

  • edidri6
    edidri6 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm one week behind you all but I am in! Just finished moving and getting situated in a new home...no more excuses. Day 1 of the classic routine (chest & back) with ARX is complete. Looking forward to dropping some pounds, increasing my cardio and flexibility!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome to the group Edidri6!

    Stretch X is done and it felt sooooo goooood! Some of the stretches I had to do very slowly as my low/lower abs were a bit resistant- :ohwell:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Going to eat breakfast and go on my hike this morning ... slow going this morning as I was out sorta late last night but it was nice to wear a mini skirt and fishnets stockings and not feel huge. I am already seeing changes and it hasn't even been a week yet. Today is Legs and Back and ARX. I have all my weights lined up and my pull up bar set up so when I get home I can make my recovery shake and PRESS PLAY.

    I am so happy Sara talked me into this commitment ;)<3 you honey!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Week one, done! I was planning on going for a run today but I am so sore everywhere that I am going to give my body a rest. I felt great doing Kenpo yesterday but think I brought it a little too hard for my first time, because I hurt today! I am feeling good though! I was happy that I had even lost 1.5lbs at my WI, normally when I start lifting and am sore, I don't! Looking forward to week two! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sorry I haven't been posting but life gets busy. Friday Day 5 I did legs and back workout. Sat Day 6 completed Ab ripper X and took my rest day. Today Day 7 did Kepno X. I managed to get everything in this week I just adjusted the workouts to my schedule. So far I'm loving the workouts. My Yoga blocks arrived so Thurs should go better this week. I broke down and ordered a chin up bar. It should be here early next week.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated. Everyone is doing such a great job...
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Hope everyone enjoys our much deserved day off!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 5 Legs/Back ARX DONE! I liked this work out a lot. I was familiar with many of the leg moves as I had done them before when I was with a personal trainer. The only one that I had issues with was the 3 way lunge so instead of doing the kicks after each I concentrated on form until I get the moves down ... I would rather have good form then sacrifice to do the moves. I still am getting used to doing chair assisted pull ups and finding the right angle. My chair back is too high to do the assists like that so I have to use the seat but I still work it and hang trying to pull up with my arms instead of my leg ... I'll get there. I still have the goal of 1 pull up unassisted per exercise by the end of 90 days, any more and that's (sugar free) icing ;)

    So far I am loving LOVING this program and as far as I am concerned it's already paid for itself in value. I am working hard and not slacking (if the sweat on my clothing is any indicator). I am looking forward to my rest day on Tuesday though LOL.

    EDIT: I did the ARX FIRST and I was able to complete much better. I am modifying the V at the end I just have trouble doing it so I am doing plank raises. Tuesday night I may practice the move but I want to get it down so I can cleanly do it during the set. I would rather do SOME SORT of oblique move then a half assed oblique move.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 7: X Stretch (rest day)

    Today was a scheduled rest day where I could either do nothing or do the X Stretch DVD. I did the stretches, I needed them, lol.
  • bmhatcher
    Hey everyone! I have been reading your posts and I hope everyone is doing well with P90X. I would like to join in your group please.
    I am starting week 13 tomorrow in my first round of P90X. I LOVE IT! I am so close to the 25 lbs lost....
    After this week I plan to start the program all over again and add some running in on the afternoons of strength training. I didn't use the Nutrition plan with P90X because of my work schedule and that of my kids sports schedule, but I did start monitoring my caloric intake and reduced it to 1200 during this time. It was hard at times. I have since moved it back to 1350. I was feeling sluggish on some days without more calories.
    So my new week 1 will be Nov 15 and I will be 2 weeks behind you.
    Good luck to everyone and BRING IT!!!!!!!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Welcome to the group Gidget! Remember to EAT those exercise calories :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 8 Core Synergistics:

    Lost 0.9lbs and also lost 1/2" around the belly button waist line since last week. Adjusted my daily net calorie goal down a couple hundred cals, see how that goes. I had adjusted it up quite a bit last week in anticipation of doing P90X.

    Bow to Boat and Superman to Banana are still very hard for me, but did better than last week. Over all, did better than last Monday on the workout. Have a ways to go yet before I feel I am giving this workout full justice. I just keep pushing play and doing my best.

