

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Happy Thursday everyone

    :noway: :noway: I lost you all for a morning yesterday, not sure if they were doing some maintainance on the site, but I couldn't log on. :frown:

    :ohwell: I didn't have time to log on again last night as we took wizz to the vet again. He was supposed to get his bloods checked again to make sure he was on the correct dosage for his thyroid problem. Trouble is we had to stop them for a while a few weeks ago because he was being sick, and he needed to be on the tablets for a few more weeks before they could do blood tests. Poor cat we took him all that way for nothing :grumble: :grumble: and he had something like a panic attack (he's such a scaredy cat) he went into shock, I thought he was going to have a heart attack, it took a few mins of cuddling him gently to bring him round. Anyway we got some more tablets for him and he has to go back to the vet's in 3 wks. :frown:

    To be honest I was feeling a bit overwhelmed yesterday, I'm not feeling 100% myself and I've been rushing around seeing to my uncle as he's been poorly again. He was feeling a bit better, but his feet hurt him so I phoned the doctor to get someone to check on him and they finally came to see him (it's not easy to get a home visit these days!) Turns out he needs his toe nails cutting and he's been referred to a chiropodist. I keep saying I'll phone the doctor sooner, but he is very reluctant for me to call anyone, he'd actually been in bed almost a week due to a stomach bug and had hardly eaten anything, that seems to me more important than his feet!! At least he's on the mend now. :smile: and I think I feel a little better too, see how I feel after the morning dog walk. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :grumble: Weight still hasn't moved, but at least I haven't gained either. Must remember to drink plenty of water today at work.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie good to hear from you again.

    Woops look at the time, better get my coat on, the doggies and DD are waiting.

    Take Care Everyone

    Viv :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Not had a moment to post these last few days, although I've still been tracking - mostly from my iphone whilst sat in a coffee shop.

    DD is still baking her little cupcakes - my grandtwins. Her blood pressure is still being closely monitored and she is also having ECGs every day. Fingers crossed that they are all ok.

    I'm still doing my canvassing when I can, although I will be honest and say that I'm not throwing myself into it quite as much as I normally do. In fact I will be glad when it's all finished (about another week and a half). Still, I'm getting plenty of walking done!

    Weight wise, I'm trying to have a couple of weeks maintaining, which is what I said I'd do when I reached 100 pounds down. Then I'll start again with renewed vigour to lose the remainder of my excess weight. It'll go when it goes! (Providing I work at it!)

    I truly hope that everyone is doing well today and I'm thinking of you all.


    Amanda x
  • mrssparkle

    I am new to the site, found it as a free ap on my iphone, which is very useful as I work full time. It has definitely stopped me buying anything for lunch without checking the fat content! I am 54 years old and need to exercise more.
    I have a short term goal of reducing my BMI to less than 35 because I have got to have a thyroid op. Had lost 7lb before found the site, need to lose another 5lb before mid Nov when |I have my pre-operative assessment. After that I want to get my BMI down to 25 which means loosing 50lb. Although my thyroid is overactive find it really difficult to lose weight so rather concerned about how much worse it will be to reduce my weight when my thyroid will be activity will be 'normal' by taking thyroxine. Does anyone else have this problem? Other concerns- loose skin!

    Can anyone tell me how you put your ticker on your posts - and the green 'goal posts' Thanks
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Viv: I hope that you are feeling 100% soon...overwhelmed is not a good feeling but we've all been there. Take care!

    Miss Jo: How exciting for you to have a wedding in the future! And congratulations on the 2 pounds gone! stay on cloud 9 as long as you can!

    Barbie: You are right about walking with or without DH while on our trip. I do all of my exercising alone and have no trouble here because it is my routine. For some reason, while away with a group, I am bad about doing what everyone else is doing! So...that is my goal for this unexpected trip.

    Amanda: I was just thinking about you and the grandtwins and your DD, so I was glad to hear from you and know that they are all hanging in there. Keep us posted!

    My good news is that I am down another 1.5 pounds this morning,:drinker: so I have lost all the weight from my travels plus a half pound. I want to see that 20 on my ticker! Funny how numbers can seem important sometimes! I have been really mixing up my exercise the past couple of weeks. ..running, walking one day, then Eliptical using intervals the next...mixed with Leslie Sansome's 4 fast miles and J.Michael's 30 day shred and our gut n butt every day. Also, or course, tracking every single bite and keeping the food whole and real. So simple, but so hard to do sometimes!? :huh:

    We have some of DH's old friends from his hometown here to go Quail hunting with him this weekend. I will be make them a nice dinner of Shrimp Creole Saturday night, but they are only here for one night so it will be an easy weekend.

    I am off to the dermatologist again. She may have to do a biopsy on one place on my face that didn't respond to the light therapy thing. Hope I don't look too weird afterwards...supposed to join friends for a light dinner tonight.

    Take care all...sorry to be as long-winded as I ended up being. Love, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    MrsSparkle: WELCOME! You have found the best place ever for help and support. We must have been posting at the same time. To make your ticker go to "signature" at the top of the list under message boards and it will give you some options to make your ticker. I may not be explaining it well since I haven't done it in a while, but I think that's it. Good luck on this journey and I look forward to learning more about you!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm off early today for my annual checkup, so I will make this quick.

    Welcome to all newcomers!
    Congratulations to all who have loss (even if it's the same pounds lost before). A loss is always better than a gain.
    Warm happy thoughts to all that need them.

    Vicki- Thanks for the support. You are right. It is hard to be down when sweating. Today is suppose to be a gym day for me and I hope I get to make it there.

  • bcmallwalker
    My in-laws arrive tomorrow for a visit, so I've been cleaning & getting ready for them. I'll be MIA for a while. Not sure how long they will be here. I hope that you all have a great weekend. Stay strong! :flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I have managed 3 full days of no alcohol and sugars under 15g. I haven't weighed since Monday and I have kep my water intack at a more reasonable 12 glasses instead of 20. later today I am off to get my boobs squished. Everything is on track.

    I am glad to hear so many of you doing well with the losses. Much love to those that need it and many positive thoughts and requests to the universe to those in need. Now I am off to my treadmill to start the exercise for the day.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Well I have some very exciting news to share...

    My son just came by to show me the big, beautiful ring he bought for his girlfriend! He plans to ask her Dad for 'her hand' tonight! Then o the weekend, he is going to take her to one of their favorite park benches along the river and pop the big question!

    I'm on cloud 9!

    Oh and I lost 2 of the 5 pounds that I gained while I was sick!

    It's been an all round GREAT day!

    I'm so happy for you!!!!! Enjoy....enjoy....enjoy!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :noway: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :smile: Amanda...100 pounds!! WOW. You are amazing...congratulgations!! (Had to come back and edit this...my "flower for you" had turned into an "indifferent"...which is not the case at all!)

    Hello everyone and happy Thursday to all. I had a good day yesterday...an am on target for another good one today! I've been praying God grant me the desire to lose some more of this weight and the willingness to do what I need to do to make that happen. As I am the one who continually shoots myself in the foot and derails my own efforts...it follows that somewhere deep inside of me that DESIRE to do and be better had somehow cooled off if not completely died. So far so good. I'm still logging my calories in a little black book...only a few more pages to fill up the little spiral note pad and then I'll switch back to the computer.

    Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight or maintained their weight loss. It truly is a never ending endeavor and the sooner I fully admit this to myself, the better off I will be. Hang in there everyone and have a great day!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hi everyone! I just got my bib number for IMAZ. You can track me here: http://ironmanlive.com as bib #2731. The race is Nov. 21st.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello Ladies, I would like to join you if I may. I am 55 and oddly enough, need to lose 55 pounds. Seems the weight increase has been keeping up with my age. I am glad to have found this group. Looks like many of you have lost quite a lot of weight.

    MrsSparkle, I have MFP on the Iphone too, am hoping it will keep me on track when we are out.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone
    Been away from the comp for a bit, just taking a break, gets to be a time robber and other things get forgotten. Hope everyone is well and no major happenings amis. I'll be back to catch up soon, got a load to things to do this weekend and I will do them no fooling around! :wink:

    Take care...:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,372 Member
    How wonderful missjo! I'm just so happy

    Well, Tuesday we went to the DA's office. They were kind enough to schedule a tornado while we were there! Actually, they cut their presentation short so that we could go into the tornado shelter. We came home, and, really, there wasn't any damage. But I do think that us being civilians they were on the cautious side. It was interesting that when we went downstairs to the shelter, the lawyers stayed upstairs (second floor) and continued to work. Tomorrow, I get to go on my ride-along. We spend 2 hrs in a sheriff's car. Vince goes tonight.

    Last night was our first night of league bowling. We bowled three games. My first game was a whopping 67. The second game was an anomoly -- 122. The third was an 87. I think we figured out that my handicap is 99. But I had a good time. One sort-of bad thing is that there is free bowling for league members on Wednesday nights from 6-8. There is also a free yoga class at 6. But on the bright side, the yoga class at one branch of the Y that was on Fridays is now at 7a.m on Wednesdays, when I usually go to water aerobics. I'll probably be able to do that 3 of the 4 weeks out of the month. Our Newcomer general membership meeting is at 10 on Wednesdays. Well, I can probably still go to the yoga, just not water aerobics. Yup, I'll do that

    I did 1 hr of this new DVD that I got -- Jari Love's Extremely Ripped 1000. I like her videos. Boy, was I sweating! I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do some HIIT

    I'm making this beef and barley stew for dinner tonight. It's made in the crockpot so Vince will be able to eat at 5. We're supposed to be there for the ride along at 5:45. I'm just not real crazy about red meat so I'm thinking that I may have just some veges and maybe some of the barley. Butternut squash was just on sale, so I bought 3 of them.

    Welcome Mrs. Sparkle! Sorry I can't help you with the ticker since I don't use one, but I'm sure someone else here will be more than happy to help you. Everyone is so supportive.

    Remember the gal I was telling you about (the one who wanted the lunch cruise). Well, she invited a bunch of people to her house. Honestly, in a sense I hope they have Halloween on Sat. since that's when she's invited us to go and her house isn't big at all for as many people as she's invited assuming everyone comes. She's going to have ham (talk about sodium). I do have to minister at the church that night so we'll have to go late. Hopefully, there'll be some veges and fruit left over. I'm not big at all on ham, could easily do away with it. I'll take my "brain panna cotta" and pineapple colored to her house earlier.

    Congrats to all the losers and maintainers. And if you didn't lose, at least you didn't gain. And if you did gain, you'll get it off in no time. I just went thru that. Gained, but I'm on the downward trend right now.

    mcdebbie - we'd LOVE to have ya, so glad you joined us!

    Have a question for anyone: my homepage says that I've only logged in for the last 5 days. Now I KNOW that I've logged in for a much longer time. Could it be that it only registers you having logged in when you hit the "complete this entry"?

    Say, does anybody have Facebook? I know that I used to have these company-sponsored pages and I'd like to peruse them occasionally. Now Facebook has gone and "upgraded", how do I get to these pages? How can I add pages?

    Well, everyone have a great evening.

  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I did 1 hr of this new DVD that I got -- Jari Love's Extremely Ripped 1000. I like her videos. Boy, was I sweating! I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do some HIIT Michele
    what is HIIT? How hard? I am just starting out, can walk 30 minutes and do some weights but that is about it.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I did 1 hr of this new DVD that I got -- Jari Love's Extremely Ripped 1000. I like her videos. Boy, was I sweating! I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do some HIIT Michele
    what is HIIT? How hard? I am just starting out, can walk 30 minutes and do some weights but that is about it.

    "High Intensity Interval Training"---Google it and you can find the details.

    BTW, welcome McDebbie, and MrsSparkle.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hellloooo Ladies!:flowerforyou:
    I have been MIA because I was on a trip. I have missed you all and I'm still "catching up".
    I returned home tonight about 7:30ish and I'm bushed!:tongue:
    I may have only been on here a month or so but I am attached to all these personalities already.
    Weightwise: Well, I wrote all my calories and excerises down and calculated the best I could.:smile: I did take my laptop but I was so busy that I never did start it up.
    I have decided that I'm not going to weigh until next week. Do you think that is a good idea?:huh:
    I am glad the twins are still in the oven. I was sorry to read about some of the happenings to some of your families.
    I will try to be a little more personal when I can actually see what I am reading.:bigsmile:
    Good night, Ladies:yawn: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member

    I have decided that I'm not going to weigh until next week. Do you think that is a good idea?:huh:

    The most important thing is to redouble your efforts to eat only healthy foods, log your calories, and increase your exercise a bit at a time.....the scale is the least important thing...staying with your good habits is the most important thing......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: my day raced by as I got up too late for yoga and had to rush to get to line dance, then it was my day at the dentist, a more than 30 minute drive each way, x-rays of all my teeth, then a super cleaning that required numbing half my mouth....dinner and then a gathering of friends that gave me the opportunity to talk to my friend who gave me the eight boxes of apples and pears last year (some of you may remember all the applesauce I made)....now I have a date to go to her house tomorrow to get more apples to make more applesauce:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • chicletgirl
    Hello Everyone:smile:

    I don't even know where to start. Have been battling my brother, sil and niece over money issues (My mother's money actually). Have closed accounts, opened new ones, installed verbal passwords, changed usernames and passwords and canceled credit cards that my brother has not given to my mother. Have been involved with a onbudsman on trying to get my mother's knick knacks and photos from her room, to no avail. I have been told by my niece, she is the liason between my brother and sil and I, who I always highly regarded (she has a genius IQ and have been very proud of her accomplishments throughout the years) that my mother and I are both *****es, and she left a message on my phone that said, "That it is a good thing I am not in Washington, as she would *@#king kill me." She is only 16, and I guess I have given her to much credit. I feel like I have been beaten repeatedly and am so tired mentally. It is so draining having to deal with these issues while my mom is in the rehabilitation facility. I am literally on the phone or on the computer all day dealing with people, banks, case managers, airlines, shuttles, rental cars, physical therapist, warning nurses to not let my brother in to visit my mother because he yells and screams at her and leaves her babbling. The stress of it takes it's toll on her. So I have had to stop the visits. One more thing to make them hate me.
    Two days ago they did a cat scan on my mother as they suspected that she has had a mild stroke in the past. Of course this freaked my mom out and I had to calm her down and just keep her focused on the positive and keep doing the best she can during physical therapy. This has probably been one of the hardest things for me to do. Keeping her calm and positive and constantly calling and checking on her, has worn me out. I have now been told the insurance may cut off her time there now. So I went down to a really fantastic place that provides hospital equipment for free and loans it to you for as long as you need it. I got her a really nice walker (with seat, basket and brakes) a new wheelchair, shower chair, transfer board, toilet seat riser, diapers, reacher, over the bed table and ordered a hospital bed that will be delivered on the 16th of November. I was very fortunate to have a friend take me down in her van to pick up all of those things for my mom. My son came over and we cleaned out his room and put everything that I brought back into the room. He told me, "My room looks like a hospital room" It does. I have purchased her airline ticket, made arrangements for her wheelchair transportation both to the airport and coming to my home. After looking at the room last night, I took Boo out for a walk and just cried the whole time. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, really, as I know I have done the best that I can and have performed miracles with my mom and all she has had to go through, but while looking at the room I started wondering if I was going to be able to take care of her. I guess I panicked, hence the crying.
    So tomorrow I find out for sure if she is coming to my house now or if she gets one more week of therapy there. Either way I am prepared for it. Although tonight my mom all of a sudden said she wants me to go up there to bring her to my house. I don't even know if I can get a flight this late of a date. Suddenly she is afraid to travel, even though I have everythiing handled.

    Despite everything I have managed to keep up my food diary posting. Most of the days I am doing well, but I have had a few where I have gone over in calories. Not necessarily, with fattening foods, just eating too much. I think it is a mood "feeding frenzy" . I check in to read all of your posts, but have been to tired to post myself. Finally was able to tonight.

    I did want to tell everyone, that those who are going through difficult times or have loved ones hurt or suffering, that you are all in my prayers, and I really hope the best for all of you. I am glad to see that everyones pets are doing better too. Congratulations to those that have lost weight and those that are in the 100's now. :drinker: I am so glad to be included with you as a group. You are all a fine bunch of women. I am so proud of you all and brag about you all, all the time.

    Take care:heart:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Friday friends.

    I'm still having no luck with my broadband and I'm having to do most of my posting with my iphone, but I'm managing to keep up with food diary etc.

    Chiclet - I was thinking that we hadn't had an update from you recently. Sorry to hear that things are still so stressful. You will be a lot happier once your mum has settled in and I know that you will both benefit from it - even if it is going to be tough at times. Big hugs.

    Newbies - hello and welcome to you all. You have found the most supportive bunch of women in the world! I swear that this group has been an absolute godsend to me.

    Barbie - you've given me a craving for apple sauce now! It's funny, as I'm not a fruit lover, but apple sauce is pure comfort food (especially with a little cinnamon!)

    Lynn - glad to see you back. Good luck with next weeks weigh in.

    Barb - how is the new job going?

    Michele - glad there was minimal damage from the tornado! I am a little envious of your ride-along. Make sure you let us know how it goes. 'Brain panna cotta'? Really?

    Marilyn - I know what you mean about the time robber! I have a timer set on my netbook which buzzes after 30 minutes and then I walk away from it and do something else.

    MacMadame - good luck with the Ironman. I will try to keep track. Enjoy it!

    Terri - you have such a good attitude! You will definitely rekindle the desire to do better. Good luck.

    Robin - well done on the alcohol and sugars cut down. I think it's such a good idea that you are shaking things up a bit. Hope it works well.

    Kackie - I hope everything went ok at the dermatologist.

    Viv - Hopefully you are feeling a little better today. How's Wizz?

    To everyone else - hugs all round. Have a great weekend.

    Amanda x