Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi everyone - thanks for your good wishes. :heart: Dad is doing much better. They've taken him off the IV antibiotics and moved him on to oral ones, his temperature has come down and he has managed to eat a meal. There is still no sign of infection in his heart, but they want to do one more scan this evening or tomorrow morning to check. Hopefully he will be allowed home tomorrow. Apparently he is bored, which I think is probably a goo sign!

    bg - well done on the workout. Sounds brutal!

    Ray - hope the head is better and your day improved.

    Tabby - Good to see you.

    Wendy - well done on avoiding the chocolate. I have to admit I normally have some every day...but I try and keep it small.

    Leash - I hope you hear from the doc soon.

    Kelynn - I too think we should see some pictures! I haven't had my haircut in over a year because last time I had it done they did such a terrible job I had to go somewhere else to get it fixed...all just a few days before my best friend's wedding. I'm still recovering from the trauma. Glad you like what you got, even if it was expensive!

    Julie - well done on the miles, enjoy the exercise calories.

    Becky - Well done on staying away from the doughnut, although you probably deserve it with 5 miles AND kickboxing :devil:

    Good stuff everyone - and thank you all for helping me feel a little saner on a stressful day!

    Erika x
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Hi Tabby! :flowerforyou:

    Nice track workouts Tom and B! :drinker:

    Julie~ #1: you AREN'T old! :noway:
    #2; you AREN'T short :noway: :noway: you are petite! :wink:
    #3: you most definitely ARE NOT fat! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Erika~ good news on your dad! Please keep us posted!

    Ray~ sorry about the headache! Hope your afternoon improved!

    Ended up only getting the boxing and kickboxing in. My training partner had an unexpected meeting and I just couldn't get myself motivated to run alone. I've got some minor (I hope) issues going on with my left foot/ankle/knee. Just the miles catching up with me I think. Nothing major. The ankle stiffens up and swells overnight so I'm trying to keep it elevated in my sleep. Ha! That's interesting! The foot has been going on for months , comes and goes in intensity. I'll probably go to my sports med guy after the race just to find out what is up. Mostly, I just think it's all old creaky joints! :laugh:

    Day 2 without fast food, but the carbs are killing me. No doughnuts today, but possibly worse ~ chocolate croissant :sad:
    Fortunately both are now gone and I will NOT be buying more of them! :noway:

    Have a wonderful evening everyone! :bigsmile:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Becky...Powerless against the croissant au chocolate "oui, en francais svp" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Erika... great news on your Dad.

    B.... ha, I totally laugh at this little piggy stuff. Just thinking about the insurance commercial with the piggy going weeee...weeee, all the way home! Great job on the workout and glad it hurt, in a good way.

    Becky par deux.... Take care of yourself, I am the "injury free" dude, so no killing yourself gurl, and YES, I will sound like your Dad....:laugh: :laugh:

    Ya Kel, let's see it, or wait until we see ya on the cover or Paint90X magazine.

    Becky par trois... NO FAST FOOD! it's a kicker for me too, but it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit, change the course, find a new way. One of the BEST ideas is pre-cook some shredded chicken or other convenience items so you can make something quick. I'll post each time I eat fast food, you bust my chops, and I'll return the favor, OK?

    Ok, that's enough Becky :laugh: :laugh: , but you are a great gal and I'll be pushing ya a bit, but it's all good. It's amazing the impact of what we eat is on how we feel and perform. I don't comment on it much, because it is such a broad topic with opinions from A-Z, but that's my first step to improve performance, seriously.

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Oh yes, headache gone, thank you!!! Off to take my little girl to gymnastics and run off the stresses of the day.

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member

    Whoever is was, COME FORWARD!!!!!

    Seriously, I knew that I ate a lot for lunch but damn, I have 160 calories left and I still have to sit through a 3 hour class.. its 3:40 here so I may be hungry :grumble: I had a late lunch luckily but still... I think I'll just go with Kechies rule, "If your standing while eating you don't have to log." Plus I didn't even get a walk in today, not like thats a big calorie burner anyways!!!!! Ok theres my rant!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    okay, i don't want to creep anyone out or anything (everyone act normal, don't turn around and look at that guy in the hat and trench coat over there by the bar), but big brother is definitely watching us here :noway: i'm sure everyone's page is different, but the banner ad on here is showing me the exact pair of basketball shoes i was looking at on a different site last night. that's a little much, don't you think? :huh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    okay, i don't want to creep anyone out or anything (everyone act normal, don't turn around and look at that guy in the hat and trench coat over there by the bar), but big brother is definitely watching us here :noway: i'm sure everyone's page is different, but the banner ad on here is showing me the exact pair of basketball shoes i was looking at on a different site last night. that's a little much, don't you think? :huh:

    Ummmmm creepy. Actually, I noticed that before too, whenever I look at the lucy ads show up... right now theres a picture of a baby, talking about baby's health... but um last time I checked I'm not pregnant... mfp is crossing the line, they are totally stocking you.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I'm kind of stalking my doctor, I emailed him and called his office ooh 10 times at least, left 1 message, call me back people!!!!!

    ~Leash :heart:

    ps I think my signature is getting annoying, this is the brutally honest group, so give it to me?!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    B- I always end up with the stalking ads too. I'm getting P90x, running shoes, wedding stuff and cruises. Fun times.

    Leash- Stalk away!

    Well, today was kind of a forced rest day...I'm tired, and had the worst cramps I've had in flipping years (Sorry, guys.) I just came home, ate dinner and relaxed. No sense in overdoing it with my half 4 days out. Logged all my food, including the Milky Way Midnight and the partial chocolate chip cookie. Still came out under so I'm happy with that.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ok, is this a secret club or what?? :laugh: Tom sent me the link, so I guess I've been given the *secret handshake*. :drinker:

    I have been so busy. I've had way too much going on but of course still going like a mad woman. Y'day I did an early spin class (took my new biking buddy's spin class, she gave me a free pass), and then took another spin class w/ a friend that has a stress fracture. Then I biked 20 miles last night w/ my friend's dd who is 18 and just got accepted to the Naval Academy!! She is going to join their biking team and run cross country (she's a cross country star at the high school). It awesome and we had a great ride. Then did some pullups, she's working on being able to do them so I am helping her. :laugh:

    Today was an early 2,500 yd masters swim and tonight an 18 mile bike w/ my friend's dd again. She said she was really sore from the pullups. :laugh: It actually hit 70* today... crazy for November in IL! Loving it though!

    Hope you all are doing well. I'll catch up later, give me an update on what I've missed lately!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    YAY Jess is here! The group is complete :smile:

    Off to class, bg was supposed to go for me but he hasn't showed yet :explode: Yes I'm angry!

    Still stalking my doctor...

    -Leash :drinker: (here's my new signature for this thread, sometimes this is all I want to do, haha jk I'm not even a big drinker)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Ok, is this a secret club or what?? :laugh: Tom sent me the link, so I guess I've been given the *secret handshake*. :drinker:

    I have been so busy. I've had way too much going on but of course still going like a mad woman. Y'day I did an early spin class (took my new biking buddy's spin class, she gave me a free pass), and then took another spin class w/ a friend that has a stress fracture. Then I biked 20 miles last night w/ my friend's dd who is 18 and just got accepted to the Naval Academy!! She is going to join their biking team and run cross country (she's a cross country star at the high school). It awesome and we had a great ride. Then did some pullups, she's working on being able to do them so I am helping her. :laugh:

    Today was an early 2,500 yd masters swim and tonight an 18 mile bike w/ my friend's dd again. She said she was really sore from the pullups. :laugh: It actually hit 70* today... crazy for November in IL! Loving it though!

    Hope you all are doing well. I'll catch up later, give me an update on what I've missed lately!!!

    Hi Jess!

    That's awesome about your friend's DD getting into the Naval Academy...I live 30-35 minutes away from there. Annapolis is a gorgeous town. :smile:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I logged everything today and was over by 8 stupid calories. I have to go outside to feed the horses in a few, and I might spend 5 minutes running up and down the driveway so I can log THAT and get rid of the 8 extra. When I hit the "complete this entry" it still has me below 140 in 5 weeks. 138.8 actually. Yippee! So excited to be below 140 again. It's been a few years!

    I am off to feed horses and gag down apple cider vinegar. I think I would eat a dog turd if it would make weight come off. :ohwell: Um, okay, maybe not. :laugh:

    Shuntae, at least the cramps will be gone in time for your half. I think it would be the worst thing ever to *start* the day of a race. :sick:

    Jess, the picture of you with your hands on your hips saying "hey, is this a secret club or what??" made me laugh.


    Supposed to be 50 here by the weekend, can't wait! Going to be sunny and 40's tomorrow, so I will get a daylight sunshine run in tomorrow. Can't remember the last time I saw the sun!

    Have a great night everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I logged everything today and was over by 8 stupid calories. I have to go outside to feed the horses in a few, and I might spend 5 minutes running up and down the driveway so I can log THAT and get rid of the 8 extra. When I hit the "complete this entry" it still has me below 140 in 5 weeks. 138.8 actually. Yippee! So excited to be below 140 again. It's been a few years!

    I am off to feed horses and gag down apple cider vinegar. I think I would eat a dog turd if it would make weight come off. :ohwell: Um, okay, maybe not. :laugh:
    Jess, the picture of you with your hands on your hips saying "hey, is this a secret club or what??" made me laugh.

    Yeah, I was totally scolding you for not telling me about the club!! How rude!! :tongue: As for the 8 calories over, go do a few jumping jacks and you're good. :laugh:

    I use vinegar on my salads and veggies. Try balsamic or rice vinegar for a change too. So jealous about the horses, my girls would love it!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi Jess!

    That's awesome about your friend's DD getting into the Naval Academy...I live 30-35 minutes away from there. Annapolis is a gorgeous town. :smile:

    Hey girl!!!! How are you? She is very excited about going to Annapolis, she doesn't go until July. But what an honor to get in, she's an awesome kid! Her Mom is one of my running buddies, funny that I run w/ her Mom and run/ bike with her also! :laugh: Being fit is the BEST feeling! :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    YAY Jess is here! The group is complete :smile:

    Off to class, bg was supposed to go for me but he hasn't showed yet :explode: Yes I'm angry!

    Still stalking my doctor...

    -Leash :drinker: (here's my new signature for this thread, sometimes this is all I want to do, haha jk I'm not even a big drinker)

    Oh, Leash!! Love your new pic!! Hope the class was ok. And go stalk that Dr!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Jess, you're funny. And yes. This IS a secret club and we DO have a secret handshake :wink:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Off to class, bg was supposed to go for me but he hasn't showed yet :explode: Yes I'm angry!

    oooooooooh -- you must be in the WEST parking lot :noway: i've been sitting here in the EAST parking lot the whole time....silly me :tongue:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Off to class, bg was supposed to go for me but he hasn't showed yet :explode: Yes I'm angry!

    oooooooooh -- you must be in the WEST parking lot :noway: i've been sitting here in the EAST parking lot the whole time....silly me :tongue:

    OMG your killing me!!!! hahahha
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning Friends :flowerforyou:

    Y'day was baaaad. First of all, I logged everything.:drinker: Even the huge bite of mango I had while standing at the kitchen counter packing my dd's lunch.(Leash:tongue: ) I was 133 calories over and fine when I went to bed. Minus, the yelling and hand gesturing incident with a distracted (texting) driver on my way to carpool. I am easy going - until I'm logging.:laugh:

    I went to bed early to avoid eating or worse drinking wine. Fell asleep instantly and slept well. However, I woke up at 3 am STARVING. I'm talking stomach eating itself starving. I watched some infomercials until I felt sleepy again. I slept until my normal wake up time, ate breakfast, took my dd to the bus stop, came back home and ate lunch. Yes, I have already eaten 2 of today's meals and it is only 9 am.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Off to do some housekeeping... Oh by the way, I have a lunch date with my dh. I feel like Lucy from I Love Lucy. I'm going to "have some splaining to do" to Ricky at lunchtime when I'm drinking water while he eats.:embarassed: