
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Laura--I am sending prayers and hugs your way. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Will be back later to catch up.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Hope your Friday is a good one. Rhea is snoozing so I ate my breakfast and am catching up on computer. Will do workout when I get off computer. I think I am doing really well. Weigh in on Monday. sounds like all are doing pretty good. Barb dont you just love those spur of minute things. Sounds lovely that trip to ocean. Some of my best memories are those spur of moment ones. Dont have much to say so will close for now. Hope to hear from all of you later today.
    Vicki M
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    My thoughts are with you Laura, I went through the exact same thing with my mom, only I didn't have a trip ahead of me to get. I also believe that people will hold on for a reason, I hope that happened in your case. We sort of kiddingly told my mom she couldn't die before Christmas. She was able to come that day & had one of her best days in a long time & the next morning we couldn't really awaken her fully & took her to the hospital. Hold in your heart the fact that you told her you loved her. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Laura, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom.


    My water consumption fell down to nearly nothing when the weather got cold. I started replacing 1 glass of water with a cup of blueberry tea everyday at work. I use to have tea buddies in my old office building, but since we have moved I haven't found any tea drinkers and sort of fell off the kettle.

    A friend from high school started a diet recently and one of the things he was told to do was to go public with what he was doing to keep himself accountable. So, he posted it on his face book page. I got a kick out of it as that is what we are all doing here - going public. We all know that being accountable and getting support is key to success.

    Hugs again to all that need them!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    If the scale doesn't move then it doesn't move. I have to just keep on.
    Right on Robin, never Never NEVER give up!
    My abs......what abs??:laugh: I need some help there:wink:
    Keep.....keeping on!!!!
    Birdie you voiced my sentiments exactly . . . EXCEPT I would trade abs with you any day! ROTFL(I wish MAO) but not rolling on the floor doing my gutt'n'butts :wink:

    Does anyone know of a good resource explaining what impacts on the body different %body fat have? Happily (barely) below 50%. Want encourage myself to move forward more vigorously.

    Up almost 5 lbs from vacation :noway: got rid of all but 1.3 by weigh in day :ohwell:

    Family BBQ this weekend, will bring raw and ROASTED (thank you SMVQ) veggies and dips and try to stay away from the beer or at least alternate it with water.

    Way behind on posts but sending GIANT (post-vacation) SUPERSIZED hugs to all.
  • roxanea
    roxanea Posts: 59
    Hello to everyone,

    I have finished one week here on the site and found out when I weighed myself this morning I lost weight even though most of the week I was eating over 2000 calories. Finally figured out what my goals for this month would be and have been doing very well with drinking 8 glass of water a day. This week has been a busy one as I have had to try and not only keep my three year old granddaughter entertianed but the seven year old granddaughter also as she has what is called Fall break so no school this week. We went to the local pumpkin patch on Wednesday and yesterday we went hiking in one of the mountain canyons nearby. Today we are going to go to one of the local parks and then on Saturday my granddaughters, my daughter and I are heading to Tucson to see Disney on Ice. My husband can't go this year as he is in kwait at until the middle of March.

    My prayers are with you and your mother Laura.

    Need to get off of here now as the granddaughters have just arrived for the day. Everyone have a wonderful day and weekend.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Laura, I hope you make it in time. If not I wish you the comfort and knowledge that you did your best and loved your mother truly and she knows it.

    My new internet service blew up on me Wednesday evening and I had to wait for a tech to come and change out the modem yesterday. I felt so cut off and alone without any internet access.

    I am really frustrated as the scale isn't moving. I am tired of busting my butt and eating healthy and seeing no change. I am wallowing in self pity and I know that my uber high stress levels aren't helping my weight loss. I hate feeling deprived and lately I have felt deprived. I know that I will work thru this and eventually start losing weight again but it is so annoying. Thank you all for you support.

    I wish you all the best day ever.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Friday, All!

    Can't believe it is the weekend already...I think the Monday holiday with the kids here made the week fly by...I certainly don't know what I got done the past several days...except LOTS of exercise and some much needed pruning in the garden. My energy level seems to be slowly returning to" post-house full for the weekend" level, thankfully!

