

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Good morning folks!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the new people who posted yesterday! Tell us your names or pseudonyms and something about yourself. We like to get to know you so tell us your general area as well each time you sign off.:flowerforyou:

    DH is finally getting it that he has got to train his mind in thinking more positively. He is reading my DDIL'S books and making an effort to put ideas into practice. When I came downstairs yesterday and praised him for writing things down it made him feel really good.:love: Last night he managed to get back to sleep when feeling anxious by visualizing a beautiful beach.
    To the lady who asked about techniques, I think there will be many on the internet. Some are just as simple as imagining yourself in a lovely, calm place. Mine is one I built up in 1990 when I did a lot of personal development work with a group, but there are many books etc to help and CDs. You can imagine your worries carried away on a stream etc.

    I plucked up the courage to talk to him about the flight bookings to NYC this morning. I haven't wanted to worry him before, but there are some great bargains. We had a long discussion, but have agreed on another technique, not to worry about it until Wednesday ! ! ! ! ! ! So I won't. :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Today I have to tranfer some of my DMIL's legacy to a savings account and go to the butcher's to order a large haggis for Burns Night. We have four guests coming for dinner on the 25th. I downloaded some bagpipe music onto my tablet so we will be piping in the haggis before the Address to the Haggis (read by DH or me) and the plunging of the knife into it. Then we have four different malt whiskies to sample. You have haggis with "neeps and tatties", which is swede and potatoes. I will make pureed swede and carrot as I did for Christmas and have roasted new potatoes. A bit of whisky sauce as well. (Hairy Bikers' recipe) All I have to do now is think of some nibbles. For dessert we have the last of our own Victoria plums from our tree, poached, with lemon ice cream and lemon shortbread biscuits. I'm thinking a nibble using Scottish salmon would be appropriate. As soon as I get off here I'm going to look for tartan napkins! ! ! ! :laugh: Soooo excited! It's one of my favourite celebrations and I'm not even Scottish! Of course I will be having tiny portions of everything, except the haggis where I will be MODERATE. It's one of my favourite foods, but it has to be McSweenies.:heart::drinker: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow is scheduled to take in the dart on my vintage top. Bit apprehensive, but it won't take long. Don't often do sewing these days, but I used to make all my own clothes when I was young, including coats, suits and my wedding dress! And knitting, though I left the crochet to my dad!

    Meg - hope things are OK with your dad. So many of you have difficult decisions to make about parents as have some of my friends.

    Yanniejannie - my mum went the same way as your friend and my brother and I were convinced it was the right thing. It wasn't a stroke, but lung failure so we knew she wasn't going to get better. A hard thing though. I still sometimes feel a twinge of guilt if I'm honest.:cry:

    Alison - thinking of you.:heart: Do remember to take time for you. Did you go to AlAnon?

    OK folks, time to get showered. Left over turkey curry tonight. Excellent!:bigsmile:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    I'll have to bump for now since I didn't look at the last page of our last 500. I'm really glad I found you all again, have a great day. Patty
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,774 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I got up early had my lemon water and got to the gym, I only worked out for about 1/2 hr but at least it is something.
    I am fighting a little bit of a headache so I took some tylenol.
    working 9-4 today then going over to the hospital for a bit, DH dinner is set as his lunch for tomorrow.
    praying for Meg's dad, Sepsis is a real real bad thing,so hope they can catch it and get that taken care of.
    Hope all are well and happy:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Meg:smile: Prayers for your dad:flowerforyou: !!!

    JaneHadji:smile: Wow, good luck with your parents, you are carrying such a heavy load by yourself:sad: ! I wish you the best in making the decisions that are right for everyone (and that includes you!!!):flowerforyou: !

    Anaminka:smile: I`m not managing my time very wisely either:noway: . I`m rushed for time in the mornings, and tired at night:frown: . I just can`t keep up with everyone anymore:sad: ! I need a few more hours in the day:tongue:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Hope you pop in often and chat!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    On the fitness journey again... slow but sure. Down 1 lb... Hello to everyone!
  • techinteaching
    techinteaching Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning!

