October 2013 MOVE IT 180-360+ minutes a Week Challenge!!



  • jaynalawayna
    jaynalawayna Posts: 80 Member
    week #1 goal = 180 min, actual = 405
    week #2 goal 420 min

    mon: 40 min walk at lunch
    tue: 60 min (40 min walk, 20 min weight training)
    wed: 80 min (60 min walk, 20 min kickboxing)

  • newnosipho
    newnosipho Posts: 49 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 180 minutes / Actual 220

    Week # 2 - October 7th -- Goal 220 minutes
    Mon: 25 min (30 day shred level 1)
    Tue: 60 min (zumba)
    Wed: 50 min (25 min 30 day shred level 1 + 25 min yoga)
    Thur: 55 min (zumba)

    Total/ min left: 190/ 30minutes
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in at 180 minutes. Hopefully this will help me stay exercise motivated. With cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury, I need all the motivation I can get. Thanks for the suggestion! :-)
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    Monday, October 7: 30 minutes of Wii Fit
    Tuesday, October 8: 240 minutes of housework 2-5 METS
    Wednesday, October 9: 60 minutes of aqua aerobics

    180/-150 :bigsmile:
  • MauiD1
    MauiD1 Posts: 27 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 180 minutes: Actual 290 :happy:
    Week # 2 -- October 7 -- Goal 240 minutes:

    Mon: 47 minutes on treadmill (5K)
    Tue: 20 minutes on spin bike
    Wed: 20 minutes on spin bike

    Total / Goal: 87 / 240
  • Rief3
    Rief3 Posts: 420 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Actual: 385
    Week # 2-- October 7th
    Goal 320 minutes: Actual:

    Mon: 0
    Tue: 70
    Wed: 50

    Total / min left: 120/200
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Week # 2 -- Oct 7 -- Goal 320 minutes: (53 min avg per day)

    Mon 7Oct: 27 min of 30DS (275 cal)
    Tue 8Oct: 43 min jogging (2.9 mi, 525 cal)
    Wed 9Oct: 50 min jogging (3.32 mi, 611 cal)
    Thur 10Oct: 60 min jogging (3.73 mi, 714 cal)
    Fri 11Oct:
    Sat 12Oct:
    Sun 13Oct: day off - gambling with the girls

    Total / min left: 140 / 320
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I am absolutely in even though I am starting late. I am going to have to TRULY push to get it all in this week because I have been working 14 hour days and have not gotten a workout in MON-THURS. I WILL get to 360 minutes this week though, especially now that I am committed to logging it.

    Monday, October 7th: Nothing...worked 14 hours
    Tuesday,October 8th: Nothing...worked 14 hours and it was my 25th Wedding Anniversary
    Wednesday, October 9th: Nothing...worked 12 hours
    Thursday, October 10th:
    Friday, October 11th:
    Saturday, October 12th:
    Sunday, October 13th:

    I know this seems totally dismal but I am committed to getting those 360 minutes in this week. God, it was so hard to actually post all that out and see it for myself.
  • Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 170 - Swimming (30 mins), Tai Chi (15 mins) and Walking (75 mins)
    Tue: 170 - Walking (75 mins), Swimming (45 mins) and Aqua Aerobics (55 mins)
    Wed: 180 - Cycling (70 mins), Tai Chi (60), Swimming (30 minutes) and Walking (20 minutes)
    Thur: 150 - Walking (120 mins) and Swimming (30 minutes)
    Fri: 80 - Walking (30 mins) and Zumba (50 minutes)
    Sat: 100 - Tai Chi (40 mins) and Zumba (60 minutes)
    Sun: 90 - Zumba (90 mins)

    Total: 940

    Week # 1 -- October 7th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: Swimming (30 mins) and Walking (80 mins)
    Tue: Swimming (45 mins), Walking (95) and Aqua Aerobics (55)
    Wed: Swimming (30 mins) Tai Chi (45 mins) and Walking (160 mins)
    Thur: Swimming (45 mins), Walking (25 mins) and Zumba (30 mins)
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 360 minutes: Actual 429

