Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: Life is good. I really don't have anything earth shattering or something to get off my chest. Everything is just moving along. Cyrus is pushing my buttons a little, but it's what our kids do. Drive us nuts!! I know it's the age and I'm just trying to go with the flow. There's no sense getting all worked up about it. I get too stressed, which pushes me for comfort and that equals food. I'm not going to let that happen. I just need to deal with him and his emotions. I am working from home today since I've got one of those crazy 4-hour windows for dishwasher repair. The good thing is I've also been switching out laundry, first floor is cleaned and only have the upstairs to go. Just thought I would take a little break and jump on. Hope everyone has a great evening whether your handing out candy, in for a quiet evening, grading papers, or swinging from the chandeliers. Enjoy it!!!

    Pretty good FitBit results from last week. Universal and Disney helped. Definitely need to try to get a "little" more sleep. It never seems to be enough.

    TOTAL STEPS - 79,558
    DAILY AVERAGE - 11,365 steps
    BEST DAY - 16,107 steps

    TOTAL DISTANCE - 34.96 miles
    DAILY AVERAGE - 4.99 miles
    BEST DAY - 7.04 miles

    DAILY AVERAGE - 8 floors
    BEST DAY - 14 floors

    TOTAL CALS BURNED - 21,202
    DAILY AVERAGE - 3,029 cals
    BEST DAY - 3,476 cals

    6 hrs 16 min
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Here's today's words of wisdom from one of the sites I follow:

    A few pieces of Halloween Candy won't kill you! Halloween is going to be a blast! Remember to practice "everything in moderation" if you are fearful of inhaling your kids Halloween candy.

    Having a few pieces of candy is not going to kill you. But having 5+ pieces per day is a problem and is not worth the headache associated with your negative voice beating up on you for "blowing it".

    Here are a few tips:

    1) Make sure to drink plenty of water all day (hopefully you are doing this anyway).

    2) Eat every 2-3 hours (again, hopefully you are doing this anyway) so that you don't end up extremely hungry while giving out candy or when your kids come back from trick-or-treating.

    3) Have healthy appetizers or eat early on Halloween night so that you are not doing "one for the cute trick-or-treaters and one for me" game all night.

    4) Don't over-think this. Simply keep your health (and think how much effort you have been putting in) as a top priority, enjoy a few pieces of candy and then be proud of yourself on Thursday morning.

    Happy Halloween!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thursday truth... I wish today could just be relaxed instead of hectic!!! I need to, get the car inspected, drive 30 miles to the license bureau, make homemade caramel for treats, go to TOPS, go to Mass, cook supper.....

    And after I forgot to post this I got the caramels made and 1/2 wrapped, there was NO line to get the car inspected OR licensed, Italian sausage artichoke soup is made and smells WONDERFUL!!! And now I am relaxing for a bit!!! Should be Wednesday wish day instead of Thursday truth!!!
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Thursday truth my job at work is changing and as much as I hate to say it I will be glad to be rid of the old one, Not sure yet what the new one will be but it will be better that the old one. Do not like change much - much more comfortable in my little ruts even if I do not like them that much. Scardey Cat!!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    You all are fantastic. Actually took pictures today to look at side by side. :) hopefully my mind will catch up soon.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm new this thread. I have viewed the thread for a couple of days now but wasn't sure what to say. So, my name is Michelle. I was diagnosed as a diabetic and take insulin, Since then I have lost 40lbs, and 21 or 22 since joining my fitness pal. Although I haven't used my fitness pal on a regular basis until the last two weeks. I have another 100lbs to go. Basically, I am so out of shape my goals is to exercise 15 minutes a day. I have been making small weight loss goals. Currently I am 271 and my next goal is 260.
    Anyway, hello everyone!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi, I'm new this thread. I have viewed the thread for a couple of days now but wasn't sure what to say. So, my name is Michelle. I was diagnosed as a diabetic and take insulin, Since then I have lost 40lbs, and 21 or 22 since joining my fitness pal. Although I haven't used my fitness pal on a regular basis until the last two weeks. I have another 100lbs to go. Basically, I am so out of shape my goals is to exercise 15 minutes a day. I have been making small weight loss goals. Currently I am 271 and my next goal is 260.
    Anyway, hello everyone!

