Holy sexism, batman!



  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    Yeah, you're not helping the male cause here, buddy.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    True story. I mean, saying "you're sexy" and saying "b*tch I'ma tap that *kitten*" is a little different... but still. Agreed.
    Yes. One would get ignored, whereas the other one is vomit-inducing.

    Ignored?! You would IGNORE me?! That's vomit-inducingly rude :sad: :sad:
    I know you're joking, but I have had men get threatening and confrontational when I ignored them after they said something to me. (For the record, the first time this happened I was fourteen and the guy was probably in his 40s. He told a friend and me that we were pretty, then got mad when we ignored him. Wound up following us for several city blocks, saying increasingly violent and obscene things, and we had to run to a gas station and call the cops. So it's no surprise that this is a touchy subject for me.)
    I think sometimes the guys that are not actual criminals can't conceive of someone treating a person that way, also if they've never been treated that way. So yeah, I guess it's easy to get on your ear if you think we're talking about you, but we're actually talking about people who are harmful and threatening.

    So guys, lemme lay it out for ya. The risk that something will progress from annoying to threatening-to-life-or-limb is not something we can really take lightly. That's why we get prickly about stuff like this. Don't do stuff that doesn't raise predator red flags, and you won't get treated like one.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    LOLOLOL strong shirt in avi to thread topic ratio
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    Yeah, you're not helping the male cause here, buddy.
    Thanks dude, I appreciate you acknowledging this.
  • ExtremePhobia
    I don't know that "sexism" is the right word. I don't think that your femininity was necessarily the target so much as you were. That's not to say that it would have happened if you were a man (almost certainly not). In fact, this type of behavior almost gives sexism (and feminism by extension of what it stands for and against) a bad name.

    Quite frankly, that whole situation was appalling. Unfortunately, as society slowly marches in a positive direction, stragglers will be left behind who think such behavior is acceptable and harmless. Just remember that things ARE moving forward and... hopefully, one day you and your daughters won't have to deal with that kind of crap.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post
    I'm loving the common ground we're building here!
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.
    Ooh! An ad hominem attack! Solid, logical response.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    well.. it's not like we fell on a **** and raped our selves.

    According to "most men" (since we are generalizing things here).. .men cannot get raped. there are two genders in the world- men.. and women.

    So either a man is raping the woman or a woman is raping a woman. since I'd go out on a limb and say man on woman violence/rape is higher than woman/woman rape/violance- you're damn right the statistic is higher.

    1 in 4? like it's a joke- that's 25% of the population of women- that's a lot of fricking women.

    Feminism is not a hate movement. It's about wanting to be a person. I am a human being- a person first- a woman second. I am not a woman first and person second. It's wanting to be treated as equal and to be treated fairly.

    And the grim reality is.. we aren't. I'm not what I could consider to be a "feminist" but I believe that we should have the same rights- the same pay and no gender discrimination- both ways. we should be treated as people- not "treated the same despite the fact we are women" that makes it sounds like a disease.

    I'm not hyper sensitive- and I"m not paranoid- but I am aware there are bad people in the world- and I make it a point to NOT put myself into a position where I am liable to be stuck in a corner with said bad people. That doesn't end well for me or for them.
  • mnighttess
    Wow, this is still going! I approve. :drinker:
    I'm here for ya, sweet-cheeks. :wink:

    "Sweet cheeks" how sexually demeaning of you to speak to her that way. Are you feeling rapey?
    Like I said before, sarcastic and hateful.

    No just showing that you can call her sweet cheeks, but your saying a male doing it irl means he wants to be demeaning....
    So, are you saying you didn't get the satirical use then?

    I get it babycakes
    OK, then we're good, sweetpea.

    Sweatpea!?! You have gone too far ;-)
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.

    whats a mangina?
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.
    Ooh! An ad hominem attack! Solid, logical response.
    "What a dumb post" is so logical too, I don't think that response merits anything but something of the same substance. He is a mangina, and it would be a waste to argue with a mangina. This forum is filled with self-loathing eunuchs and mangains who don't deserve a voice, so criticisms form these creatures is common.
  • mnighttess
    LOLOLOL strong shirt in avi to thread topic ratio

  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.
    Ooh! An ad hominem attack! Solid, logical response.
    "What a dumb post" is so logical too, I don't think that response merits anything but something of the same substance. He is a mangina, and it would be a waste to argue with a mangina.

    still not sure what a mangina is
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Women tend to be paranoid and hypersensitive, if you're male, just walking on the same street at night with an alone female can get you harassed by police.

    Feminists fill women's head with phoney and bogus rape statistics such as the classic 1 in 4 women will be raped, and who gets stereotyped as being a potential rapist in every scenario possible? MEN.

    You literally can not say or do anything to a woman these days, no matter how friendly lest you are charged with some BS harassment lawsuit because she just feels subjectively 'threatened' in some way. These are all symptoms of a hate movement called feminism.

    What a dumb post

    I'm sure most manginas feel the same way.

    This is literally the sort of person I run across alone in parking decks at night, too. Usually after they've had a few. Can you imagine the fun that is? Guys, don't be this guy (not that you would, I hope!).
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    "What a dumb post" is so logical too, I don't think that response merits anything but something of the same substance. He is a mangina, and it would be a waste to argue with a mangina.

    says the guy who is saying women are paranoid and hypersensitive?

    You're the one using being a woman as an insult- as if having a vagina is a bad thing... and you say WE have the problem?

    try again.
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    still not sure what a mangina is
    It's a man with a vagina. Which illustrates sexism so well -- it assumes that women are lesser than men, so therefore a man being called a woman is the worst insult possible.