Like Minded Lushes - October 2010



  • So, I'm always drinking in "Social" situations. Band rehearsals twice a week, post-game celebrations, work dinners etc.

    Any great suggestions for curtailing the drinking (or at least the calories) from social situations that seem to mandate drinking?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    We had our Halloween party/husband's birthday party last night. I did pretty well, considering. Four beers and some cider/everclear mixtures (though much more cider than everclear). Of course, I still didn't feel well most of today from the mixing of booze and beer. But now, we have an entire fridge full of good beers! It will be very tough to not drink those Blue Moons and Octoberfests during the week. I maybe have to limit myself to 2 during the week and 3 on the weekend. That doesn't sound so bad...
  • Glad to see everyone else has been indulging......I did two 5k's this weekend and still gained 2 lbs somehow!!! UGH. No alcohol fri night but had fried chicken, and then Sat did 5k in the morning but indulged on hot sake and hibachi at dinner (although I had steamed rice and vegggies with no lo mein or fried rice, which I thought was good of me).....then sunday another 5k and ate pretty well......scale still said 162 this morning! Sigh. I need encouragement!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Glad to see everyone else has been indulging......I did two 5k's this weekend and still gained 2 lbs somehow!!! UGH. No alcohol fri night but had fried chicken, and then Sat did 5k in the morning but indulged on hot sake and hibachi at dinner (although I had steamed rice and vegggies with no lo mein or fried rice, which I thought was good of me).....then sunday another 5k and ate pretty well......scale still said 162 this morning! Sigh. I need encouragement!!

    Wow! Two 5Ks in ONE weekend?! That's awesome! You're probably up because your muscles are retaining water to help them repair. I wouldn't worry about it. Just drink lots of water this week. Excellent job!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Okay here we go. My food plan is all set with no more than 15g of sugar everyday and absolutely no alcohol. I will stay clean and eat clean until 11/6 then I will have a big oyster splurge and then go back to clean until Thanksgiving. This is a big commitment but I love a challenge.
  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey.....I'm a first time poster on this thread-but I'm so happy that I found you! How wrong is it that I completely refuse to limit my drinking for weight loss??? I don't drink every night (usually) but I thoroughly enjoy it on weekends! I'm so good with logging everything in & watching all week, but the weekends are killing me....I normally weigh in on Mondays but feel like I'm fighting the same pounds. I've decided to change my weigh in date to Friday I can see all my weekly work paying off for a change!
  • Glad to see everyone else has been indulging......I did two 5k's this weekend and still gained 2 lbs somehow!!! UGH. No alcohol fri night but had fried chicken, and then Sat did 5k in the morning but indulged on hot sake and hibachi at dinner (although I had steamed rice and vegggies with no lo mein or fried rice, which I thought was good of me).....then sunday another 5k and ate pretty well......scale still said 162 this morning! Sigh. I need encouragement!!

    Wow! Two 5Ks in ONE weekend?! That's awesome! You're probably up because your muscles are retaining water to help them repair. I wouldn't worry about it. Just drink lots of water this week. Excellent job!

    Thanks! It was a bit of an overkill with running but very fun. It's frustrating b/c with that amount of cardio you're hungry all the time and yet still trying to be healthy. Oh well...going to try to weigh in again Wed Morning :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks....I even think of having one anyway

    I finished my challenge last week of 360 minutes of "moving it", controlled the alcohol a bit more and down 1.2 lbs...wooo hooo...I melted

    One more week 360 minute exercise challenge, continue to monitor alcohol input, melt

    Easy right??? Not

    fsuxo...probably are holding water a bit with the 5ks, plus sodium from eating out doesn't help...have you taken your measurements?
    amccable, welcome...some of us committed to abstinence on last Friday because weekends are so hard...if you want I will commit to another Friday this week, just let me know
    Robin, great job setting up a plan for the month, just stay focused on Nov 7th...15 gms of sugar is like a teaspoon a day...I could never, ever do it...I would be a b*tch
  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks....I even think of having one anyway

    I finished my challenge last week of 360 minutes of "moving it", controlled the alcohol a bit more and down 1.2 lbs...wooo hooo...I melted

    One more week 360 minute exercise challenge, continue to monitor alcohol input, melt

    Easy right??? Not

    fsuxo...probably are holding water a bit with the 5ks, plus sodium from eating out doesn't help...have you taken your measurements?
    amccable, welcome...some of us committed to abstinence on last Friday because weekends are so hard...if you want I will commit to another Friday this week, just let me know
    Robin, great job setting up a plan for the month, just stay focused on Nov 7th...15 gms of sugar is like a teaspoon a day...I could never, ever do it...I would be a b*tch

    Am I still welcome if I don't want to abstain???? Hope so.... I'm good with doing great all week & allowing myself the weekend...maybe I'll try to abstain later on but for now.......not the plan! :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks....I even think of having one anyway

    I finished my challenge last week of 360 minutes of "moving it", controlled the alcohol a bit more and down 1.2 lbs...wooo hooo...I melted

    One more week 360 minute exercise challenge, continue to monitor alcohol input, melt

    Easy right??? Not

    fsuxo...probably are holding water a bit with the 5ks, plus sodium from eating out doesn't help...have you taken your measurements?
    amccable, welcome...some of us committed to abstinence on last Friday because weekends are so hard...if you want I will commit to another Friday this week, just let me know
    Robin, great job setting up a plan for the month, just stay focused on Nov 7th...15 gms of sugar is like a teaspoon a day...I could never, ever do it...I would be a b*tch

    Am I still welcome if I don't want to abstain???? Hope so.... I'm good with doing great all week & allowing myself the weekend...maybe I'll try to abstain later on but for now.......not the plan! :laugh:

    Of course, we all have our own goals...I'm trying to knock it down to once a week for weight loss purposes, used to be 4 to 5's so hard to lose with the beloved alcohol...we are here for support
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks....I even think of having one anyway

    I finished my challenge last week of 360 minutes of "moving it", controlled the alcohol a bit more and down 1.2 lbs...wooo hooo...I melted

    One more week 360 minute exercise challenge, continue to monitor alcohol input, melt

    Easy right??? Not

    fsuxo...probably are holding water a bit with the 5ks, plus sodium from eating out doesn't help...have you taken your measurements?
    amccable, welcome...some of us committed to abstinence on last Friday because weekends are so hard...if you want I will commit to another Friday this week, just let me know
    Robin, great job setting up a plan for the month, just stay focused on Nov 7th...15 gms of sugar is like a teaspoon a day...I could never, ever do it...I would be a b*tch

    Am I still welcome if I don't want to abstain???? Hope so.... I'm good with doing great all week & allowing myself the weekend...maybe I'll try to abstain later on but for now.......not the plan! :laugh:
    Absolutely. most of don't abstain. I am a true weekender now although it used to be everyday. I am just doing the abstain thing for novemeber to see If I can't get off this two month plateau. I would never give it up for long term Love it too much. We support on this thread. we don't judge and we understand the siren call of alcohol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I might be able to drink lightly this week, no plans to go out drinking, anyway. Friday we went to dinner, marg and beer, then Cavalia, it's like a Cirque show with horses. Anyway, I had a couple of beers there too. Saturday one beer, Sunday I was at a baby shower and had a glass of champagne and two beers. so overall, not too boozy of a weekened. Still was 2 llbs heavier this morn so I need a good week good eating and no drinking!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Monday = 0 drinks.

    I managed 15g of total for my sugars today. it is so hard because spinach has a gram and mushrooms have a gram. :noway: it adds up to 15 really fast. but I did it. :bigsmile:
    I hope you are all doing well.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well done on the sugar Robin, I probably had more than that for my breakfast!

    I'm having to walk the dog as my daughter is staying at my Mums during the half term break from school. It's raining and cold tonight so I decided I'd jog. I'm feeling really pleased with myself as I ran the entire 1.2 miles except for some brief pauses to cross roads etc. Now I am really not a runner so that is a real achievement for me. Mind you I have to admit that I was considerably more out of breath at the end than the dog! Am off the gym in a while too.

    I've eaten pretty low calorie today so I might just start on my last bottle of wine before I give up for November,
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I need to stay away from the Mexican restaurant with their gi-normous mugs of beer...I drank into, now I am going to be alcohol ifs, ands or buts...this must be done
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Monday=0 drinks!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Had a great workout at the gym, one of the rare occasions when I felt really good and loads of energy :happy: So I came home, cooked dinner and sat down with my first glass of wine, decided to go for a second glass and when I got up I was so stiff I could hardly walk to the fridge to get it!
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    No children this past weekend meant my hubby and I could party like rock stars. One cocktail turned into 5 maybe 6 - then hit the White Castle which is just down the street from my house. Ugh - no self control after all that alcohol. I drink greyhounds which is fairly low in calories. I even asked the bartender to check out what he was pouring me. It all started out so innocent.

    It's all so hard when the husband grills a beef tenderloin and opens a smooth and lovely cab. Curse you wine!

    So with all the help from MFP, I am going to give up the alcohol until Thanksgiving.
    The hubby and I have a tradition to open a nice bottle of champagne - really it's because we are dealing with the families. ha.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    How do I get this link to get updated? I love my alcohol but I know I've gotta cut down for real progress. So happy to see I am not the only one who enjoys their cocktails!
  • OH MY GAWD!!! I am so happy to see this topic!!! I LOVE BEER!!!! Beer from all over the world... Ales, pilsners, lagers, dark, bitter, blonde, you name it!!!! I am relieved to see others with the same issue with alcohol and diet, (though everyone seems to be on the wine or hard stuff... I'd love to hear from other beer lovers!!) I had a 4-6 beer a day habit!!! that is upwards of 1000 calories a day... You'd think I'd have dropped 10lbs just from not drinking the beer alone.. but no... no such luck. I have done some research and have discovered that it is not just the caloric content of the alcohol that causes weight gain, but that alcohol inhibits weight loss... in the way it effects your metabolism. (sorry, I forget where I read it so I have no reference to site) I plan on checking in here more often for some more fun stories and encouragement to stay away from my beloved beer!!! I am on a mission to regain my strong healthy body which means I want to drop 25-30 lbs. Thanks to everyone here for being so open with thier struggles. :flowerforyou:
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