    Hey Michelle!! Welcome to the best group on MFP (my opinion). This is the only group I follow and I've made some wonderful supportive friends. If you go to the first page, Robin has a little introduction. Each day we have a starting point like today is "Thursday Truth". Some of us use it and some don't. Just post whatever you're feeling, but try to check in daily for the support. The thread can move very fast during the week, but pretty slow on the weekends. Some people are great with posting personals and others not so much. I fall in the middle. Good job losing the 40 lbs!!! Baby steps are so important. I think small goals are so important. We're pretty close. I'm 276 right now (started at 325). My next goal is 265 because that will be my lowest. I was there this time last year, but totally derailed over the holidays last year and just maintained most of 2013. I've kicked my butt and got back under control starting 8/5 and I'm down 24 lbs. Woo Hoo!! We CAN do this!!!!
  • lmackbethl
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @alupinsk--I had a similar experience after losing the 1st 45 lbs or so. Everyone kept telling me how good I looked, and though I knew I was smaller, I just didn't see it. Then one day I was walking into a store and as I approached I saw my reflection in the window. I honestly thought someone else (a much thinner, fitter woman) was walking out. When I realized it was me, it was such a wake-up. I could see the "real" me b/c I didn't know it was me I was seeing. Hang in there and you will have one of those moments! I agree with what others said as well--clothes that actually fit do make a big difference.

    @kooky--embrace the change! Oh, and if I haven;t said it already, I LOVE your profile pic!

    @marca--welcome back and glad your thursday wish came true! :laugh:

    @susan--sounds like you've had a really productive day! :drinker: Oh, and I applaud your ability to pass up the candy dish! :drinker:

    @lives2travel--my weight loss slowed right around 200 lbs--Onederland was quite a tease for awhile, but I persevered and made it! Now I'm stalled out again bouncing between 185 and 190--yes, it's frustrating at times, but like kelley said, I know I'm still getting healthier even if I'm not getting lighter.

    @robin--thanks for the link! I was glad to see I already do some of the additional isolation work the thread was discussing, as well as a bunch of ab work. I WISH I could do chin ups and dips, but no way, no how! I try every now and then and I'm not even close.

    @tracy--my thursday truth could mimic yours except that I've had no net loss for October. :ohwell: Congrats that you are still losing at a decent rate!

    @sjacobs--I do my personals by right-clicking on the green "reply" button and then choosing to "open in a new tab." Then I just toggle back and forth between the two screens to backtrack and write personals.

    @kelley--glad you made it back into the gym--some nights I don't have the energy for anything but lifting. However, I hate to waste a gym trip, so I usually force myself to at least run a mile. I just tell myself 11 minutes isn't so long. :wink:

    @nettie--that's awesome that your DH agreed to exercise with you. I would take that over eating healthily any day--especially since my DH isn't overweight.

    @kaye--you really must live in a small community--in my Chicago suburb, no one would ever eat a homemade treat even if I had the wherewithall to take on such a task. It's all got to be wrapped treats or their parents would just throw it away.

    @holly--have you tried my strategy of imagining gross, germy teenagers fixing those fast-food meals? I worked at a burger joint as a teen, and trust me, we where less than sanitary in our food prep! :tongue: Maybe that only works for me b/c I'm kind of a germ-a-phobe. :laugh:

    @laurie--I didn't have time to go work out before the trick or treat time started, so I am going to log and make up for it on the weekend. I don't usually like to do that, but sometimes it's a necessity. :ohwell:

    AFM--I'm trying to avoid the "hard stuff" like snickers, but stick to the milk duds. Those sticky types take longer to eat. :wink: It's just about 8 pm, and I still have a ton of candy--my students will be happy tomorrow.

    Grading goals:
    1. 34/73 AP essays
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- I have been procasinating all night. I wanted to grade papers but alas they just went for a ride in the car. I have managed to spend most of my time on the computer instead of working. Tomorrow is the end of the marking period so they must get done and I have more at school to grade. The only benefit is that school dismisses early tomorrow and I will be working late so I can get some papers graded. I am heading to Earth Trek for climbing and my friend is working from home so I must drive myself. It is easier for me to stay at school and work rather than going home. Of course, I may opt to do something different if I don't want to work too late.

    I did make it to the gym tonight and it felt good to workout again. I did run 1 mile just to get myself back into the swing of it. I need to incorporate more running into weekly workouts so I can stay in shape for it. I will continue to increase the distance the next two weeks and try to get it up to 2.5 miles before Nov. 17. I am thinking about doing another 5K on that day and of course I want to run it and do it in 35 minutes.

    Well, I guess I must go and grade some papers so I can get caught up (ha-ha-ha-ha) that won't happen for a while.:sad:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We made about 160 donuts and they were gone by 8:30. I do live in a small community, about 5,000 people. I've been doing this for over 30 years. At first I had wrapped candy for the kids I didn't know, but they saw the donuts and wanted them, too, so I don't even buy candy any more. There was a side benefit to my healthier me that I hadn't anticipated. The last time I did the donuts, I was so tired that I was wondering how many more years I would be able to keep up the tradition. This evening I am feeling great. It is a lot of work, and I am tired, but not exhausted. Several of the people that came were people that I hadn't seen for awhile and they were really complimentary about my weight loss.
    I agree with the discussion about body image. I think that it can be very hard for us to see ourselves as others see us. We have to work on it. My sister said that she looked right past me when we were shopping last weekend, because she didn't recognize me from the back. I wonder if I would recognize me.
    Have great evening. Onward and downward.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--that's great that you have so much more energy--in my mind, that's a greater reward than any number on the scale! :drinker:

    @laurie--I also took some papers for a ride today. :blushing: Oh well, it will get done--it always does. My motto all year long is "I'll be caught up in June." :laugh:

    @beth--I've been wondering where you've been! Nice to see you back again. Please tell me that profile pic is your farm!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I've done it again. This time, somehow I gained 10 pounds in just a couple of weeks or less. I say "somehow", but we all know that I know exactly where I went wrong. It seems I can't stay focused. Honestly, I go out and buy a bunch of healthy food, but don't eat it. I let it go bad while I spend money on fast food and restaurants. I look at my food budget and it's insane! I finally got some good steps in on my Fitbit today... because our Halloween potluck at work was on all three floors. I did take the stairs to get to the third floor, where they were serving desserts... :mad: at myself. I know beating myself up won't do it... so what will?

    What do you do to get yourself out of a funk and back on track? I think I have asked this before... funny how we forget. :huh:

    Kelley- I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. :heart:
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday Fitness - My new sneakers arrived yesterday and they are super comfy. I was also expecting my fitbit to arrive but it didn't. It arrived at Fedex in my town yesterday afternoon. When I track it it says "Please allow 1-2 additional days for shipping." GRRRRRRR I am hoping it comes today because I was really looking forward to using it. For fitness I pulled out my step and have been doing my own thing on it. I did 20 minutes Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday I was able to do 30 minutes! :happy: I planned to ease myself back into physical activity this week so next week I can start to work out to my Gilad dvd's again. I am not sure what the weather is like for the weekend but I am hoping it cooperates so my husband and I can get outside and moving. I also have to get into my gardens and remove my eggplants, they didn't survive the cold spell that came through here but my peppers are still going strong!

    kah68 - Apparently, in my case I am that one person who has managed to forget. LOL only me!!!

    alupinsk - That is terrific that your clothes are loose on you. I think what you see in the mirror will change when you start viewing yourself differently. Focus on how far you have come and all you have accomplished. Try viewing yourself as the beautiful woman that you are! I still have to take my pictures so I have something to compare to later on down the road. I am glad that you did that recently!

    sjacob425 - A trick I do is open the group in two tabs. I respond personally in one tab and read in the other. If I didn't do it this way, there would be no way I could remember everyone and what I wanted to say.

    tlh0407 - I am glad you got a chuckle out of my bike story. It was pretty pathetic. I had wiggly handle bars and all! LOL I heard about that lady and read her letter. I was completely appalled by it. I agree with everything you said. I also think it is a bit cowardly of her to hide behind a anonymous letter. If she is that concerned about children's health and weight, why doesn't she try handing out a healthy snack instead of candy? OR she could hand out children's books on healthy foods. But she should give these to everyone rather then singling out a particular group of children. My heart is sad for the children who unknowingly visit her house.

    Lives2travel- I hope you have the strength to stay with it IF your loss should slow down. A helpful tip to help get through that point could be looking at pictures of your journey so far. Sometimes viewing how far you have come and focusing on your achievement is all the motivation you may need. Stick

    Tootsanderson - It is so good to see you still on here. Do you remember me from the original group?!!! I never knew you are a parent of a child with autism. I hope the stimulation wasn't too much for your son. With my class I find the children are roughest on Wednesday but I attribute it to my staff. When I was hired to teach my class I was replacing a teacher who literally did nothing with the students. So I inherited staff that were used to sitting around and doing nothing but talk rather than focus on the children. When I first started my staff tried telling me for many of my activities I planned that it was "Ok and we didn't have to do all of that." I was a bit shocked and responded "Yes we do. If we don't the children will never meet their goals." After struggling with my staff for a week and a half I decided to take more drastic measures. I ended up making training manuals them and trained them properly. Every Wednesday I have two staff who are friends and treat my class like social hour. As a result two of my boys pick up on it and act out. (One elopes and can become aggressive, the other jumps on shelves and dives into the air then becomes aggressive when you redirect him) It is so frustrating for me because I have been doing everything possible to get my staff trained and turning them into good staff. I have spoken to my boss regarding this issue and we are trying to come up with proactive measures before I refort to submitting a request to change staff. This past Wednesday one aide was off because she switched days so I had a sub. My other aide stepped up to the plate and did a great job because her "gossip buddy" wasn't there and we had a very smooth day with no behaviors at all. Yesterday wasn't too bad for my children. I don't see them until later in the day as my class is an after-school program. By the time they got to me they were exhausted from the day's festivities. I had 3 absent, 2 were picked up early so that left me with 1 child. I felt so bad for him that he was all alone. So I tried to make it up by making it as fun for him as possible. He didn't seem to mind one bit. Today I am do home visits for my other job. I hope my students aren't too overstimulated from yesterday.

    Michelle - Welcome to the group. I think that is great that you are starting an exercise regime with small increments. Once you get that under control you can gradually increase your duration and intensity. Before long you will be amazed at how much you are able to do. Always remember to focus your accomplishments rather than what you are not able to do. You CAN do this!

    naceto - Your post made me smile because I can completely relate to a lot of what you said especially "Somehow" gaining weight and healthy food going bad. When I am in a funk I try to mentally psyche myself up. I remind myself of my accomplishments and that I can do anything as long as I set my mind to it. I try not to dwell too much on the past because I cannot change it. Instead I focus on my future and try to make it better. Sometimes it is easier said than done. Best of luck to you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice Halloween and were able to control their candy consumption. :wink: I realized this morning that my birthday is next week – how did that happen already?! :noway:

    @Robin~Thanks for the link to the thread. Like Karen, I already do some isolation moves – mostly biceps and dips, there is NO way I could do a chin-up! Maybe someday. I’m terrible about doing abs, need to make more of a conscious effort after every workout – truthfully they don’t do much until the extra weight around the middle is gone.

    @Nicole~Thanks, it’s been tough. It’s so easy to fall off the wagon but oh so hard to get back in it! I’m having a hard time getting back into a routine after last week – I think we have to make a conscious effort. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. My problem is that I don’t turn to food when I’m sad, I tend to shut-down and not eat – worse yet, Jim Beam becomes a staple. :embarassed: I wish I had an easy answer. Fast food is not that horrible, you just need to make healthier choices by staying away from fried stuff. I have a self-made survival guide for Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A – maybe it will help you. At Wendy’s if you want that burger, get the junior cheeseburger – its 300 calories and 13g of fat (leave off the cheese and its even lower in fat/calories). They also have great salads (just leave off the cheeses and pick the fat-free or low-fat dressings (or leave off). My old standby is always a baked potato (plain) and then I pour a small chili over the potato. Yum! At Chick-fil-A they have the best grilled chicken sandwiches and I love their salads (they have a great berry balsamic that tastes great on all of them). So, stick to these few rules and you can have your fast food and eat it too. If its comfort food you need try and find a healthier substitute – I love salt & vinegar potato chips, but they are terrible for you so I get the Kettle Brand baked sea salt and vinegar (half the fat/calories of the regular) – actually I think they taste better. If you want sweets, pick dark chocolate (70%-80% cocoa) and the Skinny Cow chocolates are a good substitute for fewer calories/fat (if you don’t eat the whole box :wink:). These are things that help me, maybe they can help you to get back on track. I know it’s hard when you’re trying to go to school and work full-time – it’s a lot to take on, especially being a single mom too. Just take it one day (or one meal) at a time and know that if you don’t have time to cook you aren’t out of options. Hang in there!

    Interesting test last night, I actually used my Fitbit Flex to track my sleep (didn’t use that function regularly with my Fitbit One) – of course I already know I have a sleep disorder so am pretty restless (9 times according to the report it generated); however, I got more sleep than I thought I did. :huh: There’s no way its 100% accurate like a sleep study is, but I think it’s a decent estimate.

    AFM~Not sure what today will bring, I really need to get in some cardio. If the weather is nice I will probably walk the neighborhood after work. I have some running around to do and need to pick up some around the house. If I don’t get it in today, a really long cardio session is on the books for tomorrow! Not much planned for the weekend, other than enjoy the extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning. :bigsmile:
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    nettie: You will LOVE your fitbit. I got a flex and it's awesome! Watch on the steps though, I found that mine is kind of sensitive.

    Friday fitness-- Did legs yesterday. Today is back and biceps (and abs *grumbles*) Finally getting into a good routine where I'm doing better sets. Is it bad to push the max on a set, then back off for the rest, or should I only push the max then stop? I can do about 10 reps on some of my leg workouts, but I can't go past that.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The Fitbit Flex can be a little sensitive, one thing I recommend is to wear it on your non-dominant hand. I need to use it longer to determine what kind of affect is has for me, I’m an accountant so work at a computer – sending a lot of emails and preparing A LOT of spreadsheets, so we’ll see how it differs from my FItbit One.

    @Nettie~I love Gilad, I did his workouts for years when I was younger! :wink:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Susan...pushing buttons? Really??:ohwell: I'm in that same boat. I never know which Jacob I'm going to get...pleasant, joking around, fun and loving or "everybody hates me" "you're so mean" "what do you mean I have to do chores?" My best friend tells me it gets better (which I know), but man some days its hard isn't it? Jacob's therapist keeps telling me that I'm doing the right thing when I call him on his tone/attitude, so at least it makes me feel better. When it's good, it's wonderful. :smile: And those are some really good number there missy! :flowerforyou: How far in advance do you know your schedule? We will be flying into Vegas on Sunday morning the 17th and fly out in the afternoon on the 20th. Would love to meet up with you if your schedule allows. Hard to believe it's only about 2 weeks away!!!!!

    @Marca...glad your Thursday turned out better than you thought it would.

