Why is there SO MUCH negativity here?!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is the only board I frequent that still has members saying 'errr its the internet' as an excuse for being a jerk.

    I've been alive longer than the Internet and was probably on message boards and in chat rooms before you were born (starting with Prodigy bulletin boards back in the 1990s) and these boards, by leaps and bounds, are more polite and reasonable than any I have ever seen.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    First Law Of MFP Forums states that as DERP increases, Negativity must also increase.
    Second Law of MFP Forums states that as negativity increases, butthurt also increases.

  • jasonsdragon
    jasonsdragon Posts: 21 Member
    negativity like alot of things are relative.....I don't think that most people intend to come across that way. I agree with some of the posts that state everyone has and is entitiled to thier opinion and if someone asks a question they are going to get the persons opinion. I was a critical care RN and flight nurse for more than 25 years and because of that I have a good working knowledge of what is right and wrong based on science however I also know that NOT everything works for EVERYONE, with the exception of a few. "A body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest will stay at rest" therefore you as a human NEED to move. the second exception that applies to EVERYONE is if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight. so the best weight loss methods tend to be the ones that encourage healthy choices and pushing yourself away from the table when you KNOW you have had enough
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This is the only board I frequent that still has members saying 'errr its the internet' as an excuse for being a jerk.

    I've been alive longer than the Internet and was probably on message boards and in chat rooms before you were born (starting with Prodigy bulletin boards back in the 1990s) and these boards, by leaps and bounds, are more polite and reasonable than any I have ever seen.

    Ditto... Omg Prodigy MBs and chat rooms!! :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Mean people thread! Ha! Top center square! I haven't read the whole thread, so if no one else has called it, I got BINGO! :laugh:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I think, because people are hungry....

    My 5:2 friends get to eat 5 days a week and are much mellower ;-) I really do think, we just feel less deprived.

    I know, I'm asking for it :wink:
  • valandario
    valandario Posts: 30 Member
    Well being new here, having foolishly dared to comment on another post and getting myself a new one ripped (learnt something though, that the NHS in the UK are teaching people incorrectly mainly) i'm going to dare to comment again. I'm happy with the most recent new one that was ripped though, no need to replace it just yet.

    To the Op and all others saying that the nasty comments are unsupportive and people could at least sugarcoat things.

    Sugarcoating is fattening. They are being nice by saving you those calories.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    This is the only board I frequent that still has members saying 'errr its the internet' as an excuse for being a jerk.

    I've been alive longer than the Internet and was probably on message boards and in chat rooms before you were born (starting with Prodigy bulletin boards back in the 1990s) and these boards, by leaps and bounds, are more polite and reasonable than any I have ever seen.


    long live the BBS... oh wait... damn
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I roll my eyes at every 'welcome to the internet' response. *****es, I grew up with the internet. Its changed, and has become an integral part of peoples lives now - as such, normal social guidelines need to start being acknowledged. This is the only board I frequent that still has members saying 'errr its the internet' as an excuse for being a jerk.

    Maybe as a general rule of thumb... If you wouldn't say it irl, then its probably mean.

    you missed the growing up part.

    Pro tip - us "Old Folks" (some of us have actually been on the internet since the 80's - you know, before they added pictures for the kids) actually speak online EXACTLY the way we would in person. Some of us hold back online. You're welcome.

    Love it!!!! "....before they added pictures for the kids..."


    This is totally me, for sure. I speak the same way online as I would in person, and I remember doing reports in science class on the new "information superhighway" that would be coming as a "world-wide web" of networks was being developed!

    Take that kiddos!

  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    For what it's worth I totally agree with you! What works for one doesn't work for all.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sugarcoating is fattening. They are being nice by saving you those calories.

  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    There will always be negativity, just like in RL. This place is no different than any other forum. I try to read posts without giving it a personality. They are just words. Take the advice you feel will help you and leave the rest behind. You can also put people on ignore and you won't have to see it all.

  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    Isn't this supposed to be a place of support? Time after time I see threads of success and someone rips them a new one for doing it differently then themselves. TDEE isn't for everyone. Paleo isn't for everyone. High carb high sugar eat everything in moderation isn't for everyone. But, no, people with zero medical skill pipe in about how wrong someone's diet choices are. Seriously, how awful is that? Can't we just say, "RIGHT ON!" and move along? What kind of a support system IS this?!


    I absolutely agree! Although I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions, like you said, this is a place of support-- and they should respect the process in which that person has made to get where they are-- REGARDLESS of what it is.

    For example, I'm vegetarian (soon to alter into vegan). Although some would say that I should be incorporating more meat in order to gain muscle, or have dairy in order to gain calcium, that is their opinion. Of course they're entitled to it, and of course I can't change their minds-- but that's exactly it. They're opinion! Also, on the other side of the spectrum, I have no right to critique others about their food decisions. It's their right to eat that way. So, in short: I think we can all benefit from a little respect, regardless of who we are.

    Also-- being on the internet is no excuse to be rude, and claiming that this is a "community so you should just suck it up because it's like this in real life" is no excuse to not change something in a positive light. This place is for support and encouragement. Of course critique is welcome, but be constructive about it too!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    they HANGRY

    ^Can I get an AMEN? LOL :laugh:

    Psh I get called mean and trust me I am not Hangry...or hungry...I eat more then 1200 calories a day....

    Try giving advice to this sort of poster and see how "blunt" you get.

    Poster: Help I am not losing weight, I swear I track everything.....
    Advice: Do you use a kitchen scale? How do you track your Calories expended? HRM with Chest strap?
    Poster: no I don't use a scale I am good at guesstimating my portions, I use the machines to calculate burns or MFP has that built in.
    Advice: Use a kitchen scale, and use a HRM for steady state cardio oh and the MFP burns are typically over what they really are.
    Poster: Oh but I know I burn 800 calories doing Zumba I know it.
    Advice: If you are not losing weight you are either over estimating burns or under estimating intake as previously stated use a HRM and kitchen scale. And I see that there are days where you haven't logged and you are using quick calorie adds. You need to get real with yourself.
    Poster: Meany why you calling me a liar.

    One month Later

    Original Poster: I am not losing weight and I am down to 1200 gross calories nothing is working I am so upset
    Advice: See advice from last month
    OP: No I didn't like it I want different advice
    Advice: sigh....really? Just try it and see what happens
    Advice 2: You are doing great don't listen to the meanies here just keep it up you will be okay
    OP: I love you advice 2 I will follow what you said, want to be friends?

    again they post last Help I am not losing weight? Then perhaps they are ready to take the "mean" blunt advice and start losing weight then you get "Thanks to the mena people of MFP" post saying gosh I wish I had listened to you 6 months ago or they give up thinking they are that special snowflake that just can't lose weight because their metabolism is broken or slow until they get to the point again where they can't take it anymore and start the viscious cycle again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    For what it's worth I totally agree with you! What works for one doesn't work for all.

    actually no.

    Unless you have a medical condition that makes it more difficult or makes it so you have to eat in a certian way a reasonable calorie deficet works for all, even those who have a medical condition that makes it difficult a "reasonable" calorie deficet works
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Isn't this supposed to be a place of support? Time after time I see threads of success and someone rips them a new one for doing it differently then themselves. TDEE isn't for everyone. Paleo isn't for everyone. High carb high sugar eat everything in moderation isn't for everyone. But, no, people with zero medical skill pipe in about how wrong someone's diet choices are. Seriously, how awful is that? Can't we just say, "RIGHT ON!" and move along? What kind of a support system IS this?!


    I absolutely agree! Although I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions, like you said, this is a place of support-- and they should respect the process in which that person has made to get where they are-- REGARDLESS of what it is.

    For example, I'm vegetarian (soon to alter into vegan). Although some would say that I should be incorporating more meat in order to gain muscle, or have dairy in order to gain calcium, that is their opinion. Of course they're entitled to it, and of course I can't change their minds-- but that's exactly it. They're opinion! Also, on the other side of the spectrum, I have no right to critique others about their food decisions. It's their right to eat that way. So, in short: I think we can all benefit from a little respect, regardless of who we are.

    Also-- being on the internet is no excuse to be rude, and claiming that this is a "community so you should just suck it up because it's like this in real life" is no excuse to not change something in a positive light. This place is for support and encouragement. Of course critique is welcome, but be constructive about it too!

    :huh: Which is it?

    Also, why do you get to decide when someone has a right to post? There are just as many people here who believe that debate is healthy and critique is a good thing. So why does your "side" get to dictate?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Isn't this supposed to be a place of support? Time after time I see threads of success and someone rips them a new one for doing it differently then themselves. TDEE isn't for everyone. Paleo isn't for everyone. High carb high sugar eat everything in moderation isn't for everyone. But, no, people with zero medical skill pipe in about how wrong someone's diet choices are. Seriously, how awful is that? Can't we just say, "RIGHT ON!" and move along? What kind of a support system IS this?!


    I absolutely agree! Although I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions, like you said, this is a place of support-- and they should respect the process in which that person has made to get where they are-- REGARDLESS of what it is.

    For example, I'm vegetarian (soon to alter into vegan). Although some would say that I should be incorporating more meat in order to gain muscle, or have dairy in order to gain calcium, that is their opinion. Of course they're entitled to it, and of course I can't change their minds-- but that's exactly it. They're opinion! Also, on the other side of the spectrum, I have no right to critique others about their food decisions. It's their right to eat that way. So, in short: I think we can all benefit from a little respect, regardless of who we are.

    Also-- being on the internet is no excuse to be rude, and claiming that this is a "community so you should just suck it up because it's like this in real life" is no excuse to not change something in a positive light. This place is for support and encouragement. Of course critique is welcome, but be constructive about it too!

    :huh: Which is it?

    Also, why do you get to decide when someone has a right to post? There are just as many people here who believe that debate is healthy and critique is a good thing. So why does your "side" get to dictate?
    I say if someone posts openly on the boards, critique is going to happen and if you don't want it, don't post.

    I don't think people should randomly go into others' diaries and send unsolicited advice. But if someone's posting, that person is asking. If that person doesn't like the answers, that person can ignore the advice. But telling people whoh are tryin to be helpful that they're mean and rude is actually rude.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Why is there so much negativity? Every one here is deprived of Sugar, Calories, or Sex. I think that pretty much explains it.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Les MFPerables

    There was a time when posters were kind
    When their tone was soft
    And their words encouraging
    There was a time when cardio was fine
    And MFP was a song
    And MFP friends were inviting
    Then it all…went…wrong

    I dreamed a dream in bandwidth gone by
    When motivation was high
    And logging on worth doing
    I dreamed the MFP site would never die
    I dreamed the Mods would be forgiving
    Then I was a noob and unafraid
    And strikes were made and used and wasted
    There was no reason to be made

    No post untrolled
    No joke unwasted
    But the bullies come at night
    With their mean words soft as thunder
    As they tear your hope apart
    And turn your gurney to shame
    MFP filled my days with endless distraction
    It took my productivity in real life
    But it was gone when I deactivate
    And still I dream I’ll recreate
    That we’ll live our days online
    But there are dreams that cannot be
    And there are threads we cannot weather
    I had a dream my MFP experience would be
    So different from this hell I’m logging
    So different now from what it seemed
    Now your thread has killed
    The dream I dreamed


    You're my hero. :flowerforyou:

    I think I might be in Bro love
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Isn't this supposed to be a place of support? Time after time I see threads of success and someone rips them a new one for doing it differently then themselves. TDEE isn't for everyone. Paleo isn't for everyone. High carb high sugar eat everything in moderation isn't for everyone. But, no, people with zero medical skill pipe in about how wrong someone's diet choices are. Seriously, how awful is that? Can't we just say, "RIGHT ON!" and move along? What kind of a support system IS this?!


    I absolutely agree! Although I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinions, like you said, this is a place of support-- and they should respect the process in which that person has made to get where they are-- REGARDLESS of what it is.

    For example, I'm vegetarian (soon to alter into vegan). Although some would say that I should be incorporating more meat in order to gain muscle, or have dairy in order to gain calcium, that is their opinion. Of course they're entitled to it, and of course I can't change their minds-- but that's exactly it. They're opinion! Also, on the other side of the spectrum, I have no right to critique others about their food decisions. It's their right to eat that way. So, in short: I think we can all benefit from a little respect, regardless of who we are.

    Also-- being on the internet is no excuse to be rude, and claiming that this is a "community so you should just suck it up because it's like this in real life" is no excuse to not change something in a positive light. This place is for support and encouragement. Of course critique is welcome, but be constructive about it too!

    :huh: Which is it?

    Also, why do you get to decide when someone has a right to post? There are just as many people here who believe that debate is healthy and critique is a good thing. So why does your "side" get to dictate?
    I say if someone posts openly on the boards, critique is going to happen and if you don't want it, don't post.

    I don't think people should randomly go into others' diaries and send unsolicited advice. But if someone's posting, that person is asking. If that person doesn't like the answers, that person can ignore the advice. But telling people whoh are tryin to be helpful that they're mean and rude is actually rude.


    I completely agree.
This discussion has been closed.