Does "Hot Mom" Need to Apologize?



  • Target126
    Target126 Posts: 33 Member
    My take on this (having only seen the picture & knowing nothing about her)

    What would she be apologising for? Just because a bunch of jerks declared it 'fat shaming week' does not mean that somebody posting a picture of them with a great body that has been worked for and that they are very understandably proud of does not mean that they are 'fat shaming'
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    Its probably a whole lot easier to stay in shape through 3 pregnancies than to *get* in shape after the fact. She probably hasn't *ever* been "fat".
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Just proves the point....A hater is gonna hate!

    She invited it by asking a question and has to be prepared to deal with negative responses.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    1... It can be done. I have 6 kids, work 48-56 hours a week and still lost 75 pounds in a year.

    2... Maria is a model that owns her own buisness and works our with her hubby..... so someone else has to be watching her kids while she works out. - I can see where "normal" people could see the pic as offensive. I mean how many people can afford a sitter so they can exercise? I have to take mine with me which can be a PITA some day.

    I can hate how easy she can make it look, but if I am too lazy to work out it is my fault not hers.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Its probably a whole lot easier to stay in shape through 3 pregnancies than to *get* in shape after the fact. She probably hasn't *ever* been "fat".

    If you check out her website or Facebook page you will see she went through a period where she was overweight. It looks like she stayed in shape through her pregnancies, but still had to lose 25 pounds.

    She has a pretty tough workout schedule. You have to be pretty dedicated to keep up with it WITHOUT kids.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    What is the difference between that picture of her and the "What's Your Excuse" caption and something like this:


    Or this:


    Or even this:


    They're all saying the same thing. So what if it's not the kind of body you want to attain? If you think she's fat shaming then you are reading way too much into it. Is it fat shaming when they show fitness models on the front of fitness magazines? Are the people who have their abs, selfies of their bodies etc. as their profile picture here also fat shaming because it's showing off their accomplishment and what they look like? Are you upset over it because it's a body type that's not yours nor will you attain it? Apparently not because when they proudly point out "That's me right there in my avi!" everyone ooh's and ahhh's over how hot they are, how gorgeous "would bang! 10/10! woooooooooo!" But because this mom of three had a professional photo done with her kids (which not sure why people think that's creepy. What's the difference between her posing in a studio in workout clothes and posing on the beach in a bikini with her kids?) and it says "What's your excuse".

    People are too sensitive and jump on the 'Oh I am SO offended!" band wagon because they're not owning up to their own faults and have to lash out at someone who clearly has worked hard to get to where she is. Oh, and for the record she's NOT a fitness model or a fitness instructor. She owns two businesses. She doesn't work out all day and she says that she has her husbands assistance or uses the gym daycare. The point of her picture is that there are no excuses. That you need to get out of your own head and off the couch and get moving if you want to lose weight and be fit.

    What's the difference between saying that and "Just Do It?" No one blasts Nike over that slogan and yet this mom of 3 gets blasted over essentially saying the same thing.

    Oh right. Because in some peoples eyes she's fat shaming but Nike isn't.

    Get over yourself. Get off the couch and Just Do It.
  • AnchoredinHimfitness
    People are soooooo ridiculous and get offended over EVERYTHING. No way do I think she needs ir should apologize. That took hard work, dedication and determination! She should be proud and feel free to share!!!!!!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you had asked me this question a few years ago, while I was still in the obese category and was completely inactive and depressed, then, yes, I would have replied that she was expressing a "shaming attitude". I would have said that she needed to apologize, and that not everyone can do what she does, and that she probably has a nanny. I would have asked who could possibly do what she did with a full-time job and children and a house to take care of and bills to pay. I would have asked, "Who has time to work out six hours a day?" Blah, blah, blah.

    However, my perspective has changed. Now that I have worked hard to lose nearly fifty pounds and don't look anywhere near as good as thing young woman does, I can appreciate all the effort that it requires for her to maintain her health and fitness to such a degree. She has a beautiful, healthy body. She did not get this beautiful, healthy body by magic. It takes a lot of effort, hard work, vigilance, dedication, persistence, discipline, etc. to achieve and maintain what she has achieved and maintained. She has chosen to make her health and fitness a priority in her life, even with a busy schedule and three young children.

    Now, I say, "Kudos, Lady!" And, "More power to her!"

    Every person can choose to make their health and fitness more of a priority in their lives. We don't all have access to the same resources, but we can all do something to improve our health and fitness. Do what you can with the time that you have. Move your body. Eat enough, not too much. Take care of yourself.
  • buckmeatball
    buckmeatball Posts: 39 Member
    Is this a serious question? What's the difference between not having appendages and working out and having 3 kids and working out? Quite a bit in my book.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    What is the difference between that picture of her and the "What's Your Excuse" caption and something like this:


    Or this:


    Or even this:


    I think the difference is that society as a whole doesn't expect people with physical disabilities to have "hot" bodies or be in any particular shape. Women are expected to want children and then be "MILF"s when they are done pushing them out. Again, I don't think this woman needs to apologize, but maybe wonder if how she is approaching "motivation" feeds into the idea that looks get you more press than 1) owning a business that helps care for people or 2) running a charity that helps children.
  • jeremyiswin
    fat shaming? sounds like excuse making. i laugh at the notion of her apologizing.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I personally find it inspirational.

    The problem is that we assign motivation or assume what someone's purpose and message. I personally took the message to be, "I can do it, so you can too!" I don't think the idea is that we have to look exactly like her. I've had surgery in my stomach area to put in a port, so I don't think I could possibly look like her, but it motivates me to get my healthiest and look my best.

    Unless someone comes out and says, "This is what I meant to say..." we really only have our assumptions. The problem is that our own biases color these assumptions so that we can twist the intended message into something far different.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I say no...she doesn't need to apologize for her weight loss anymore then anyone else does for theirs.
  • fIashforward
    fIashforward Posts: 66 Member
    I wouldn't say she's fat shaming.

    What I'd be more annoyed about is the fact that she's using her children to sell her business, to make money.
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member

    She is saying there is no excuse to not work hard! That is just what HER body looks like.
    Stop comparing your body to hers. That isn't the point and has never been.
    Just like the picture of the 90 year old woman working out saying what is your excuse.
    Just like pregant women doing crossfit, saying what is your excuse.
    That is what this picture is saying, the end.
    Stop being a cry baby and realize no one cares that you are offended, you should be worrying about your health and look at her and be happy for her. She is a badass, as are many others. Wahhh you don't have the same goals you don't want rock hard abs, well good for you, she isn't saying you have to look like her. That is our society though, taking things to literally and crying about it. She is saying care about your body, care about your health, there is literally NO EXCUSE not too.
    And stop crying about stuff. Sheesh.

    I work 2 jobs, have a deployed husband, I work out everyday even when I work 17 hour days 4 days in a row! I make time, I meal prep, I am still considered obese by my BMI. This picture is inspiration to be better, not cry because her abs are better than mine and my genetics will never let me get there. WRONG. You get to where you want to be by working for it! It might take time, but that time will pass no matter what, might as well work your *kitten* of for what YOU WANT.

    This whole thread makes me so annoyed...
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    think the difference is that society as a whole doesn't expect people with physical disabilities to have "hot" bodies or be in any particular shape. Women are expected to want children and then be "MILF"s when they are done pushing them out. Again, I don't think this woman needs to apologize, but maybe wonder if how she is approaching "motivation" feeds into the idea that looks get you more press than 1) owning a business that helps care for people or 2) running a charity that helps children.

    Sorry but I think the two are the same. Both are saying there is no excuse to not go out there and do it. In her case sure she's saying there's no excuse to not get the body you want and I have to agree with her.

    We have become a society of p*ssies. Of people who blame everyone else for their shortcomings or the fact that they haven't achieved what they want. Now this woman has some how offended people who are over weight simply by posting a picture and asking a simple question: "What's your Excuse?" But of course that's fat shaming. Like I said would it have been any different if she was on the front of a fitness magazine and the title said something like "Mom of three shares her story on how she got this rockin' body and stays in shape! Her motto "What's Your Excuse" is what keeps her motivated!" No. You would go flip through the magazine and read her amazing story. You'd stare in awe at her awesome body and think 'Wow! She is unbelievable! I might have to try her ideas!" But instead because it's just a simple picture with three simple words it's fat shaming.

    It'ss your problem that you have an issue and are reading that much into it. It's YOUR problem if you think she's fat shaming. If people took half as much time and energy that they put into posting their hate about those who are fit and in shape and got off their *kitten* and stepped away from the computer for a few minutes perhaps they too could have that kind of body too.
  • leduque
    leduque Posts: 37 Member
    It is not fat-hating, it is motivation!!! People need better things to do with their time than get online and bash someone like her!

    Great point.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I wouldn't say she's fat shaming.

    What I'd be more annoyed about is the fact that she's using her children to sell her business, to make money.

    She's smart by doing that. It now becomes a tax write-off.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    For the photo, she owes absolutely no apology. I see no problem with that or the caption. She's hot, she works hard, it's pretty kick azz. But her weird, defensive apology was a little off putting.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Nope. She worked for it. Unless the pics are photoshopped and/or she had plastic surgery. Then I'd say she should apologize. But apologize for that? I think those who took offense are probably the same who are making up reasons for why they're not in shape/overweight/whatever other issue they may have with themselves.