Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Susan - thank you for those quotes - Wow!
    And I'm missing Kris as well... hope all is good with her.

    Wednesday wish - a new boss (or a new job, that would work except that I love my job). Unfortunately, my boss walked in with an extreme dislike of me from day one, and I have yet to figure out why. She is very volatile, and there are days I worry. In truth, I really don't care anymore *why* she doesn't like me - I'd just like her to have a really wonderful life somewhere else (which is much more PC than wishing she were kidnapped by aliens).
    .... oh, and these migraines, I could live without them.

    Have a great week, folks!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- That I get back to the gym. Yesterday, I opted not to workout and today an after work meeting took a lot longer than I expected, so I did not make it. I just did not want to hit the gym at 7:30pm. Tomorrow, I will go to the gym no matter what and will exercise with a high intensity.

    Gorilla and Karen- I will be right there with you regarding the candy. If I work out first then I won't feel so guilty about it. If I have to much candy left it may also go to school. However, my kids are already getting lollipops tomorrow. That way they will stay quiet during a test. Yes, I am so nice to give them a test on Halloween...

    Karen- Good for you for having your intern grade all the papers. He really does need to experience all the work first hand. I also have a lot of grading to do between now and Friday. The first marking period has gone by very quickly.

    Susan- nice list of things to remember. I really should consider some of those ideals- namely no TV until I exercise.

    Tonight I ended up working late since I had to plan for a presentation to the staff in a couple of weeks. It was suppose to take 2 hours but ended up taking over 3 hours. Needless to say I did not want to work out so late and my abs are still sore from the sit ups on Monday. I ended up eating out tonight (salad) and made a new friend at the same time, she is the room mate of someone I know from the meet up group. We just ran into each other at Potbelly's. Surprisingly, I ended up sharing my story with her about the weight then backed it up with pictures. She did not really believe me that I was "one of the big girls" as she is also big. It felt good to share my story but odd at the same time. It was nice to back it up with pictures. We had a great conversation about weight and exercise.

    Kaye- Homemade doughnuts sound wonderful and that is a huge number to make.

    Have a great night. Happy Halloween. Try not to eat the entire bag of candy or all those doughnuts.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Vick - I'm so sorry to read your post. I think many of us have been in your shoes and I know how hard it is to drag yourself out of bed and go to work. What's even worse you really like your job, but this boss is just making it awful. You deserve better! It's so important to keep positive people around you, but when someone is being so volatile it makes it so hard. Plus, I know how much pressure you have on yourself and trying to be the only breadwinner supporting your household right now. You've come so far and lost over 100 lbs. I'm so proud of you!!! Hang in there. BTW, awesome alien comment!!!

    @ Laurie - I know you'll be back in the gym very soon and working very hard. Plus, are you climbing Friday night? I know how much you enjoy that. Also, I loved that you were able to share your journey with someone else. You should be so proud of yourself.

    @ Karen - I bought the candy yesterday, but left it in the bags. I'm not going to put it in the bowl until the light goes on. I figured the longer I can wait the better. I'm so proud of myself though. We have this beautiful pumpkin glass bowl right at our front entrance. I've past it every single morning for 3 weeks and I think I've only had 2 pieces. It's not been easy, but I'm doing it!!!
  • stormydestiny
    Thanks to everyone who welcomed all of us newbies! it means alot to me personally to have support in this (at times) seemingly impossible journey. I look up to everyone who has done so well and hope to one day inspire someone with my "success story".

    My Wednesday wish is to be successful in my weight loss. This is a lifestyle change for me, it is not a diet or a short term fix. I would LOVE to be smaller, but i also want to be healthy. I know it sounds silly but my goal is to fit into a size 16,and be able to run a mile and improve my health.

    My second wish is to go through with my wedding (i'm engaged, but the date is not set because im not comfortable with how i look, and i dont think a dress would fit).
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I am back!!! I realized (after the fact) that I was not dealing with such hard life issues but a severe bout of PMS. I have a history of the condition and age is NOT my friend in that area!!! LOL!! As with everything, once you break the cycle it is hard to get back with it so logging totally fell by the wayside. I did gain a little but am not worried about taking it off again... work = health. I am worried about getting back with exercise which got set aside partly because of some knee and hip issues. While the hiatus was good for healing, it will NOT be good on conditioning!!! So, today, I logged, and tomorrow I will do 3 miles, either a Leslie DVD or a run/walk depending on the weather!!! I have a 5K on Thanksgiving!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday truth- I am getting out of control again with eating out. I did go grocery shopping this week so hope it helps but working downtown around all the fast food is just way to tempting for me to eat out. On personal note my job has laid off again not in my area but in construction type work. Also my boss who has worked here 19.5 years and hired me for 2 positions is leaving the company for a new job. I am nervous that it is sign....maybe I am just reading to much into it. She said she left to work for a company that would take her outside her comfort zone and force her to grow. It is also more money from what I can tell.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Welcome back, Marca. Susan, thanks for the great article. Good stuff there.
    Thursday truth: Today will be a wild day for me. I will start early by making some soup in the crockpot so everyone can grab something to eat on their own schedule this evening. Then I will get the wassail (non-alcoholic version) started. The trick-or-treaters don't get that. Its for family. By 2 o'clock I will be making donut dough. The kids will be coming by about 5. Yesterday I vacuumed, cleaned off counters, etc. I sure hope that I haven't forgotten anything. Eating too many donuts usually isn't a problem because I am too busy.
    Have a good day. Enjoy Halloween. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth - Two weekends ago my husband and I were preparing for our bathroom renovations. I was inside cleaning out the bathroom and my husband was cleaning out the garage so we can store all the supplies in there. I happened to walk into the kitchen and see my husband riding his bike across the backyard to the shed. It looked like fun so I ran into the garage and attempted the same thing. I have not ridden my bike in quite some time so I had some difficulty getting my balance, I am sure having two flat tires did not help the situation at all. I asked my husband to help me and hold onto me until I get my balance. I got both feet up, started to pedal and down I went. Yup, that was a disaster. I ended up twisting my ankle on the way down and fell into my herb garden. Luckily it was a minor sprain and was slightly tender. It was quite an embarrassing moment. I am going to make it a goal to relearn to ride my bike once a shed a little bit of weight, my large tush fits a bit better on my small seat and I gain a better sense of balance. :laugh:

    kah68- Thanks for your response regarding the difference between the two. My fitbit flex should arrive today. I am very excited to start using it. I really don't know much about using it so I may have a ton of questions for you.

    Robin - I spoke again to my husband last night about going on this journey with me. He said he would not join MFP because for him it seems like too much work. But he did agree to "go on my fitness things with me". We have a town park 5 minutes up the road from me that has a large track. I already told him that I want to start going there on the weekends and getting in a nice walk. He agreed but said he needs new sneakers first. So we are going Friday to get him some. I am very excited that he is willing to exercise with me. :smile:

    Susan- My bestie is on MFP. Actually she is the one who told me about this site when I first joined back in 2011 (?) Originally we were doing this together then we both stopped. We were chatting the other day and decided to rejoin together. I will mention this group to her, though she doesn't have 100 lbs to lose. She doesn't use the message boards a lot though so I don't know if she would be interested in joining the group. Thanks for sharing that email and quote. I read them over a few times. The words are very true and lead one to a healthy mental attitude. I think that is a very important thing to have in life!

    meisterkidd - Thank you. I will be rooting for you as well. We can do this!

    Skinnyjeanz - I am hoping that my husband will start eating healthier when he sees me making positive changes in my life and having great results. It was difficult last night when we were watching the Wednesday night comedies on tv. I had a lot of calories left over so decided to have a snack of veggie straws. I counted out my portion and slowly ate them to make them last longer. He sat and ate out of the bag rather quickly. Then he got up, put them away and came back with some Halloween candy. 2 snacks after dinner?!!! :noway: It was difficult fighting the will to have some too because that chocolate smelled so good. I was quite proud of myself when I resisted the urge.But like my dad always says "Rome wasn't built in a day." At least he agreed to exercise with me. :happy:

    Stormydestiny - Congratulations on your engagement! What an exciting time in your life. You are going to make a beautiful bride!

    TOPSmarca - Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your knee and hip issues but glad to hear that you took time to heal. I wish you much success. How exciting about your upcoming 5K!

    mnwalkingquee- I hope everything goes well with your job.

    Kaye - It sounds like you have a very fun day planned. Enjoy every minute of it.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    @Vicki~I’m sorry for the continued work situation, it’s hard when you love your job but your faced with such opposition. I hope things make a turn for the better soon.

    @MeisterKidd~If you’ve been taking metformin for a few days and are still nauseated, you should call your doctor. That medication can cause lactic acidosis in certain people, its rare but does occur and can be serious – nausea is a symptom. I don’t want to scare you but there are other oral diabetes medications available, you might ask her if you can try one of the others.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry you missed your workout last night, but being able to share your story with someone is a great way to spend an evening. No doubt you’ll hit the gym hard tonight!

    @Kaye~Wow, homemade donuts? That sounds like a huge undertaking, bet your house is the favorite in the neighborhood. :wink:

    @Marca~Welcome back, we’ve all been there. It’s so hard to get back into the swing of things after a hiatus, but you can do it! You have a great plan lined up and getting back into exercise slowly is best – you’ll work your way back up and be ready for that 5k on Thanksgiving!

    @Holly~Lay offs and changes in staff are always scary. Where I work they just froze salaries for the next year, we had already been on reduced merit raises for the last couple of years. They talked about cutting staff, so in the grand scheme of things salary freezes weren’t so bad. The economy is not in the best shape so a lot of companies are having to downsize, I’ll keep you in my thoughts that it doesn’t affect you. I’m sorry your boss left, maybe it’s nothing more than she received an opportunity she couldn’t turn down.

    @Nettie~I’m so glad to hear that your husband is at least willing to be active with you, that should be good for motivation. Hey, isn’t riding a bike one of those things you never forget? :wink: :laugh:

    AFM~Did make it back to the gym last night for a session with my trainer, I wasn’t up for intervals so just did some heavy lifting – the workout felt good, just wish my energy had been better. :frown: Then I came home to a bunch of my grandmother’s stuff in my garage, there were several things she wanted me to have – her sewing machine, some bedroom furniture, her glider rocker and a few other things. This forces me to get a “catch-all” bedroom organized.

    I guess I’m kind of a Grinch, I don’t typically hand out candy on Halloween. I may buy a bag on the way home today, depending on the time – usually don’t get home until late on Tues/Thurs. I’m not a huge candy eater, unless someone puts Skittles or peanut m&ms on my desk – which happened yesterday, at least they were the fun size and I just ate the Skittles.
  • meisterkidd
    Thursday truth- my Thursday truth is really very simple. I don't feel like doing much of anything today :'( Everyone in the house is sick and I'm not feeling well and I really feel like I'm just gonna be muddling through today. Only thing that's really messing me up right now is I can't call out again I don't think and I don't want to get in trouble at work... no matter how legit it is. :/

    @Kah- saw what you said and immediately called my doc. She said it could take a few weeks for my body to get used to the medication and for the upset stomach and stuff to go away. lol I'm beginning to think this is karma biting me on my butt. :/

  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Thursday truth- my Thursday truth is really very simple. I don't feel like doing much of anything today :'( Everyone in the house is sick and I'm not feeling well and I really feel like I'm just gonna be muddling through today. Only thing that's really messing me up right now is I can't call out again I don't think and I don't want to get in trouble at work... no matter how legit it is. :/

    I'm so definitely there with you. I'm off work today, but I don't feel like doing much of anything.

    My thursday truth--My weight is slowly coming off now. I've lost that initial water weight, and I'm losing between 1 and 3 pounds each week, but as I find myself shrinking, when I look at myself in the mirror, I still see a 300 pound girl. My clothes are loose, and my size 24 pants won't stay up anymore. I just wonder if that feeling will ever go away, or will I always be that 300 pound girl who is self-conscious of her body?
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    thursday truth... i'm jealous of the people who can do personals on here. i have to read and post quick and i can't remember everyone except a few when i'm posting. good god is it a sign of old age? uggh anyway, kudos to those that can give personal shout outs and to those that remember and post back to me... thanks :bigsmile: :heart: makes me feel special.

    that being said, personal shout out to everyone, if your sick i hope you feel better, if your struggling, dig deep and focus, hard i know but we all have it in us, if your having difficulties at your job, soul search and find something else, i did something i thought i loved for 20 years and now i have found my niche and couldn't be happier. to those that are getting it on in their workouts WOOO HOOO that's what i'm talking about! to those that post quotes and articles, they are really helpful! thank you! to the newbies, welcome i am also kind of a newbie but like to consider myself an oldie. lol

    to anyone that i've missed, i'm sorry, maybe i can catch you on the next one.

    have a blessed day everyone, i'm still struggling with getting back to my morning workout, but i'm hitting the gym hard at night. patience is not my virtue, but i'm trying oh so hard. oh and ps... i'm not a sweets person so today is not a problem for me, but put a bag of chips or pretzels here and i'm done for! to those that struggle with the candy, do like gorilla and say NO NO NO lol
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!! Well, I finished October with a loss of 3.7 pounds. I’ll take it!!

    @Kaye…mmmm donuts!!! :love: When I was growing up, there was a farmer that gave away a full sized candy bar and a full can of pop. We didn’t get much pop growing up, so that was a big treat. We always tried to plan it so that we got to their house about half way through trick-or-treating.

    @Tom…glad you’re alive! Sorry to hear about your back problems.

    @Susan…great article with some great points. Thanks for sharing!

    @meister…sorry about the medication. Hopefully your body will adjust soon and you’ll feel better.

    @Vicki…bosses can make or break a job. I’ve actually been pretty lucky with my direct reports, but we had co-managers in my old position that the one seemed to have it out for me (she didn’t like that I actually would voice an opinion that was opposite of her :mad: – she had surrounded herself with “yes ma’am” leaders but she didn’t have control of me). I still have to deal with her from time to time, but since I’m not in her area anymore, she seems to like me now.

    @Laurie…hope you have a great workout today. Sounds like a great visit with your acquaintance.

    @destiny…don’t hold off your happiness because of a dress. You have found someone that loves you for who you are…don’t sell yourself short. You are beautiful and our size should not define us. Enjoy your day and be surrounded by the people that love you no matter what. :heart:

    @TOPS…It’s amazing how easy it is to get out of a groove isn’t it? I know you’ll be able to find your mo-jo again and kick some butt!! :bigsmile:

    @Nettie…your story about the bike made me laugh, but made me nervous as well. Haven’t ridden the bike in years and I keep thinking about getting on it, but it hasn’t happened yet.

    @Alupinsk…You are having more success than I am, but my thought is that at the rate that you are taking it off, your body is ahead of your brain. I think you should take some pictures and look at them a bit every day to really see where you were and where you are now…I think it’ll eventually sink in.

    AFM…I live in an apartment building and don’t get many trick or treaters (granted, usually the kids and I are out trick or treating, so maybe they come by and I’m just not there), so we don’t buy much candy if I get a say in it. Of course, my husband usually sneaks 1-2 bags in on a monthly basis. Luckily, he likes chocolate and for the most part, I can give or take that. Michael is taking Emma out this year and I’m going to work out. We’re hoping the gym is a little deserted tonight and we can get on the squat rack right away.

    Also trying to make people see that ND isn't totally stupid, mean people. Did you hear about the lady that is going to hand out "your child is too fat so I didn't give them candy" letters? She's from the Fargo area and she has decided that she gets to determine if a child should have extra sugar or not. How terrible does that make the child feel???? Kids get picked on (for all types of reasons by other kids --- do we really need adults to start teasing kids now too? This is how self esteem/body issues start people!!!! (boy, she can get my blood boiling!!! :explode: ) And, like I told my's cold in ND at Halloween time. Most kids will have winter jackets on underneath their costumes...they all will look "chubby" I'm pretty sure she's getting egged tonight.:laugh:

    Thursday Truth: I’m trying to be patient with my new calorie level with the stronglifts, but I want more loss. It’s only been 4 weeks and I have lost 3.7 pounds. And I know you should give yourself 6 weeks to adjust to the new routine/calorie etc, but….

    Monday…Water Aerobics (DONE)
    Tuesday…Weights (DONE)
    Wednesday…rest (I might actually go for a walk during Emma’s swimming lessons…we’ll see)( NOPE JUST RESTED)
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Thursday truth- my Thursday truth is really very simple. I don't feel like doing much of anything today :'( Everyone in the house is sick and I'm not feeling well and I really feel like I'm just gonna be muddling through today. Only thing that's really messing me up right now is I can't call out again I don't think and I don't want to get in trouble at work... no matter how legit it is. :/

    I'm so definitely there with you. I'm off work today, but I don't feel like doing much of anything.

    My thursday truth--My weight is slowly coming off now. I've lost that initial water weight, and I'm losing between 1 and 3 pounds each week, but as I find myself shrinking, when I look at myself in the mirror, I still see a 300 pound girl. My clothes are loose, and my size 24 pants won't stay up anymore. I just wonder if that feeling will ever go away, or will I always be that 300 pound girl who is self-conscious of her body?

    i will be happy when i get to that part. (35 lb loss) 1-3 a week omg i just cry at the thought i wish i could see that. congrats to you and keep up the great work. you will have to mentally work your way through it im sure. i was once thin, and i can only imagine being there again and working through the same mentality you are talking about. i have a hard time looking in the mirror at the gym, i will be glad when i can do it an smile.

    have a great day and congrats again!!!
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Also trying to make people see that ND isn't totally stupid, mean people. Did you hear about the lady that is going to hand out "your child is too fat so I didn't give them candy" letters? She's from the Fargo area and she has decided that she gets to determine if a child should have extra sugar or not. How terrible does that make the child feel???? Kids get picked on (for all types of reasons by other kids --- do we really need adults to start teasing kids now too? This is how self esteem/body issues start people!!!! (boy, she can get my blood boiling!!! :explode: ) And, like I told my's cold in ND at Halloween time. Most kids will have winter jackets on underneath their costumes...they all will look "chubby" I'm pretty sure she's getting egged tonight.:laugh:

    Thursday Truth: I’m trying to be patient with my new calorie level with the stronglifts, but I want more loss. It’s only been 4 weeks and I have lost 3.7 pounds. And I know you should give yourself 6 weeks to adjust to the new routine/calorie etc, but….

    Monday…Water Aerobics (DONE)
    Tuesday…Weights (DONE)
    Wednesday…rest (I might actually go for a walk during Emma’s swimming lessons…we’ll see)( NOPE JUST RESTED)

    you inspire me, please know that! and congrats to you on your loss for the month!!!! i'm with you, i want to see more

    also, i was thinking ... i bet that lady gets egged on halloween, guess i wasn't only one to think it :grumble:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Halloween Everyone! Its a gloriously nice day here in Omaha so the trick-or-treaters will have a lovely if cool evening to show off their costumes. I live in a condo complex that doesn't allow children under the age of 14, so there won't be tricksters here tonight.

    Still a little under the weather, but definitely on the mend.

    Reading some of the other threads this morning and came across this interesting thread for those of you who weight-lift:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I'm so definitely there with you. I'm off work today, but I don't feel like doing much of anything.

    My thursday truth--My weight is slowly coming off now. I've lost that initial water weight, and I'm losing between 1 and 3 pounds each week, but as I find myself shrinking, when I look at myself in the mirror, I still see a 300 pound girl. My clothes are loose, and my size 24 pants won't stay up anymore. I just wonder if that feeling will ever go away, or will I always be that 300 pound girl who is self-conscious of her body?

    I know how you feel. Friends and family kept telling me I looked great and they could tell I'd lost a lot of weight. I'd smile and say "Thanks", but be thinking "What in the heck are they talking about?". I just couldn't see it. Until...... I bought some new clothes. The first time I wore jeans my new smaller size and a fairly form fitting shirt, I passed a mirror and the light bulb went on. Finally I could see what others had been saying.

    Of course, I still have a LONG way to go, but I do see the progress and that gives me motivation to continue the fight.

    Thursday Truth - I'm scared to death that the weight loss will slow down dramatically and I won't have the patience to stay the course when it does. This is the curse of highly goal oriented people. It's all good when things are going our way and we can measure the progress..... not so much when it's not. I just hope I won't hit that point until I get to 195. At that weight I'll be 2/3rds to my goal and for some reason I'm mentally prepared for the last third (50 lbs) to be a slow and painful fight. I just don't know if I can deal if it happens sooner......
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    According to my fitbit, I burned 3928 cals yesterday (Without exercising) Work must've kicked my *kitten*. :)

    Wow, that's incredibly impressive. My work probably doesn't burn any haha
    My second wish is for a good day with my students and staff. I teach a small class of children with autism. Wednesdays seem to be their very behavioral day. I am keeping my fingers crossed for less behavioral day.

    Middle of the week is hard. And it may not get better this week since, as a parent of an autistic child, I can say that they seem to take Halloween hard. There's just WAAAYYYY too much stimulation. It usually takes him a week to come down from his tension
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @sjacobs~when I do personals I usually have MFP up and another program up to type my responses and then cut & paste, it seems easier that way. I also do most during the week, it’s easier at work somehow – I’m usually on the go in the evenings and on the weekend so it’s hard for me to post very much. I try but time isn't always on my side. :frown:

    @Tracey~I saw that on the news, hope she has plenty of cleaning supplies to clean her house and that it doesn’t rain when they decided to toilet paper her trees! :tongue:

    @Alupinsk~I think body image is one of the most difficult things to overcome. Making sure you are wearing clothes that fit definitely makes it easier, but as women we will always be self-conscious to some extent. It’s funny, I go shopping and immediately reach for those bigger sizes – I sometimes forget how far I’ve come and that I’m in much smaller clothes now. I even went into a plus size store a few weeks ago and while in there realized I can’t shop there anymore because everything is too big – it’s an awesome feeling but sometimes hard to remember. Remember that this is a journey, just as you're finding your new body you need to take your mind on the journey as well – I think this is one of the most important reasons to reward yourself from time to time.

    @Lives2Travel~I can say from experience, as can many here, that weight loss does slow down and it should. Your body needs to catch up and its best for long-term weight loss and overall body composition to lose it slowly. It can get frustrating, this is when you take measurements because while you might not be losing pounds I guarantee you’re losing inches. I’ve hit a lot of plateaus along the way, they make me want to scream but I know if I’m patient eventually that scale will give in – each and every time I haven’t lost pounds for weeks I’ve lost inches, my body fat % has lowered, and I’ve increased my muscle mass. IMO that is a greater measurement of health than that number on the scale. So when you get there, just remind yourself its temporary – you can do this!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    I am not grading as efficiently as I could. :frown: I'm going to try to buckle doen and get some done while at home waiting for trick or treaters.

    I will come back later to do personals.

    Grading goals:
    1. 33/73 AP essays
    2. 16/16 AP analysis activities DONE
    3. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80