Girls wanting to lose 50-100 pounds/20-45 kg (Read 1st post)



  • CariG7
    CariG7 Posts: 3 Member
    I do not know where to begin with my weight gain story...maybe the almost beginning? I have been on this rollercoaster weight loss and weight gain for over two decades while raising my 4 kids on little sleep and the typical stresses that involves. I probably would have given up trying to lose the weight by now if my knees had not collapsed on me and I needed double partial knee replacement at age 51! :noway:
    There is no other option for me, I have to lose this weight now; it's that or go back to a limited quality of life/ Then add to the "bad", there is the excruciating pain day in and day out in my knees. Well enough of the doom and gloom...I am a person that believes in having a positive outlook, teamwork, and preparation (when I am not procrastinating regarding my needs) <grin>.

    Regards Everyone,
    Cari Guerrero
  • WOW what a story, best of luck to you all, and by all means add me if you need extra support or comfort, I will always be there (except on the weekends or school/ public holidays).
  • Hello and thanks so much for this post! I'm on a mission to lose as much as 110lbs.


    Be blessed... V
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I'd love to join too. I lost about 45 lbs a few years ago, then fell off the wagon. Trying desperately to get back in the habit of logging my food and to start excercising again. Gained every bit plus some back. Would really love to lose 65 lbs.
  • whitneyr137
    whitneyr137 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! I would love to join this group. My goal is to lose about 70 pounds, and would definitely help to have some motivation from others who are on similar journeys! Good luck to you all!

  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I have 92 pounds to lose.

  • indunna
    indunna Posts: 221 Member
    Please add me. I am working on my first 50.

  • hjbemom
    hjbemom Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join you gals- I have been on here for almost a year (maybe more and never seem to lose anything) I need more accountability!!!

  • I am very new to this site but have heard good things. Saw this post as soon as I logged on and am very interested in joining :-)
    I want to lose 80 pounds (obviously going to take me a looooooong time) and could use some advice.

    I have researched all these "fad diets/exercises" and don't know which to do. I also want to work out but very limited space in my house (3 kids) then saw zumba and heard good things about that but again I am not sure. Then I hear I should build more muscle because it would burn more fat then cardio?

  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 65 lbs and would love the support.

  • Hodaeia
    Hodaeia Posts: 18 Member

    I am restarting the weight loss thing once again and I've got about 100 lbs to loose.
    I'd love to join this group


  • Conscott84
    Conscott84 Posts: 5 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose and would love to join!!
  • Hello All!! I am 48 and I would like to lose 60 pounds. I am off to a good start I loss 4.1 pounds last week!! Yay me!! At any rate my metablosim has slowed to a crawl... like almost going backwards (LOL)! I have 5 children anf terrible eating habits. I have not consistently eaten breakfast in more than 20 years and I am a night owl and usually eat late at night and head to bed... I know that it is awful but I am determined to change my life and get my body back!
  • telijoy
    telijoy Posts: 4 Member
    I have 100lbs to lose. I would love to join.

  • Hey! I am on a path to lose over 100lbs, so I don't know if I would work out for your group, but if so, I would love to be a part of it!

  • Jetli1
    Jetli1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, keep track of my food on Mfp, but haven't really used this side of it yet. Would love to join.

  • Hi, I would like to lose around another 50 lbs - may be a little bit less. I would love to join your group for motivation.

  • Hi! Am new to MFP, just herd about it last week and joined :) I have a lot of weight to lose...My ultimate goal is to lose 130 eventually but really i just want to be healthy. I would really love to join the group for motivation and accountability,

  • Lawri1
    Lawri1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have almost 50 lbs to lose. I have been so discouraged. I am not sticking with it, It seems to have gotten worse since I lost my mother in August. But that is most likely an excuse. I also have a lot of trouble with binge eating. Its is so discouraging since I used to work out all the time and ate really healthy, Now it feels impossible with kids etc and I have gained about 50 pounds since my marriage 10 years ago. I need motivation. I am excited to start on here today. Plus my husband just allowed me to rejoin the gym so I am hoping that will help. PS I just added this ticker. This was me on our honeymoon and this is what i want to look like again!!
  • I'd love to join. I have 100 pounds to lose. I restarted my account, and am ready to go :D
