For Vegans / Vegetarians only.



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    It's been fun!

    I promised another poster on here I'd read an article, then I have to go to my pro-man rally.

    take care!

    Edit- I have no issue with women disagreeing. The problem is anyone happens to not be very smart with their comments. In this case it happens to be a few women. Not my fault.

    I seem to get along with other women on here fine. Just the ones that many other women - the ones that show passive aggressiveness I will say I really dislike. Which is what some of you are showing. I just decided to push it further by saying something I know would piss you (few) off. Just like you guys did. There is no difference. Now why don't you get in the kitchen and make some salad?

    So this is what you mean by passive-aggressive and therefore worthy of your sexist comments purposefully stated to piss me off??

    and my son is a vegan.

    I was vegan for 11 years.

    Don't assume just because someone doesn't agree with your logic that they haven't made the same ultimate choice in lifestyle.

    ps. don't eat anything with "natural flavoring" if it is vanilla or raspberry flavored:

    For the record, when I got mad at you it was when you responded to this beautiful vegan's comment....

    oh geez. this really gives vegans a bad name.

    i'm in it for peace, love, equality for all beings. not to put down others.

    i'm a vegan because i enjoy helping others, including animals to have a better life. my reason for being vegan is because i don't think anyone deserves to die for another's pleasure. survival is another story. i am vegan because i feel it's the least i can do to be the change i wish to see in the world. :flowerforyou:

    so please, don't think all vegans are self righteous. and other vegans- please don't start these threads because they go nowhere.

    with this garbage....

    If you don't want people to think vegans are self righteous, then maybe reword your self righteous comments. I am eating this way because thats how we are designed to. Because I feel better this way than eating meat. I think if you're a carnivore, kill and eat the meat you need! Thats life. They go nowhere because trolls come in to do what they do best... troll.

    I purposely wrote this knowing idiots would come in here pushing their ideas. Thats why I said "vegans and vegetarians". If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? just to cause trouble. Simple as that.

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too... When they do comment on my diet I will set them straight with science and biology.

    I think the info is good for vegans to know- those who do it "so i can help the environment" don't seem to get this.

    I understand meat eating people's ideas. brainwashed for their entire lives. I am sure I'm brainwashed about other things, but I was able to listen to vegans, and really learn from them. The problem is many are not willing to accept that what they thought to be true their whole lives to be wrong. How did you think I felt when at 28, I realized my diet was not the "ideal" diet for my species. same ****.

    Watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I feel like he does when he is trying to explain to those lunch ladies who are so close minded. Most people can't see that they are close minded, but if they see someone else being that way, they can, so go watch that show. fyi it's not about not eating meat. he makes chicken :)

    And your constant posing as a vegetarian when you haven't even made the decision to be one.

    Also, your entire argument has been debunked a million times. I've been an actual vegan long enough to know that there isn't sufficient evidence that humans were "intended" to not eat meat.

    Also, "frugivores" do this:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Just a quick FYI:

    Nature/evolution is not 'interested' in 'optimum nutrition' or strength training, world records or any such human constructs. Its only interest is reproduction. For a diet to be 'natural' or 'appropriate' all it needs to do is get you to reproductive age alive and fertile. The OP's information argues that we are naturally herbivores (I am sure there are holes in this argument, but no one on this thread has yet pointed them out clearly enough, that I've spotted), not that it is the optimum diet.

    Personally, I really like the theory that cooking and eating meat is what grew our brains so big. I thank my ancestors for eating all that meat so I didn't have to (a third of my life so far omnivore, a third vegetarian, a third pescatarian...) :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's been fun!

    I promised another poster on here I'd read an article, then I have to go to my pro-man rally.

    take care!

    Edit- I have no issue with women disagreeing. The problem is anyone happens to not be very smart with their comments. In this case it happens to be a few women. Not my fault.

    I seem to get along with other women on here fine. Just the ones that many other women - the ones that show passive aggressiveness I will say I really dislike. Which is what some of you are showing. I just decided to push it further by saying something I know would piss you (few) off. Just like you guys did. There is no difference. Now why don't you get in the kitchen and make some salad?

    Missed this little edit the first time around...sneaky...tut tut tut
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    One question for the guy swearing that this is the 'proper' way to do things. How many world strength records are held by Vegans? The answer is none.

    So, if this diet is the way that humans are 'supposed' to eat, why are they so physically inferior when they are eating this way? Granted, there are some strong guys out there who are Vegan, and I am not arguing that. What I am saying is that if this is the ideal diet, shouldn't Vegans be dominating their meat eating relatives in all sports? They're all. In fact, they're not even close.

    So, why?

    What has vegetarianism have to do with holding world records for picking up heavy stuff? Being the person who can pick up the heaviest thing does not mean that person is the healthiest person in the world. Nor does it mean they are most physically fit. Given that vegetarians/vegans often choose their lifestyles out of a desire to not dominate/abuse animals, it would stand for reason they aren't very interested in "dominating their meat eating relatives", either. I question whether you posted on this thread simply to be antagonistic.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Personally, I really like the theory that cooking and eating meat is what grew our brains so big. :laugh:
    They wouldn't have gotten enough calories from anything else. Twigs and berries aren't going to cut it.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Please - and this is spoken as a vegan - stop posting threads like this.
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    Goodness. I just spent the last hour (or so) reading this whole thread. Why did I just do that??? ;) Anyways, I typed in 'vegan' into the search field b/c I am looking to meet friends that are and also looking to learn new things. Thanks for the first part of that!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    In before the lock!

    Better suited to insult meat eaters in a private group rather than a public forum.

    Besides, there is always Fancy Feast.

    cat_zps8a569003.jpg't stop laughing...all I can get out of my mouth between cackles right now is "**** you!" xD

    reposting thanks to trolls.
  • carbasile
    carbasile Posts: 2 Member
    you made me laugh as I was doing the same thing and thinking wow.. what a conversation going on here .. haha .. were you looking for Vegan friends? and yes people since vegans are a small minority just like people who cycle look for fellow cyclers , and people who run look for fellow runners, many times vegans look for fellow vegans as we like to discuss recipes , events , and like topics ..

    sorry I digress ... if you are please add me .. long time vegan
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Interesting post, though I disagree pretty heavily with anyone who tries to get ****ty about what other people eat. I would point out that while we may be in a stage of evolution that points to foraging, the decision to eat meat (specifically, to cook meat and eat it) is the reason we have the level of intelligence and sentience we do today. Since then we have basically used our intelligence to make evolutionary boundaries obsolete: our physical defenses suck so we make weapons. We require many calories a day to be active without spending all of it foraging, so we farm food and cook it. The argument that we should be vegetarian doesn't really hold up past like, post-fire eras.

    The burden of animal farming on the planet is too much, and the quality of the food we eat is pretty bad as a whole. I would posit that this is an issue of laziness and overpopulation - meat eating can be done in a sustainable and healthy way. I personally raise my own rabbits for eating and chickens for eggs, which means that 100% of the rabbit is used (eat the meat, tan the hides, make broth from the bones) and the meat is grass-fed from my pesticide-free garden. It lives a comfortable life and gets an instantaneous death. In return I get lean, organic meat that I use as fuel to keep my muscles strong and my mind happy.

    Obviously almost no one else who eats meat is in this situation, though many humans at least make the effort to seek out sustainable and organic sources. I basically just take issue with vegans who are extremist in their views and believe they've taken the only high road. Enjoy your salads, just don't be such a **** about it.
  • Annan72
    Annan72 Posts: 4
    Hello all! I'm new here, vegan, and looking for some friends to keep me motivated. Please send me a friend request if you want me to help YOU stay motivated too!
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    One question for the guy swearing that this is the 'proper' way to do things. How many world strength records are held by Vegans? The answer is none.

    So, if this diet is the way that humans are 'supposed' to eat, why are they so physically inferior when they are eating this way? Granted, there are some strong guys out there who are Vegan, and I am not arguing that. What I am saying is that if this is the ideal diet, shouldn't Vegans be dominating their meat eating relatives in all sports? They're all. In fact, they're not even close.

    So, why?

    World record - check
    Vegan - check
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I personally raise my own rabbits for eating and chickens for eggs, which means that 100% of the rabbit is used (eat the meat, tan the hides, make broth from the bones) and the meat is grass-fed from my pesticide-free garden.

    I have 200% respect for people who do this. I think it's a great way to reduce waste and help make a more sustainable way of farming. As a Kiwi, I live in a nation built on farming, mostly meat and dairy. While we make an effort to keep our environmental impact low, it's becoming an issue for larger scale farms. Personally, I am happy with my omnivore diet, but would like to, when funds provide, get my food from more sustainable local farms. I agree that a meat farming can be tough environment and that we should, as a society, decrease our meat consumption in order to reduce our environmental impact.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    But if we weren't supposed to eat meat, then why did God make bacon so tasty...?

    God didn't make bacon tasty, I did!
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    As much as I love being a veggie, it's rants like this that keep me from publicly identifying myself as one.

    "Do not condemn each other in matters of food and drink, but eat and drink as it becomes you, and be silent." -Epictetus
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Without a shadow of a doubt, our bodies are not designed for meat, just as cats & dogs bodies are not designed for grains (which is why cats & dogs are the ONLY other two species (other than humans) who are overweight. Most of their food contains grains as fillers- which they CAN eat, but causes problems for them long term).

    Pretty much stopped reading here. I call BS. I used to ride horses regularly. The ones that tended towards inactivity got fat. Yes, horses that had free roam of acres of pasture - not grain-fed, no hormones, steroids, etc - and were exercised daily under saddle, though obviously not enough to compensate for the grass they were eating. Eat lots, move little, get fat. Same in all species. It's why you see it more often in domesticated species, particularly house-bound dogs and cats though it happens with fish in tanks and caged birds, too. We've taken away most of the need to move. We provide food (often more than needed), and remove most if not all predators. Grains have nothing to do with it.
  • hannahlodges
    I found a book called "Eat Right For Your Blood Type," and since I'm type-A it recommends a predominantly vegan diet, with lots of vegetables and fruits and no meat except fish, chicken and turkey (cheating vegan?). Personally I've found this to be highly beneficial as meat really messed with my system, I was wondering if anyone else has this diet or experiencing with it?
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Eating meat must have a negative effect on intellect...the thread is clearly entitled "For Vegans/Vegetarians only".

  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    Love this! I am new to the vegetarian world but love it, and continue to read a lot to educate myself. ''Haters gonna hate"