Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I feel so overwhelmed today. so much to do and not enough hours in the day. I have so much house cleaning to do. I'm 1/4 done...I have to go drop my son @ preschool then go for a walk/run...

    I am so afraid to eat today..I don't want to go overboard...thanks jess and healther..yes, it does take one step at a time. I don't want to give up because that would me I am giving up on ME and that is not happening. I gave myself too many rewards for something not rewarding (like gaining weight).

    sorry about hte rambling..be back when I can.

    Have a great day!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Laila- Im sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. On busy days I suggest that you pre-plan your meals...so the night before sit down for a few mins look what you have available in the fridge/house and make out your meals..be sure to include lots of snacks and maybe smaller meals since it seems like you are snacking while doing stuff...that way you will have everything measured out and within calories while you work. Im thinking of you!

    Jess- you know you didnt gain 7lbs...bet u its thats beer! lol sike

    Julie- We had names picked out ...we were sure we were having a girl. For a girl we are naming her Samantha Ryan, and for a boy it was going to be a Bobby JR...as soon as the u/s lady said it was a boy apparently that went out the window though because we started rethinking boy names pretty quickly. We ended up with Brayden James as the only name that we both like...I really cant imagine him being anything else :heart: It just fit

    Deb- thats cute...I like how they came up with Chance

    Ann- Boy names I like are Connor, Chase girls name- Samantha (you arleady have one) and Alexis (Lexi)

    Lauren- please get back on track! you are so inspiring to me! I need you to be on track...puhwease?!

    Soooo....Im going in for a job interview with Under Armour this week. Im taking a paycut but how awesome will it be to work for UA?! I totally love their stuff! and apparently I get a 50% discount on everything!!! hello cheap workout clothes!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I do enjoy Groupon, but the offers aren't very great for my area, so I haven't purchased them. I use Crowd Cut, though.

    Cris: Good luck with your Under Armor interview. Hook me up with some of their gear at a discount. I like their stuff but can't fathom spending $50 on one shirt for running! They never really clearance them out enough, either, at least as the stores around here.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie i already do groupon as well. Very addictive. When you mention the beautiful name lorelei i think of the styx song. Tells you how old i am. Lol
    My neighbor's boy just had twin boys, named them beckett and jude. Great names methinks.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - I thought you worked for a family company? Not that UA wouldn't be fabulous!

    I always loved the name Martin for a boy "Marty" it's my Dad's middle name and then I would use "Kenneth" the DH's name for the middle name. For a girls name I love (and you'll all hate this one) Wilma - it's a family name and I'd call her "Billy". Lily, Freda and Rose are all family names I love too!

    Oh Laila - you'll find your groove soon! I'm sure of it! just keep making your next choice your best choice!

    I leave for the airport in about 30 minutes. I used to fly all the time with my old job, now it's been over a year. I hope I remember all the tricks LOL! I did check my purse contents for sharp objects and decided to put the sharp pointy wooden hair pin in my hair for safe keeping. I locked myself out of my new bank account. YOu'd think that as a security expert I'd be able to keep all of those "secret questions" safe but really... what IS my favorite color? Who WAS my favorite teacher? What WAS my favorite sports team when I was 16? Oh well...

    I'm doing OK today - salad for lunch with a chicken breast and some blue cheese so I have lots of good things in my tummy to keep it happy over the next few hours.

    Julie, I signed up for Groupon because if YOU do it we all know that it MUST be a great deal!!! :tongue:

    Meghan is taking Arabic as her language in high school! Isnt' that awesome? She had the choice of Manderin Chinese (sp), French, Spanish, German, Latin or Arabic. I think that's pretty cool for a public high school. Of course it does help that it's in a college towne! And about half of her teachers have their PhDs :smokin: She is struggling to get back to good study habbits but she does enjoy her classes (arabic is her favorite).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-Here's to hoping you find your motivation to workout soon! You've had a stressful week last week and then got sick on top of it all. Time to hit the ground running this week! Any plans for working out?

    Cris-Hope your job interview goes well! Fingers crossed for you!!!

    Deb-That's great that the design center FINALLY called you!! Love the story about how your friends came up with the name chance!

    POS Me-Deep breaths! You will get through everything you need to do. Have some you time!

    mstahl-Arabic sounds like so much fun for a second language!! Hope you have a good trip! Your lunch sounds delicious.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Ladies, I have no time to read everyone's post. I will in a little while I just wanted to say. YAY to myself. I workout yesterday a workout plan that daily burn suggested and today I took a brisk walk for 30 and a less brisk walk for 20 making my walk to be 50 mins. total. I have a good choice planned out for lunch and I am feeling good
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    okay I am back. Ryan had to be picked up and then my neighbor wanted him to come visit. She is 80 yo and she has adopted him as her grandchild. She keeps juice and cookies at her house all the time in case he comes by.

    Cris, good luck on the interview. (someone already said this but I also thought you worked at a family business)

    Deb. How exciting.

    Laila, just relax sister. You are so busy right now just take this 1 meal at a time.

    mstahl, happy flying to you. Have a great and safe trip.

    Blue I just want to get on here at the same time as you so we can chat. I miss you

    Julie, I think you have picked very lovely baby names. I like them. Just to let you know I wanted a boy so bad..... I did not think I would be able to handle a girl. The ♥BEST♥ thing that ever happened to me is God knew better and decided to give me 3.:flowerforyou:

    Ann, I also think your names are cute as well. I laughed when I saw one of your daughters names(not because I thought it was funny but because my neice is Madison Paige.
    My girls are Miranda Kae, Haley Marie, Sara Michele. Miranda's middle is my hubby's only sisters middle and Haley's is my only sisters middle name. So when we had Sara I argued that she should have my middle name and she does. Ryan has my husbands middle name. Yeah, not one of my faves but I have grown to love it. That is probably why I still have not typed it here on this post. Dewayne there I did it. Ryan made it to every single last one of my baby name lists so it was the obvious choice when we had him. We especially loved it when we found out what it meant. My hubby's name means "the king" Ryan's name means "son of the king" or "little King"
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-So glad to see you excited and challenging yourself!

    So my cousin sent me a link to the travel agent they use to go on their yearly trip...looks like were goingto Punta Cana in Dominican Republic! Looking at pictures it looks beautiful! 117 days till we go. So excited!! Wedding in 10 days!! AHHH!!! At least the trip will hopefully help me be good during the holiday season! Today has been a rough day emotionally. Not sure why. Maybe because TOM Is on the horizon. Might go home and do a light jog just to let it all out. Always makes me feel better! :smile:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hey gals,

    I had some extra time to read posts today, and I just wanted to jump in and say hello. I love seeing so many of you still working hard on this journey. I am still plugging away slow and steady.

    Chris congratulations on expecting a baby. I have a tender spot for newborns.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Melinda/Momma- I do work for my father. Its really just me and him...its a great business but once he retires I dont think it will last long since a lot of the reasons we do wel is due to relationships he has formed over the years. I was supposed to take over once he does retire but I dont want the rsponsabilities...it requires a lot of traveling...like once a month. While thats exciting and all Id rather spend the time with my family. UA would provide me a great opportunity to be in a growing company and lots of room to move up! I think they said we may do the second interview on Friday.

    Momma- you sound so cheerful I love it!

    Jess- I heard the DR is BEAUTIFUL ! How cool! Im sure we will get loads of pics!

    Sniwflakes- OMG I am NOT preggo, that'd be Ann, but Im sure she knows who u meant, lol! I refuse to get preggo before my wedding, I intend to enjoy every second of the OPEN bar

    So weigh in went fairly well, I showed a 2.8lb loss from 2 weeks ago so almost 1.5 a week. I cant be mad at that. Too bad that the top 8 on the list lost like 8+ lbs the first week alone...oh well Im still gonna hit it hard and try to rank!

    Checking in:
    calories-1080 right now, may have a snack later on to bring it up to 1200ish
    water- 100+
    sodium- 2505...eh
    excercise- c25k w3d1...not gonna lie those 3 min runs were brutal...granted i did it at 5.5 but still sheesh
    proud- that I did my run and that i spent money on me today for a change (got all new makeup for engagement shoot sunday since i havent bought make up since like 1999)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    Sniwflakes- OMG I am NOT preggo, that'd be Ann, but Im sure she knows who u meant, lol! I refuse to get preggo before my wedding, I intend to enjoy every second of the OPEN bar

    OOPS!!!:embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: Sorry about the mixup. Ann congrats!
  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    I am so tired from break and anxious about getting on to the scale tomorrow, despite exercising well and eating (mostly) right. I had GREAT news yesterday, though, when my mom and I went shopping: I went from a 22W to an 18 (W or regular, depending on the cut of the pants). :bigsmile: They're a little snug, but I figured that if the weight loss continues as it's been going, they'll be roomy in no time. AND the 20Ws were all way too big. So I got a pair of jeans from Macy's on sale and a pair of black pants with grey pinstripes from Old Navy!

    What do you guys do with clothes as you size down? For example, the 18s I bought were almost too tight, but the 20s were already kind of roomy, so I didn't want to buy them. Is that what you all do, too?

    Sorry I can't check-in with everyone today...will try and catch up tomorrow. I've been under on cals and sodium, hitting water and exercise, and have been SO PROUD that I've dropped 1.5 pants sizes!

    Edited to add: my new spiced pumpkin candle from Yankee Candle smells so freaking good right now. I just needed to share that with you all. :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Allison -- hooray for fall scents!!

    It's time I start checking in daily again. DAILY.

    Calories: 1836 (947 deficit)
    Exercise: 45 minutes elliptical; 30 minutes biking
    Water: At least 9 cups. Need to do better
    Proud: We were dead at my part time job tonight. Boo. So in my boredom, I walked to the grocery store next door and bought string cheese and came back and made a stuffed crust pizza (for some reason it blew everyone's mind...). I knew I only had like 600 calories left of my 1500 calorie goal and I knew that 2 slices of stuffed crust pizza were going to be more than that. So, I made the pizza, shared a couple slices with coworkers and then put it in my car and drove to the gym to earn it. Now I'm home after burning 813 cals at the gym and I'm going to enjoy my not-so-healthy pizza with no guilt. It's a step back in the right direction at least. :smile: I don't think I'll ever be on board with doing things the way I was doing them when I was dropping 8-10 pounds in a month but I'm ready to start seriously earning my eating indulgences.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Whew. If I make it through this year it will be a miracle.

    check in:
    cals: close to over
    water: 100
    exercise: 60 minutes of PT
    proud: I woke up and went to PT even though I did NOT want to wake up
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Hump day girls !!

    allison - YAY on the 18 Pants !!! I am just not fitting into 22 pants so i can imagine how happy you feel...i am going to feel estatic when my pants don't have a 2 on the front anymore :smile: So funny how people weigh about the same and body is soo different...I don't think you are that far off from where i am at, and I am still in such bigger sizes...

    SO girls i am soo freaking excited...scale is being very nice to me this morning :bigsmile: It was a 242.8 (well that was after it freaked out and was going from 231 - 250 for like 5 min...but then finally calmed down and got 242.8 like 3 times...That is past my 1/2 way marked. Of course I am not "counting " it till friday but hoping it sticks around to say i have less to loose than i have lost makes me feel good :smile:
  • purpleprose
    Deb - I'm 5'10", so fairly tall and carry the weight pretty evenly, which might be why I'm in a smaller size. What height are you?

    I went and changed my ticker today even though I normally only change it on Fridays...I couldn't resist when I saw the drop on the scale!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Deb - I'm 5'10", so fairly tall and carry the weight pretty evenly, which might be why I'm in a smaller size. What height are you?

    I went and changed my ticker today even though I normally only change it on Fridays...I couldn't resist when I saw the drop on the scale!!!

    I am 5'6 , i am smaller on the top, wearing 14 (xl) tops. I can squeeze into a 20 but it isn't pretty, some of my 22 are just now fitting some a little tight still. Most of my weight is in my gut ..lovely huh :smile: I have small boobs and big everything else :bigsmile:

    Good going on dropping the pounds...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    Deb, way to go in seeing a 242 on the scale..crossing my fingers it will stick by friday

    Allison, awesome on a new (smaller!) size and the weight loss.I'm 5'7, I think when I was about 240ish I was in a size 18 too, and that is when I decided to change my lifestyle becuase I didn't want to buy another bigger size pants. And my weight is evenly distributed..plus I have no curves..I am what you call "straight figure"

    I was going to respond to more post but brain freeze...be back
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Julie, you dream sounds wacky and funny all @ the same time…biggest loser need to do something like that.lol

    Nancy, way to go on smaller tata’s…every time I hear tatas it reminds me of something my older kids told me the other kids in their school was doing. Every year the school sells Susan B Komen wrist bans for support..well last year and this year the slogan was “I LOVE BOOBS” so all the teenage boys were buying them and comparing with each other teens who had the most..so lame right..lol And the teachers were getting annoyed with what was going on but they didn’t put a stop to it because all the money is going to a great cause..I just had to share…

    Cris, I envy you for staying in control..and way to go in losing 2+ pounds..in no time you will be back to ONEderland..yay girl! And Good luck on your job interview..keep us posted.

    Heather, sounds like you had an awesome weekend..

    Ann, so happy for you girl..hoping for a healthy pregnancy, baby, and mommy. I like all the name but if I had to choose I would say for a boy: Isaiah Matthew and Girl: Annaleice Rachelle.

    In my culture, the oldest boy (when married and has his first child) has to name the boy his dad’s first name (my father in-law’s first name) and if girl my mother in-law’s first name. Now it’s not required and mandatory as before. We did name my older son dh father’s first name..but it’s not because of culture reasons but because he LOVED his dad.. but my daughter we named her Zaina which means beautiful….and in our eyes she is and always will be beautiful. But my youngest son came to us in a dream..it was Ramadan and it is a time for peace of mind, caring and being generous. SO what better way to sum up all those traits is by saying Kareem so that is his name..

    Mstahl, happy traveling…Before I forget..I speak Arabic..well It’s more like slang Arabic..since I was born and raised here. I am more fluent in English instead of Arabic…I understand Arabic but can’t really read it..but my kids (all three) are going to weekend school for this purpose so they can be fluent in both languages.. And my daughter and older son are taking Spanish in middle /High school..so they will be trilingual..lol

    Jess, I don’t think you gain 7 pounds..it’s probably from sodium or exercise…I also feel my clothing looser but the scale says otherwise…hope the best for you! Way to for staying with Insanity.. you’re doing awesome!!!!

    Lauren, have a safe trip!

    Momma, I am trying to relax, but it’s so hard to do when every day I have more thing to deal with..ugh thanks girlie!

    Snowflake, nice to see you around..hope to see you often..

    Julie, I like your idea…work for that bad meal…I need to keep that in mind..thanks.

    I hope I didn't forget anyone..(my laptop is acting up..not sure why).. if so, sorry