
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michelle, I hope communication improves with your son.

    Today is "Red Dress" (or "Dress Red") day to bring awareness to women's heart health. I thought I would put my profile pic up wearing a red dress, which I no longer have. I am wearing red slacks, and a red T-shirt, and will be wearing my red and black polka dot jacket :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am on my way to a housewarming get together for our oldest son and his gf. So happy they found each other.

    Remember to do today what is good for your health and happiness.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
    Big storm supposed to be hitting us by this evening. Better batten down the hatches!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: There is no news here today which is probably a blessing when I read about the turmoil that some of you are experiencing.

    :flowerforyou: We’ve had rain on and off all morning and the dogs and I were soaked after our walks…30 minutes before breakfast and 2 and half hours after breakfast. Jake and I started to watch our team's football game on TV but suddenly he didn’t feel well and went off to the guest room for a nap. Our team is losing so I shut the TV off and will take the dogs out again as soon as I shift the next load of wash into the dryer.

    :flowerforyou: Tomorrow is the last day of the month, so it’s time to be thinking about goals and resolutions for October. Don’t forget that we’ll have a new thread for the month of October and it will be posted in the evening tomorrow. I’ll post it before I watch Dancing With the Stars and let you know the link to the new thread.

    :bigsmile: I got to thinking back on some of the resolutions I made a few years ago when I started here and realized that I don’t make those resolutions anymore because they are so automatic (drinking water and posting food are prime examples). It’s like not having to make a resolution to shower or brush my teeth…….eventually good habits can become automatic and then you can move onto something new to add to your life.

    :heart: Barbie from very rainy NW Washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    FYI, I deleted the app and reinstalled it and now it works fine. In case anybody else had that problem.

  • lf4k
    lf4k Posts: 8
    Hello, Ladies,

    I am new to MFP and just found this board. I'd like to join you if I may! I am 52 and, after many false starts over the last 20 years, finally committed to losing weight and getting in better shape. I'm not sure what 'flipped the switch' in my head, but something did! I'm down 16 pounds since last Spring, with 8 of those in the last six weeks.

    I've browsed through the last few pages on this board, and the thing that I liked was not just that you all are supportive of each other's physical goals, but also in life itself. Girl talk, lol! The women with marital trouble, distant children, dealing with ex's, etc. I really appreciated that.

    I live in Oregon and we are being clobbered my storms this weekend! I saw that at least two of you are also being hammered here in the great Northwest. Heather, I spent three weeks in Italy several years ago and it was fabulous. Best trip of my life. Why are you in Rome and how long do you get to stay?

    I have two questions for you all:

    1. I drink a lot of Crystal Light throughout the day. Does that count as water? It's 5 cals a glass.

    2. Yesterday I did really well on my diet and went to bed feeling quite proud of myself. This morning I wake up and I've gained 2 pounds overnight. What the heck?!?!!?!?

    I just wanted to introduce myself; looking forward to getting to know you all better!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    I have two questions for you all:

    1. I drink a lot of Crystal Light throughout the day. Does that count as water? It's 5 cals a glass.

    2. Yesterday I did really well on my diet and went to bed feeling quite proud of myself. This morning I wake up and I've gained 2 pounds overnight. What the heck?!?!!?!?

    I just wanted to introduce myself; looking forward to getting to know you all better!


    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Lee....you have come to the right place....I have been posting on this site for over four years and feel like this is family to me.

    Here are my answers to your questions:

    1. A lot of people count Crystal Light as water.......others strongly believe that most of the flavored waters have ingredients that are not safe and are not helpful to weight loss......I made the decision when I started on MFP to drink only water and an occasional cup of herb tea.

    2. I weigh myself every morning at exactly the same time in exactly the same nightshirt and socks and some days my weight is up as much as two pounds for no reason except perhaps too much sodium the day before. My experience has been to not take any single scale reading too seriously and to pay attention to trends. There is not necessarily an immediate response to food and exercise....sometimes you gain after a good day and lose after a bad day.......never, never, never give up.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Good afternoon ladies from wounderful 76 degree Grand Island, Nebraska. I love this weather. I love having the house open and aired out. I hope it stays this way tomorrow as my day off and I would like to work in my rock garden. I would like to have it done before the snow comes. Well will see how that works out.

    Slyvia--Sounds like your DH is one of the good guys! We are very Blessed!!

