What do you regret eating today? Did you log it?

I opened a Nature Valley bar. I thought it was the protein bar covered with chocolate but it was covered in a white coating and, fool that I am, I proceeded to eat the entire thing even though I didn't really enjoy it. I didn't like logging those calories!

Do you regret anything you ate today? Did you log it?


  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    The sugar cookie. I don't even like them.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    No regrets today. But don't ask me about yesterday! (too many little chocolate bars. Yes, I logged them all. It was pretty sad.)
  • Dalnurse
    I regret nothing! I found a big old lobster at the Greek market today, and it reminded me of awesome times as a girl in Nova Scotia.... They all used to be that big! Yuuuuuummmmy! Hey, girls... A couple of Halloween candies aren't the end of the world... You are too hard on yourself!
  • Marsidote
    Marsidote Posts: 100 Member
    So. Much. Candy!
  • darcyinmo
    darcyinmo Posts: 129 Member
    8, yes eight! sugar cookies. Yes I logged it, yes I regret it!
  • suuta
    suuta Posts: 23 Member
    Cupcake my sister made. She was expecting to be invited to a big Halloween Bash but plans fell through, so we are flooded with cupcakes... yummy delicious sweet creepily decorated mini-cakes...

    worse: I've been sick lately and haven't been exercising as much... worse: I have a triple large box of Oreo's hidden under my bed. :( but in my defense, if I put them in the pantry my roommates will get at them. I use them mainly to celebrate a good day: when I get a large calorie deficit for the day, I treat myself to one or two. I always log it though.

    I actually made a meal titled "Wish I didn't eat it" (I also have one for "supplements")
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member

    I refuse to "regret" what I eat as I see that as being just as unhealthy. I will never regret having a candy bar or a cupcake because I am not giving up candy bars or cupcakes.
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member

    I refuse to "regret" what I eat as I see that as being just as unhealthy. I will never regret having a candy bar or a cupcake because I am not giving up candy bars or cupcakes.

    You and me both! I am having a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate as we speak and yes, I logged it. And I am still way under my calories for the day!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    My big breakfast...I probably could have done without the hash brown & extra piece of bread. Yes, I did log it. :smile:
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    McDonalds after fasting for a physical and bloodwork. Logged it all (oh and beers while on a date with my wife).
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    My son gave me one of those Nature Valley Sweet and Salty bars (the one with the white coating on the bottom like the op's.) I ate it even though I really didn't care to. I don't regret it as I think it tasted ok, but I certainly could have waited till tomorrow to try it. LOL I didn't want to offend him.
  • spartsy88
    Ugh that ice cream! I need to cut back on my sweets; I used to have them once every other week but now it's back to once every week. I hate feeling like I've failed a little bit; days like today I need to remind myself that I don't like feeling like this, feeling guilty for over indulging. Whenever I'm tempted I need to remember that I hate that feeling and that its just not worth it!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member

    I refuse to "regret" what I eat as I see that as being just as unhealthy. I will never regret having a candy bar or a cupcake because I am not giving up candy bars or cupcakes.

    You and me both! I am having a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate as we speak and yes, I logged it. And I am still way under my calories for the day!

    Holy moley that sounds awesome! Who makes it?
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Nothing at all. I ate the candy and logged the candy and I'm just fine with that.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    The mallowcreme pumpkins. Oh my love, why must you abuse me so? :brokenheart:

    I don't even regret the Wendy's I had for lunch. Just those stinkin' mallowcremes.

    Oh and the Diet Pepsi. First soda in 10 days. Wasn't worth it.

    Oh, just for the sodium levels. Went WAAAY over...

    And yes, logged it. Does no good not logging it. I ate it, wouldn't matter if I tried to hide it from MFP, it's still gonna be showing up somewhere on ME.
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    Yes, a couple of things. In my defense, this was the worst day I've had since starting on MFP. I had cranberry juice at my already larger breakfast. Then since hubby was fussing for lunch and I was out running errands, I stopped in Arby's drive through thinking I would get the grilled chicken sandwich and side salad for myself. Well... they tell me they don't have the grilled chicken anymore. "Whaaaaaaaa?" So, in a hurry and clueless, I ordered the turkey & swiss. 700 cal! I ate 1/2. Then supper was just crazy. We are fasting over the weekend and so went out to eat. I ate way too much and too much bad things thinking, the heck with it. This is just one BAD day. "Tomorrow is a new day." I wish I hadn't done it, I felt pretty icky later on. Lets don't do that again.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Today I was okay, except I ate those damn cashews nuts! They gobbled up my calories for the day and so I had to eat less. :grumble:
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I did not eat anything I regret today.

    When I have eaten things I regretted I considered not logging it & then realized that would defeat the purpose.

    Logging it helps us see what is going on & recognize trends. It is also usually not the disaster we thing it is going to be. If everything is not logged it is a missing piece of the puzzle. Just log it & move on. Don't feel guilty about it.
  • SlimmerAngie1622
    I had a Steak 'n Shake guacamole burger had no idea it had so many calories till I logged it in!!!!now I know!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I ate a medium oizza from Pizza Hut. I regret it only because my stomach is uncomfortable full. Ick. I can make up the cals in the next few days.