    Needing a bit of motivation today... 15 days of tracking but wt. lose seems stalled.

    A bit frustrating even though going to a trainer and an ongoing basement clean-out-, repair, and remodel/repaint project. Muscles are sore so I suspect that I have some muscle gain going on, but still frustrated that the scale is NOT Budging.

    Thoughts, hugs or inspirations??:flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Michele in NC - My parents live in Marion--I do indeed go right by Newton on my way to visit them!

    I can't remember who asked, but Laurinburg is closer to the coast; I guess it's in the sandhills region of the state.

    I'm getting very frustrated with the scale! I know weight is variable, but I am getting a little disheartened by the upward movement it keeps taking. I'm staying within calorie goal and my Fitbit logs my exercise, so I guess I'll just chalk it up to hormones and water weight. Or, maybe some of that coveted muscle everyone talks about. :laugh:

    I'm determined to begin some sort of weight/strength training today. I hate the flabbiness that is my stomach and I need to be able to carry my 3-year-old grand niece without switching arms every two minutes. She's a tiny little thing! I like getting my steps in, but sometimes that leaves me no time for conditioning.

    I'm sounding like a sourpuss this morning, so I think I shall go walk some laps around the sanctuary and see if that will lift the Monday doldrums. I also need to be sure I look outside and enjoy the sunshine, even if it is just through the window!

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Carol from NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everybody. I was hoping there would be some word on Meg's dad. Meg, I hope he's feeling better soon.

    Today I am sitting at the pottery studio waiting for the furnace repairman to fix the furnace. Hopefully it will be toasty in here later today. I'm feeling the urge to work again!

    I still have not found a plumber to go fix the burst pipe at the lake, so will have to work on getting that done. It's such a hassle to wrangle repairmen.

    Yesterday I ate a few more calories (just over 1200) and thought my weight would be up, but today my weight was down a little. Go figure. I even ate a small cheeseburger from McDonalds for lunch and a piece of french bread with butter at dinner! Maybe I should be on the McDonalds and Butter Diet.

    Nothing else going on here. I hope you all have a great day.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Good morning,

    Deedee drinking water as I type.:drinker:
    Welcome new comers. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Carol How are your clothes fitting you? If they are getting looser you are gaining muscle. If they are getting tighter are you watching your salt intake? I know the frustration of the scale creep. Sounds like you are getting on top of it early.

    Techinteachin 11 pounds down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you want it to be more. Keep up the good work. I know when I lose weight it goes in chunks. I’ll lose then it stabilizes for a while then I’ll lose another chunk.

    Meg so sorry about your dad. My mom and brother-in-law both recovered from sepsis. Not to be taken lightly.

    Heather Burn Night sounds like fun.

    Claire congrats on your son.

    Michele I agree worry can add to your stress level. They are showing the stress hormones can make it more difficult to lose and keep weight off. For me it also makes me more vulnerable to getting sick. I know when I have been particularly upset I need to take extra good care of myself.

    Jane when I visited my mom she fell. She had life alert so the paramedics came and helped her back up. I couldn’t lift her.
    Rose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia I know it is hard to wait for those repairman. DH"S nephew in Chicago who barely averted frozen pipes did make a call and the wait was four days to get a plumber.

    Getting back into routine I will get a present off to my great niece. Her birthday is Sunday.

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee?:drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!!
    Have a good day,
    Lost 1lb,it`s a start.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I am trying to figure out what swede is. I think neeps are turnips, based on books I’ve read. Is swede another name for turnips? Your Burns Night celebration sounds like a lot of fun. I suggested it to DH who is of Scottish descent. He said “No way.” He has had haggis and loathed it, and likes the whiskey all too well. Based on his mother’s cooking, I can understand loathing Haggis. :tongue: Everything she ever served me was loathsome. And she did it on purpose. :devil: She didn’t like me because I was a “city girl.” She did say she’d misjudged me and was sorry the last time I saw her before she passed away. That was a surprise.:flowerforyou:

    Techinteachin: Fifteen days of tracking is a nice beginning. Don’t expect weight loss to be consistent. There will be weeks when you do everything right and don’t see results on the scale, and then you’ll drop a few pounds “all at once.” It took me a year and a week to reach my initial goal. You have to keep doing the right thing and trust it will lead to success. For long term success, you’ll need to learn a new lifestyle and make permanent changes in your eating and exercise practices. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    Carol from NC: Keep up the good work. Are you drinking enough water? That has been a big challenge for me and weight drops have been associated with water consumption.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m happy to hear you’re feeling the urge to work at your pottery. You must be feeling better. Watch out for the "MacDonalds and butter diet." It is really the "salt and fat diet" with a fancier name. An occasional treat shouldn’t be too bad, though.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Stress and fatigue are the bottom line reasons I gained all the weight in the first place. I agree that finding ways to minimize it are essential. I thank the Lord I’d already found this group when DH had his stroke last year. The things I’d already learned helped me get through it. So did the fact that our DIL was here when it happened. She is a sane and assertive soul who helped both of us.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m thinking of you, and hope things are going well.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,923 Member
    Just a quick check in. Had a bad weekend food-wise but a great weekend otherwise! My so and 2 grandsons spent the night Saturday. We watched movies, made cookies, played games all evening Saturday. Sunday, I took the DGSs to the playground right across the street and stayed there for over 2 hours with the boys, and my dogs. Speaking of dogs, my DS could no longer keep his Chihuahua so I adopted it and now have 2 Shi-Tzus and the Chihuahua. Had them with us at the park too.

    Alison, prayers and hugs to you. You really need to remember to take care of yourself too.

    Barbiecat, I loved your story.

    Welcome to all the newcomers and the restarters. We must "never give up, never surrender"!

    Prayers and hugs to all who need them.

    Rita from CT

    My SMART goals for January:
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week 1 steps average: 6315, Curves 3 times (closed do to snow and holiday). Did my video once to make up for it.
    Week 2 steps average: 7800, Curves 5 times! Too much salt, candy, and junk food this week!
  • la_mujeritanz
    la_mujeritanz Posts: 2 Member
    I was thrilled to find a 50+ group! People that may have similair struggles, people I can relate to.
    What got me started on this road to better health was when I saw our vacation pictures of me, I wanted to destroy them all! This is the year I am going to focus on me. This year I am going to lose this excess weight and build muscle. I want to enjoy hiking and biking again and not get so winded when I am doing so.

    techteachin, you just started mfp in January and you have already lost 11lbs! Wow!! Thats fabulous! Look at what you have accomplished. I too started this month and have lost 3lbs. I will be so excited when I have reached the 11lb weight loss mark! Keep it up you are doing great!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Katla - swede is an orange turnip! The "neeps" actually refers to swede although it is also called turnip.
    I have just ordered a tartan runner for the table and (don't tell your husband :laugh: ) two Tam O Shanter hats with orange hair! ! ! :bigsmile: :noway: :drinker:
    I went to the butcher and have ordered a 3 lb haggis. Triple yum for me! :heart: :heart: :love:
    I bake it in tinfoil in the oven in some water and then the fun part is taking to the table and stabbing it at the appropriate bit of the poem.:laugh:

    Och aye the noo! ! ! ! !

    Silly Heather UK
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Swede = rutabaga:happy:

    Geri in UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Question to you all. Several of you talk about walking videos. Do you use them when on a treadmill or what.

    Well I did my first Silver Sneakers class today. Had to sit down about the middle of the class but did everything sitting. I wasn't the only one though. I think I will really like what the resistance bands will do for me. You really feel the burn when using them. I used the 2nd level of band. I asked where I can buy them and she said any sporting goods but they don't have a handle on them like they use. I found out that at the same time on Wednesday is a chair yoga class. That's something else I have never done. I think I will do it also mainly just to get used to going to the Y 3 days a week for a group class. Friday again is the class I was in today. They said the 9 AM class had 45 people in it. Big class. I would say they were about 15-20 people there today. My sister is in an aquatics class at the same time so I get too see her also so that's always nice.