    Laura: My heart goes out to you and your Mom...you will be in my thoughts and prayers

    Birdie: Your Path vs Wagon analogy worked for me too...thanks for giving us a helpful way to look at this journey

    Jeannie: I have been trying to do your shoulder/arm exercises and hope that they will help me too. Thanks for telling me about them.

    Robin: The scale WILL move...stay the course. I know whenever I get into that "place" and think nothing will happen, all of a sudden, it will move a lot at once. So never, never, never give up! You have worked too hard and you have done so great!

    Roxane: Congratulations on your first week and loss!

    Everyone have a good, healthy weekend and thanks for being here! :heart: kackie
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Laura, I hope you make it in time. If not I wish you the comfort and knowledge that you did your best and loved your mother truly and she knows it.

    My new internet service blew up on me Wednesday evening and I had to wait for a tech to come and change out the modem yesterday. I felt so cut off and alone without any internet access.

    I am really frustrated as the scale isn't moving. I am tired of busting my butt and eating healthy and seeing no change. I am wallowing in self pity and I know that my uber high stress levels aren't helping my weight loss. I hate feeling deprived and lately I have felt deprived. I know that I will work thru this and eventually start losing weight again but it is so annoying. Thank you all for you support.

    I wish you all the best day ever.

    I am still very new on here and if you have read anything about me you know I have major slow weight loss issues. I saw where you have lost 30 lbs and have went 300+ days without smoking. THINK what you are doing for yourself healthwise. I think you are doing fantastic. Sometimes, the darkest times are just before the light. :flowerforyou:
    Maybe you and the other nice ladies could encourage me too because I have been on here since Sept 23 and lost only 3 lbs....that is not gaining but you should read my diary and my excercise routine. It's just going to be very slow and I have to know that. :tongue:
    When you have been ill, it's easy to get into a mindset, at the best you do, to not feel sorry for yourself and you find yourself afraid you are going to cause "it" to come back AND you dwell on negative more than positive. So, I have many goals that I am working on all at one time.
    The sun is shining here and the temps are so mild. I am very blessed just to be living.
    Anyone else want to add anything, feel free.
    I have heard all my life that "united we stand, divided we fall."

    Everyone have a wonderful day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    I have been MIA for most of this month, I just can't seem to shake this blue funk. I have been posting and reading and you all have been so helpful in helping me "stay the course". Thank youall.

    Laura - so sorry your mom is failing.You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am going to try to touch base more often. Until later I want to wish you all a healthy week end.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF AGAIN!!!! :noway: I think you're right Kackie with the Holiday..... this week just flew!!!!:happy:

    Laura, you have been a caring and loving daughter. At a time like this, remember the good things.:love: She is very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter.:flowerforyou: I hope you make it to her bedside on time to see her! You are in my prayers.:love:

    Lynn, I have found that when I am having a problem:grumble: .....whatever it is......weight.....discouragement....even health....the first thing I look to is...my head. :huh: Every thought we have tends to manifest itself in our behavior. :happy: And how we choose to behave will determine the consequences.
    For instance, if I keep a thin and healthy image of me in my head :happy: (and not a weary, overweight unhealthy woman:frown: )....I seem to make choices accordingly.:happy: If I dwell on depressing, resentful or negative thoughts rather than thoughts of.....say...gratitude...I get depressed...resentful and may become ill tempered with the people around me. Then I don’t like myself :angry: so I make negative unproductive decisions.:angry: If I think I will never achieve something, :grumble: chances are....I won't! :ohwell:
    Even with my food....when I start dwelling on a treat that I'm just longing to have,:tongue: I catch myself and tell myself to think of how healthy I am going to enjoy being if I think of something else!:drinker: :drinker: :wink: It may seem silly, but when I have a problem, I always ask myself......"What have I been thinking about? What is the attitude of the little voice in my head?" Sometimes I don’t like what I’m discovering,:frown: but then I remember that I can work to change it! :flowerforyou: I can choose to replace those thoughts by reading something positive, by making a gratitude list or just taking in a deep breath of this wonderful fall air and making a chice to be happy. :bigsmile: Even in difficult times we can choose to be happy....overcome obstacles....and march on.:happy: Suzzyq has something on her post that says ....something like....Don’t wait until you are motivated and then do something.....just do it and then the motivation will come. (Something like that)
    The weight, many times, is just the aftermath of choices we've voluntarily made.....unless there are medical reasons, of course.
    I guess what I’m try to say is that before we make a choice....there's a thought process that goes on.
    Being discouraged about something doesn’t make things better....but making positive choices during a discouraging time...can .......and it seems like that is what you are trying to do! So continue to do positive things and think positive thoughts....we're all cheering for you!!!!:flowerforyou: YOU CAN DO IT ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

    Sorry to be so winded!
    I just hope everyone makes the most of whatever they have going on in their lives this weekend!