    Week # 2 -- October 7th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: Still on holiday 75 min run
    Tue: 80 min cycle
    Thur: 95 min cycle

    Total / min left: 250 / 110
  • iwanttobefit4me
    iwanttobefit4me Posts: 4 Member
    I hope I'm not too late to join. I want to join the October challenge. I have done 60 mins so far and want to commit to the 180. Just had surgery and am 4 weeks out. :)

    Tues: 20 Mins - Walk away the pounds 1 mile
    Weds: 20 mins - walk away the pounds 1 mile 20 mins treadmill
    Thurs: 20 mins - walk away the pounds
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 360 minutes / Actual 380
    Week # 2 - October 7th -- Goal 360 minutes / Actual

    Mon: - 75 (45 min. Tai Chi and 30 weights)
    Tue: - 75 (45 min Leslie Sansone and 30 min walk)
    Wed: - 90 (60 min Tai Chi and 30 min weights)
    Thur: - 60 (60 min Leslie Sansone)
    Fri: -
    Sat -
    Sun: -

    Total: 300 / 360 minutes
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in, this sounds great!:)
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Please count me in...this is incentive to move, move, move!:happy:

    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 225 minutes

    Monday= 30 min. Elliptical, 31 min Treadmill= 61 minutes; 511 kcals
    Tuesday =32 min treadmill, 55 min mowing lawn, 20 min gardening= 107 min; 571 kcals
    Wednesday= 37 min treadmill, 16 min elliptical, 12 min calesthenics, 5 min steps
    Thursday= 10min elliptical, 10 min strength arm tone, 30 Fit Fix Cardio Aerobics

    Total/left 283/ over by 58

    Week #2 Oct. 7 -- Goal 230

    Monday= 60 min. Walking outside
    Wednesday= 61 min. Step aerobics, circuit training, steps vigorously
    Thursday=31 min elliptical trainer

    Total/left 152/
  • dmvarner
    dmvarner Posts: 150 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 600 minutes: 647/600
    Week # 2 -- October 7th -- Goal 750 minutes

    Mon: 110 (swimming, water aerobics, treading water & cycling)
    Tue: 121 (swimming, water jogging, wall sit & cycling)
    Wed: 101.30 (walking & wall sit)
    Thur: 121.15 (walking, cycling & wall sit)

    Total: 453.45 / 750
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Total / min left: 291! Goal surpassed!

    Week #2 --October 7 --Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 147 minutes (60 min circuit training, 60 min Zumba, 30 min JMBR - W1)
    Tues: 96 minutes ( R.I.P.P.E.D. class, 30 min JMBR - W2)
    Wed: 27 minutes (JMBR - C1)
    Thur: 37 minutes walking

    Total: 307
    Minutes to go: 53
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 360 minutes -- Completed 395 minutes

    Week #2 -- October 7th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 75 minutes (40 walk; 35 strength training)
    Tue: 125 minutes (28 run, 42 walk, 55 Zumba)
    Wed: 113 minutes (80 walk, 33 strength train)
    Thurs: 88 minutes (20 walk, 38 run, 30 strength train)

    Total / Min Left: 401 / over by 41
  • myday
    myday Posts: 30
    Week # 2 -- October 7th -- Goal 230 minutes

    Mon: 20 minutes (30 Day Shred Level 1)
    Tue: 66 minutes (walking)
    Wed: Rest day
    Thur: Rest day

    Total / min left: 86/144
  • starfire_wings
    starfire_wings Posts: 30 Member
    This sounds fun! I'm in!

    Week #2 --October 7 --Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: xxx
    Tues: xxx
    Wed: 60 [Belly dancer youtube + Blogilates + Ab Ripper 100 (P90)]
    Thur: 60 [30 Day Shred + Zombies, Run!]

    Total: 120
    Minutes to go: 60
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    Week # 1 -- September 30th -- Goal 360 minutes: Actual 429

    Week # 2 -- October 7th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: Still on holiday 75 min run
    Tue: 80 min cycle
    Thur: 95 min cycle
    Fri: 45 min run

    Total / min left: 295 / 65