

  • AccioHotBod
    AccioHotBod Posts: 44 Member
    First of all - give yourself a BIG pat on the back for realising that you needed to change and for having stuck with it for this long without the motivation of significant weight-loss. Then give yourself a big hug, because you're worth way more than you're giving yourself credit for. Now - ask yourself if quitting will help you, or just reinforce all the negative things you're thinking right now.

    OK - now I want you to do a very honest thing. Post here, right now, the answers to the following:

    Do you weight your portions?
    Do you cheat on what you log?
    Do you religiously check on the nutritional info of what you log?
    Do you eat any of the following:

    cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweeties
    pasta, rice
    table sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey
    fruit juices, diet soda, other sweet fizzy drinks
    crisps, fried foods
    junk food, fast food, boxed food, packaged meals, processed food
    burgers, pizzas, chips
    potatoes, sweetcorn??????????????????????

    If 'yes' to any of the above, you are on a hiding to nothing. The secret's simple - ditch ALL of these - cold turkey. Eat:

    any and all salad stuffs
    any and all non-starchy veg
    seafood, meat, eggs
    fruit (in moderation)
    low-carb bread if you HAVE to eat bread

    Keep up your exercise, using MFP ACCURATE logging ensure you're calorie intake is less than you're expenditure every day and you WILL lose weight - almost impossible not to unless you are a biological miracle!

    Hang in there. I took 2 years to lose my last 5 kgs. If you are overweight, it's much easier than that!!!

    Unless you're a figure competitor 16 weeks 'til show...I don't see why you need to eliminate these foods?
  • wendybee73
    Please don't give up! Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing. I have not seen before and after but honestly don't care. Its obvious that what you're doing is working im thinking you must be gaining muscle. have you noticed your clothes fitting differently?
    My husband just started this 5 X 5 workout which seems to be a really great work out program. one supposedly that you can do for the remainder of your life with only changing the amount of weight you lift. maybe your body has reached a plateau with the workouts your doing? maybe if you try something new like this you might feel motivated again.. The long and short of it is you are a role model to me right now. I am seriously hoping to loose weight and look up to women like yourself that have lost and maintained your weight and continue to work on remaining healthy. So to summarize. don't give up. maybe just a change?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Beyonce is sexy though :P
  • melindatoomey3
    I had a similar situation a few months ago, and I did give up and you know what I discovered when I quit I gained 15 so though I wasn't losing anything what I was doing was keeping more weight off. I did feel better to mentally at least. Don't give up you are doing great.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    You need to WEIGH your food. It's far too easy to let your subconscious mind fool you when you go by "eyeball" or volume methods. A "cup of chicken" can vary widely as far as calories go depending on how one packs it. In your diary I see a lot of close-is-good-enough entries. Weigh the various components of a sandwich (for example) and enter them individually. Yes, it's more of a pain in the backside to measure everything and enter everything but calories is arguably the biggest part of the weight loss equation.
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Gaining muscle, losing fat can put weight ON, due to the extra weight muscle has...
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Glad you made it official.

    Quitters QUIT. Doers DO.

    If you want it .... GET AFTER IT. Consistency. Persistence = WIN.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.

    *mops coffee off keyboard* :laugh:
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    9 months doing the same thing with no progress, and instead of asking for help and changing something you're just giving up?


    I agree, what good can come from giving up? You will not like how quickly the weight piles back on. Hang in there and see all these comments as constructive criticism.

    Like I said to one lady, when you feel like this write a list, one side of all the negatives like sad unmotivated fed to each one write the exact opposite happy, motivated, active....... Each day for how many negative items you have focus on one positive for the whole day and make your choices around that positive. Come back to us and let us know how you feel, not what the scales say.
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.

    Ahhhhhahahhaaa I am at work and laughed so hard to this that everyone is staring:laugh: :happy: :happy: :blushing: at me now
  • bykejs
    You could be gaining more muscle, it also could be your natural weight so your body doesn't want to change. Though I think it's the first one. Try measuring yourself(I never thought I was going anywhere until I re-measured and found out my calves lost 1/4 of an inch and my thighs 1 inch and my arms 4/10 of an inch. Considering you have been doing 30 minutes a day that is probably strangth training right? I think you're just gaining muscle and getting smaller but not a TON that is extremely noticeable, I've never noticed my clothes feeling any looser but other people have.
    The key to any diet is persistence, never have "an off day" or "rule braking days" because you'll just be misarible and won't stick to it, not yourself indulge but not too much!
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    As most of the other posts here state, you could be putting on muscle. The other thing to understand is that losing 'weight' is often compared against what you want to be versus where you used to be. Example - I (ideally' want to be 174 lbs but used to be 220 lbs. I've hung around 188 for about 2 months because of diet and weight training. I've dropped 4% in fat in this time and put on 2% in muscle but not lost weight and if anything, maybe gained it slightly. If you put on muscle, the mirror is your best friend, not the scales. Sure, use them as a brief monitor ( I used them twice a week) but don't rely on them. They lie, the mirror does not (unless you've got your beer goggles on :tongue:
  • wdeidra19
    AND she's my Motivation!!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    AND she's my Motivation!!

    To give up?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweeties
    pasta, rice
    table sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey
    fruit juices, diet soda, other sweet fizzy drinks
    crisps, fried foods
    junk food, fast food, boxed food, packaged meals, processed food
    burgers, pizzas, chips
    potatoes, sweetcorn??????????????????????

    If 'yes' to any of the above, you are on a hiding to nothing. The secret's simple - ditch ALL of these - cold turkey.

    Teaching food abstinence works about as well as teaching sexual abstinence.

    That is, it doesn't.

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweeties
    pasta, rice
    table sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey
    fruit juices, diet soda, other sweet fizzy drinks
    crisps, fried foods
    junk food, fast food, boxed food, packaged meals, processed food
    burgers, pizzas, chips
    potatoes, sweetcorn??????????????????????

    If 'yes' to any of the above, you are on a hiding to nothing. The secret's simple - ditch ALL of these - cold turkey.

    Teaching food abstinence works about as well as teaching sexual abstinence.

    That is, it doesn't.

    This may be the best thing I've ever read about food.

    (johnnythan's advice.....not the post about ditching stuff)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweeties
    pasta, rice
    table sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey
    fruit juices, diet soda, other sweet fizzy drinks
    crisps, fried foods
    junk food, fast food, boxed food, packaged meals, processed food
    burgers, pizzas, chips
    potatoes, sweetcorn??????????????????????

    If 'yes' to any of the above, you are on a hiding to nothing. The secret's simple - ditch ALL of these - cold turkey.

    Teaching food abstinence works about as well as teaching sexual abstinence.

    That is, it doesn't.

    This may be the best thing I've ever read about food.

    (johnnythan's advice.....not the post about ditching stuff)

    I gotta admit, I felt like I was really onto something great when I typed it :laugh:
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.

    I hear Beyonce eats dirty
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    You know what grinds my gears about these threads? Over 100 positive, thought out, helpful responses and the OP comes back to yell at someone about being "negative". Not a lick of gratitude for all the posts that did give her the "rah rah" encouragement she was obviously angling for.

    ...and this is why long-timers on here get fed up with helping newbs ...which leads them to focus more on posting funny gifs ...which offends the easily butthurt ...who then report the humor to the mods ...who then issue strikes reflexively ...and that's how long-timers get banned ...soon to be replaced by the few newbs who took the time to listen to the good advice they got when they posted threads like this.

    it's the circle of life, really.

    This for sure