Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1. abs
    2. pushups
    3. water
    4 log everything!
    I failed at all except water. Going to keep the same goals for today and add two more.
    5. try a work out on exercisetv.
    6. go for a walk outside (if weather permits)

    So I did find a great workout on exercisetv. it had abs and push ups included. but I may try to do some on my own later. I have drank almost 50 ounces of water before 3pm. I am logging everything. I need to see it in my face again. I don't "fudge" my numbers, I just sometimes "forget" to log something I know I didn't have any business eating in the first place. I don't like seeing the doritos and chocolate covered marshallows in my diary, but I promised myself I would stay more accountable. Maybe that will stop me from eating that crap.
    headed out for my walk now. Its too beautiful outside to be stuck in the house. Also, rain is coming this weekend.

    I haven't been as vocal lately as I have been, so I wanted to take the time to acknowledge everyone:

    Nam, hope you were able to keep stress under control.

    Beth, here's to a better week! I'm with ya! We're supposed to have good weather for the next few days.

    Kathy, I thought Leslie only went up to 3 miles. a 4 mile walk is incredible. I used to do it, but I find her voice Congrats on quitting smoking.

    frub, your goals sound great! I had a pizza crisis over the weekend too!

    fitbot, did you make to the gym? what didja do while you were there?

    whoa Jess, 6 loads of clothes. well while the kitchen is in shambles, hopefully you can get it done. I hope the headache subsides. I was dealing with them last week. The neverending story is a classic. A slumber party with your daughter sounds awesome. You're a great mom! And you know I'll stay on you about your water. Glad that payroll is done. My belly felt the same way from the insertion a few weeks ago. I'm finally feeling better now.

    Steph, great job on the loss! and two a day workouts really increase your metab.

    Choco- your workouts sound intense! great job staying motivated to get it done!

    Hey Nicole, miss you. Hope you're doing great!

    So sorry if I forgot anyone. I'll be on later to set up new goals.

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm back! It was supposed to be earlier today but guess who thought it'd be a good idea to go a week without sleeping pills so I don't get too attached to them! Me! And... I didn't sleep last night until 4:30. So I didn't wake up in time to get on here earlier.

    Goals for today were/are:

    1. No napping. (Already failed).
    2. Water! Water! Water!
    3. Tons of work done.

    Hope everyone is having a good day! Missed you all! And Choco-- congrats on a year and your healthy food choices I've been reading about! I hope I get to that point soon!

  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    Hi people good job on your work. The most tragic thing that could have happened happened. My competer hardrive crashed so I have no computer a majority of day after school. I guess this is just a setback, swimming season is starting and i hope i loss some weight.
    Day Goal
    Study for Physics
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    worked out AND drank tons of water. and i actually did not eat anything totally evil today.
    maybe i will not gain weight during my toughest week of the season
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Monday...
    1. Loads of water! DONE
    2. Super busy day with lots of client and travelling all over the place so must try and keep stress levels in check and be productive. SEMI-DONE!
    3. Get workout in before work. DONE

    Really tough day at work and got home not long ago (it's almost midnight). Must do better tomorrow.

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. More greens at lunch and dinner.
    2. Loads of water. Try and do the Leela challenge and drink every hour.
    3. Stay within cals and no booze after work.

    Hope you all had a great day!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So New goals for today..
    1. Water (working on this one day off and its like I can't get back on the wagon)--Still working on it but hoping to get it in today
    2. oil change in car( which was way more important than washing the blankets) DONE hehe
    3. Clean my living room and put down the new rug. DONE:) Looks good too!!
    4. Laundry, just can't fit my big blankets in my washer or dryer.FAIL But gonna work on it some still tonight.

    Well It was a better day today than yesterday. Looks like I'll have the money in either tomorrow or Wed to be able to go do the big blankets. So I'm gonna wait on those until then.

