning). Big running intervals this week. Hoping to accomplish them all!! Great job to everyone who make it to the next session. Welcome to all the newbies. Take it slow and repeats days (or weeks) if you need to.

    I'm on week 5, too! My breathing was all over the place today (W5D2), which made it a little more difficult, but I am feeling good about my (slowpokey) progress. And my exercise-induced asthma is practically non-existant at this point. I keep my inhaler handy just in case, though.
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm on Week 2 Day 2... It's not too bad, but near the end I feel so done.... I know it's an amazing program, but I seem to be finding that I can run more when I'm just doing 3-4 minute intervals by myself, without waiting for someone to say go, stop, go, stop...

    I feel like waiting for someone to tell me to go or stop is burning me out faster,.... I don't know if that's weird?
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Well y'all, I was supposed to be on w6d3, but I'm sick! So. Will be restarting week 6 when I feel better.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • Jmoss4852
    Jmoss4852 Posts: 70 Member
    Just finished week 3 day 1! It feels like I'm finally getting somewhere! Keep it up y'all!
  • dhvozza
    dhvozza Posts: 26 Member
    Just finished W2D2 and I am loving it! It is very hard but I am already looking forward to the next run. My 10 yr old son is doing it also! The biggest problem I am having is that my knees are hurting pretty bad. I think I am going to need to get some new shoes before I get to the longer run intervals.
  • jfl5
    jfl5 Posts: 37
    W2D1 in the bag.