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Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi all :D
    I just started this program this week. I am on Day 3 of week 1. Gotta say I feel pretty amazing.
    I was doing it Mon Weds and I was going to do it Friday but I waited till this morning so that my husband could take the other dog and jog. It was nice that my husband who is fit, supporting me and doing the jogging the same time I was was really a great motivation. I feel really accomplished that I jogged just as much as he did today, even if it was a breeze for him. It followed the program and I feel great :D
    God bless everyone!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    this program is the only thing that managed to get me running. I was the crappiest runner in the world. I am still not amazing, but i am now running 5km 3x a week and trying to improve my time. its all about intervals
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I start the C25K about 8 months ago and since then I have run in 4 5k's improving my time each race. My last race I ran in just under 28 minutes. My goal is to run a 10K on Thanksgiving...my longest run has been 5.78 miles in just under an hour! So exciting to see so many other people getting off the couch and running...It is very motivating!!! Also, for all of you that haven't run a 5k race yet...when you sign up for one beware...THEY ARE ADDICTING!!!!!!:smile:
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Lori – wow 6km that is incredible!! Oh, I am also in Canada!! I love the treadmill at the gym with the tvs built in

    Carfam – wow down 12 lbs already that is awesome!!! Woot woot

    K8tk9 – Of course u can join! Anyone is welcome at any time. My idea is if you can afford it – a treadmill perhaps at home? Or if you have a gym membership go in the morning before work? Does your gym have child watching, or do u have a partner/family friend/ who could watch her for an hour some days or mornings?

    Im sostarstruck – great idea to start the program. It really is an amazing one! Stick with it and you will continue to be amazed

    Fitbot – that is amazing news, its great to hear that you have stuck with it

    Wardiemelissa – thanks for the advice, I can already tell that running is addicting lol I’ll hold off for my first one till next Spring

    As for my myself – I completed my final run of C25K today – last 30 min run that is. So now I begin to focus on distance as opposed to time. To be honest I didn’t look today at the distance – but usually including my 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down I am about 3.06 ishhh
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks Sundinsgurl for all the kind words :D
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I ended up walking the 5K in Houston. No one in our group ran. There were 35,000 people there, a new record. It took us 25 minutes just to get to the starting line of the walk. It was massive and uplifting, but no running.

    Yesterday (after the 9 1/2 hour drive home) I did 3 miles. I did the first week of C25K and it was really fun. I ran faster during the running part. I was surprised at how far I'd come.

    WOW Melissa. A 10K.

    Fitbot. I know what you mean. If I can do this, anyone can. I'm still a crappy runner, but I'm trying. I'm thinking about posting a message about form for running.

    StarStruck. This program really works.

    I wonder how long Anne will be in Hawaii. Anyone know?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone - I've been gone for ages I know but I finally got back into it this weekend with Week 3 Day 1 completed.
    Between the receding daylight and planning for my Wedding (2.5 weeks away!) I've been short on running time so have been doing more workout DVD's.
    I miss the running though so planning to rearrange my schedule starting tomorrow to allow for at least 2 running slots per week.

    LJC - well done on the 5k even though it was too crowded to actually run - sounds like a wonderful experience.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Week 2 of B210K, three sets of 15 minute runs with 1 minute walks. I'm starting to have second thoughts though, my knees have been getting a little sore and feeling weak after my run. I have been lifting weights on my non-run days, so I might switch to the elliptical and pick the running back up in the spring. Hopefully if I can continue to drop some weight over the winter, my knees will handle it a little better! I'll see how the next few days go to decide for sure, but will keep checking in.

    Sundinsgurl- Congrats on finishing!

    ljc- I've been wondering about Anne too, I'm interested to hear how her race went and I'm also wondering how her knee is doing. I thought she said a couple weeks or so.

    Melissa- Good luck with the 10K! I hope to get there some day!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I wish I was in Hawaii as well :P

    I went to the gym yesterday and did a 30 min run - I honestly didnt check the distance. Tomorrow when I go I will keep an eye on the distance and see if I can get in 5km of running. It might not be possible since I have to be out of the gym by 10am in order to get home shower and get to work on time. I cant go any earlier because I work a morning shift 7:15-9 shift as well. So I rush to the gym.. Either way I will do what I can get in!

    I am feeling a cold coming along.. stuffy nose, runny nose, my head has been hurting, ive been sneezing. I felt it this morning and its only gotten worse through out the day. My plan is to go to the gym tomorrow, hoping that it will make me feel better after I get moving. However if I am feeling really crappy and tired I will go home and get an extra hour of sleep.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I have been doing alright keeping up with the running and trying to do it at least 3 days a week...2 with the kids and dog, and one by myself. Not overly motivated right now...been drizzly for a couple of days and we are moving in a couple of weeks...so lots on my plate right now. Thank goodness we don't have to pack! Hurray for the military!