    Joyce, indiana
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Evening ladies

    - prayers for those who are going through tough times - you will be remembered while I am on my dog walk every evening! I have decided to log before my dog walk so that I catch up with you all before I go.

    - congratulations to all of you who have stuck in there and made small achievements!

    I have decided that this year my phrase will be 'Just for Today'

    My challenges for 2014: S P I E S

    Spiritual - to read the message bible from start to finish during the year;
    Physical - to log into mfp daily, eat healthily, drink water and move more (to have my fitbit read over 70,000 steps a week);
    Intellectual - to learn something new, read, I want to pick up my guitar and re-learn the chords, so I've asked my church band to let me know the songs they're singing at the all-age each month and learn them (I may never join them but ...);
    Emotional - to be prepared to say 'no', to laugh, to just get through despite...; 2013 was the first year in the last 5 when we haven't had a bereavement in the family, but my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer... so 2014?
    Social - to not let the things I want to do be squeezed out by the things I've got to do;

    There - all set down in black and white!

    So, ladies, I look forward to sharing my 2014 journey with you.

    Maryann in UK
  • 1rufus
    1rufus Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I am going to give it another try to loose weight I am at a recorder high for me and it's caused me to have high blood pressure. So I am getting serious my goals is to faithfully keep track of what I eat, that way I will keep myself in check because I will not want to login any JUNK food on my profile. I am going to the YMCA at least 5 days a week that's all new for me but this is just my second week So I will need MOTIVATION to keep it up. So hopefully we can all help each other :flowerforyou:
    Thank You
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Monday ladies. Well I think we are having a heat way, It was 25 when I came to work at 0530 and to get to 51 today. Sounds like a change later in the week, but will take this for now My weigh in this morning was alot better then I was expecting. I lost 1 pound. So back on track today with logging.

    Renny--Not what I had in mind as an reward.

    Claire--Sounds like you have been having quite the time with the tests and figuring out what is going on. Deep breath and take care of yourself. What do the outfits you marked look like? Are they dresses or pants?

    Heather--Glad to hear DH is finding postive exercises to keep his mind under control. Your Burns Night plans sound fun. I do enjoy reading about all your plans and parties.

    Sylvia--Hope you got the heat going? Sounds like you have alot to deal with all the repairs. Take care of yourself.

    Well I am frustrated!! For the last year we have had money missed in my dept.at different times. It has added up to several hundred dollars. We are pretty sure we know who it is, but have no proof. It really pisses me off that someone would do that. We have different bags of money we are in charge of. So because of this one person we have to change how we keep count of the money. I have been here 27 years and this person has been here almost as long. Thanks for listening. I just feel it puts a black mark on all of us, for what one person is doing and getting away with.
    Have a nice evening and remember to log your food.
    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
    I just love the way this works with the cut and copy deal. It's the little things that makes me happy.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg in Omaha - lots of hugs, my friend :heart: Will keep your dad in my thoughts.

    :flowerforyou: Jane in Colorado - My mom is gone now, but when she was living alone and getting dementia, we had aides in and out most of the day except when she was in adult day care. It was a very nice place, with lots of activities and a nurse who would check her blood sugars daily. When it became clear she really couldn't be left alone at night either, we found a personal aide to move into the house. We did keep one of mom's other aides to give the live-in breaks and time to go shopping, etc. I managed the aides from 1,500 miles away. Fortunately, my brother lived a couple of hours away from my mom, so he took care of repairs, balancing checkbooks, and all that stuff. He did have to travel a lot for work, so that division of chores worked well for us.

    IN the case of my MIL, we moved back east from the Midwest and had her move in with us. We had always planned to return to this area after retirement, so we just moved our plans up by a few years.

    Jill in western MA

    :drinker: :drinker: