Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/2 Goals
    1.) Drink 3 bottles of water before leaving work today. FINALLY!!! CHECK
    2.) Make some meals for the week FAIL
    3.) Laundry FAIL
    4.) Exercise for at leaset 30 minutes today WALKING - CHECK

    Sooooo again...the same goals...I worked late and went to vote last night and ran out of time in my normal day. But can always make the time to fit things in...there are 24 hours right? Ugh! So...I just need to keep that in mind and push myself to accomplish these small goals and get the results! :o)

    11/3 Goals
    1) Water
    2) Meals for the week
    3) Laundry
    4) Slim in 6
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Log my calories. Good until after dinner
    2. Fruits, veggies, water! More than usual but not so good.
    3. No late night snacking-- not only do I eat way too much but my stupid acid reflux is back and it makes me sick in the morning. FAIL! But I didn't do it as late so I wasn't sick this morning for my exam, thank goodness.


    Goals for today!

    1. Water.
    2. Drop off that damn paper that has been in my backpack for forever. (Already done)
    3. Gym!
    4. Work on my big interview project for class.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    Are these just random things? Or familiar things?

    Sorry, that gutter mind!!! lol

    :laugh: My thoughts exactly!!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So just to check in I've already got most of what I needed to get done done today:) I have to wait to call to make a dr appt for my daughter but they are at lunch right now and the whole office has lunch at the same time. I just can't believe I've gotten so much done already today. Still gotta work on those floors and the laundry but I'm gonna figure out what else to do after that.

    Well I'm off to do the floors. Now that you're done here go get some water!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member

    Tuesdays goals...
    1. Water water water.
    2. Go training before work and to Body Combat after work.
    3. Working at home all day so don't turn the tv on and get through all the work I have brought home with me.

    Just briefly checking in now but will post properly later. Goals one and two done but very sore back after combat. Got quite q bit of work done but kept getting interrupted so could have done better.

    Today's goals...
    1. Rest so I can give my aching muscles a break.
    2. Try not to roar at too many people at work. Everyone has been making mistakes today and it's really irritating me.
    3. Get to bed early.
    4. Deep breathing to keep stress levels down!

    Will pop back on later. Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    What a wonderful thread. I'm still reading over post but i love what i've read thus far. We often get so consumed with our healthy lifestyle that we forget about living our day to day lives so I absolutely love it.

    A little about me: I am a 37 year old, single female with no children who currently resides in the state of Georgia. My highest weight was 152 lbs and my lowest has been 122 lbs. I joined MFP last November (this Friday is my 1 year anniversary) when I began seeing my weight creep back up (136 lbs). Since joining I have been really diligent about logging on and exercising. While my eating habits have improved dramatically there's still a lot to be learned. Although I have no children I live a very busy/active lifestyle so am constantly on the go. I absolutely hate cooking which can be very problematic when trying to improve your eating habits. I participate in quite a few challenges and find they really keep me motivated and accountable.

    Goals for today:

    1. Iron work clothes for tomorrow
    2. Do some online research re: best friend's wedding
    3. Follow up w/event coordinator for cousin's b-day party
    4. Fold all the clothes on top of the dryer

    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. Workout 1st thing in the a.m.
    2. Prepare healthy snacks before heading to unit meeting
    3. Do not eat any halloween candy during the unit meeting
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member

    Tuesdays goals...
    1. Water water water.
    2. Go training before work and to Body Combat after work.
    3. Working at home all day so don't turn the tv on and get through all the work I have brought home with me.

    Just briefly checking in now but will post properly later. Goals one and two done but very sore back after combat. Got quite q bit of work done but kept getting interrupted so could have done better.

    Today's goals...
    1. Rest so I can give my aching muscles a break.
    2. Try not to roar at too many people at work. Everyone has been making mistakes today and it's really irritating me.
    3. Get to bed early.
    4. Deep breathing to keep stress levels down!

    Will pop back on later. Hope you're all having a great day!

    Hi nam14uk! Do you usually go to Body Combat? I see that at my local Gold's Gym and was thinking of trying it out. How do you like it?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    things are going well today. first zumba class down, headed to the next class in a few hours. I'll be on later. Leela.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    OK so I'm home, fed and slightly less stressed (even though I know I should still be working but I've had enough for today).

    A little about me... I'm Namita or Nam (don't mind which), 30 years young, live and work in London England, lawyer and soon to be slim and have a six pack!! :laugh: Well that's the goal anyway! I joined mfp 14 Aug 2010 and haven't looked back! This site and all my lovely friends on here and these threads have kept me going and so motivated. Today though I'm having a bad day but I know tomorrow is a new day and all will be rosy in the world again!!

    Frub so glad you went to Combat! There is a class on tomorrow night but it means having to leave work early to get to it so not sure I will make it.

    Happiness you absolutely have to go to body combat! I first started going about a month ago and I can't tell you enough how much of a difference it has made. YOU HAVE TO GO!!!!! It is such great fun and high calorie burn workout.

    I love how we are all introducing ourselves or re-introducing ourselves so we can get to know each other better!

    Chocolickkyss - welcome! Glad you joined us! I'm with you on the whole hating cooking. It is really not my thing but I have been making more of an effort of late. I cooked up a mean strifry just now which worked out to 346 cals so feeling quite proud of myself!

    Jess/Ravyn you definitely have gutter minds!! So Fitbot what was the answer?!! :laugh:

    Leela hope your headaches are easing off and you're back in action soon. I didn't know about your knee surgery. You've done so well to get back to training doing everything (except spinning) so quickly.

    Platoon - 100 squats?!!! That's incredible!! Do you do it all in one go or take breaks and do it in sets?

    Nicole great job on getting to the gym! I love it most when the work out is over although people watching whilst there is also quite entertaiing!

    Right enough of my ramblings. A bit of tv and then bed for me. See you all tomorrow!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    things are going well today. first zumba class down, headed to the next class in a few hours. I'll be on later. Leela.

    Great going Lee! Hope this means the headaches have disappeared.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    1. water intake or ginger tea intake UP
    2. try and get a 60 min workout in there
    3. do excessive abs during breaks
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Goals for 11/3:

    1. Water - ugh!
    2. Workout - Check!
    3. Class
    4. Keep sodium, carbs, and sugar in check...
    5. Eat at least 1,200 calories today...

    1. Water - Check! 9 glasses!
    2. Workout - Check! Personal training session!
    3. Class - Check! Does it count that I showed up, even though I'm on MFP?!
    4. Check! Sodium = 903; Carbs = 69; Sugar = stopped monitoring sugar today (already included in carbs)
    5. Check! Calories = 1,717
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340

    Platoon - 100 squats?!!! That's incredible!! Do you do it all in one go or take breaks and do it in sets?

    Not tough at all... sets of 25 with 10 second breaks. :-)
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    SO most of the goals got done today. Got so busy with the cleaning I forgot to call and set up an appt for my daughter. Oh well I can do that tomorrow then.

    So for tomorrow (Thusrday)
    1. Make that Appt.
    2. Go to my appt and make sure I show up early like I have to. New doc for me..
    3. Water
    4. Make a healthy choice for lunch. I'll be at my parents house and my mom and dad don't always make healthy choices. They kinda taught me my bad habits hehe. My hubby has been teaching me how to be healthy:)

    Well that should do it for me. I'm off to watch some TV before I go to bed. Have a good evening everyone.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Fail on the eating healthy goals. BUT I did make it to the gym AND I got my butt on the treadmill. I have always been so scared of that darn piece of equipment because I am not a runner. Not at all. I huff and puff and get side stitches. I've always been afraid I'd fall off or look stupid. But I really want to run a 5k ... and especially the THON 5k next fall. So I did it. And boy did I look awkward at first... couldn't get on rhythm but then I got it and it was ok! So yay!

    I"ll be on to catch up on all the posts tomorrow!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    The headaches are gone, for now. May have been a combination of things, hope they're gone for good. Nam, Thanks for asking! Beth, it could have been the lack of caffeine too, I have been really cutting down since I started drinking more water.

    Wednesday recap:
    So goals for Wednesday:
    1. zumba, zumba DOUBLE CHECK
    2. abs, abs DOUBLE CHECK
    3. water, water TRIPLE CHECK
    4. push ups, push ups FAILED
    5. Remember that just because I burn over 1000 calories that I can't eat them all!! CHECK PLUS
    Thursday's goals:
    1. light cardio, if any.
    2. stay on the water bandwagon.
    3. abs in the morning.
    4. eating under 1200 calories no matter how many workout calories I may have (probably wont be many, if any).

    Keep up the good work!
  • frubjious
    Yesterday was a bit of a wasted day I couldn't really settle to anything I started all day. so yesterdays goals

    Wednesday’s Goals:
    1. Swimming, add 100meters -:embarassed: Didn't even make it to the pool, will do better tonight!
    2. Laundry - Yup
    3. 1 hour drawing - I Fail. I only really managed a few warm up exercises.
    4. Stay in my calorie allowance - Yup
    5. Stop inhaling my food! - At times.

    Still today is a whole new day and its going to be a more cheerful:

    1. Don't weigh myself.
    2. Swim an extra 100m
    3. Set up the Wii for a bit of Wii fit.
    4. Eat slowly/ drink water.
    5. Get an early night.

    Hope you all have a lovely day. See you later.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Goals for 11/3
    1. Get work done at work --semi!! lol
    2. Water --Good
    3. Take something Healthy for lunch or buy something healthy. --made me a salad at a salad bar. yummy
    4. At some point today I need to call my mother, or answer her call. She was the reason for my depression slump a few days ago and now I need to get it over with and talk to her and my dad. ---called her
    5. Walk at lunch indoors or outdoors!!! ---didn't do that because I bought lunch.

    Leela, I am so glad your headaches are gone. I get cluster migraines once a month and I know how frustrating it can be.

    Nam-I'm telling ya girl, you are a machine!!!

    PSU good job on the treadmill....... mine is busted. Makes me angry!!:explode:

    Monique-you inspire me everyday. You're workouts are so intense and gratifying.

    frub-- YES TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!

    My Goals for today 11/4:
    1.) WATER
    2.) NO CHEATS
    3.) get to the doc on time and hopefully they will find out what is going on with my uterous!!! OUCH
    4.) work out before bed. I'm thinking pilates. and some calisthenics.
    5.) don't get discouraged if the guy who is coming to look at remodeling my kitchen wants too much money...........

    Today is a nasty day where I live. Cold, rainy and no sunshine. it always gets me down. But--I'm not going to pay any attention to the weather and I'm going to get all of my work done. (i hope) lol.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/3 Goals
    1) Water -- Good
    2) Meals for the week -- Good
    3) Laundry -- Roomie had it in use all night...that's what I get for slacking off
    4) Slim in 6 -- Ugh! I really need to kick my tail into exercising!!! :grumble:

    11/4 Goals
    1) Water :drinker:
    2) Laundry
    3) GYM or video at home!!!
    4) Stop making excuses

    Nam -- Thanks for the advice. I will have to try this class out. I have posted the class schedule as my background on my computer and printed off pages to sporadically place throughout (house/car/desk).

    Jess -- Good luck at the doctor's office, hope you're okay! :flowerforyou:

    Leela -- Hopefully it was just the lack of caffeine. I've had that happen a time or two. At least you're drinking the water. I nearly have to drown in it to force it down.

    Nicole -- I can see that 5k in your future girl. Keep at it! You're doing fantastic!

    Monique -- I agree with Jess. You are a rockstar! I hope I can force myself to do such things in my near future.

    Kim -- I have that same problem with inhaling food. I hear you're supposed to drink water in between bites or put your fork down between bites. I am trying to pack some snacks so that I'm not starving by meal times. Good got this!

    Beth -- I hope your daughter is feeling better

    Chocolickkyss -- Welcome! :happy:
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    I like this tread i need a place were i can post everyday
    Day Goal
    Put in my food log
    Deny all candy. I had to give it away today
    Excerise. Going to excerisetv
    eat no more then 1400 cals