    @all Teachers...end of marking periods are always a rush aren't they? I'm not a teacher, but I have to do monthly reports and sometimes have a tight turnaround time (last month I had 3 days to meet with 9 different groups and provide status and action plans to the officers). And unfortunately, like you all, it's not something you can accomplish beforehand...gotta wait for all the work to come in before you can grade it, right?...good luck to you all!

    @Kaye...another great thing about small communities. If I tried to hand out unwrapped goodies, I'd probably have the cops at my door. :ohwell: Love the fact that your energy is higher, based on your busy life, that is a great thing. (And super NSV with your sister!!! :flowerforyou: )

    @Naceto...It's okay, you'll get back on track.

    @Nettie...Look at all the fitness you are doing -- awesome!!! :flowerforyou: bring up the extra hour. I was so looking forward to it and then I found out I have to (get to) sing at the early service at church. I have to (get to) be there about the same time as I normally wake up. I know it'll be easier because of the extra hour, but I look forward to it every year and now I don't really get it. :sad: :bigsmile:

    AFM. I joined a "Keeping it Green While Eating" challenge for the month of November. I decided that with the holidays coming, if I have to be "marked" down to see if I had a red or green day, it might keep me more accountable. My goals are:

    *Eat Green 24 days in November (basically within 100 calories of my goal)
    *Drink 8 glasses a day
    *Strong Lifts 3 days a week
    *Cardio a minimum of 2 days a week
    *50 squats every day
    *Participate in a daily challenge (I couldn't find a group that assigned one anymore so I started it -- it's called "Daily Challenge" and it will be things such as 100 leg extensions today, 100 jumping jacks today etc)
    *Have a "family night" (we used to do this and it's gone to the wayside a bit...not cool)
    *Thoroughly clean one room per day (on top of regular "keeping up")
    *Use my crock pot more
    *Lose 4 pounds in November

    Last night, I got stuck on the overhead press again (not surprised since it took two times to get through 65 pounds). This was the first time (witht he exception of that first time I lifted) that my legs feel a little tough the next day. I had to walk up a grassy hill to pay my rent for this month and my thighs burned. :sick:

    Squat -- 100
    OHP - 70
    Deadlift - 125

    Monday…Water Aerobics (DONE)
    Tuesday…Weights (DONE)
    Wednesday…rest (I might actually go for a walk during Emma’s swimming lessons…we’ll see)( NOPE JUST RESTED)
    Thursday…Weights (DONE)

    Since weekends are a little slim around here...everybody have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!
  • candy2962003
    I'm just getting started again myself after having a baby. I've been a part of myfitnesspal since 2010 (In that year, I lost 25 pounds). Since then, I've maintained by weight until I got pregnant and then I flew up to 175 pounds. I've recommended this site to many friends and family over the years. It doesn't work for everyone, and I've had trouble myself. One thing I've done that is incredibly helpful is to eat more vegetables
    I know this has probably something you've already thought of, but let me clarify that not all vegetables are equal. Super vegetables that help fill you out include spinach, Kale, beets (all can be combined into a shake - once you add skim milk with 1 banana, strawberry, and splenda, you won't taste these things - I promise). I make a salad with all spinach (about 2 cups) with tomatoes and shredded carrots and top it with a homemade low calorie dressing (The dressing is about 44 calories for 1.5 tablespoons). I eat one BEFORE lunch and one BEFORE dinner along with 2 cups of water for each meal. One the days I do this, I often stay full with an insanely low amount of calories (way under the 1200) and have to force myself to eat more (I save that decision for the very end of the day) ---- I try and fill out the full 1200 also, because when I am under, I get hungrier the next day and have trouble then staying at 1200 calories. I'm by far no expert, and I don't want to speak too soon (I have 25 more pounds to lose at this point), but these are some things that have been helpful to me so far. It also takes about 2-5 days for the body to absorb the new nutrients from all the vegetables and adjust the appetite.