    Joyce--Sounds like things are winding down. It's nice the DGC got some things to remember their GGM. I pray DBIL keeps the relentionship with his daughters open and growing. You did such a caring job with them. Sounds like DH is struggling with his loss and all the things going on around him. Are you taking care of you??? I don't see anything wrong with rose color glasses. More people need to wear them.

    Gail--Sounds like you have been getting alot done. I want to work in my rock garden tomorrow. Hope the weather stays nice.

    Meg--Haven't seen any water yet!! Keep thinking I will drive out and check out the river, last time I was out that way it was pretty dry Sorry to hear about your problem with tv-phone-internet. It sounds like what we went thur with Direct tv. We now have Charter and my main problem with them is the bill is different every month. They always have a reason and we have changed nothing. But they have us as they know we want the service. Good for you taking charge of living for today, I really need to work on that. See my Blessings now and enjoy. Sounds like DD#2 is a great cook.

    Michele--Prayers for you and Bryan. Don't give up, keep the lines open and remember God can turn things around. My dad would always tell me to "Kill Them with kindness". I realize that is easier said then done at times and we want things now! Please know you are a good person and he will realize that one day.

    Katla--Glad you and the boat made it home safe.

    Heather--Glad you arrived safely. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.

    Jane--Good picture. Hope DD had fun at Homecoming. They grow up so fast.

    Well best get back to work and finish things up before the next shift come in. Last evening I started watching the History channel as they were up at the big Auto Auction at Peirce, Nebraska. I find it interesting that there are over 496 cars and most of them less then 25 miles on them. By the time I went to bed they had already sold over 10 millions dollars worth and had alday today to go. I find the whole story interesting.

    Blessed! Vickil GI NE
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Meg - Had to chuckle when I saw what DD#2 was making for diner. I made a lasagna sort of dish using thin length-wise slices of eggplant, with a ricotta/spinach mix in between layers, plus sauce! Sounds like we are eating similar dishes LOL.

    Getting things under more control is something I know you can do. Glad you are doing what you need to do at work. Years ago, I quit a corporate job, went back to school, then worked happily for a non-profit. Life is too short not to enjoy it as it comes.

    Jill in western MA
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you all for the messages that I received. I feel like I'm walking around in a fog not really sure how I'm feeling about it all. I am relived that she's gone so that I can nail shut that door completely. I have decided that I am not going to the funeral tomorrow. I assume that my sister will get most of whatever there is to inherit. I don't want anything. I don't need any reminders of her, she was never the mother that I needed.

    When I had my kids I vowed that if I did nothing else for them that they would know that their mother loved them unconditionally. I walked away from my family to protect them but it turned out it protected me too. I have a strong bond with both of my kids. Both of my kids are relieved that she's gone and neither of them want to go to the service.

    We had a wonderful dinner last night. It was great to get to know DS's GF better. She certainly held up her part in the conversations, wish is always nice. I splurged and my DD and I shared a desert cookie.

    I have been to the Y yesterday & today. Aquafit both morning and then swam some laps. I really do enjoy the pool and the whirlpool.

    Sleep well!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    katla - so glad you're home safe and sound. That was so wonderful of your neighbor to help you! You know, there seems to be these times when I just go thru sad periods, especially when I see cute little kids and remember that I'll never get to see Bryan's children. Like I said, I'm positive that his wedding was the last time I'll EVER see him. I just don't know what happened to him, he seems to have this "entitlement" feeling. Like everyone's wrong and he's right. He used to be willing to look at both sides of a debate, now he just wants to see his side and only his side. He only seems to care about his own feelings and not even care about the feelings of anyone else. As they say "time heals all wounds". I remember when my mother first died, my father finally got to the point where he wouldn't take me to the cemetery because I'd get so upset. Today, it doesn't hurt anywhere as much. The last time I was at the cemetery was when they buried his second wife in the same grave. I was crying but not for her, I really couldn't have cared less and wished she'd been buried with her own family, but for my own mother.

    Joyce - you never cease to amaze me with your love and caring.

    Gail - was your son in another country? Did he marry someone so that he could stay in that country? You know, now that I think of it, I don't even know that we can go see them since I have no idea if they'd even have room for guests. And to my knowledge, LaReunion isn't exactly a tourist place so there might not be anything for us to do while we were there. I've emailed him a couple of times asking for his address, no answer. The last time I mentioned that we'd really like to send Diana a birthday gift, but we need to know her birthday and what address to send it to. No answer. Frustrating!

