Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for 11/14--

    WATER! (Once again!) No
    Stay within my calories AND make wise food choices. So-so
    Workout for a total of 60 minutes.--No
    I am actually not feeling very well and so I just kind of took it easy today. My food choices were just okay but I haven't logged anything because my head is hurting and I don't want to look for stuff.
    I am determined to get more water down today, though!

    I hope to do better tomorrow. I really hope I feel better--I have a meeting I cannot miss on Tuesday and I leave for Phoenix on Saturday--I cannot be sick!

    If I am feeling better in the morning my goals are:

    Exercise for 60 minutes.
    Stay within my calories AND log all my foods.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    So ... it's 2 am... I still have a ton of studying to do and know that I will not be able to get on here until later in the afternoon tomorrow so I thought I'd post my goals now. :)

    1. Ace my exam. (unlikely since I was lazy all weekend but I'm gonna try!)
    2. Water! Water! Water! My goal is 5 cups... which is 5 cups more than I have been drinking lately.
    3. Healthier food choices, specifically, no Mexican food. It's my favorite place to eat in the commons on campus and I eat it all the time. So now, I'm reserving it for special days.
    4. Gym for at least 30 minutes-- more of me getting back than the actual workout since this week sucks and I have 3 papers due.
    5. Laundry.

    Wooooo that's a lot of goals. Ok ... now... no more procrastinating and off to study. Hope everyone has a good day!!

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for this weekend.
    1. Go to the outlet mall to get hubby some new jeans.
    2. water water water even though I'm going to be out and about most of the day on Sat I can still drink water. Its usually free since I'm not a fan of bottled water. I like my tap water
    3. Clean house(even though I'm already working on that right now it will probably take all weekend)
    4. Hang pictures that have been sitting around taking up space on the tables when they should be taking up wall space.
    5. Get some christmas shopping done when at the outlet mall.
    6. Shop around for some new paint for the house. I'm tired of the flat white that is everywhere but the kitchen and the kids rooms. Going to go with a grayish color for the main color and a dusky blue for accent.

    1. DONE
    2. FAIL(at least I didn't get enough in but I did drink some)
    3. DONE(but gotta sweep the new area rug again already)
    4. FAIL
    5. DONE
    6. FAIL

    So I was 50/50 this weekend. It could've been worse. It was kinda icky out on Sat when we went to the outlet mall but I was glad we did!! WE bought my husband 9 pairs of pants and 2 pair for my son and it was less then $100 for it all!! They had pants on sale for less than $10 a pair.

    Now goals for today.
    1. Sweep the rug again..
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Clean up everything from dinner last night. Just wasn't feeling it last night so just kinda left it sitting in a pile by the sink.

    Now off to catch up on what all you guys have been up too this weekend:)......And now that I've read it thru. You all look like you've been doing really well!!.

    Nicole, You'll do fine on your exam you always seem to anyways:) But I know how college goes stress over it until its done and then find out you did better then you thought you would've! hehe

    CHoc, Leela noticed that you've worked out every day so far this month! WOW!! That is a inspiriation for me to get up off my lazy butt and do something! Keep up the great work!!!

    Leela, I wish I could do the pre-planned meal thing like you do most of the time, but my food budget doesn't allow for me to have much that is just for me. My hubby isn't big on eating salads alot even though he knows they are healthy.

    Jess, Hope you had a good day on Sunday. I don't know if I could take a day off even if it was just to reset the days. I rely on all of you too much to keep me going!

    Nam, Hope you figure out what your going to do with your foot soon. I have a friend who needs surgery on her foot right now too and she's scared because she's never gone under general ansthesia before. But she isn't getting much choice in doing so because she's in constant pain and in a walking cast.

    If I missed someone I'm sorry. But that's what I could remember from going to back to read thru:) Have a good day everyone!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Chocolickkyss -- That's awesome! I hope you ladies have great luck with your Jamaica trip. I Love Bahama Breeze! Where do you live at anyhow?

