Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    My work got rid of a few people with 17 and 18 years. I have been there 21 years. They say that their jobs have become redundant and get rid of them so no one is safe even if you are a good worker. My group was taken to lunch at Cheesecake Factory for doing well on our most recent project. I did pretty well with a grilled turkey burger and did not eat the bun. I did not even get the low carb splenda cheesecake just coffee for me while everybody else had cheesecake (I use the I have diabetes excuse and everybody stops pushing me to have it).:wink:

    It was not a good sports night in the Morgori household. Skinny’s Bears beat the Giants and the Red Wings lost.:explode: Insert 0fer jokes about the 0-6 Giants here.

    Quote of the day: “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

    Hope you all have a healthy day

  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday was not a good day. It was a super long day at work and I didn't leave the office until almost 8 and being super tired, stopped for a burger on the way home and ate half since I couldn't eat and watch Glee at the same time.

    Today is a better day, though I wish the rain would stop. It's making me want to take a nap.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday-

    What am I doing this weekend? Well suppose to rain and get real cold like 40's so probably relax at home and I have a ton of homework to do and a test. Eating wise my plan is lots of water and mini meals. Today my boss is taking us out to lunch which mean lots of calories good thing I still have about an additional 2,000 I can eat yet this week.
    To get fit I walk everyday some more than others and Mon and Wed I have started up zumba.
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    You guys are awesome and ALWAYS so supportive! Thanks for the words of encouragement, you'll never know how much they all mean!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a quick note... I made it down sunflower seeds, but I did break down and had caffein soda. :blushing:

    Tom, I didn't know you were a Giants fan. My son got to go to the KC Chiefs/Giants game a couple of weeks ago and he's glad of the outcome (can't believe the Chiefs actually have no losses -- WOW!!). It's a very strange year for the Giants...that's for sure!!

    Robin-- whoop whoop!!! A Belt!! That's awesome.

    Alright, my break is over (it's weird and loud being in the office today). I'm off to drink beer in 35 minutes for Customer Service Week -- hee hee. :drinker:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning.

    My work got rid of a few people with 17 and 18 years. I have been there 21 years. They say that their jobs have become redundant and get rid of them so no one is safe even if you are a good worker. My group was taken to lunch at Cheesecake Factory for doing well on our most recent project. I did pretty well with a grilled turkey burger and did not eat the bun. I did not even get the low carb splenda cheesecake just coffee for me while everybody else had cheesecake (I use the I have diabetes excuse and everybody stops pushing me to have it).:wink:

    It was not a good sports night in the Morgori household. Skinny’s Bears beat the Giants and the Red Wings lost.:explode: Insert 0fer jokes about the 0-6 Giants here.

    Quote of the day: “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

    Hope you all have a healthy day


    Yes Tom... tough day to be a Giants fan!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was not my best day. My eating was kept under control... barely. I normally do enough exercise that a little over doesn't seem that bad but it was a light day for exercise. I started Zumba when I finished the shred and my knees HURT. I just wasn't feeling up for much. Got a 2km walk in and made 8300 steps and called it a day. I'm feeling a bit better today... so things should be better.
    I am going to be crazy busy this weekend. I work till midnight. Then tomorrow is my daughter's 3rd birthday party. So I have to get the house cleaned and decorated princess style and the cake done. I'll also have to make sure there is tasty things for my celiac niece (she's 5). I work all day Sunday and Monday is Thanksgiving! Lots to do! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    @p1xyn1xy WOW - you're going to have a crazy busy weekend!!!! But hey, you'll be burning calories the entire time so it's all good, right? :-D

    Not sure what I have I guess that means nothing! LOL Actually, my Hubby and I always do our shopping on Saturdays since we're both off. I'll clock many steps in the grocery store, believe husband is a professional chef - he looks at EVERYTHING in every aisle, practically...we'll be there for quite awhile!

    Sundays are my cleaning days so I'll be sweeping, mopping, wiping, scrubbing, washing, drying, and folding. Fun, fun, fun!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Haven't felt good all day and looking to shirk my exercises - got an out when a friend called and asked me if I could come over and help transplant a lot of peonies and hostas - that's my kind of fall chores - since I don't have a yard anymore I love helping out in other's yards doing work like this - even excited about it! THis will burn calories and more than make up for not doing squats today. I don't know where my sour stomach is coming from but I'm sure it will pass.

    Laurie - still thinking about your highly stressful situation. Don't have any answers just want you to know I am with you in spirit. I hate it that it has taken a physical and emotional toll on you - so remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease - I would complain about this kid REGULARLY - at least once a week or more often, don't wait several weeks or they will forget about you!

    FrauHaas - I'll be cleaning right along with you tomorrow - I need to get all my mirrors - somehow I have neglected them terribly whilst keeping up on everything else fairly regularly - I can't see my reflection any more - oh dear!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Laurie, congratulations on the size med. shirts! Most of mine are still a lrg. Can hardly wait for the med.
    Robin, congratulations on finding your waist. I've found mine, and love having a waistline!
    Some friends dropped by yesterday and were complimenting me on how good I am looking. When I said I'd still like to lose another 30#, one of them said, "Have you looked in a mirror!? Do you know how good you look?" I do have my curves back. I think that they are still a little big for a shorty, though.
    For the most part, we are still enjoying sunny weather so I am getting in my walks after DD picks up the kids. I'm trying to do some early prep for dinner each day so that I can still have it ready in a timely manner even though I am gone for 50 min. in the late afternoon. Tonight I'll get some exercise at a HS football game. One of our grandsons is a drum major for his HS band so we are going over there for the football game and to see his band in the half-time show.
    So sorry about the job stresses. I hope it works out well for all of you.
    Onward and Downward. Kaye
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I have a question on Wed due to all the fitness I did my calories were still at a positive 1,780 for the day after all my meals were added plus I usually have 100-300 left over on a normal is it okay to still eat half of that when hanging out with friends this weekend evnen though I earned it Wed?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I know that Weight Watchers uses the principle of banked points. I don't know how that works with counting calories and the calorie deficits as figured by MFP. It will be interesting to see what others have learned about this topic.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Howdy from the Ozarks!!!

    Had a great day with my son and DIL yesterday and a very encouraging visit with my Dr.!!! Dr. was thrilled with the weight loss and running (he actually took part in the Patriot Day 5K too!!!) and then we went out to dinner! I did not eat "well" but stayed below maintenance and since I have been WAY below my calorie goal several days this week, I do not feel bad about it..... what I did feel bad about was eating some gluten again yesterday, well my belly felt bad!!!! Going to have to go back to NONE again and get past this!!!

    Today is a tired day here though... going to try to get some exercise in anyway. We are kind of participating in the 5K we were considering doing tomorrow .... We are running here at home and sending a donation rather than leaving home at 6:45 (when hubby works till 1:00AM) to be there and ready to run by 9:00!!! Then we are going to go visit a young friend who is doing military training far from his home but close to ours!!!

    Sunday is family day and my sister and family will be visiting from out out of town so a walk is about the most I can hope for in the fitness department!!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! I will check in when I can!!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday: preparing for weekend eating?!!! It's Thanksgiving weekend here and eating right will be a challenge...gorgeous weather, the leaves are changing and I've just finished cooking a turkey as I have 13 people for a sit-down dinner tomorrow and I've decided to make it all buffet. It's actually my immediate family (not long ago I was wistfully wishing I had more family as I come from a very, small family). I have 3 kids, who in the last 3 years have married, and now have 5 grandchildren and I'm sure there will be more. They all tend to come here for holiday meals. I love it! I now have a 'kids' table as well as an adult table.

    So, I'm well prepared in the food, decorations department. I probably won't overeat as I'll be too busy, but afterwards, when everyone leaves, that is when I have to watch it.

    All of the food I'm cooking is healthy, except for the desserts.
    I haven't been logging food for this past week and will start again after Thanksgiving. These holidays are hard when it comes to eating right.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thought i would take a day off exercise today. I have been walking 5k (in less than an hour) or riding my bike for the past 6 days and have gained weight while staying on track with my food. Wonder if it is due to muscles retaining water cause they were working pretty hard (well, for me anyway)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thanks Karen, Robin and others for the support. Today, was nice in that I was able to attend a conference today on the brain and poverty. The interesting things was Neurogenious (sp) some areas of the brain can grow new neurons based on stimulation such as vigorous exercise and learning new things. Exercise also helps to reduce the STRESS hormone Cortisol, which is important in weight loss. A little stress is okay but we don't want it to last for any length of time. At least my stress levels were down today which was nice and even better I did not think about school today.

    Fitness- I had a wonderful climb tonight since I climbed hard and did some challenging climbs tonight. It felt good to push hard and to make some challenging moves- lots of high steps and balance moves tonight.

    Queen- I know some people zig-zag their calories but I am not sure how it works. If you do eat them back this weekend watch the salt and drink plenty of water.

    Well, we have been dealing with several days of rain with no sign of relief in sight. Maryland is in the mist of a N'or Easter, rain from the South and off the Atlantic ocean without all the winds of a hurricane. So, my plans for Saturday have been changed as the park had to cancel our annual harvest festival. It is just to wet and it is still suppose to be raining tomorrow. Now, I get a another day to workout this weekend. The airport has had over 6.19 inches of rain since Wednesday night. WE needed the rain but not this much at one time. Hope we dry out soon.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Friday Fitness. I went for a walk with my daughter while she rode her bike. Except she's really bad at riding her bike (she's three) and I spent the entire walk bent over and pushing her. It was actually quite the workout!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm chasing the wagon--I fell off a few days ago, and it's really hard to catch! :blushing: I've got a weekend away in Lake Geneva which means more eating out and drinking. I'm hoping to balance it with exercise and jump back on the wagon by Monday.

    @tom and gorilla--I can't even gloat about the Bears' win--given the Giants' record, it's pretty embarrassing how hard they were to beat. :blushing:

    Friday Fitness:
    It's been a busy week with meetings a few days after school. Needless to day not my best week fitness-wise, but not terrible. I would like to promise I will get to the gym tomorrow morning before heading to LG, but I'm so exhausted I may opt for extra sleep instead. :yawn:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm so glad the week is over. With being out of town last weekend, I've been going non-stop. This weekend I would love to relax, but I've got to get some errands done. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair trimmed and getting the roots touched up. The gray needs to stop!! LOL!!! I then need to take Cyrus to get his glasses repaired and find him some athletic pants. I think we'll go find some harvest or Halloween stuff to decorate. I also need to get groceries at some point. Plus, I want to try a new church this weekend. In between all of that, I have about 6 loads of laundry, house needs picked up a bit and my closet/drawers need a major overhaul. This weekend is going to be slammed I'm afraid. The eating and exercising is on track so I guess that's the good thing.

    @ Gorilla - Enjoy your weekend ahead!! Glad the day turned better.

    @ Toots - I love when we get exercise we're not expecting. I will often take a bag with me walking and pick up trash along the way. The bending and lifting is just an added calorie burn.

    @ Tom - Sorry to hear about your co-workers losing their jobs. I know it's tough to watch and have those feelings is it going to happen to me. You can only keep doing what your doing. Many things are just out of our control. You did have control of your eating today, which is awesome!!

    @ Robin - I loved your post about finding your waist. I bet it was a great feeling. Good for you!

    @ Holly - I remember watching your post last year as you battled the cold temps. I don't miss that weather one bit. Hang in there with your exercise. You'll be back in the swing of it before you know it. Also, I know it's tough, but good job meeting with someone to discuss your finances. It's tough to grasp at first and takes hard work, but it can pay off. I was a complete disaster after my divorce and life is so much better. It wasn't a quick fix and took years to repair. Hang in there!

    @ Laurie - I was so sorry to read your post. Our teachers already have so many demands on them and when you don't have the support of your administration it can be extremely stressful. Between our over crowded classrooms, mounting paperwork, new testing requirements, standards always changing, it's no wonder so many teachers get burned out. I think like Karen said document everything. I'm so glad you enjoyed your conference today and took a little breather. Plus, you had an amazing climb too. Good for you!!

    @ p1xyv - 15" lost is amazing!! I'm so happy for you.

    @ Mel - Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your celebration with your family.

    @ BJ - Yikes on the locker room incident. Everyone has to find their comfort zone that's for sure. I was never a gym person either, but like the others said I really feel the same way when I'm now at the gym. Everyone seems so focused on working out that no one cares what I'm doing. I was on the elliptical tonight sweating like a pig. Plus, I'm sure it sounded like I was having a heart attack, but I didn't care. I just pushed harder. I then moved to the treadmill and one of the trainers actually came over and gave me a high five just to say he was glad to see me. I really didn't know him, but one time he helped me with my boxing stance for my trainer. It made me smile that he actually recognized me and saw I was working hard.

    @ Marca - I'm glad you had a nice visit with your family and I bet if felt really good to hear the Dr. giving you some kudos. Good for you! Enjoy the rest of your family this weekend!!

    @ KarenL - Hang in there! My loss has been extremely slow, but I'm trying to look at my monthly loss and it's not really that bad. I get so frustrated on the daily/weekly numbers I have to really make myself not watch them. I'm exercising and eating right (majority of the time), but I fluctuate so much. My trainer actually has rest days in my plan and I know Laurie and Kelley always have them worked into their work out as well. Our body/muscle does need that rest time.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Congrats to LaurieK70!!!! Today she received her notice for logging 1,000 days!!!! No joke. She inspires me in so many ways, but her dedication and commitment to logging is truly remarkable. Good job Laurie!