Post your most recent workout



  • flywithgeorge
    flywithgeorge Posts: 62 Member
    this thread was kinda funny..

    but here's my observation for today.... and yes, I'm single and have tried those type of dating sites. Other than meeting a few crazies, no real results.

    After reading this workout thread, this is where I want to hang out! For real... y'all are my heros! Normally, Mondays and Wednesdays are my heavy workout days... in the past, I ride my bike to the gym, play racquetball for a few hours, row for 30 minutes or so, use the stairstepper for 10-15 minutes, ride my bike home then use the elliptical in my condo complex for another 30 minutes.... last night, after racquetball, I decided to be wuss-out and go home and not do anything else. Now I feel bad. Y'all kick some serious tail! Just saying...
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    This morning:

    15 minutes on the Arc Trainer

    Bench Press
    3 sets of 5 - 105lbs

    Seated Cable Rows
    3 sets of 10 - 80lbs

    Incline Dumbbell Press
    3 sets of 10 - 25lbs

    Hammer Strength Lat pull
    3 sets of 8 - 45lb plate

    Lateral Raises
    2 sets of 12 - 15lbs

    Skull Crusher
    2 sets of 12 - 35lb EZbar

    Dumbbell Curls
    3 sets of 10 25lbs
  • 60 minutes on the elliptical.

    But I'm really hear to glean some new workouts :smile:

    ETA: Great post, thanks for starting it!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    Sunday I was super excited to learn there is a spot inside my house that I can jump rope. Might sound odd but it's an incredible addition to my Wildman workouts. I workout at home, outside, rain, sleet or snow. Always have a bonfire going. Always.
    Yesterday afternoon I did sled pulls for about 20 minutes it was 19 out Before that I did end over end log flips with a 260 lb log, It's 11 ft long and about 12 inches round.
    This early a.m. sledgehammered ( 50 lb sledge) onto tractor tire then some lifting of large brake rotors. They are on the ground, lift , place them up in top of 6 foot scaffold that is actually at 6.5 with the extra planks. Yeah it's only 13 out right now but the sun is shining so it was all good lol........
    My backyard is a Wildman workout haven......... lol......

    you always have the coolestmost badass workouts!!
    Eh... call me when you can caber toss that log... :laugh: just kiddin'! That's a big stick!!
    Edit to fix something weird that happened with the quotes...

    Funny, I actually compete in Scottish Highland Games, so yes I do the caber toss.... lol..... This is a tree I chopped down myself in my backyard, going to start trimming the bard down then make it caber style... I have lots of stuff like that, sled pulls, tractor tire flips, sledge hammer slams, brake rotors you run with then throw up on scaffold, giant tow truck chains for pulling, stuff, ooh yeah and the constant bonfires, lol... :)
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Last night did Stage 2 of NROL4W workout A:

    Front Squat/ Push Press: 50 # Barbell/ 2 sets of 10 reps

    Step-ups: 40 # (2 20 lbs. dumbbell, and workout bench/ 2 sets of 10 reps

    One point Dumbbell rows: 30 lbs. total per leg: 2 sets/ 10 reps

    Push-ups: Plank position/ 2 sets/ 10 reps

    Static Lunge rear leg elevated on 5 riser of an aerobic step: 30 lbs./ 2 set/ 10 reps

    Planks on forearms: 60 seconds/ 2 sets

    Cable Horizontal wood chop: 25 lbs. 2sets/ 10 reps per side

    10 minute walk warm-up and cool down

    10 stretch
  • Deload Week (excluding warm up sets)

    Sumo Dead - 3x250, 3x250, 3x250
    Good Morning - 10x135, 10x135, 9x135
    Unilateral Standing Leg Curl - 8x90, 8x90, 8x90 J
    anda Sit-up - 8,8,5,5
    Ab Wheel Rollout - 9,9,9
    Unilateral BB Curl - 10x20, 6x30, 6x30
    Seated Calf Raise - 10,10,10

    Dang. Nicely done!
  • Looks like I picked a good time to get my butt back in gear and check the boards. Thanks for this post. Lots of great workouts I can get ideas from.

    Today is Day 3 back on the wagon after nursing a shoulder issue. My 30(ish) minute lunch time workout went like this:
    21:22 3 mile run of 400s: 0.5 mile w/up at 7:30, 400s at 6:31 with 400s recovery.
    4x8 leg press @ 250#
    4x8 calf press @ 190#
    4x8 ab machine @ 80#
    4x16 side-to-side box hops
    4x8 leg curls @ 130#
    4x8 bicep curl machine @ 80#
    4x8 tricep extension machine @ 80#
  • CaptainHNNNGGG
    CaptainHNNNGGG Posts: 205 Member
    Wide grip pullups 6 sets until failure (around 8 reps)
    Pull downs 6 sets in the 10 to 15 rep range
    Back extensions 3 sets 15-20 rep range

    Like a boss
  • CarmineDeMarco
    CarmineDeMarco Posts: 39 Member
    Earlier today, shoveling slushy snow from my driveway...a workout that I will apparently be repeating later.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Yesterday was my full body strength session:

    2 sets of 10 warm up press-ups, followed by
    3 sets of close hand press-ups (3 x 6)

    3 sets of Australian Rows (12, 10, 8), followed by
    3 sets of 4 chin-ups

    2 sets of 20 bodyweight squats, followed by
    3 sets of 8 Pistol Squats

    3 sets of Pike Push-ups (for shoulders)

    Today is a Yoga session of 75 minutes
  • Earlier today, shoveling slushy snow from my driveway...a workout that I will apparently be repeating later.

    this would make me grumpy
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Today is bench workout:

    flat barbell bench 3 x 8 (sometimes this is d/b inclines!)
    military press 3 x 8
    pec deck 3 x 10-12
    (super set with)
    tricep machine 3 x 10
    tricep pushdown 3 x 10
    abs 3 x 10 (weighted)
    rowing 15+ min.
    treadmill 15+min.
  • Today is bench workout:

    flat barbell bench 3 x 8 (sometimes this is d/b inclines!)
    military press 3 x 8
    pec deck 3 x 10-12
    (super set with)
    tricep machine 3 x 10
    tricep pushdown 3 x 10
    abs 3 x 10 (weighted)
    rowing 15+ min.
    treadmill 15+min.

    A row machine. That's one piece of equipment I wish my gym had.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Cardio day: 3 miles on treadmill (way to cold outside) followed by an hour of Yoga or 45 minutes of Barre.

    I like this thread!
  • potatogirl741
    potatogirl741 Posts: 64 Member
    Yesterday was 10 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of kickboxing. So far today, its been 10 minutes on elliptical and on tap this afternoon is a 2-3 mile run followed by a walk on the incline machine.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Yesterday I did;

    10 mins on treadmill @ 5.5 mph
    Leg press 3x12 - 45kg
    Chest press 3x12 - 25kg
    Shoulder press 3x12 - 30kg
    Lat pull down 3x12 34kg

    Today nothing

    Tomorrow = 1 hr spin class (my first one)
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Did a barbell complex this morning.

    BB bentover row x10
    Back Squat x10
    Good mornings x10
    Push Press x10
    Front Squats x10
    Hang clean x10
    Lunges x10
    High Pull x10
    Deadlift x10
    3 rounds no putting the BB down between exercises. Only between rounds.

    Also doing a 5.5 mile run with my run club this evening.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    About 2 hours ago I completed Week 8 Day 2 of C25k :) one day left for me until I graduate!
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Did a barbell complex this morning.

    BB bentover row x10
    Back Squat x10
    Good mornings x10
    Push Press x10
    Front Squats x10
    Hang clean x10
    Lunges x10
    High Pull x10
    Deadlift x10
    3 rounds no putting the BB down between exercises. Only between rounds.

    Also doing a 5.5 mile run with my run club this evening.

    Yow! You're quite the overachiever. But really, awesome work!
  • krazeedr
    krazeedr Posts: 35 Member
    squat 120#
    overhead press 60#
    deadlift 120#

    wrist curls 15# 5x10