God Forbid we eat fast food



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I duck into a supermarket and buy bananas or dates or some walnuts to keep me going until I get home. I can't think of one good reason to eat fast food. That's easy for me since I think it's disgusting and am also horrified by the way animals are treated to make that kind of food. I am filled with horror at the mere thought of going to Macdonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken or Burger King or any of those kinds of places.

    If I can't get to a supermarket to buy something like blueberries or walnuts then I guess I would think about a sandwhich that would be better than a drive through place? Surely starving oneself is better than eating from a drive through fast food place? Or am I the only person who feels like this about junk food?

    You're not, but many of us have learned to balance good health and weight without demonizing food as "junk." I think being "horrified" by any food, save a food you're severely allergic to, is kind of dramatic, don't you think?

    I'd agree with you if I hadn't see videos of how animals are treated by the fast food industry. Thanks for letting me know you're aware of other people who feel the same way as I do about junk food. (it's a normal name for that here, nobody calls it fast food, it's a standard label to just call it junk food - it's a cultural difference more than dramatic effect).

    I've seen several of those videos as well (If slaughterhouses had glass walls etc). I still enjoy fast food 3-4 times a week :drinker:

    Great, keep eating it, shovel it into you face as much as you want, it's your right to do that AND to have free speech and I defend your right to have that. Drink a bucket of cola while you're at it too! :-)

    As long as it's Coke Cherry Zero :bigsmile:
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    WingStop is healthy.....Right???
  • I duck into a supermarket and buy bananas or dates or some walnuts to keep me going until I get home. I can't think of one good reason to eat fast food. That's easy for me since I think it's disgusting and am also horrified by the way animals are treated to make that kind of food. I am filled with horror at the mere thought of going to Macdonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken or Burger King or any of those kinds of places.

    If I can't get to a supermarket to buy something like blueberries or walnuts then I guess I would think about a sandwhich that would be better than a drive through place? Surely starving oneself is better than eating from a drive through fast food place? Or am I the only person who feels like this about junk food?

    You're not, but many of us have learned to balance good health and weight without demonizing food as "junk." I think being "horrified" by any food, save a food you're severely allergic to, is kind of dramatic, don't you think?

    I'd agree with you if I hadn't see videos of how animals are treated by the fast food industry. Thanks for letting me know you're aware of other people who feel the same way as I do about junk food. (it's a normal name for that here, nobody calls it fast food, it's a standard label to just call it junk food - it's a cultural difference more than dramatic effect).

    I've seen several of those videos as well (If slaughterhouses had glass walls etc). I still enjoy fast food 3-4 times a week :drinker:

    Great, keep eating it, shovel it into you face as much as you want, it's your right to do that AND to have free speech and I defend your right to have that. Drink a bucket of cola while you're at it too! :-)

    As long as it's Coke Cherry Zero :bigsmile:

    YES EXACTLY!!! thanks for reminding me there is something in the junk food selection that I do like, I forgot about Cherry Coke Zero!!! Make that two buckets!!!
  • dgraboski
    dgraboski Posts: 125 Member
    Subway..usually the veggie or turkey snadwich

    Taco bell fresco soft taco

    Wendy's salad, chilli or potato

    Anything else upsets my stomach blech especially the fatty greasy stuff
  • SeeAmandaRun
    SeeAmandaRun Posts: 55 Member
    "Harvey's makes your hamburger....a beautiful thing" :laugh:

    This thread is making me hungry (AND I'm working late tonight)!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I duck into a supermarket and buy bananas or dates or some walnuts to keep me going until I get home. I can't think of one good reason to eat fast food. That's easy for me since I think it's disgusting and am also horrified by the way animals are treated to make that kind of food. I am filled with horror at the mere thought of going to Macdonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken or Burger King or any of those kinds of places.

    If I can't get to a supermarket to buy something like blueberries or walnuts then I guess I would think about a sandwhich that would be better than a drive through place? Surely starving oneself is better than eating from a drive through fast food place? Or am I the only person who feels like this about junk food?

    You're not, but many of us have learned to balance good health and weight without demonizing food as "junk." I think being "horrified" by any food, save a food you're severely allergic to, is kind of dramatic, don't you think?

    I'd agree with you if I hadn't see videos of how animals are treated by the fast food industry. Thanks for letting me know you're aware of other people who feel the same way as I do about junk food. (it's a normal name for that here, nobody calls it fast food, it's a standard label to just call it junk food - it's a cultural difference more than dramatic effect).

    I've seen several of those videos as well (If slaughterhouses had glass walls etc). I still enjoy fast food 3-4 times a week :drinker:

    Well lets just be real here. Its a slaughter house. Whether for a fast food joint vs a supermarket. A slaughter house is a slaughter house. Since when is killing an animal not inhumane? LOL. ijs....

    Yep, it is what it is and it doesn't bother me. I was raised in the country and we had farm (food) animals and I also used to hunt when I was a teenager. Gutting a deer is definitely an educational experience lol.

    Sure, for some any killing of animals for food is wrong. But there are many people that hunt who are appalled at the conditions some commercially farmed animals are raised in. It's not about gutting a dead animal. It's about abusing a live one.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    Sonic has a steak and egg breakfast wrap available any time that will be my go-to ... lots of protein! Hard to mess up an egg and tortilla, .. the steak? questionable, but not much of it anyway. :)
  • Not for everyone. Speak for yourself. I'm gradually trying to wean myself into figure competing one day, so yes...that one two or three meals and "oopies, i forgot my food at home" can put a serious dent into someones progress. On top of that, I have a pretty bad gluten sensitivity, and insulin issues.

    Can't do the one size fits all. Some people are happy looking "skinny", and a little bit fit, or a skinny runner. Some people aim higher and need to eat right almost all the time in order to achieve those results...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I really don't eat typical fast food. I have a local quick restaurant by my house that makes Taco Del Mar style tacos, burritos, and the like and I will typically have them substitute lettuce for rice and add extra meat to make a bowl, or I will eat a couple of soft corn chicken or carne asada tacos. It's all homemade.

    I do eat delivery from Jimmy John's at work sometime and I either get a Beach Club unwich or a Club lulu unwich (bacon!). I don't eat flour so that has pretty much eliminated most fast food for me. I don't miss it. I grew up in a small town where we didn't have typical fast food either (sandwich shop was the closest thing) so I have always been more likely to stop at a convenience store and grab a banana, a cheese stick and some nuts instead of stopping at a fast food place.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Eat whatever you want, if it fits in your calories. I used to eat fast food 5x per week. I found that I can eat a lot of other things for the same amount of calories is in one of my old typical fast food meals. I do occasionally have Wendy's, I have the homestyle chicken sandwich or chili. If I'm going to do a "fast food" salad, I go to the grocery store and buy a prepared salad, or a serve yourself salad bar. They always seem more substantial than the fast food varieties.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    I don't avoid it because it's bad for me. I avoid it because it's gross.

    This mostly. I don't really like fast food. And since I have been cooking for us at home my SO doesn't eat it anymore either. He even said to me last night that he would rather have my cake/bread/cookies/whatever over the awesome Italian bakery down the street!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Eat whatever you want, if it fits in your calories. I used to eat fast food 5x per week. I found that I can eat a lot of other things for the same amount of calories is in one of my old typical fast food meals. I do occasionally have Wendy's, I have the homestyle chicken sandwich or chili. If I'm going to do a "fast food" salad, I go to the grocery store and buy a prepared salad, or a serve yourself salad bar. They always seem more substantial than the fast food varieties.

    I do the prepared salad thing sometimes. I agree! For me, it's just as easy as this or carrying a protein drink and a meal bar with me everywhere, which I do. I would rather spend my money on workout clothes and shoes than burgers!
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    If I'm using up calories on food, it better be delicious. And fast food is NOT delicious. Blech.

    This. I love food which means I hate fast food. I usually always have something extra in my bag - a banana, some nuts, whatever - to cure 'emergency' hunger before I get the opportunity to prepare a meal.

    Out of the ones you mention, Subway is the only thing we have in the UK. I've had a sub there before and it wasn't that bad, so I suppose I'd choose that one.

    But there are always things you can prepare for stressful days. Like mini pies which can be eaten cold.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I eat fast food whenever I am shopping and need to get a quick bite. I eat whatever I want as long as it fits in my calories.
  • reggie7727
    reggie7727 Posts: 29 Member
    Jack in the Box Chicken Fajita Pita. 300 calories and very tasty.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If I'm using up calories on food, it better be delicious. And fast food is NOT delicious. Blech.

    That's a matter of opinion. I personally think Taco Bell is one of the most delicious foods ever. :love:

    Cheesy Gordita Crunch with beans instead of beef
    Cheese Quesadilla
    Bean burritos with creamy jalapeno sauce for dipping
  • reggie7727
    reggie7727 Posts: 29 Member
    Egad! yet another fast food post...like does there really need to be another one. Yes I'm sure we all even the people that claim the most cleanest of eating...at one time or another have eaten fast food...its not the food thats the problem...its how obsessed people get over it...endless posts about them is proof. Like really eat what you want, I like the occasional Edo dish. Sometimes MickyD's fries really hit the spot...but to take time out of day to discuss all things fast food...Meh!
  • reggie7727
    reggie7727 Posts: 29 Member
    But you did
  • Food for thought:

    Man Loses 37 Pounds Eating Only McDonald's
    John Cisna stuck to strict dietary guidelines for 3 months, walked each day
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    I eat fast food once a week because I love the stuff. Yes, I know it's terrible for me, and yes, I know it's full of salt and sugar and crap, but whatever. It's once a week. I only eat dinner anyway, so I can usually just eat whatever I want from anywhere. Wendy's is definitely a favourite though, because it's delicious.

    You only eat dinner, like everyday? I'm intrigued.