What's the purpose of marriage?



  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    It's ok Bro. Some of us will support you in your choice of a non-marriage homosexual relationship if that is what you desire.

    What about our married homosexual relationship? Are you saying we're the exception?! HOW DARE YOU

    ps - you're sleeping on the couch tonight. The kangaroo got into the chocolate frosting you left out,.

    Why are you always such a huge....... oh yeah...... Well maybe I'll move out so you can move in with Mike?
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    It's ok Bro. Some of us will support you in your choice of a non-marriage homosexual relationship if that is what you desire.

    What about our married homosexual relationship? Are you saying we're the exception?! HOW DARE YOU

    ps - you're sleeping on the couch tonight. The kangaroo got into the chocolate frosting you left out,.

    Why are you always such a huge....... oh yeah...... Well maybe I'll move out so you can move in with Mike?

  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I believe God likes it when you are married, sex is also better.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I blame society. I've waited 6 years to have a second child because of what society says, not because I wanted to wait. I know I could if I wanted but there is such a stigma on unwed mothers, it make waiting for marriage seem like the appropriate thing to do. Although my fiance and I live together and plan on spending the rest of our lives that way.

    Also, insurance. I work for a 2 employee company. We can't get a group rate so I have a basic medical plan and no dental or vision. My fiance on the other hand has everything through fedex but my son and I cannot be on his plan unless we are married, regardless of how long we've lived under the same roof.

    We are getting married because we like the idea of a ceremony to celebrate the commitment we are making to each other. :happy: ETA: the rest is just perks.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!



    Ha. ha. ha.

    You think you get to keep half your stuff when it all goes south?

    That's a nice dream you have there.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    you and that other guy that always posts on all of your misogynistic threads seem to hit it off ... perhaps you should pursue a relationship with him. i'm guessing you share more than just a mutual contempt for women.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    The fact that your possessions mean more to you than the person you would be married to means you just should not get married. Or be in a relationship for that matter. If you get more joy from "things" than from people, maybe you should just be alone with your things.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I was never the girl who imagined her wedding day or planned on getting married. I met my husband and marriage meant more to him than being unmarried meant to me. I knew, deep in my heart, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and didnt feel I needed the validation of marriage. I never thought being married would change our dynamic but it did (for the better). When two people come together and get married and both honor being married, it's amazing. For most people being married is the end all be all and they stop trying while failing to realize that's when the real work begins. Marriage is losing it's strength and meaning because so many people marry for trivial reasons and divorce for trivial reasons. We live in a society now, where love has become disposable and so marriage seems pointless. I can't convince anyone for supporting marriage, but to me it's a very beautiful thing that we need to learn to value again.

    This sums up my view perfectly. If you meet the right person, you will then see the point of marriage. No one can tell you what a 'good marriage' should look like - it will be subtly different for all of us. But don't ever assume it is easy - it is far more than a big party after the ceremony - it takes patience and compromise and regular effort to ensure that it continues to be good. But with the right person (and I count myself of one of the lucky ones who has found that person) then it is worth all the effort.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    For the life of me, I can't find any advantages of being married. I understand the religious aspect of it (even though I'm about as non-religious as they come), but that doesn't outweigh the cons.

    My good friend recently got divorced from his wife of 4 years and he had to pay alimony. He agreed to pays $2,000/month for 1 year. Thankfully, they had no kids together. It always seems that a well educated man (or woman) who makes a decent amount of money always has a lot to lose if the marriage goes south.

    So what's the real purpose of being married? Before the age of modern religion, men and women existed in harmony for tens of thousands of years. Can someone red pill me on the advantages, besides joint filing on your taxes?

    And where did this silly idea of buying a woman a diamond ring ever come from?

    You must be the first guy ever to think of this.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    What a truly deep and attractive quality for a human.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    I believe God likes it when you are married, sex is also better.

    Yes.... because you get so much more sex after you are married...
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I dunno. I'm married, partially due to my religious beliefs. I never imagined us simply living together without being married. I'm pretty old-fashioned, I wanted the marriage, the house, the kids, the white picket fence. I took a vow that I plan to honor for the rest of my life.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    It has a variety of purposes, socially, economically, and legally, and, more importantly, it's optional, a personal choice that you can only make if someone else is willing to marry you. I've been married for 15 years, to my best friend, the person who knows me better than anyone else in the world and loves me anyway.

    The ring is optional too. I decided I didn't want to wear a diamond, so after a few attempts at shopping for one, I chose to skip it.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: Married at 18 yrs of age , and no wasn't pregnant ... I am 66 yrs of age now ... So after 48 yrs of married life , would i do it all again ?
    At my age now NO ... as i don't want to be a chief cook and cleaner lady . :laugh:

    Marriage is what you make of it ... Worked for me , had 4 children ... and worked hard , shared everything we own .. no his hers bank acc .... Just ours !
    If you not prepared to share .... then marriage is not for you .
  • silveropes
    silveropes Posts: 36 Member
    I found someone I cant live without. He's been my best friend and we've known each other for 10 years if the crazy was gonna come out we'd have seen it.

    I follow religion for my household and financial we have a joint account. I consult him on all monetary decision 100 dollars or more. It is what works for us. We got married late we are in our 30s most of our friends were married early 20s...

    We do have friends that have 3 accounts his hers and household bills so if anyone wants to jump ship go ahead. That works for them. My engagement ring was my great grandmothers my wedding ring was $3.00 from amazon and his was $1 We got married for under 200 bucks including the license. we were married in a living room with family and 2 friends. We are smart about our money and consult each other. Our beliefs on children, money and sex line up.

    He said he'd never get married and he changed his mind. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to push him. If you don't wanna get married do a commitment ceremony so she knows "if your with me your with me" I was fine with that option as well. .
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    Besides yourself?

    I named my right hand Jill. She puts out any time I want. She's great.
    Do you know how many guys have told me their right hand is named Jill? Took me years before I understood... I thought they were complimenting at first. :tongue:
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member

    When I'm 80, my best friend will still be there holding my hand while I make fun of him for being old and 82.

    It's really that simple.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    Well don't worry. I doubt there are many women out there who are willing to go to court over your circa 1997 sofa and your gaming systems.
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    I have been married to my soulmate for 17 years, together for 21 years. To me, marriage is my life-long commitment to the man I love. I am very fortunate that I am even more in love with him day by day. He still makes my heart skip a beat each time I hear his key in the door. He still sends shivers up and down my spine when I look in his eyes. I am in love, in lust and in eternal friendship with him and our marriage is everything to me, to us. However, it is merely symbolic. I would love him no less if we weren't married. I see nothing wrong with remaining unmarried if that's what works for you.

    I am atheist. Mine was not a religious commitment. It was a commitment to him and to us and I value that, believe in that, more strongly than I could ever explain.

    What do I 'gain' from it? It's all intangible, inexplicable but it's incredibly important to me.

    I understand the cynics. True commitment seems to be a rarity nowadays. Marriages are often entered into lightly and disregarded equally so. It's a sad fact of life.....but there are some of us out there that are in it for all the right reasons, none of which are about nabbing (or giving up) half of anyones possessions!
  • logansmummy724
    i don't know this either. but if you ever figure it out let me know :)

    i figured as a kid that id get married one day but i NEVER planend it or thought of dresses etc

    i still dont to this day and i'm 24 years old. im not saying ill ever rule it out if the right guy comes along but for now i dont mind living happily with someone (when the time comes) lol

    i think some ppl only get married bcuz they know that when (if ) it ends that they get half of what their partner has which i find crazy. if you have kids, do joint custody or get child support but not thousand of dollars each motnh for years. i know its hard to make sense through typing but i believe that it is good when the right person comes along justm ake sure there are boundries and if divorce comes up