what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • yellow girl
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    Maybe if you didn't eat so much you could fit in that seat. Hearing you breathe heavily makes me uncomfortable. I have heard so, so much more to not only me but to others. I would have to say those are the two that hurt me the most.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Hmmm HS was somewhat brutal for me...let's see..i was flat chested, so there was "mosquito bites", and nose was too large too fast so I got called "beaker", I got really tall really fast and was thin so I got "giraffe"

    but i think my least favorite was "freddie" because of my acne...one kid said i looked like freddie from Nightmare on Elm Street and it caught like wildfire.

    he used to wait outside the lunch room for me with another guy and they would say it to me and laugh, so I stopped going.

    Cool part was I wound up hiding in the choir room, and a few friends would bring me my lunch, and after we were done I would play piano and people would sing...it was a nice escape.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Ooooh wait I remember the worst time I was sitting across from the boy I had a huge crush on and he made a fat joke at my expense, and then said that he could NEVER take someone like ME out on a date that would just be SOOOO embarrassing.

    :\ Bad memories, man.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ugly. Once I was in a wedding and at the rehearsal my partner who I got paired up with said "You know when I first met you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw...but the more you open your mouth the uglier and uglier you get."

    I turned and looked him dead in the eye for a sec then remembered something. "I wish I could say I ever found you good looking." Then we walked down the aisle. Step together, step together, smile smile, step together. The end.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ooooh wait I remember the worst time I was sitting across from the boy I had a huge crush on and he made a fat joke at my expense, and then said that he could NEVER take someone like ME out on a date that would just be SOOOO embarrassing.

    :\ Bad memories, man.

    Oh damn! You have my respect for not kicking him in the gonads.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Someone commented on a status I commented on facebook calling me thunder thighs. This was because I jokingly went against the comment and they took it seriously.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Ugly. Once I was in a wedding and at the rehearsal my partner who I got paired up with said "You know when I first met you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw...but the more you open your mouth the uglier and uglier you get."

    I turned and looked him dead in the eye for a sec then remembered something. "I wish I could say I ever found you good looking." Then we walked down the aisle. Step together, step together, smile smile, step together. The end.

    Oh my god I would have been horrified. Where do people think this kind of this is OK TO SAY TO ANYONE EVER???? That sucks, I'm sorry.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    Stupid and a welfare mom. These bothered me because the individual was talking about my size, not about my intelligence or income. Man, the assumptions people make about fat women...
  • Hmmm HS was somewhat brutal for me...let's see..i was flat chested, so there was "mosquito bites",

    I was horribly flat-chested, too, so I got every possible flat-chested joke you could think of. My nose is also one of those round noses so I got nose-jokes.

    The boob stuff STILL bothers me (after three kids, they're still tiny). I"ve come to terms with my nose.

    But the worse? Stupid. I got that from *everyone*. Mom, Aunt, boyfriends (though they didn't stay boyfriends for long), ex-husband (unfortunately, HE stayed 'husband' for 10 years), you name it. I still fight against that to this day. :(
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I'm a guy.

    Seriously, you guys are killing me tonight! Where do these people get these insults from?
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    I was working late and by myself at the front desk. Two men were walking by the front of our store and as they were walking, pointed and said 'oh my god, that's embarrassing' at me.
  • I know how it feels to be the bunt of the joke. My family is all tall and naturally thin, or extremely fit. Now me? I'm 4'11'' and right now I'm 172 lbs. The worst thing about fighting with my 5'10'' younger sister was that she knows exactly how to hurt me. I am and have always been very self-conscious about my weight. So that's what she would attack.

    "Look at me I'm sooo pretty and skinny, now look at your fat, ugly *kitten*."
    "You might as well go die because no one would ever want you anyways."
    "Are you sure you want to wear that? You look like a ****ing whale."
    "Yeah fattie, just keep working out. All you're doing is making yourself tired, it'll never work for your fat *kitten*."

    Since then I've tried losing weight but her comments always stuck with me. Until this time. I'm with a wonderful man who honestly loves me as I am and just wants me to be happy. He realizes that I'm unsatisfied with my weight and is actually doing this with me, but he's also helping me see that I don't need to lose weight to keep him (this stemmed from the fact that I've had six boyfriends and 4 have cheated on me with my sister). I'm finally at peace with myself. I hope everyone here who has been hurt by someone else's words realizes that you are all beautiful and talented and that love from others is only important once you have self-love :) stay strong, friends.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Useless and id never amount to anything. My uncle said it to me when I was 14. I can't remember why but he was drunk and it still makes me tear up toady. One reason I'm so hard on myself I guess. I feel like I need to prove to myself I am worth it...yeah I probably need therapy.
  • MacroMiranda
    MacroMiranda Posts: 78 Member
    Wow, this is a rough one. I'm almost crying just thinking about nasty things people have said... I remember vividly on an occasion in middle school bending over to pick something up, and a kid standing around telling me that I looked like a beached whale. That was the first time I realized that my weight problems weren't just in my head, everyone could see them. I was just a little chubby at that point.
    A friend of my ex went through a phase of saying "release the Kraken!" whenever I'd be within earshot. He made many stabs about my weight.
    One of the most hurtful, non weight related things I've been called, though, is a problem. "You're just a problem. You're crazy."

    It's really brave of you all to share these. It's kind of grounding to see that it happens to everyone from time to time.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Oops, my pinky accidentally posted.
  • Every comment about my weight to be honest. I've developed so many issues because people both verbally and physically harassed me for it.
  • evedaeche
    evedaeche Posts: 8 Member
    I can't really remember the names in primary school but i do remember that the bullying went on for three years, then when i got to high school it went on maliciously for two years. then i stood up for myself and even though people would say stuff i knew i had the higher ground and as soon as i could i left that school and started new basically by myself at college. within 5 days i had a boyfriend and a new group of friends who stuck up for me and thought i was lovely. I've now been with my boyfriend for five years and those friends i made are the closest friends i have. Guess i showed them! the names and bullying only made me a better person because i've gone and made something for myself and have sympathy for their ignorance.
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    You name it I've been called it... at first it hurt but as i got older and I wiser I just learned to laugh at ppl who saying it... it just hit me some **** isn't going right in their life that they need to feel better by messing with me... so I offer a hug and ask if they feel better...
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Dumb or stupid
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I know how it feels to be the bunt of the joke. My family is all tall and naturally thin, or extremely fit. Now me? I'm 4'11'' and right now I'm 172 lbs. The worst thing about fighting with my 5'10'' younger sister was that she knows exactly how to hurt me. I am and have always been very self-conscious about my weight. So that's what she would attack.

    "Look at me I'm sooo pretty and skinny, now look at your fat, ugly *kitten*."
    "You might as well go die because no one would ever want you anyways."
    "Are you sure you want to wear that? You look like a ****ing whale."
    "Yeah fattie, just keep working out. All you're doing is making yourself tired, it'll never work for your fat *kitten*."

    Since then I've tried losing weight but her comments always stuck with me. Until this time. I'm with a wonderful man who honestly loves me as I am and just wants me to be happy. He realizes that I'm unsatisfied with my weight and is actually doing this with me, but he's also helping me see that I don't need to lose weight to keep him (this stemmed from the fact that I've had six boyfriends and 4 have cheated on me with my sister). I'm finally at peace with myself. I hope everyone here who has been hurt by someone else's words realizes that you are all beautiful and talented and that love from others is only important once you have self-love :) stay strong, friends.

    :cry: This makes me so sad!

    I'm sorry since it's not really my place to say this, but I feel I must...your sister is a HORRIBLE person! Seriously! She is cruel and unsupportive. It's almost as if she WANTS you to fail at getting healthy. (My guess? She probably does!) And on top of everything else, she BETRAYED you 4 TIMES by having AFFAIRS with your boyfriends!!! What kind of a SICK, MESSED UP person does this to HER SISTER??!!!

    Feel sorry for her, because I sure do! People like that are so messed up inside and so completely miserable with themselves that they have to be sick and cruel to their closest friends and family to feel better about themselves. Think about it: if she were truly happy with how pretty, skinny, and wonderful she claims she is, she would have NO need to constantly put you down with cruel words and have affairs with your boyfriends. And I'm not just saying this to be nice, by the way. I knew a girl, an old friend, who used to always say cruel things to her closest friends to hurt them, embarrass and humiliate them publicly, mock their secrets they had confided to her in front of everyone, and constantly put them down. Later, that same girl admitted to me that she struggled with a really, really low self-esteem, that she was verbally abused growing up, and that she basically hated herself. She admitted that she did those cruel things to her best friends to make herself feel better about herself; it was her way of proving to herself that she was worth something. Your sister, I believe, is just as messed up inside. She has a complex and please don't let her words penetrate into your heart! You seem wonderful and lovely and deserve no such treatment! :flowerforyou:
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    A "stupid fat @$$"
    Was said to me by a former boss who thought it was "funny" or "cool" to belittle his employees in an attempt bring their self esteem so low that they think they are worthless and can't do better than work for him.... Sadly, it worked for a while. But then I wised up, dropped 121 pounds, gained self esteem and sought other employment and left that place in the past and then burned the bridge!! Best choice I think I have ever made.
  • I was once called a horrible c unt.

    The fact is, it's true.
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon...

    I so wish there was a "like" button on this site :-)
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Honestly, for some reason I was never called names by anyone. While unrelated to employment, I have never been involved in but one fight in my life,, people have always been afraid to take their chances BUT that being said, I have a daughter-in-law who always called me big man or big guy....... since she started calling me that name before my gaining weight I never said anything even though it bothered me after gaining weight.
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    Not much I haven't been called, usually ended up with a violent response from me.

    I'm much more controlled now. :smile:

    Got called a psycho many times and never took that as an insult.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    A bad friend...ouch. I made sure I never treated any friend poorly ever again after that.
  • In HS I had the nickname "Tink" because of my short stature. The guy I had a crush on called me "Tink the tank." It killed me.

    My dad's *kitten* friend used to call me "Cantaloupe" because my "stomach was so big it looked like I swallowed a cantaloupe."

    My parent's nicknamed all of us when we were young. My baby sister was "Baby Beluga" because she was so white when she was born. Mine? Jelly belly.

    My ex, whom I met online, told me that meeting me was a disappointment because I'm photogenic but not IRL pretty.

    One more. When I was younger my mother would tell me that people my size can't wear the normal things people wear. I will always have to be concerned with how we look because I am so overweight. I was maybe a size 9, dress size medium... she was a 24/26.

    I could go on forever. People are horrible, really horrible. I've learned they say these things out of true hate for themselves. Putting others down makes them feel better. Not worth you time to be hurt. Stay strong.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Wow hearing all this makes me feel less alone. I was never picked on in school but always at home. My grandmother was the worst. She would say anything from you're so stupid to no man would ever want you to the only thing you'll ever be good for is sex. I lived with that for 18 years and then left for college. I don't really visit much. :smile:
  • Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon...

    LOL :laugh: made my night