Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 6



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So in my goal to not be defeated by target pants I went back...this time knowing I've been wearing a 17.

    And now I fit in 14's!!! So progress HAS been made. I bought a pair and feel fabulous. I'm also getting my hair cut today. That's a pretty rare event since I've been trying to grow my hair out from the faux-hawk I had about a year ago. Think Pink's hair. I decided it's time to give it SOME sort of style lol
  • Re: Rach--That protein drink looks amazing! I was addicted to those Starbucks ones when I was in high school. They're SO good! Does this one taste similar?

    Re: Katie--That IS a great accomplishment! Congrats!


    I'm excited about weigh-in on Monday! I think this week has gone really well :) Let's hope those numbers say the same thing.
    Last night I did my S/PUCs even though I didn't feel like it. Got some aggression out. Mind's been in a fog since last night and I've been getting so frazzled and anxious. NO IDEA where that has come from. Ovulation maybe? Anyway, I did my stuff anyway, and today is my rest day. Tomorrow though, I start week 3 of C25K! Excited about that, too.

    Here's hoping the new week brings new sanity!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Re: Rach--That protein drink looks amazing! I was addicted to those Starbucks ones when I was in high school. They're SO good! Does this one taste similar?

    I tastes JUST like the mocha one to me. Only 178 calories per 8fl.oz. I think.
  • Can I join you??? I see that you have all been at it for 6 weeks, but reading your posts is so motivating! I really need to find something to help push me to stick with eating healthy and getting more activity! I am great at getting started, but then life gets crazy and those habits are the first to go. Let me know if you need me to give you any info or introduce myself more :)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I love that Bolthouse stuff, Rach. I prefer the Naked drinks though. They are sooo good.

    We just went for a nice long walk with the baby and dog and went to the Farmer's Market today in Dallas. Now we're about to go watch some hockey. GO STARS! ;)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Lovely pinups thanks so much for all of your positive and encouraging comments! The ball last night was fantastic! Saw lots of people after a long time and many didn't recognise me at first! I got lots of lovely compliments, my boss told me he wanted to marry me and I hit it off with a lovely chap! I was slightly delicate today having had one too many glasses of champagne but had to power on and go out again for a birthday tonight. Will figure put how to post pics and do it tomorrow. It's a diy photo job as my camera couldn't fit in my handbag!

    Hope you've all been having a great weekend. I plan to sleep a lot tonight and try and burn lots tomorrow in the hope that Monday weigh in is not a complete disaster!
  • Hi ladies! It's been a horrendus day as far as food journal goes. BUT I had a fantastic day that started with getting my hair cut. Something MUCH needed by my hair and my soul! LOL
    Took the my 6 year old and a friend of his to a huge corn maze tonight. This thing is set up on a hill so it's all either up or down hill climbing. 2 hours of that and I am BEAT! I was good though.
    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends!!!
  • Weighed myself and was up two pounds from yesterday, but I'm not feeling too great. I think I might be coming down with something. Made some really healthy food choices that I'm proud of, too! Did twenty minutes of strength training and yoga, and nearly killed myself in the process... Reminder: do not try things that require you putting your legs over your head. You're not that flexible!

    Hope everyone else's day was great!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Weighed myself today for my official weigh in - - - 150.8!!

    So excited because that means for Halloween I have a GREAT chance at being 145 (which is my goal weight)

    Kicking myself in the butt for not doing this like when after I had my first daughter. I made attempts to workout but I didn't stick with it and second since I had a c-section I was always worried about my stomach coming apart LOL. After my second csection for the first few weeks I was like that again but now I not scared.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Weigh-in day tomorrow!!!!!!! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I took a picture without using myspace angles, and I have a jaw line.....kinda. :):):)
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    oh lordy weigh in tomorrow.. a lil nervous . Id love to lose 2-3 lbs but 1 always good also.. crossing my fingers on 2-3 though lol
  • I've weighed in at 136.6 lb this week, so down 0.6 from last week.

    I think it would have been more if it wasn't for the excessive drinking on saturday night and the recovery chinese yesterday lol! I was really well behaved the rest of the week though, and I can't completely deny myself social activities like this when I'm at uni. Back on the wagon today.

    Good luck everyone!
  • I took a picture without using myspace angles, and I have a jaw line.....kinda. :):):)

    hahaha. awesome. and yes you have a jaw line... I can see it! :)
  • 207 for me this week, had a really really bad week so explain that? lol my metabolism must be up a notch
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    129.2 for me this week!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups

    My weight this morning is 147 lbs. :( I'm having health issues and weighting (lol) for tests results from my Dr.

    Congrats to everyone and thank you for another encouraging week!

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Down to 169.5 today! No idea how that happened given I ate out all weekend so I guess all the training last week paid off!

    Congrats to all the pin ups!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I've only lost half a pound this week - so down to 178. Am hoping that its just my body getting used to a few more calories and then it will start to come off again! Has anyone else noticed this when they upped their calories from what MFP suggests?
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Slowly but surely!
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