    Burned ~650 cals over 60 minutes

    Some stats:

    154 BPM AVG
    186 BPM MAX
    41% of the time spent between 162 - 180 BPM
    29% between 144 - 161
    26% between 126 - 143
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    P90X day 8 lean - core synergistics done!!! It was easier than last week. I actually used 5# weights today. Last week I didn't use any as I was trying to learn proper form. I feel stronger. I'm waiting until day 30 to post changes.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Well folks, I did it again...hurt me knee. I was trying to modify the poses but it isn't working for me. :cry: I guess p90x isn't the exercise routine for me. :sad: I will keep doing the stretch and the toning ones but the yoga and kenpo do me in. I just cannot do the runners pose and the crescent pose, etc type things without wrenching my knee.:sad: So I am going to do a modified approach to this.

    I was really hoping that since I am so close to my goal weight that I could handle this but it is not to be. I am not a runner either for the same reason.

    Thanks for the support and advice and I wish all of you the very best of luck!!!

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Well folks, I did it again...hurt me knee. I was trying to modify the poses but it isn't working for me. :cry: I guess p90x isn't the exercise routine for me. :sad: I will keep doing the stretch and the toning ones but the yoga and kenpo do me in. I just cannot do the runners pose and the crescent pose, etc type things without wrenching my knee.:sad: So I am going to do a modified approach to this.

    I was really hoping that since I am so close to my goal weight that I could handle this but it is not to be. I am not a runner either for the same reason.

    Thanks for the support and advice and I wish all of you the very best of luck!!!


    I have a bad right knee and wear a neoprene sleeve with a "donut hole" ... that may help. I know that when I did Plyometrics last week I was TERRIFIED to do it for fear I would tweak my knee (and it had been hurting a lot during that week) and my knee actually feels BETTER after wearing the brace.

    Sorry your knee is injured :(
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Good morning! Happy Day #8 to all of you that are on the same track as me! I know there are a few folks on other days of the program. I feel fantastic this morning. I got plenty of sleep last night, so I am bright eyed and bushy-tailed. I made myself a protein shake for a quick breakfast this morning that I could take with me since I really needed to get to work. I'm all prepped....to be in meetings all day.... No joke! I have one four hour meeting and then I have to drive to the other plant for a second meeting. Hope everyone is feeling good today!
  • TheSuperSaiyan
    P90X Day 8: Classic- Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X, Karate later tonight, and some Qigong. That's my schedule today, make up for the weekend, haha... Have a good week everyone!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Under the fence pushups and wide grip pullups are killing me!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Under the fence pushups and wide grip pullups are killing me!

    You'll get better. I could only do 3-4 of them back in February, then 12 last month, last week I did 16.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Day 8. Legs and back and ARX. Feeling good, proud of my work today. My neck sprain is acting up a little, but it sort of feels like it's working itself out? Like the pain is moving in order to heal? That or I'm causing permanent damage, lol. I'll pay very close attention and stay careful. The injury is now five months old and my chiropractor said to just play it by ear, so that's what I'm doin'.

    Happy day 8, for those of you on the same track! Way to bring it!
  • Jessrocks
    Jessrocks Posts: 22 Member
    hello everyone :-) I started last Monday so today was day 8, chest and back and ab ripper x. Last year I got through 63 days of p90x and then I got a dog and then I got laid off and my whole world went upside down and I completely lost my ability to schedule workouts. SO! I still have a dog, but now I'm at least working part time (and thankful for even that!) and I've gained back all 24 pounds that I lost last time, and I'm pretty irritated that that's how my summer went.
    so here I am again. p90x is the only diet/exercise program I ever saw such amazing results from, and I actually like it! I have pretty bad arthritis in both of my knees (my Dr said it'll get better when I lose weight, but mostly it's bad genetics...thank you mom) so I have to ice and stretch and use ibuprofen regularly, but I know I can do it. I probably won't post too much but I do enjoy reading. I really enjoyed reading stories of people who are on round 2 and 3 of p90x.
    Tomorrow, Plyo. I will bring it! and then I will bring on the ice pack (for my knees) :-) It's either move or get bigger, and getting bigger is not an option.
    Have a great night everyone!