    Hugs!!!!! & God Bless!!!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Wow! Are you a motivational speaker? You are good! I pray all your words help you 10-fold. :flowerforyou: I will think about all you have said. Thank you so much.
    My mother taught me that when you are down think of someone else in trouble and that will help you to get your mind off yourself. So, I have thought of Laura since I read her post. I know her heart is broken and I pray that she will have comfort from the things I have read that she did for her mother and the words she had the opportunity to speak to her.
    My brother was killed in Texas in 1986. He was 25 years old. We didn't get the opportunity to say bye to him. He was just gone. To be able to have closure helps so much when you lose someone. I am glad she had that. I pray she has comfort.
    I almost died a year ago in July and I try to remember when I have low times to be thankful for life.
    It's just so great to have found a place to "talk" to people who deal with all the things you do. I have a lot of family and friends but I am trying to not be a burden and what I call a "downer" to them. So, this is a forum where you can communicate with people and they don't have to take it personally.
    It is a relief to not carry all my thoughts around. Thanks all of you for letting me be on her with you.:flowerforyou:
  • What a week for everyone.

    Don't get discouraged. I remember when I was on Jenny Craig and I had lost like 70 lbs at that time and all of a sudden I plateaued. It wouldn't budge for weeks. My counselor there suggested I go on a "Shock diet" for a week. It basically cut my calories down to half and then the following week I could go back to normal. It did the trick. I also remember someone here posted that she wasn't losing weight and she was eating under a 1000 calories and exercising like crazy. The ladies said her calorie level was too low and she should slowly move up her calories to a normal range for her body even if it meant gaining a little. Then work her way down again to a "correct" calorie level. Basically she was in starvation mode and the body wouldn't let her lose anymore. By doing what they said it helped her. Maybe doing either one of these ideas might help. Just stick with it and vent here. I'm sure others will have good advice too.


    I read what you said about not drinking enough water due to the change in weather. Personally I hate water. I cannot drink 8 glasses of plain water for the life of me. So I am a tea drinker. I drink an entire pitcher of green tea everyday and count that as my water consumption. My doctor approved it saying the green tea was good for me to. I drink the mixed berry green tea. The only time I drink water is when I have to swallow a pill, seriously.:laugh: I may do what you are doing and for winter drink it warm too. But normally that isn't a problem for me as "in the old days" I lived on diet coke year round. Can't warm up diet coke, so it will be nice to have the option of having warm tea to dirnk also this winter.:smile:


    I want you to know that I spoke with my mom today and we were discussing her physical therapy and how she did today. She did much better. She told me that she did better today because the therapist she works well with was helping her today vs. on the bad days it was someone else. This bothered me and I told her so, because if she can only perform well with that one therapist how will she do when she is with me? So I suggested that she have the therapist show the other therapist how he works with her. She then admitted to me (because she was afraid I would call the therapist and discuss this with him) that it had nothing to do with the other therapist.....it was my brother. The first day of her " 2 Bad Days" had fallen on her birthday. Even with me making arrangements with the staff to celebrate her birthday and the girfts she received and special meal too, because he didn't call her to wish her a happy birthday, she got depressed, felt guilty about the money issues with him and let it eat her up. It carried over to the next day also. So today when she admitted it, she also said that she recognized how he made her feel and how it affected her behavior and performance.
    Now I have been telling her this all along, that he brings her down and that is when she starts feeling sorry for herself and or gives up. But this is the first time she has realized it on her own, actually thought about it and came to the conclussion. When she did the next day (today) she performed excellent and it was a piece of cake. (Her words.)

    After I hung up with her I read your post. I called her back and read it to her. It just seemed appropriate at the time. When she heard it, she said, "Is that what you ladies talk about when posting?" I told her that, among other things. She said, "She's a smart lady. Because that is what I realized was happening to me. I finally saw what you have been telling me." So it was sort of a revelation for her.
    But I wanted to thank you for the words you wrote, because they are so true and it helped my mother also, giving her validation for her epiphany.:drinker:
    They were great words.

  • Dear Laura...I know God is with you and your Mom. You are a lovely daughter.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: To everyone who is feeling discouraged........I had to learn to tell my head to shut up.....sometimes, I can be my own worst enemy......my head tells me that that I'm a failure, always have been and always will be .....so I have to silence my head with music, or TV, or prayer, and go for a walk or do something active.

    Remember, never, never,never give up

    :flowerforyou: I put a sticker on my calendar for meeting my exercise goals.....i can control that.....i can't control how quickly the scale moves, but I can lift another weight, walk another mile, drink another glass of water, or call a sick friend and thereby raise my self esteem by doing things that are worthy of esteem.

    :flowerforyou: I am so glad that we are here to listen to each other

    :flowerforyou: I am finding that my goal of living "complaint free" has raised my spirits a lot
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Hello everyone. May I join you?

    I am new to this site and still finding my way around but it's great to see it caters for all ages.

    I have been trying (half-heartedly) to lose weight for the best part of this year. I just cannot stick to my guns. I give in too easily and seem easily tempted by food, thinking "I'll do better tomorrow."

    When tomorrow comes I put off committing yet again. I lose five pounds and regain them the next week. In fact a few more pounds creep on. I lose heart easily. I really have to have a plan and I really need to stick to my plan.(How do you keep on going? How do you resist temptation, and remain committed day after day? I start off with good intentions...and then...nothing. Back to bad eating habits, and too much lazing about.)

    All my intentions are good - and then I give up on myself. That's why I am here.

    Anyway, I look forward to reading and gaining ideas and inspiration. I really am going to do it. It's half way through October already, but my goal will be to stay true to the plan, to stick with it until at least the end of the month. No excuses. No cheating. (I only cheat myself of a waistline) Hopefully I'll lose a few pounds and want to carry on in November! Fingers crossed! :)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    I have been MIA for most of this month, I just can't seem to shake this blue funk. I have been posting and reading and you all have been so helpful in helping me "stay the course". Thank youall.

    :flowerforyou: Peggy just wanted to say hang in there! Towards the end of September I was the same, nothing I could put my finger on really, just everything was getting me down. I didn't post much, but kept reading, and just knowing my friends were out there helped me too. It's great that we are such a support to each other, even when sometimes it seems that compared to others we have nothing to worry/complain/be depressed about. So thanks to you all from me too :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM Nyll54 is right great words. I'll try to think of them as I must admit I often do things without thinking them through. I think I might add that as a short goal.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - not sure I could live completely complaint free, but I am going to try from today to stop complaining, especially over the little things that are more of an inconvenience than anything else. I know I can decide that nothing is going to annoy me (for at least a day anyway :smile: ) because when we went to the seaside on Tuesday, everything started to go wrong we slept in, was undecided whether to go all that way or not, we took a wrong turn :embarassed: but I kept saying to DD who hates driving and was getting a bit stressed on the journey - we are going to have fun today, go around the roundabout to get to the correct exit it's no big deal we have all day look at the lovely scenery on the way etc and we did have a good day!

    Well time to take the doggies out for their morning walk, it's getting late. During the week we are walking them in the dark (we walk them around 6.30 a.m.) On weekend it can be anytime from 7a.m. onwards.

    Take Care everyone
    Love Viv :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    TGIF AGAIN!!!! :noway: I think you're right Kackie with the Holiday..... this week just flew!!!!:happy:

    Laura, you have been a caring and loving daughter. At a time like this, remember the good things.:love: She is very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter.:flowerforyou: I hope you make it to her bedside on time to see her! You are in my prayers.:love:

    Lynn, I have found that when I am having a problem:grumble: .....whatever it is......weight.....discouragement....even health....the first thing I look to is...my head. :huh: Every thought we have tends to manifest itself in our behavior. :happy: And how we choose to behave will determine the consequences.
    For instance, if I keep a thin and healthy image of me in my head :happy: (and not a weary, overweight unhealthy woman:frown: )....I seem to make choices accordingly.:happy: If I dwell on depressing, resentful or negative thoughts rather than thoughts of.....say...gratitude...I get depressed...resentful and may become ill tempered with the people around me. Then I don’t like myself :angry: so I make negative unproductive decisions.:angry: If I think I will never achieve something, :grumble: chances are....I won't! :ohwell:
    Even with my food....when I start dwelling on a treat that I'm just longing to have,:tongue: I catch myself and tell myself to think of how healthy I am going to enjoy being if I think of something else!:drinker: :drinker: :wink: It may seem silly, but when I have a problem, I always ask myself......"What have I been thinking about? What is the attitude of the little voice in my head?" Sometimes I don’t like what I’m discovering,:frown: but then I remember that I can work to change it! :flowerforyou: I can choose to replace those thoughts by reading something positive, by making a gratitude list or just taking in a deep breath of this wonderful fall air and making a chice to be happy. :bigsmile: Even in difficult times we can choose to be happy....overcome obstacles....and march on.:happy: Suzzyq has something on her post that says ....something like....Don’t wait until you are motivated and then do something.....just do it and then the motivation will come. (Something like that)
    The weight, many times, is just the aftermath of choices we've voluntarily made.....unless there are medical reasons, of course.
    I guess what I’m try to say is that before we make a choice....there's a thought process that goes on.
    Being discouraged about something doesn’t make things better....but making positive choices during a discouraging time...can .......and it seems like that is what you are trying to do! So continue to do positive things and think positive thoughts....we're all cheering for you!!!!:flowerforyou: YOU CAN DO IT ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

    Sorry to be so winded!
    I just hope everyone makes the most of whatever they have going on in their lives this weekend!

    Hugs!!!!! & God Bless!!!

    Whatsername, welcome. Please read BirdieM's words. She is a great motivator. I haven't been on the site very long myself. It's a great help to you, I can vouch for that. Just starting to log in your food helps a lot.
    Good Luck to you!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to our new friends.

    Once again I'm doing a flying visit. I'm off to do canvassing which involves a LOT of walking. I'm hoping to log about four or five hours worth today - possibly more. Quite a bit of it involves climbing flights of stairs, so that should get me nicely out of puff.

    I got a phone call from my 15 year old nephew last night, asking if I would mind looking over his French homework and making corrections. He emailed it across - plus his girlfriends too! Cheeky monkey! Anyway, I went though it all and gave them some pointers (I never do their work for them, but I just tell them where they have gone wrong). The text messages I received from him this morning were definitely full of gratitude and love! He also reminded me that he has a Latin exam coming up and wants some extra tuition for that. I love helping them in this way. Even my ten year old nephew comes to me for extra help with his saxophone - although I have a feeling that his 5 year old sister is going to be joining him with that shortly... she is a natural, despite the sax being almost as big as her! I always played the tenor sax - but they are keen on the alto sax.

    This morning saw a delivery of something that I'd forgotten I'd ordered - 200 nappies (diapers) for newborns. I reckon that will last a couple of weeks for the twins! DD has been booked in for a caesarean section on November 17th if the babies haven't shown up before then. That's another month! I cannot believe she will last that long. The babes are already over 3.5 pounds each - not a bad size for twinnies.

    I've got an appointment with my dietician next week, followed by an appointment with my cardiologist and then my glaucoma specialist. What a week! Still, I'll be getting it over and done with. The main reason for seeing the dietician is to ask for advice regarding my hair loss. It's really getting me down and I actually lost my temper a little last night when we were at the nursing home. DH and his mum were both telling me that they didn't like my hat. I snapped back that I was wearing it to cover my disappearing hair. They were both extremely contrite - and I felt extremely guilty for snapping, but sometimes these things happen.

    Anyway, I'm off to have a yoghurt before I go off 'street walking'!

    Love and hugs to everyone.

    Amanda x
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Amanda x:
    To be so talented! If I were you I would have my doctor to check my thyroid. I take meds for that and it can cause hair loss, temper, etc...
    :wink: Just a suggestion..
    Thanks for the welcome:flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.