What's the purpose of marriage?



  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    In Illinois Adultery is 1, no longer an At-Fault reason for divorce and 2 NOT a crime. So this means my wife (soon to be ex--maybe) can screw anyone and not have anything done to her. OH yeah, if we divorce she gets allimony and child support to boot.

    Soooooo say for example just for math sake, I make 100K/Year - and she makes 0 (nothing - she chooses not to work) - she now gets 50K to balance out the difference - her 0 and me 100K half of which is now 50K. Also in Illinois she will get the title of Custodial Parent - just because she is a woman. And even though after allimony we are making the exact same - she gets an additional 25 to 30K for Child Support - even though we have Joint Custody - she gets the title of Custodial parent. So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    After all is said and done with me making 100K - I'll make 25K before taxes and she will end-up making more then what I could.

    I can file for divorce and get screwed - or - allow her to screw anyone at anytime ...... and accept the fact that her 3-beauty salon appointment involves extracuricular activy..........

    Screwed in Illinois

    That's a really good deal for the no income earning housewife in Illinois.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    In Illinois Adultery is 1, no longer an At-Fault reason for divorce and 2 NOT a crime. So this means my wife (soon to be ex--maybe) can screw anyone and not have anything done to her. OH yeah, if we divorce she gets allimony and child support to boot.

    Soooooo say for example just for math sake, I make 100K/Year - and she makes 0 (nothing - she chooses not to work) - she now gets 50K to balance out the difference - her 0 and me 100K half of which is now 50K. Also in Illinois she will get the title of Custodial Parent - just because she is a woman. And even though after allimony we are making the exact same - she gets an additional 25 to 30K for Child Support - even though we have Joint Custody - she gets the title of Custodial parent. So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    After all is said and done with me making 100K - I'll make 25K before taxes and she will end-up making more then what I could.

    I can file for divorce and get screwed - or - allow her to screw anyone at anytime ...... and accept the fact that her 3-beauty salon appointment involves extracuricular activy..........

    Screwed in Illinois

    Note to self...NEVER get married in Illinois! and BTW...not all women are like that...my EX got my money.

    Good luck!
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    In Illinois Adultery is 1, no longer an At-Fault reason for divorce and 2 NOT a crime. So this means my wife (soon to be ex--maybe) can screw anyone and not have anything done to her. OH yeah, if we divorce she gets allimony and child support to boot.

    Soooooo say for example just for math sake, I make 100K/Year - and she makes 0 (nothing - she chooses not to work) - she now gets 50K to balance out the difference - her 0 and me 100K half of which is now 50K. Also in Illinois she will get the title of Custodial Parent - just because she is a woman. And even though after allimony we are making the exact same - she gets an additional 25 to 30K for Child Support - even though we have Joint Custody - she gets the title of Custodial parent. So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    After all is said and done with me making 100K - I'll make 25K before taxes and she will end-up making more then what I could.

    I can file for divorce and get screwed - or - allow her to screw anyone at anytime ...... and accept the fact that her 3-beauty salon appointment involves extracuricular activy..........

    Screwed in Illinois

    Don't sign the divorce papers. Stay married, but sleep with other women.

    Or you can sign the papers and learn to live off of 25k a year.

    The choice is pretty clear to me.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    there is no purpose
    just to sleep with one person.
    pretty dull,

    There's the very common misconception that sleeping with only one person is boring. Puh-leeeeeeease! A couple who has spent years together has had time to learn what pleases their partner. It's anything but boring to have the same partner over a span of years. Unless you think it's exciting to play russian roulette and hope your latest partner didn't leave you with an STD.

    At least one couple I know is very open about sleeping with each other, and others. Marriage can be what you and your partner agree it will be.
    THAT'S RIGHT. You can do WHATEVER you want to do!!! You just can't choose the CONSEQUENCES of what you do. Considering that only ONE of the consequences is probable STD, what a foolish arrangement that is.

    It sounds like someone missed the lesson on condoms, and the one on personal choice. My friends are intelligent people. You can get an STD just as easily by thinking it can't happen to you because you're monogamous. I don't know the details of their agreement, but both of them know what risks they are CHOOSING to take.

    You, singular, can't do whatever YOU want to do in a marriage. In my marriage, we talk it over and decide what is best for us.
    Glad you talk it over and consider things. I do too. But re: STD's, they don't just happen with no cause. "Safe Sex" is a lie. You cannot do all those things required to prevent STD's, nor guarantee that your partner, and ALL your partner's partners, have fulfilled all the requirements of Safe Sex. Two virgins who get married and have sex/contact only with eachother won't be acquiring STD's.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm a married Atheist. I wanted to be bonded with my husband for life. And unlike most married couples, we did it the smart way. We went down to the county clerk's office and got married with just the two of us and a friend. The overall cost(including train tickets) was barely 100 bucks. So we didn't enter our marriage in debt.

    It's good to know that most married couple did it the 'stupid way'. :noway:

    Racking up debt or spending thousands of dollars just to say "I do" doesn't sound smart to me....
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    In Illinois Adultery is 1, no longer an At-Fault reason for divorce and 2 NOT a crime.
    Adultery shouldn't be a crime, but it should definitely result in an at-fault divorce. SMH.

    Sorry to hear about your situation.
    Racking up debt or spending thousands of dollars just to say "I do" doesn't sound smart to me....
    I'm with you on that one. As far as I'm concerned, a wedding is a religious ceremony followed by a beer bash. Neither needs to be expensive, never understood why people insist on lavish weddings. Different strokes for different folks...
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I suspect you don't actually want to know and are just starting a flame war.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    In Illinois Adultery is 1, no longer an At-Fault reason for divorce and 2 NOT a crime. So this means my wife (soon to be ex--maybe) can screw anyone and not have anything done to her. OH yeah, if we divorce she gets allimony and child support to boot.

    Soooooo say for example just for math sake, I make 100K/Year - and she makes 0 (nothing - she chooses not to work) - she now gets 50K to balance out the difference - her 0 and me 100K half of which is now 50K. Also in Illinois she will get the title of Custodial Parent - just because she is a woman. And even though after allimony we are making the exact same - she gets an additional 25 to 30K for Child Support - even though we have Joint Custody - she gets the title of Custodial parent. So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    After all is said and done with me making 100K - I'll make 25K before taxes and she will end-up making more then what I could.

    I can file for divorce and get screwed - or - allow her to screw anyone at anytime ...... and accept the fact that her 3-beauty salon appointment involves extracuricular activy..........

    Screwed in Illinois

    Are you sure? I'm really doubting your math here. I just don't believe that alimony is really 50% of your pre-tax salary and then child support gets added to the top of that.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I suspect you don't actually want to know and are just starting a flame war.


    So many people talking about the impending flame war that never happened. :laugh:
  • geeberfever
    geeberfever Posts: 19 Member
    You can love someone in a monogamous relationship for your entire life without getting married, therefore marriage is not about loving someone in life-long monogamous relationship. Marriage, in practice, has more to do with government, religion, and money than love. Most marriages end in divorce due to financial reasons, because that is the glue that holds it together. When the money disappears, or times get tough, people get ****ty, and then they bail.

    Since the beginning of time it was all about money. Arranged marriages? Money. Moving in together too early? Money. Dowry? Money. Kings and Queens? Money and power. Diamond ring? Money. House with white picket fence? Money. Marrying for love is a relatively recent phenomenon. Throughout most of history it was a business deal. It's about a stable commitment unified by the common agreement to acquire more material possessions and produce spawn.

    Romantic Love is just an evolutionary emotion produced by the body to make you survive and produce spawn. That. Is. All.

    YIkes...someone who has never experienced true love...right here. Also, nice generalizations... Using words like "People get $hitty then they bail" and saying that money is what holds ALL marriages together? Really?

    Example: My mom passed away last year due to multiple health problems. She didn't work for most of their marriage. She had six kids and stayed home to take care of them. When her health problems started adding up and she didn't leave the house, my dad was her care giver...and he took care of her for many many years when you say that most marriages ought to have fallen apart.

    Be careful with such broad generalizations. Not all marriages are doomed from the start...and don't be jealous of those that actually make it.

    I appreciate your comment and I totally agree! To each his own!
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    All I know is I am in and stuck. Cheaper to keep him for now. :-(
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    I believe God likes it when you are married, sex is also better.

    Yes.... because you get so much more sex after you are married...

    Is twice a day a lot?

    wow I need that in my life.. lol
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    You can love someone in a monogamous relationship for your entire life without getting married, therefore marriage is not about loving someone in life-long monogamous relationship. Marriage, in practice, has more to do with government, religion, and money than love. Most marriages end in divorce due to financial reasons, because that is the glue that holds it together. When the money disappears, or times get tough, people get ****ty, and then they bail.

    Since the beginning of time it was all about money. Arranged marriages? Money. Moving in together too early? Money. Dowry? Money. Kings and Queens? Money and power. Diamond ring? Money. House with white picket fence? Money. Marrying for love is a relatively recent phenomenon. Throughout most of history it was a business deal. It's about a stable commitment unified by the common agreement to acquire more material possessions and produce spawn.

    Romantic Love is just an evolutionary emotion produced by the body to make you survive and produce spawn. That. Is. All.

    YIkes...someone who has never experienced true love...right here. Also, nice generalizations... Using words like "People get $hitty then they bail" and saying that money is what holds ALL marriages together? Really?

    Example: My mom passed away last year due to multiple health problems. She didn't work for most of their marriage. She had six kids and stayed home to take care of them. When her health problems started adding up and she didn't leave the house, my dad was her care giver...and he took care of her for many many years when you say that most marriages ought to have fallen apart.

    Be careful with such broad generalizations. Not all marriages are doomed from the start...and don't be jealous of those that actually make it.

    I never said marriage was a bad thing... and you aren't getting what I meant. Look at the first sentence. I said two people CAN love each other for a lifetime. Marriage, however, is a cultural formality that has historically been related to controlling women and power.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    That's hard to believe. I don't live in Illinois, so I'm not saying it's impossible, but that's very hard to believe.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    to be married forever. Things end up changing. I guess it is for risk takers who wish to align themselves with a team mate in life that they like to cuddle with.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm in it for da sec
  • To spend a lot of money. Makes breaking up more difficult. To take over someones last name. Filing taxes together. Other than that it's like dating. Nothing special.
  • You get married when you want to make someone elses life better. When you are ready to be a part of a team. You get married and someone has your back forever. I have been married for 21 years on Jan 30th. We have four boys together. I guess it is not for everyone but mostly you want to help someone else and they do the same for you. I hope you find the right person should you want marriage. It seems to me that when marriage becomes harder its time to be extra nice to your partner.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    That's hard to believe. I don't live in Illinois, so I'm not saying it's impossible, but that's very hard to believe.

    What is wic?
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    So now she gets allimony, 401K and Child Support. Because all three are NOT to be reported as a income, she can then collect wellfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc, etc.

    That's hard to believe. I don't live in Illinois, so I'm not saying it's impossible, but that's very hard to believe.

    What is wic?

    WIC is a government program. http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/women-infants-and-children-wic