1200cal/day really works.



  • Kareeedwards23
    Kareeedwards23 Posts: 15 Member
    Right on! I thought that comment was a little rude too. Great Job on your loss.. I also eat 1200 a day and just a hundred or so over when I burn over 1000 calories.. Great lose though! Keep it up..
  • kadybug247365
    I also eat roughly 1200 cal/week. I am active exercising as well, so if I eat a little more it evens itself out so I am under my calorie goal each day or very close to it on my 2 off days. Congrats on your loss. I've lost just over 20 lbs in 11 weeks with this caloric intake. My biggest fear will be maintenance when I hit my goal, but I have a long way to go and will continue to figure out what works best for my body as I get there. Good luck on your journey and stay at it! Also, don't discount house cleaning and such as being active, or even just a walk in the park with your little ones! I hope the weather gets better and stay motivated!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    I am losing at least 1 pound a week eating 1600 - 1800 cals a day with exercise. I am grumpy when I am hungry. Not worth it! I would rather eat the cals.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    This is what 1600 - 1800 calories a day for 19 months has done for me. I'm old. I had never worked out before. Now, I lift heavy and I run. I fuel my workouts. The more muscle I save - the better my body operates.

  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Right on! I thought that comment was a little rude too. Great Job on your loss.. I also eat 1200 a day and just a hundred or so over when I burn over 1000 calories.. Great lose though! Keep it up..
    Thanks kareedward
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I can't believe this thread is still going …

    I can't speak for others, but for me, the thing that provoked my initial response (it was "no thanks, it's not for me" btw) was not the poster's success. It was the "you should try it" statement in the OP. A lot of people are ragging on those who said "why eat so little when I don't have to" for promoting a one-size-fits-all approach, but those same people are ignoring that the OP did the same thing.

    On another note, I would love to see what the OP's success has been in the weeks since she first started this thread. I would love to hear that she's still happy sticking with her plan, and still excited about her weight loss. And no, not so I can beat her down … I don't want to do that. I want to see how it's going (and I'm hoping for something positive!)

    Edit: Oops, I got my timeline off, must have been thinking of another thread when I thought this had been going for several weeks. Still, OP, was your last week good, too? Would love to hear :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I can't believe this thread is still going …

    This happens when you have 1) a controversial topic, and 2) an OP who actively bumps the thread when it goes quiet.
  • 1meh
    1meh Posts: 94 Member
    Can't judge success after one week. Come back when you have been at your goal and on maintenance for at least a year.
    Well, way to be supportive.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Can't judge success after one week. Come back when you have been at your goal and on maintenance for at least a year.
    Well, way to be supportive.

    It's called realistic, not un-supportive.
  • Samalama34
    losing fat or muscle? did you get a body fat % before the cut????:0
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I lost about 35lbs on 1200 a day. I gained it all back pretty quick because I couldn't maintain it.

    Correct. 1200 is not a not what you do to maintain. Maintenance is an entirely different ball game. One I haven't figured out.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    Do you even know anything about me? Who are you even addressing like that? Look at my ticker. I've been at this for years and haven't gained all my weight back or... crushed my life or whatever you just said. You don't know what I eat, what my physical activity is always like, exactly how much I eat, my physical circumstances. You don't know any of that. So exactly what makes you or anyone on here qualified to say stuff like "if you want to keep doing that same thing over and over and continue to fail, have at it"? Like... who's failing here, exactly?

    I've succeeded quite nicely, thanks for the support and caring.

    From your own profile page:
    This year so far I've been slipping, and gained back up to 145.5. So I'm determined to finish what I started and get down to a healthy 125 lbs


    I was actually waiting for someone to try and pick apart my profile or past posts on here. I know some of you love doing that!

    That was a 3 lb gain, FYI. Ermagerd I'm such a failure! I've since lost that + 4 more lbs. I'm doing pretty great right now, losing consistently and feeling good.

    I've never weighed myself weekly when I wrote that, and find my weight fluctuates by as much as 5 lbs depending on TOM and water weight. So when I originally typed that, I can't even be sure what those 3 lbs really were, nor do I care.

    So yep, I'm still quite successful in my journey. Thanks for your support and caring though, and congrats on your loss too, AverageUkDude. :smile:

    Anyone else? ;)


    and i got down to 123 lbs doing a 1200 calorie diet and then went up to 145 via TDEE and lifting. Now I don't think that was a bad thing, though. The scale isn't everything. I am still wearing the same clothes i wore at 123, but my strength is better.

    Now, though, truth be told, my goal is to be 134 lbs, without losing muscle mass. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it. If i eat 1200 calories and don't exercise, I will lose muscle mass and therefore my body fat will not be what I want it to be at 134 lbs (my goal is 16% body fat). So i have to lift and i have to eat more and i have to hit my protein, but I can't quite figure that all out. Right now I'm doing 1250 + exercise calories, and giving myself 300 calories every time i strength train. I also am trying to hit protein 1g/lb of LBM.

    If anyone has advice on how to lose 10 lbs without losing muscle mass, I'm all ears.
  • lsilva2211
    lsilva2211 Posts: 3 Member
    I was just about to say the same thing about her post, she does not need to be so negative!! Good job losing 4 lbs already! Its a great start to a new healthier lifestyle!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Do you even know anything about me? Who are you even addressing like that? Look at my ticker. I've been at this for years and haven't gained all my weight back or... crushed my life or whatever you just said. You don't know what I eat, what my physical activity is always like, exactly how much I eat, my physical circumstances. You don't know any of that. So exactly what makes you or anyone on here qualified to say stuff like "if you want to keep doing that same thing over and over and continue to fail, have at it"? Like... who's failing here, exactly?

    I've succeeded quite nicely, thanks for the support and caring.

    From your own profile page:
    This year so far I've been slipping, and gained back up to 145.5. So I'm determined to finish what I started and get down to a healthy 125 lbs


    I was actually waiting for someone to try and pick apart my profile or past posts on here. I know some of you love doing that!

    That was a 3 lb gain, FYI. Ermagerd I'm such a failure! I've since lost that + 4 more lbs. I'm doing pretty great right now, losing consistently and feeling good.

    I've never weighed myself weekly when I wrote that, and find my weight fluctuates by as much as 5 lbs depending on TOM and water weight. So when I originally typed that, I can't even be sure what those 3 lbs really were, nor do I care.

    So yep, I'm still quite successful in my journey. Thanks for your support and caring though, and congrats on your loss too, AverageUkDude. :smile:

    Anyone else? ;)


    and i got down to 123 lbs doing a 1200 calorie diet and then went up to 145 via TDEE and lifting. Now I don't think that was a bad thing, though. The scale isn't everything. I am still wearing the same clothes i wore at 123, but my strength is better.

    Now, though, truth be told, my goal is to be 134 lbs, without losing muscle mass. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it. If i eat 1200 calories and don't exercise, I will lose muscle mass and therefore my body fat will not be what I want it to be at 134 lbs (my goal is 16% body fat). So i have to lift and i have to eat more and i have to hit my protein, but I can't quite figure that all out. Right now I'm doing 1250 + exercise calories, and giving myself 300 calories every time i strength train. I also am trying to hit protein 1g/lb of LBM.

    If anyone has advice on how to lose 10 lbs without losing muscle mass, I'm all ears.

    I'm doing the same thing. I'm eating about 300 calories less than TDEE, lifting heavy, and trying to keep my protein up.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    2400cal/day really works. See?


    It works for me, so it must be fact for everyone, right? Blanket statements do not work. I maintain on 2,700 calories a day and lose fat on anything less than that. My sedentary TDEE is still 2,000+ calories. 1,200 would NOT work for me.

    Instead of making broad statements, how about we attempt to educate people on what WILL work for them? Read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975025-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet or any other science-backed reading regarding BMR, TDEE and calorie deficits.

    I'm wondering what your work out schedule is like :)
  • arcadia1983
    arcadia1983 Posts: 42 Member
    that's a great achievement. I don't pay much attention to calories as being on a very low carb diet and constantly on ketosis I think that does the trick anyway, but if I get stuck I will try and pay attention to cals as well. Keep it going, sounds like you're doing really great :)
  • Eyesblu
    gosh she was just sharing something that she felt was a good start for herself. good for you and keep working at it. too many debbie downers.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    Do you even know anything about me? Who are you even addressing like that? Look at my ticker. I've been at this for years and haven't gained all my weight back or... crushed my life or whatever you just said. You don't know what I eat, what my physical activity is always like, exactly how much I eat, my physical circumstances. You don't know any of that. So exactly what makes you or anyone on here qualified to say stuff like "if you want to keep doing that same thing over and over and continue to fail, have at it"? Like... who's failing here, exactly?

    I've succeeded quite nicely, thanks for the support and caring.

    From your own profile page:
    This year so far I've been slipping, and gained back up to 145.5. So I'm determined to finish what I started and get down to a healthy 125 lbs


    I was actually waiting for someone to try and pick apart my profile or past posts on here. I know some of you love doing that!

    That was a 3 lb gain, FYI. Ermagerd I'm such a failure! I've since lost that + 4 more lbs. I'm doing pretty great right now, losing consistently and feeling good.

    I've never weighed myself weekly when I wrote that, and find my weight fluctuates by as much as 5 lbs depending on TOM and water weight. So when I originally typed that, I can't even be sure what those 3 lbs really were, nor do I care.

    So yep, I'm still quite successful in my journey. Thanks for your support and caring though, and congrats on your loss too, AverageUkDude. :smile:

    Anyone else? ;)


    and i got down to 123 lbs doing a 1200 calorie diet and then went up to 145 via TDEE and lifting. Now I don't think that was a bad thing, though. The scale isn't everything. I am still wearing the same clothes i wore at 123, but my strength is better.

    Now, though, truth be told, my goal is to be 134 lbs, without losing muscle mass. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it. If i eat 1200 calories and don't exercise, I will lose muscle mass and therefore my body fat will not be what I want it to be at 134 lbs (my goal is 16% body fat). So i have to lift and i have to eat more and i have to hit my protein, but I can't quite figure that all out. Right now I'm doing 1250 + exercise calories, and giving myself 300 calories every time i strength train. I also am trying to hit protein 1g/lb of LBM.

    If anyone has advice on how to lose 10 lbs without losing muscle mass, I'm all ears.

    I'm doing the same thing. I'm eating about 300 calories less than TDEE, lifting heavy, and trying to keep my protein up.

    I think what i'm doing equats to almost the same. My TDEE -20% was I think 1750 cals. So i eat 1250, get 300 on lifting days (which is only 1550, right) but I also get exercise cals for walking on my lunch breaks (another 100 cals) and running (another 100-300 cals depending on the day)... The reason I do it this way is because when I went to TDEE, at first it was fine, but then there were days that I would cut back on my activity just because life was crazy, but I was still eating 1700 and I think that made my body fat go up. Getting "credit" for exercise is a motivational tool for me. haha.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    this thread. moar gifs.

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