    MaxPower: I have the same issue with my knees (mostly weather and past surgery related). Aleve is fantastic! I take it twice a day on days that I run, so that I can...otherwise, I would never be able to. Morning and night, 12 hours apart...running somewhere in between. Works wonders for me...just a thought.

    sundinsgurl: Wow you have to get up early to go to the gym! Bravo...I barely make myself crawl out of bed by 7:45 to feed the kids :) Lucky for me they are late sleepers!

    ljc: As far as Anne is concerned...I think she signed on recently, but hasn't been on in a few days...maybe she is back from hawaii?

    Promise I will run tomorrow...even as unmotivated as I feel right now. I know I will feel better!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    For the past two days I've done week 3 of C25K and working on speed. Actually yesterday I did it twice, 2 miles out and 2miles back. On each of the 2 miles I ran a quarter of a mile 3 times at 12 min miles. Much faster than the 16 min miles from the 5K. :smile: It actually took me 3 days to figure out how to run faster. I am not an athlete at all, but by the end of yesterday's workout I felt like I'd got it. My back is a little sore this morning proving I'm using muscles I don't usually use. We're on fall break so I have more time. Going on a bike ride today and going to see my youngest two this afternoon. And, it's my birthday today. :smooched:

    Jpotvin - Good luck on the move. That is so stressful. Hopefully it will be smooth. Is your husband at his training?

    Max - I'm sorry we aren't giving you much support on the B210K. Hopefully the knees will hold out. That's a big jump in the running time.

    Meokk - I'm sure you don't have a lot of time with a wedding in a few weeks. I'd love to hear more about the plans.

    Sundinsgurl - I hope the cold will pass you by. That is definitely no fun. Get rest if it does. I want to be in Hawaii too! :drinker:
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I managed to get the boys and myself out of the house this morning for a long walk....with a very short jog thrown in. Walked over to Walmart...shopped, then ventured over to the watershed where I jog, walked one lap, and jogged another, then finally walked home. Just so tired...perhaps my youngest should start sleeping through the night...will be very glad to move...he can start then when he has his own room!

    My husband is not at training yet...he leaves the 20th, we leave for a vacation to "home" the 21st. Our stuff gets packed on the 18th, moved out of our house on the 19th, and we will have it delivered when I am back from vacation on the 26th....crazy. But thank god I don't have to pack!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Still not feelin that well but went to the gym for a run today anyways. Only had time for a 31 min run - I payed attention to the distance and I ran 2.67 miles - so still short of the 5K its just so hard to get it in when I only have a short time period between work shifts.

    JPotvin - sounds like you are very very busy right now, luckily you dont have to pack! Good job for getting in a few runs a week :)

    ljc - HAPPY BIRTHDAY again :) that is a great idea to go back and try to improve your time, already your improving your time soo much!! Your doing great. Next time you'll blow the 5KM out of the water

    Max - sorry to hear that your knees are sore! Prolly a good idea to switch up your routine anyways - I am trying to figure out another challenge to do as well. I am considering the Insanity program - but I enjoy running so much now!!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    I should probably clarify on my knee problem, they don't really hurt much, but they tend to "pop" a lot for the day or so after my run. It's hard to describe, and not as painful as it sounds, but like cracking your knuckles but it's my knees. So it's not so much pain but I'm just afraid of doing damage. I know they say if you don't cool down properly after a run lactic acid (I think?) can build up in your joints and cause stiffness, but I always walk at least 15 minutes to get home after running, and I walk on my off days. Who knows. The weather was so nice today I couldn't bring myself to use an elliptical inside so I gave running a shot and it was fine. Afterwards my knees didn't feel as bad as they did Tuesday, so hopefully I can keep it up. I just hope I can get all the way through B210K before moving on to something else.

    ljc- that is an interesting idea about going back to week 3 and working on speed, I could definitely benefit from that. Plus, I know higher intensity intervals are great for burning a ton of calories. Hmmm... I'll have to think about that one. Maybe some shorter durations of higher intensity would be better for my knees than the steady pounding for 45 minutes of running... slowly. Thanks for the idea, and I hope you had a great birthday!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Had an hour soccer practice today.. more so just practice scrimmage so there was some running involved. Not sure if I will run or do the elliptical tomorrow at the gym.. I guess I will decide when I get there

    Max - just try your best to get through the B210K.. maybe take a few more walking days in between and see if that helps the knees at all?
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Well, I finally made it though 3.1 miles and only had to walk for a total of 2.5 minutes. My husband is the best...he took the boys in the jogger for a walk while I ran with the dog...I gave up on the dog after about a mile and a half since she kept stopping to pee....so I dropped her off with my husband and boys and kept going! We have a great route to run where we are right now, nice quiet area at the watershed...1 lap is .7 miles. It is a perfect 5k once you get past the one set of lights, .5 miles to the watershed, do 3 laps, and head back uphill to the lights. :) I was tired...but so happy! Feeling better, have my energy back, hurray!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Hi everyone, hope I can join this group. I will be running my second 5k race this october 23rd. I am currently at week 4.1
    A little out of shape since I didn't run at all this summer. I was busy entertaining family and friends from overseas. I am back and want all the motivation I can get!!!! Thanks all!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Happy Sunday Everyone! Went for a run late this morning after the coffee had kicked in and ran 3 miles...best time yet...and I only had to walk for 1 minute! Woohoo...I actually feel like I am getting somewhere :) Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Aloha! :happy:

    Thanks so much for thinking of me!! I had an AMAZING vacation! While I know everyone can't manage an opportunity like that, my recommendation is NOT to put "big" things like that off to the future...we don't know what the future holds. Case in point, my parents had ALWAYS planned to go to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary--my mother died the night before that deadline. The "Hawaii" fund went to pay for hospital/funeral bills instead of their dream trip. From another "post-trip" perspective, many, many, many, many of those on the cruise component of our trip were very elderly. While I'm sure they had a good time, there are just so many things to do/see that some weren't capable of due to physical limitations. I saw two people fall--falls are never good.

    The Taco Maui 5k was such a great experience! My husband backed out on me (he was going to walk) but I met a group of girls from St. Louis and one decided she wanted to run intervals with me! (4 min run/1 min walk) She started out strong, but then I had to hold back and walk more than planned to keep her with me (she kept telling me to go on, but it's always more fun to be with someone else). In the end, we were doing 2/2 intervals with a little burst at the end. At the end, just as we crossed the finish line, she threw up!!! :laugh: Sorry, but I did laugh! I apologized for pushing her so much and she said, "no, thanks for the encouragement". We have a pretty funny pic of me laughing as I crossed and her getting ready to hurl. OK...TMI...I know!

    Since coming home, I have run in TWO more 5k's--improving my time with each one. In Maui, I was at 43 something, last week my time was 38 something, and for the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure yesterday, I hit 36:21. I am still doing intervals and planning to continue that. I'm reading Jeff Galloway's book about running a half-marathon and he is a big proponent of doing just that...no matter the distance. During the Komen race, I had one spurt where I forgot to watch the time that I ran 5.5 min but kept on intervals other than that. The MOST fun thing about that race was all the encouragement! There were school bands playing, cheerleaders from local high schools and dance teams, and many others. Another thing was that we crossed over and back on a bridge (across the Ohio River) and it was fun watching for people from our running group as we passed each other (that's when I lost track of time). Crossing the bridge was fun too :smile: .

    My knee: is doing very well. I have very few instances of pain. In Hawaii, I hiked, climbed, swam, and ran with only two occurrences of pain. I lost a pound on vacation!!!!!!! (I brought a knee brace but didn't use it) My last time was Tuesday after a training run (I was walking).

    A new problem: dizziness. I went to hot yoga Wednesday and could hardly finish due to dizziness (unusual for me). I had another vague episode when I was leaving a work meeting on thursday. Probably just tired and maybe a bit dehydrated but I hope it doesn't continue!!

    (at this point, I'm going to apologize about not getting on here sooner but my grandchildren got here a week ago Saturday and life has been busy and somewhat stressful since their parents are splitting up--one is 18 mos and the other 4 mos)
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Anne - such good advice about not waiting to do things. It sounds like your trip was awesome! I got a laugh out of the girl hurling at the finish line. Great job of the three 5Ks and going better in time on each. The Race for the Cure is a really uplifting race. I had only done (walked) the one here before, so going to Houston for their's was interesting. Definitely different than our's. Some things I liked better. The one in Houston had a "survivors" finish area where my sister went down a shoot (for lack of a better word) that was lined with people cheering. It was quite a long distance too. Our's is October 30 and my sister and her family are coming up for that one. I was planning on running, but I don't think my sister will, and I'd like to be there with her.

    This morning I rode my bike on our new Greenline, which is a 7 mile rails to trails path. I went all the way out and all the way back and hardly felt it. It was really beautiful, a little crowded at times, but nice. It took me about 100 minutes.

    JPotvin you are doing awesome!

    Welcome Mangoaddict! Love the name. :smile: