Tatoos on females



  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    I have two sizable tattoos - one on my left side, another down the front of my right hip. I intend to get a lot more, although I will probably fill the space between my knees and armpits before I move on to limbs where they can't easily be hidden.

    It's a sad fact that people judge others on what they see. I love my ink and I get it done for me - not for anyone else. The only people who see it are people I WANT to see it.

    So many people I know would never guess that i have any tattoos, I'm sure they think I'm much too conservative! How little they know.....
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    Well...When I was a young man....(crotchety old man voice).

    I can't imagine ever seeing a woman with tats when I was young. If you did, she was pretty well on the fringe, probably riding on the back of a Harley (another activity that has gained acceptability over the years).

    So, that's what I grew up with and that's what I'm used to. I know those rules and societal norms no longer apply and I don't use them to judge people. Even so, my tastes were formed way back then, so I don't love tats.

    All that said, I've seen some seriously smoking hot women with incredible ink work. So I guess the bottom line is, as it always has been for man/pig that I am, Hot is Hot, and nothing is off limits where hot is concerned.

    ^^^ This. Not my thing, but to each his/her own
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    Wow. That is very closed minded. When I got my first one, my dad looked at my mom and asked her "Why did you let her get that?" I was 19 at the time. I get mine for a reason, not because I'm trying to fit in or I have a lack of personality. I definitely don't lack in personality. Mine tell my story. They remind meof where I came from and what I've been through. I want an infinite heart on my wrist, not as a symbol of infinite love but as a symbol of love doesn't hurt as the infinity symbol is also a symbol of women against domestic abuse and I've been a victim of that. I want a teal ribbon with butterfly wings as a symbol of the cancer that my aunt fought and won symbolizing she is stronger than the cancer and it gave her a second chance to spread her wings and fly. To some, they're a story of what you've been through and some a constant reminder of what you will not go back to.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    I don't mind some classy ones here and there, but the ones with full arms, neck back, chest is just disgusting and not to mention it looks retarded.

    Perfect example; Left= hot, Right = disgusting.

    Man...it's ok to have an aesthetic preference, but to define as "disgusting?" No, not ok.
    Furthermore, if you'd pass on the one on the right because of tats, you need to give up your straight man card.
  • PlanetoftheAtheists
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    Wow. That is very closed minded. When I got my first one, my dad looked at my mom and asked her "Why did you let her get that?" I was 19 at the time. I get mine for a reason, not because I'm trying to fit in or I have a lack of personality. I definitely don't lack in personality. Mine tell my story. They remind meof where I came from and what I've been through. I want an infinite heart on my wrist, not as a symbol of infinite love but as a symbol of love doesn't hurt as the infinity symbol is also a symbol of women against domestic abuse and I've been a victim of that. I want a teal ribbon with butterfly wings as a symbol of the cancer that my aunt fought and won symbolizing she is stronger than the cancer and it gave her a second chance to spread her wings and fly. To some, they're a story of what you've been through and some a constant reminder of what you will not go back to.

    Do they tell a story of.... YOUR JOURNEY?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Fashion fads come and go..

    ... except tattoos have been around as long as civilizations have existed. :flowerforyou:
    Not to the extend they are now. It seems there's a new tattoo shop popping up every day, sometimes almost across the street from each other. It's a fad.

    I dont know I mean if you look at the 5000 year old ice man he is tattooed interestingly enough along his meridian lines of eastern medicine and he's ice age European! Unfortunately most of the skin from long ago is gone, so we cant really see much evidence. However, it is curious that almost all cultures have practiced some form of body modification.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    My personality is super freaking awesome, and I don't have any deep seeded emotional trauma and have never had a mental breakdown. I think I'm the coolest person in the entire universe.
    This coming from a person that loves themselves SO much that they have a fat cat as their picture... Right.

    Oh, you poor dear; you poor delusional girl. I must admit you do bring up a good point, though. You actually do belong to a completely different category of tattoo-heads that I failed to mention: the completely oblivious. In many ways, this is the saddest group. They haven’t bothered to put any thought into what they’re doing beyond which tattoo they want to get. They believe they are doing something completely on their own and not encouraged by outside influence. However, if left to yourself and having never been exposed to this lame trend, I would wager large sums of money that the idea of scaring your flesh would have never crossed your mind. To believe that the present “cool factor” of tattooing had nothing to do with your decision is absurd. Oh, you poor sweet girl.

    This IS about self-centered self-importance, but, even worse, it’s supported by naivety and utter cluelessness.

    Wow. Judgemental to a totally ridiculous extreme. Better remove your head from your *kitten* before you suffocate.
    MY tattoo, which I had done at age 60, was to celebrate the arrival of my niece and her husband on this farm and the love shared by the four of us. That's the whole reason, and the design does honor to all of us. We all have matching tattoos. Everyone remarks on the beauty of the design and the idea behind it.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I don't mind some classy ones here and there, but the ones with full arms, neck back, chest is just disgusting and not to mention it looks retarded.

    Perfect example; Left= hot, Right = disgusting.

    Man...it's ok to have an aesthetic preference, but to define as "disgusting?" No, not ok.
    Furthermore, if you'd pass on the one on the right because of tats, you need to give up your straight man card.

    Kat is HAWT!!!!:love:
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I love tattoos, I have two: my first I got when I was 20 it is a small flower on the back of my neck. I knew I wanted one when I was 16 but waited four years, still wanted the same tattoo in the same place on my body so I got it. I was the only one of my friends to have one but they didn't care, I was still the same person. My second I got when I was 34, it is on my left foot a small dragon, an Aries symbol, and a fall leaf, again I knew I wanted it and where for many years before I finally got it.

    I chose to get them in spots that I could cover up easily because I didn't ever want to worry about employment do to having tattoos.

    Given the thought I put into mine before going through with them I am pretty sure I wasn't trying to use them to cover up for my lacking personality or to cover up some perceived emotional issue. Anybody who knows me knows I don't do anything to fit in or follow the crowd and never have. I didn't get them to show off to others because quite frankly people often know me for quite a while before the even know I have a tattoo.

    I consider them my stained glass windows on my temple.

    I couldn't careless and have no judgement towards people who do not have tattoos and never understood why people with out them sometimes get so worked up about people who choose to have them.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I just love how a couple people have alluded to tatoo's being a fad.... Tattoo's have been around for YEARS! In many cultures they are considered to be a sign of high status, and have been that way for YEARS.

    If tattoo's are a fad, then they are the longest running, most successful fad I have ever encountered.

    As for getting tattoo's because you lack anything.... everyone has a preference, and trying to say that because I have tattoo's makes me less of a person, or a broken person... That is very sad, and very telling about you, Judgy-McJudgerton!

    I have very deep meaning for each one of my tattoo's, and the others I have planned are the same. The majority of the people I know that have them are the same. Have you ever heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? By being judgemental and close-minded, you miss out on getting to know amazing people, and that is a real shame! However, keep wearing your blinders, and miss out on the opportunity to know great people.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Fashion fads come and go..

    ... except tattoos have been around as long as civilizations have existed. :flowerforyou:
    Not to the extend they are now. It seems there's a new tattoo shop popping up every day, sometimes almost across the street from each other. It's a fad.

    I dont know I mean if you look at the 5000 year old ice man he is tattooed interestingly enough along his meridian lines of eastern medicine and he's ice age European! Unfortunately most of the skin from long ago is gone, so we cant really see much evidence. However, it is curious that almost all cultures have practiced some form of body modification.

    This is MFP. People will fight science.... and History. Duh.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    I love the money making "trend".... lol, as if our generation came up with this new-fangled concept of ink to body. :wink:
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member
    Tattoos are so trashy. I like to keep my temple pure.


    that is your opinion, I have one and I am a pretty classy lady if I say so myself.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I don't mind some classy ones here and there, but the ones with full arms, neck back, chest is just disgusting and not to mention it looks retarded.

    Perfect example; Left= hot, Right = disgusting.

    Well aren't you a lovely person... :noway:

    I bet many people could think of many ways to describe you, luckily people have the common decency to keep their mouths shut.
    I really don't give sh1t what you or other people say about me. Maybe that's the difference between me and the rest of the world.
    Wow, yes you entitled to your opinion but the use of the term "retarded" as a derogatory term/description or plain insult reveals just how small minded you truly are.

    Maybe it is time to reevaluate the way you communicate and perhaps your judgmental views on the world.

    There are A LOT of people on here with children,siblings and friends who have Down Syndrome or intellectual disabilities and you my friend have no doubt offended them all to some degree.

    Grow up or shut up!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    I have one that is highly important to me, it represents my children, my faith, and hope. I love art, and I believe that this is living art. People hang art on their walls, I chose to carry a piece around with me. My tattoo is not visible to most, unless I choose to show it. (ergo - no crying for help here). I did it for me, and for no one else. That said, my children love the fact that I chose to honor them in such a permanent way.

    I find it interesting that you are so willing to negatively paint so many people with your broad psychobabble brush... I guess there is no point in you getting a tattoo, as it would have to be one hell of big one to make up for your lack of personality.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    My mom will be 60 in January. Doesn't even look close to being 60. I think she is beautiful.
  • sunnybear39
    sunnybear39 Posts: 60 Member
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I just love how a couple people have illuded to tatoo's being a fad.... Tattoo's have been around for YEARS! In many cultures they are considered to be a sign of high status, and have been that way for YEARS.

    If tattoo's are a fad, then they are the longest running, most successful fad I have ever encountered.

    As for getting tattoo's because you lack anything.... everyone has a preference, and trying to say that because I have tattoo's makes me less of a person, or a broken person... That is very sad, and very telling about you, Judgy-McJudgerton!

    I have very deep meaning for each one of my tattoo's, and the others I have planned are the same. The majority of the people I know that have them are the same. Have you ever heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? By being judgemental and close-minded, you miss out on getting to know amazing people, and that is a real shame! However, keep wearing your blinders, and miss out on the opportunity to know great people.
    Do a search in any city in north america of how many tattoo shops there were 20 years ago vs today. I bet it's up 500%. That's a fad.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member

    There's no reason to make it worse for yourself though, is there? Show me ONE 60 year old tattoo on an 80 year old that doesn't look like absolute trashy crap, and I'll shut up. If that's cool with you, and you don't mind grossing out your grandchildren every time you sunbathe, I guess that's ok. No judgement, I suppose there are worse things you can do to yourself, like smoke meth. :/ For myself I'll pass, though.