    Goals for Tuesday.
    1. Walk the mall with friend
    2. water
    3. Finish sweeping and mopping floors. had to start before putting a new rug down now have to finish the rest of them so it doesn't look so bad.
    4. Put together my new set of drawers and re-organize my clothes.
    5. Move all the smaller blankets out of the closet and into the storage ottoman.
    6. Dishes
    7. Laundry

    Well I know I'm going lofty on the goals but some of it will only take about 15 or 20 mins to complete. Just need to get it done.

    Good to see ya back on here Nicole!! We've missed you:)

    I'd respond to more but my daughter is demanding my attention right now and its almost her bed time. SO have a good night all. Get a good nights rest. Then drink a glass of water when you wake up:) hehe Talk with you all sometime tomorrow.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    1) WATER, WATER, WATER!!!--Did pretty well but still room for improvement.
    2) Vacuum the living room.--DONE
    3) get some healthy, low fat muffins baked. Also done
    4) 4 mile walk with Leslie (Sansone--we've been walking together for so long I feel we are friends!) Done

    Not too bad of a day, though I still need to do better on my food.

    Goals for 11/09--

    1) Water!
    3) Work on my Christmas projects.
    4) Water!
    5) do the Day 9 workout from the Thanksgiving walking challenge.

    Leela--Hi! She also has at least 3-5 mile walks (I have three, anyway!) Sometimes I find her annoying, too, so I listen to music while following the video.
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Just a quick one today.

    1. Water! – Fail
    2. Phone mechanic - Done
    3. Start picture for Christmas show - Done
    4. Don’t exceed 1200 calories! - Fail
    5. 30 minutes house work – Fail

    I’m struggling a bit at the moment so today is going to be really simple:

    1. Stay in my calorie allowance – Anything on top of that is a bonus.

    Hope its all going well/getting easier for you guys (sorry thats so generic).
    See you later, have a great day.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's recap:
    1. abs YES
    3. water 14 CUPS TOTAL
    4. log everything! YES
    5. try a work out on exercisetv. YES, FOUND 2 GREAT WORKOUTS
    6. go for a walk outside (if weather permits) 3.75 MILES

    I would like to be as successful today as yesterday:
    1. atleast 10 cups of water.
    2. add healthy snacks on the menu
    3. only eat if I'm hungry
    4. no late night snacking.

    They are all centered around food today because this is the area I've been struggling in lately. It goes without saying that I will do abs, push ups if I'm not sore later and workout atleast 45 minutes. There's a zumba class tonight I may go to because my Sunday class got canceled. Am I crazy for doing zumba Tues PM, Wed AM and Wed PM? My body is either going to love me or hate me afterwards.

    have a great day!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    11/8 Goals::::
    1.) Get off here and get payroll done!!! *****I got it finished at 11 YIPPEE
    2.) water ugh it was ok
    3.) vacuum when I get home and clean upstairs. nope

    1.) Just to survive.

    You all are wonderful people and I love ya!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member

    11/8 Goals:
    1) Water -- CHECK
    2) Laundry -- Raked the leaves instead
    3) Vacuum the house -- Ooh, I forgot about this one and my internet is not working at I did not re-check my goals
    4) Went to the gym this morning -- but if I can do the video tonight as well, I will be one happy girl :wink: -- That didn't work out

    11/9 Goals:
    1) Water -- 4 bottles (one more then yesterday)
    2) Video tonight as I did not get up this morning
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I headed to the gym this morning to do some HIITs. I completed 35 minutes on the elliptical with the crossramp at level 8 and alternated between level 6 for recovery and level 10 for the intensity. I then completed 30 minutes on the spinning bike.

    Goals for 11/09/10:

    1. Workout in the morning......................Check
    2. Drink all my water................................
    3. Organize the bathroom & master bedroom..................
    4. Begin researching family reunion keepsake................
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Wow! Chocolickkyss, you are doing fantastic!

    Steph: Thank you for the support. This challenge really helps keep me on track.
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    I tryed to study for my Physics test so I guess this is a semi done
    Tuesday November 09 ,2010
    Day Goal
    Try to pay attention about what im eating
    Drink more water
    Find a Job
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. More greens at lunch and dinner. FAIL
    2. Loads of water. Try and do the Leela challenge and drink every hour. CHECK
    3. Stay within cals and no booze after work. MAJOR FAIL

    only passed on one today with the water. I was meeting an old work friend after work after a really long time. He has not seen me since I started on this journey and told me how hot I looked which was great but I gave into temptation and had a few glasses of wine but no dinner. When I got to the station to get my train home I was starving so got a grilled chicken burger no fries though. Feeling rubbish because I know I have undone all my recent hardwork and annoyed at myself. So tomorrow is a new day and I will start afresh!

    Goals for weds...
    1. Stay under cals and no excuses
    2. After evening meeting go straight home and get in the gym to do at least 30 mins cardio but hopefully 60.
    3. More fruit and veg.
    4. Must cook own evening meal and excuses of late meeting and gym not good enough.
    5. Speak to the specialist about my foot and make a decision finally on surgery.

    Hope you've all had a great day!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for Tuesday.
    1. Walk the mall with friend DONE
    2. water WORKING ON IT
    3. Finish sweeping and mopping floors. had to start before putting a new rug down now have to finish the rest of them so it doesn't look so bad. FAIL
    4. Put together my new set of drawers and re-organize my clothes. FAIL
    5. Move all the smaller blankets out of the closet and into the storage ottoman. FAIL
    6. Dishes FAIL
    7. Laundry FAIL.

    I should've known that was too lofty for me today. Been one of those days that is both really good and bad. Good because a friend of mine that I haven't seen in Months got a hold of me and my friend I go for walks with to get togehter today for lunch:) It wasn't what I had planned for lunch but I couldn't pass it up. I missed her:) It was fun and it was really nice to get all caught up on everything going on in our lives. I don't feel bad about it though cause the stuff I didn't get done isn't weight loss related.

    So goals for tomorrow will be mostly the same as today

    1. Get on my eliptical for as long as my legs will let me without over doing it.
    2. water
    3. Finish sweeping and mopping floors. had to start before putting a new rug down now have to finish the rest of them so it doesn't look so bad.
    4. Put together my new set of drawers and re-organize my clothes.
    5. Move all the smaller blankets out of the closet and into the storage ottoman.
    6. Dishes
    7. Laundry

    I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow so I should be able to actually get thru all of that no problem.

    Hope you all have had a good day!! Enjoy the evening and drink plenty of water!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday's recap:
    I would like to be as successful today as yesterday:
    1. atleast 10 cups of water....yes
    2. add healthy snacks on the menu...average
    3. only eat if I'm hungry...tried
    4. no late night snacking.....hope to go to bed earlier.

    I did make it to zumba. No abs or push ups, maybe before the night is over. Arms still sore from yesterday.

    1. zumba, zumba
    2. eat a light snack before first and second zumba to keep hunger under control.
    3. keep drinking water
    4. clean out the refridgerator in case any left overs got pushed to the back and need to be trashed.
  • frubjious
    Morning Everyone,

    Yesterday went pretty well I stayed under my calorie allowance – just, but it still counts. The bonus stuff was there too, I did 30minutes on the house, a load of laundry and smashed my water target. I worked late so no exercise but that’s something for today.

    So Wednesday’s goals:

    1. Stay under calorie allowance
    2. 30 minutes walk at lunch
    3. 30 minutes cardio
    4. Water
    5. Go to painting class in the evening, even if I’m tired.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Well yesterday I survived.

    11/10/2010 Goals:
    1.) So much water I pee myself!!! lol (not really but you know what I mean)
    2.) get bills figured out.
    3.) CHEER THE "F" UP!!!!
    4.) eat right!!!
    5.) clean my living room and do laundry instead of sitting on my behind!!!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/9 Goals:
    1) Water -- 4 bottles (one more then yesterday) -- 5 bottles by the end of the night! :o)
    2) Video tonight as I did not get up this morning -- FAIL

    11/10 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Watch my food intake -- Do better at this as my weight was up this morning.
    3) Burn some calories! I haven't worked out since Monday!

    Keep your heads up Nam and Jess! :smile: