SWaT Walking Group



  • sudha336
    sudha336 Posts: 26 Member
    I am 50 miles by 31st Oct. Count me in.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Did another two yesterday. Took Tuesday off cause the hips were hurting but decided to do last night anyways.

    Is it bad that I don't have a goal? I don't want to disappoint myself if I have to slow it down again from the pain. But maybe if I had one I would keep going? I think I am going to aim for 8 miles a week which will put me at 32 by the end of October.

    Should I include the 6 I've already done this week? Ahhh I don't know, anyways I will keep walking as much as I can. :bigsmile:

    For those who have the Leslie Sansone videos, the only one I can find at Wal-Mart is the one with 5 different workouts in. Is this a good one. Normally I just do the basic 1 mile or 2 mile workout.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did another two yesterday. Took Tuesday off cause the hips were hurting but decided to do last night anyways.

    Is it bad that I don't have a goal? I don't want to disappoint myself if I have to slow it down again from the pain. But maybe if I had one I would keep going? I think I am going to aim for 8 miles a week which will put me at 32 by the end of October.

    Should I include the 6 I've already done this week? Ahhh I don't know, anyways I will keep walking as much as I can. :bigsmile:

    For those who have the Leslie Sansone videos, the only one I can find at Wal-Mart is the one with 5 different workouts in. Is this a good one. Normally I just do the basic 1 mile or 2 mile workout.


    If it's the 5 Day Slim Down video, I do like it. I've been doing a mile each morning as my wake-up routine and sometimes I do all of them on the weekend as my regular workout. You might want to watch the 5th day as it is faster than the other miles--12 minutes instead of 15 or so. As with any of Leslie's videos, you can just walk during any part that is not comfortable for you to do.

    I don't have a real goal right now. I am just seeing how far I go since I didn't want to bother with another ticker. The main idea is to keep moving, right?
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Very true about keeping moving. Maybe i will just keep doing the 1 and 2 mile for now and ask for any others for my bd. That will give me a month to see how I have done with just the normal one.

    I know I don't want to change my ticker and will probably lose track of how many miles I have done in October but if I shoot for 8 miles a week I might make it. If not, I will just do what I can.

    Thanks and have a great day!!
  • Please count me in for October!

    I have some WATP dvd's and a pedometer that I can use to count my outside walking miles.

    I'll have to think of a goal.

    BTW I love candy corn too!
  • yesterday didn't do any my knee and back (arthritis) they where hurting so had to rest, but this morning I was able to do the 4 fast miles... Yea
  • Everyone is doing awesome! So proud of all of you! I've had a few bad days due to my autoimmune diseases/arthritis but I always try to get in what I can as long as Mr. Watching You Like A Hawk Boyfriend doesn't see me. :wink: He thinks I'm pushing myself too hard, but I'm listening to my body, I swear!

    I'm going to Hawk's family reunion this weekend where there will be all sorts of dirty foods. I'm hoping to avoid most of them (The future in-laws and the foods! :laugh: ) and spend most of my time walking around the park! Bad news is I don't yet have a pedometer or anything, so I won't really know how much I walked. :ohwell: Oh well. Will have a good time anyway. Hope you all have a great time too!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :sad: So, after not wanting to change my ticker I go to add miles to it and find that it's gone! I guess I lost it when i cleared my cookies. Oh well, I copied the one in my signature for the miles and now have a season-appropriate (mostly--couldn't find an autumn themed slider!) one!:drinker:

    I don't know if I'll get many miles in today--it is SO beautiful here (for a change!) that I plan on working in my seriously neglected garden!:happy:
  • Wow, I had energy today. Took advantage of it too. I started my day with 2 miles WATP Brisk. Did alittle strength training and alittle yoga to finish. Started cleaning windows that I've been putting off. Wasn't so bad once I got started. Then when my husband got home (he usually has the munchies, which makes me get the munchies) I went for a 2 mile walk instead with the dog. Im trying hard to break old habits.

    pmjsmom- I have had more problems with that darn Ticker. I lose mine when we delete our history. I think I have it down now.

    Buccinator and everyone else that is interested. This is a very helpful website for figuring out miles and how fast. HelpS figure out pedometor miles. I use it alot.


    There is also a website called MapMyWalk.com. It takes some practice but you can enter your address and map your neighborhood or where every it is you want to walk.

    AND THEN! I got sucked into reading posts this morning (like usual) Someone was asking about how many calories it was to walk in high heels LOL. Someone suggested this website so I checked it out because I had a pile of ironing to do. I KNEW IRONING WAS A WORKOUT! Too bad I can't do it left handed. So I just though I would share that if anyone is interested.


    Well I see we have a couple more new people WELCOME! GREAT TO HAVE YOU WITH US!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening everyone. Hope I didn't over do it today so I can't walk tomorrow. Im good for that.
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Made September goal - savoring moment :drinker:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    For those who have the Leslie Sansone videos, the only one I can find at Wal-Mart is the one with 5 different workouts in. Is this a good one. Normally I just do the basic 1 mile or 2 mile workout.

    I started out with the one you are talking about. I like the variety and it's easy to combine miles when you are ready for a little more. But If you have a Target in your area check there too. They usually have a bigger selection. Best buy usually has a few too but I find they are a little higher there. I've bought some used WATP dvd's from www.half.com.

    I can't believe how well everyone is doing! And here I am with another day of no walking. Had to work late again. Just gonna hafta hit it extra hard this weekend.

    Congrats Tracy on making your September goal.

    Maynard - I was just telling a friend about that www.mapmywalk.com and couldn't remember the name! Thanks!
  • My mom and I walk to Leslie Sansone's WATP Express dvds and we really like them. We talk while we do them and the time goes by very quickly. Sometimes my 9 month old isn't very cooperative and I have to hold her while I walk but it is just like holding a 25 lb weight! We do the 2 mile one together in the mornings and I try to do the 1 mile one 1-2 more times throughout the day. usually during my daughters nap and when i come home for work. It really does help me sleep. I have a hard time sleeping w/o my hubby and he is in South Korea until January. Finally after nine months of awful sleep I found something that helps! Anyway I would like to participate in this group!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, all. I'm fairly new to MFP and just found your posts for the SWaT Walking Team. I am up for joining the challenge for October! I have been using the program for three months (still on the two mile walk, but worked up from the one mile!). Thanks for the idea! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i did 3 hours of walking around town today...now i just have to search on the web and see if there's anywhere i can convert mins into miles or something like that...to figure out how many miles i did....i don't have to worry about that starting tomorrow though i start my subscription to the bodybugg site and that keeps track of my steps and i know of a page that converts steps into miles so that will be easy for me
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    i did 3 hours of walking around town today...now i just have to search on the web and see if there's anywhere i can convert mins into miles or something like that...to figure out how many miles i did....i don't have to worry about that starting tomorrow though i start my subscription to the bodybugg site and that keeps track of my steps and i know of a page that converts steps into miles so that will be easy for me

    Check out the website I posted yesterday. :wink:
  • DesertCowgirl
    DesertCowgirl Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all. Glad to find a place where everyone is walking. I am not a runner and I don't have wii or a treadmill or DVD's for walking. I have a dog that needs to be exercised. LOL

    I joined MFP on 19 Feb 2010 at 205 pounds. My scales stayed stuck for the first few weeks. But I finally was able to get a pound or two off after I had developed the data base on my diary and was learning how to tweak it to stay out of the red. But it was really slow going. Then I went to visit family for a week and gained back what I had lost. Got back on track in at the end of April and have been making slow progress since then.

    I got a puppy in May of 2009. He was already a big boy at 4 months. I knew I needed to walk him but I was a little hit or miss about it, because I was having some difficulty with muscles being strained, sprained ankle, knee giving out, just one thing after another. Didn't help that the pup was still learning how to walk by my side without crossing in front of me. LOL I tripped over him more than once, and that didn't help with my desire to walk him every day.

    Finally it is all coming together. Started out just walking a half mile in the morning. Doctor's orders not to push the walking while the various injuries were still healing. I am so happy to say that we have come a long way since we started this. We walk nearly every day, two miles in the morning and two miles in the afternoon. That routine has also helped my scales to move a bit better, too. ehehe

    When the weather gets a little cooler, I am planning to add a mile in the morning and then as that gets to be easier I will add a mile in the afternoon. Got to take the weather into consideration as I live in a desert area.
  • Hi All :smile:

    I logged in my 1st 2.67 miles walking outside today. My pedometer logs my steps and miles

    I had my goal set at 100 miles for October, but I thought that might be a bit much.

    I am happy to be here!!!

    :flowerforyou: HAPPY October :flowerforyou:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Hi all. Glad to find a place where everyone is walking. I am not a runner and I don't have wii or a treadmill or DVD's for walking. I have a dog that needs to be exercised. LOL

    I joined MFP on 19 Feb 2010 at 205 pounds. My scales stayed stuck for the first few weeks. But I finally was able to get a pound or two off after I had developed the data base on my diary and was learning how to tweak it to stay out of the red. But it was really slow going. Then I went to visit family for a week and gained back what I had lost. Got back on track in at the end of April and have been making slow progress since then.

    I got a puppy in May of 2009. He was already a big boy at 4 months. I knew I needed to walk him but I was a little hit or miss about it, because I was having some difficulty with muscles being strained, sprained ankle, knee giving out, just one thing after another. Didn't help that the pup was still learning how to walk by my side without crossing in front of me. LOL I tripped over him more than once, and that didn't help with my desire to walk him every day.

    Finally it is all coming together. Started out just walking a half mile in the morning. Doctor's orders not to push the walking while the various injuries were still healing. I am so happy to say that we have come a long way since we started this. We walk nearly every day, two miles in the morning and two miles in the afternoon. That routine has also helped my scales to move a bit better, too. ehehe

    When the weather gets a little cooler, I am planning to add a mile in the morning and then as that gets to be easier I will add a mile in the afternoon. Got to take the weather into consideration as I live in a desert area.

    First of all Welcome to the group!

    betterchoices - Welcome also.

    DesertCowgirl love that you are wanting to walk the dog and totally understand with injuries. I spent most of last year with fractures in both my feet and an antsy dog. I just wanted to tell you if you have a treadmill its really easy to teach the dog to walk even run on it. My dog loves it! Lots of treats is the trick. Mine will anything for cheese.

    Well just like I though last night I over did it with the walking and exercise. No walking for me today except for a quicky around to block so the dog would leave me alone. Not going to count it though.

    I'll be back tomorrow! Have a great night everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    T.G.I.F. YAY!

    I'm so glad to have all the new walkers joining us. It really helps keep us all motivated. This is a great group and I hope you enjoy walking with them as much as I do.

    I finally got to do my walk tonight. I did the WATP 4 Mile Super Challenge. It was a super challenge too. Leslie's voice did not match her lips though! :laugh: I don't know if it is just my DVD or if they are all that way? I'll have to give it a good cleaning and see if it helps. Kind of like watching one of those old kung fu movies that was dubbed with english.

    My project for the weekend is to get some of those clothes out of my closet. Most are going to the thrift store and a few to the consignment shop. Plus that will give me a good excuse to do a little inexpensive retail therapy while I"m there. :happy:

    HOpe you all have a Greeat weekend!

    Maynard - I'm going to have to tell my friend about teaching the dog to walk on the treadmill. She has an over-sized puppy that loves to walk.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I feel greag I did 4 miles on the Noland Trail, it's alot of climbing so it's like hiking!!!! Boy am I tired, but I am so excited because now I am only 11 miles away from my goal after 3 months LOL:bigsmile: Hope everyone is walking and having fun:drinker:
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