    Didn't do any formal exercise today, Vince and I went outside and put down riverrock from about 1 to 3. The neighbor's kids came over. Talk about asking questions! But they're good kids. I also put down weed killer on the side of the garage. Wish I'd done it sooner so we could have started getting the ground ready for the landscape fabric and stone.

    Tomorrow is yoga, hold my plank, and then the extremepump class.

    A friend of ours, he used to work as a consultant for Vince's company, is going to be in the area and will come by on the 14th.

    I took my dress for the 1930 Murder Mystery to the lady to fix the sleeves the other day. She has two dogs so today I made dog biscuits that I'll take to her when I pick the dress up. Then I made pizza logs from Emily Bites for Mexican Train on Tuesday.

    Renny - what a lovely dress! thanks for putting it up. Is there a reason you no longer have it? It's probably too big, that's probably why

    Lee - welcome! Yes, we talk about everything and anything. Really, our personal lives influences our eating so much. Plus, someone may have been thru whatever you're going thru and can give you advice or at least ideas. That's one really good thing about this forum. Seriously, don't look at your weight day to day. Many times it takes our bodies a while to "catch up" with itself.

    Well, this couple who translated the letter for us for their wedding into Spanish, I've asked to translate a small letter to Diana telling her that we'd love to send her a birthday present but we need to know her birthday and to what address we should send it. Maybe she can't read in English? I have no idea. Maybe she can read English but feels more comfortable in Spanish, I don't know. Maybe if she'd unsure she's afraid of making some error? Alls I know is that I want to try.

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Cool evening and have the windows open.
    Sandy, I read your posts and I agree wholeheartedly with your decision regarding your estranged family. We cant pick our family, but we can pick our friends. It's always good to stay away from toxic people, family or not. Take care of yourself and your children, protect them and yourself. This didn't happen yesterday and I think over the years you have evaluated everything and have figured out what is best. You're doing the right thing.
    Walked 11,000 steps today and piddled around the house. Had Dad outside "airing out" listening to his book. Met up with some friends for dinner and now going to catch up on some reading.
    Trying to train my cat to "sit." She's around 15 years old and a big beggar, so now if she wants a morsel, she has to sit to get one. So far it's not working. Now she is in bed with me curled up alongside my leg. cozy.
    Susan in the mighty midwest
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning all,
    well sorry I didnt get to jot down anything yesterday afternoon ,DH and I went to a Electric car rally yesterday, DH enjoyed himself,I went for moral support, came home and warmed up some supper for him, I had cereal as I was just not to hungry..
    went early to the gym this am,have DH dinner and lunch all set, and the dogs fed,laundry done ,dried, folded and put away ,and now just sitting and having a cup of tea before I sweep and wash the floors
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    bump for tomorrow
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve been popping in reading everyday, just haven`t had much time post!

    Sandy:smile: My thoughts are with you as you continue forward:flowerforyou: ! You are a strong woman, be proud of yourself for taking care of children!!!

    Joyce:smile: Hope things will improve for hubby:flowerforyou: ! You have been a wonderful wife helping him through all of this!

    Michele:smile: Time to close the pool:frown: ? It was downright chilly this weekend:sad: !!!

    Meg:smile: Hope things will slow down a bit for you:flowerforyou: ! It`s easy for me to get overwhelmed when I`ve got too much going on! Time to make a list and start marking things off:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jill:smile: I agree, life is too short, we all need to take time to enjoy it!!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Your trip to Florida is coming up soon:bigsmile: !!! I had cereal for dinner last night too:happy: !

    Renny:smile: Love your quotes! You look awesome in that red dress!

    Amanda:smile: Glad you`re out of the hospital:flowerforyou: !!! Take care of yourself! Congrats to DD on the baby bump!!!

    Barbie:smile: I always enjoy reading your uplifting posts!!!

    Congrats to all those that have lost some pounds:bigsmile: !!! Hang in there if you`re like me and on a rollercoaster:sad: ! Even though the scale is not being my friend:angry: , I feel much much better!!!

    I`m having a bit of tendonitis in my left wrist, wearing a brace right now, which makes it hard to type:angry::grumble: . Dr. says I need to wear it for 6 weeks:noway: , I`m only into a week now and it`s not fun:sad: . However the swelling has gone down some and it doesn`t hurt nearly as bad as it did!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! See you all in October. Hard to believe Oct. is here already:noway: !

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read the last page just no time for individual responses today is my work morning I have a few min. before I get myself ready for 9. Thinking of trying the pool but don't know if it's still early for my back but I did the zumba through two songs yesterday with minimum pain. so just might try it. My patient goes 4 times a week for therapy so I might just join her this morning. If it's to hard all I have to do is leave. Or do what I can.

    Be back latter to talk to you ladies about Area Recognition Day yesterday.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump for later. Have a great day.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I had a really crazy weekend! Friday afternoon I started getting sick with a sore throat and sinus issues. Realized I brought back my DGS's cold from CT. Sick all weekend and still not well today but at work. Saturday a realtor came to list my TN house. My job status was confirmed and the house I found in CT, well the sellers took my offer, so away I go! Rented a storage unit to move some of the packed boxes to and began that endeavor. Packed and moved boxes to su all day yesterday while sick. Today, my back is killing me (already had issues before this started!) and still feel sick from the cold.

    I want to read all the previous posts but do not have time right now. Have to get back to work. Hugs to all who need them!

    Rita from TN (CT soon!)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning friends!

    Today I stepped off the scale smiling. I lost 8 pounds in September, so I'm pretty happy about that. My goal was 5. I'm really hoping to hit my goal weight by my Birthday in July, and at this rate I may actually make it.

    I had to take our older dog to the vet this morning. She's been having trouble with her back end. Arthritis we think, but the vet is keeping her to do some xrays. He has to give her some "Michael Jackson Juice" to get her to cooperate so I can't pick her up till about noon. Poor baby was chasing her beloved basketball and frisbees on three legs yesterday evening, and her left leg looked swollen. Even if she's hurting, she treasures that time of day with her favorite human (my hubby) and will not consider skipping it. (She nags at him if he says no.) That and taking walks are what she lives for. The vet gave her a shot a few weeks ago and it helped a lot, so I hoped he would give her another one, but he thinks he needs to see what's going on. She's only 6, so its a shame that she's got arthritis already.

    So I won't get to the gym today until after I get her home and settled. Bruno is in my office with me now, sleeping on a pillow. He looks so sweet. Probably planning what he's going to tear up next. He's a holy terror right now, but I'm still enjoying having a puppy in the house again. He makes me laugh all the time, which is worth the cost of a couple of area rugs and two shoes, right?. We're teaching him Roll Over now. He's almost got it, too. He loves learning new commands because he gets cheerios for a reward. It's really cute how he looks to Molly for lessons on how to be a dog. If we see something or someone that he hasn't seen before, he looks at Molly to see how she reacts. If she barks, he barks. If she doesn't, he doesn't. Monkey see, monkey do.

    Well, I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day. I can't believe tomorrow is October!

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies –

    Happy Monday and goodbye September!!! I don’t know about all of you, but it is incredible how fast time goes by. Had dinner w/the In-Laws this past weekend and dad mentioned how fast goes by. If it goes by quickly now, I can’t imagine how fast it will seem to speed by 20 years from now!!!

    Think the bathroom re-model is nearing completion!! They painters are here today and the glass for the shower is being installed on Weds. It will be so nice to start to get the house back in order and clean (there seems to be dust everywhere!!!).
    Robin – congratulations on your new granddaughter!!

    :smile: Meg – I’m glad you stood up for yourself and told your boss no more evening clinicals. Have to take care of yourself first!!
    :smile: Sandy – I don’t blame you, Canadian winters can be harsh. A few years back I had to go to Ottawa for a week every month for work. I remember January and February just being bleak and brutally cold. Just caught up to 9/28 – I am sorry for what you have had to go through; I think even though you haven’t had contact you may need to grieve in a way. My mom is still alive and my situation is different, but I can totally relate to grieving for the mother you never had. Be kind to yourself.
    :smile: Sue in TX – we had to move everything out of our bathroom, so when we get to move back in I will do a lot of purging.
    :smile: Linda – that Pumpkin Spice Latte sounds devine!
    :smile: Barbie – I enjoyed your freedom of choice listing. I think it is spot on.

    Be well ladies.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon,where did Sept go?
    Have a good day.
    Hugs to all that need them:heart::heart: :heart:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well did the water stretch and walk with my patient and what's nice about that is that it's free for her care giver. But the back didn't suffer to much yet from it. But nights not here yet. I think I will buy a three month pass only 70 bucks so not so bad. If it's paid i'll push more to go.

    See all lighter.