A confession to the MFP Police



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I deleted a "friend" on here recently. This person would complain about the "idiots" that were on here who were asking for help and misguided. I deleted this person because misguided people are not idiots. In America today there is a whole lot more incorrect and unhealthy information on losing weight and becoming healthy than there is correct information. People tend to dive into what the fad is or whatever worked for someone else and then, it doesn't work. They proceed to ask for help because they are trying and they get made fun of or people are rude to them etc. I saw it first hand with the person I just referred too.

    1. Help - the genuine positive supportive kind of help - is a GREAT thing.

    2. Thinking that you are better than someone because you have had success and thus treating people like you are better than them is what I am talking about. These are the MFP police. The people who think that they are better than everyone else.

    If you have no idea what I am talking about, that is awesome. You have not run into one yet. And, I hope that you do not have to.

    I personally would have liked this quite a bit more if you had started with something like this. There are a handful of intentionally unhelpful people on here but they don't usually last long. IMHO, the rest are trying their best to help and at least just not cause too many problems.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I love this post too and agree that they are waaayyyy too many bullies on MFP, hiding behind their computer.

    I have yet to see any bullies. Seriously, people act like there's posters that just go around picking on people because they have nothing better to do. The "bullies" most people are talking about are actually offering help (sometimes sarcastically, big whoop) to someone who has asked for it. They don't just go around peeking in diaries for the heck of it and belittling people.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I love this post too and agree that they are waaayyyy too many bullies on MFP, hiding behind their computer.

    No kidding. You are correct but it is safe there hiding behind their computer screen.

    I am much more forceful and condescending in person.

    Hai Whierd :flowerforyou: :wink: :tongue:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Hmm. Maybe knowledgeable posters should just stop trying to help. There appears to be a lot of resentment toward their efforts. That's sad.

    It's why so many knowledgable and helpful people have left the forums or the site altogether. It takes entirely too much patience to put up with all of the anger and derp.

    This is true. I've noticed a significant drop-off too.

    And for those that are stuck on "credentials", they had them.

    QFT - the true experts won't put up with this. The one's I've had on my FL come into the forums and quickly leave.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    As long as we're confessing, I STILL don't know what TDEE is, not because I don't know how to look it up because it's probably more detail than I need.


    That's a good read. Not what I was looking for, though.

    In any event, people have opinions of one way over another... It's really just that... opinion. Do what works for you.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Maria, now that is freakin funny :)

    Just wanted to say that I love the original post by the author of this thread!!! SOOOO worth reading. Kinda got lost in all the responses but the point is do it your way.. **** the haters.

    If you're getting results from the way that works for you good! If you are not, then maybe you should make some changes. But this is a lifestyle change and in order for it to last it has to be a change that can be done by real people

    Just sayin

  • I just want to see the post where someone said "Things are going great and I lost 35 lbs!" and someone said "Well clearly the problem is you gotta weigh your coffee creamer fatty"

    Luckily, I have not had this happen to me..... I like to try to find a solution on my own first. So, I read. I read posts on here. I read replies to questions. And I am embarrassed that there are people on here that behave the way that some do. See, if (when) I catch my CHILDREN treating others the way some ADULTS on here treat people, there is hell to pay. So when I see adults doing this to people, it disgusts me. And a lot of the time, the people that are getting bullied are too afraid to stand up for themselves.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's not the help that most resent...it's their tone. I've been called stupid more here in the last two days than ever in my life. Starting to wonder how I ever became valedictorian of my class.

    When I was in nursing school 10 years ago, the hospitals I did my clinicals in used electronic thermometers with a blue probe for oral temp and a red probe for the back door temp. The valedictorian of my nursing class didn't know the difference between the two and put the anal end in someone's mouth.

    Just sayin'.

    I literally lol'd
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    As long as we're confessing, I STILL don't know what TDEE is, not because I don't know how to look it up because it's probably more detail than I need.

    It's my preferred method because, frankly, I'm to lazy to be playing with figuring out how many calories I burn working out/having my calories pingpong a lot/eating 1300 calories on days I don't work out.

    It's not a better method by any means, just one that works for certain people in certain situations. Also they do generally end up being very similar, intake wise.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I think you are my hero. Thanks for sharing
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I just want to see the post where someone said "Things are going great and I lost 35 lbs!" and someone said "Well clearly the problem is you gotta weigh your coffee creamer fatty"

    Luckily, I have not had this happen to me..... I like to try to find a solution on my own first. So, I read. I read posts on here. I read replies to questions. And I am embarrassed that there are people on here that behave the way that some do. See, if (when) I catch my CHILDREN treating others the way some ADULTS on here treat people, there is hell to pay. So when I see adults doing this to people, it disgusts me. And a lot of the time, the people that are getting bullied are too afraid to stand up for themselves.

    Well then, may i request an example of this 'bullying' you have seen?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I second a great many others- I love you and your post! (it sounds a lot like me, btw) :drinker:
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    It's not the help that most resent...it's their tone. I've been called stupid more here in the last two days than ever in my life. Starting to wonder how I ever became valedictorian of my class.
    I remember a specific thread you were in and no one called you stupid, but they did question your attitude about something based on an urban legend someone copied and pasted from Facebook that you were using as the basis for your own argument.

    An urban legend that's been debunked a thousand times and has no scientific backing whatsoever.

    So ... You're probably not stupid, but you may need to work on critical thinking skills. That is not people here being mean or "the MFP police."

    And, put the way that you just did, I may have listened much sooner. I have never claimed to be an expert in any way on that topic. Also, I do not know the credible sites to go look for on that particular subject. Nor, do I have the time to look for them.

    It was the tone that everyone was using towards the poster and the subsequent people that dared to post on that subject that got my hackles up. People with knowledge do not have to be rude to get their points across. Or, use sarcasm to cut people down. If they are trying to be helpful...be helpful without the attitudes.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I just want to see the post where someone said "Things are going great and I lost 35 lbs!" and someone said "Well clearly the problem is you gotta weigh your coffee creamer fatty"

    Luckily, I have not had this happen to me..... I like to try to find a solution on my own first. So, I read. I read posts on here. I read replies to questions. And I am embarrassed that there are people on here that behave the way that some do. See, if (when) I catch my CHILDREN treating others the way some ADULTS on here treat people, there is hell to pay. So when I see adults doing this to people, it disgusts me. And a lot of the time, the people that are getting bullied are too afraid to stand up for themselves.

    Keep them away from:

    Political Forums
    Sports Forums
    Game Forums
    Parenting Forums
    Religious Forums

    This place is so tame, in comparison to the rest of the web.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I just want to see the post where someone said "Things are going great and I lost 35 lbs!" and someone said "Well clearly the problem is you gotta weigh your coffee creamer fatty"

    Luckily, I have not had this happen to me..... I like to try to find a solution on my own first. So, I read. I read posts on here. I read replies to questions. And I am embarrassed that there are people on here that behave the way that some do. See, if (when) I catch my CHILDREN treating others the way some ADULTS on here treat people, there is hell to pay. So when I see adults doing this to people, it disgusts me. And a lot of the time, the people that are getting bullied are too afraid to stand up for themselves.

    Do you report those posts? I guess I don't see the bullying...Or maybe I'm the bully IDK.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's not the help that most resent...it's their tone. I've been called stupid more here in the last two days than ever in my life. Starting to wonder how I ever became valedictorian of my class.
    I remember a specific thread you were in and no one called you stupid, but they did question your attitude about something based on an urban legend someone copied and pasted from Facebook that you were using as the basis for your own argument.

    An urban legend that's been debunked a thousand times and has no scientific backing whatsoever.

    So ... You're probably not stupid, but you may need to work on critical thinking skills. That is not people here being mean or "the MFP police."

    And, put the way that you just did, I may have listened much sooner. I have never claimed to be an expert in any way on that topic. Also, I do not know the credible sites to go look for on that particular subject. Nor, do I have the time to look for them.

    It was the tone that everyone was using towards the poster and the subsequent people that dared to post on that subject that got my hackles up. People with knowledge do not have to be rude to get their points across. Or, use sarcasm to cut people down. If they are trying to be helpful...be helpful without the attitudes.

    Tone is hard to interpret via text. Maybe try focusing on what is being said versus imagining how it is being said?
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Thank you, this is a great post!
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    LOL - lots of similarities - I used to NOT log my cream either - I started doing it, but I only log 1 serving (even though I have 2 or 3 cups of coffee). I NEVER drink enough water. I try not to eat my exercise calories back. TTDEE (or whatever) just seems to darn complicated to me. I don't monitor my heart rate - I turn beat red, sweat profusely and breath heavy - I figure I'm getting enough exercise. I do measure and weigh my food occasionally because I realize I underestimate portions.
    You are obviously doing something right!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I wish I could get away with that stuff! Life would be so much easier. :frown:

    Unfortunately, I seem to have been born without the moderation gene. Or the guestimation gene. Oh, and I have no sense of direction, but that has little to do with weight loss, just another one of my short comings. Probably related to my inability to guesstimate my portion sizes.

    It took me 3 months and lots of people on the forums telling me to weigh and measure all my foods to learn why I wasn't losing weight.

    Now, it's well over a year later and I'm still amazed at how tiny a tablespoon of peanut butter looks.