    Namita -- Good luck with your decision about your foot.

    Jess -- I hope you had a great weekend off

    Leaving for Colorado Springs Wednesday morning. So excited! I am ready for a much needed vacation. WhooHoo!

    11/15 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Pack
    3) Laundry? Not sure I have enough to do a full load before leaving
    4) Go to bed early!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I am back and better than EVA!!!! lol I hope I keep that statement true//

    November 15 Goals
    1.) 8 cigs today. No matter what. Even under stress.
    2.) Get this house cleaned.
    3.) exercise before bed tonight- and don't eat my reduced cals but eat at least 1200
    4.) water water water

    Thanks to everyone!! <3 ya!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    WOW how do I keep doubleposting?
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Chocolickkyss- Well done that’s amazing!

    Jess - I hope you had fun on your last hoorah.

    Nam – Good luck with the decision making.

    Steph – Have fun in Colorado Springs

    Its fairly safe to say I didn’t manage any of my goals for the weekend, but am back on it as of now.

    Tuesdays goals:

    1. Stay under calorie allowance
    2. Water
    3. 30mins cardio
    4. 1 hour drawing
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    So on to Monday's goals...
    1. Take my lunch from home. Did a big food shop so no need to buy lunch tomorrow when I have plenty here. DONE!
    2. 10 cups of water at least. FAIL SO FAR ONLY 6 BUT THE DAY IS NOT FINISHES YET
    3. Try and leave work at a decent time to make it to a class after work. If I'm too late go to the gym anyway. FAIL - LEFT WORK LATE AND NOW HAVE MORE WORK TO DO AT HOME.

    Quite disappointed I didn't get to the gym even for a light workout. I have a load of work to do tonight so just knew I wouldn't get it done if I went to the gym (need to get off here soon actually and get on with it)!

    Thanks for all your good luck wishes about my silly foot. I'm totally in denial at the moment that I really need to have the surgery but I know I need to make the decision in my own time. It feels a little better today so hopefully even more so tomorrow and I can workout properly.

    1. Water water water - in court all day so usually bad with this must do better tomorrow.
    2. Sensible lunch choice tomorrow. Usually the selection is so bad so try and take something from home.
    3. Do a workout of some description in the evening.

    Must log off and do some work so will reply properly tomorrow. Hope you're all having a great day!
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    Good job everyone on your progress!
    Thankfully I got a new hard drive
    I don't know if I'm going to excerisetv because swim season has starting and I'm going to have practice EVERYDAY,so I just going to do it on the weekends and try to eat 1200 calories. I want to lose 30 by 4 months
    Day Goal:
    1) Do some homework
    2) Log food intake
    3)Swim hard
    4) Take Before picture
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/15 Goals:
    1) WATER -- Decent job
    2) Pack -- Started to, and realized I HAVE NO CLOTHES. I have workout clothes and work clothes, but no "weekend clothes" so I guess shopping is in my near future.
    3) Laundry? Not sure I have enough to do a full load before leaving -- Didn't have enough to do
    4) Go to bed early! -- 10pm, not so early, but good.

    11/16 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Ship stuff to Colorado
    3) Double check that I have everything and start my vacation!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Ace my exam. (unlikely since I was lazy all weekend but I'm gonna try!) Possibly? Not really sure.
    2. Water! Water! Water! My goal is 5 cups... which is 5 cups more than I have been drinking lately. Not quite 5 but I drank more than usual
    3. Healthier food choices, specifically, no Mexican food. It's my favorite place to eat in the commons on campus and I eat it all the time. So now, I'm reserving it for special days. No Mexican check but I'm not sure I ate so healthy.
    4. Gym for at least 30 minutes-- more of me getting back than the actual workout since this week sucks and I have 3 papers due. Fail
    5. Laundry. Fail


    Goals for today:

    1. Continue to get my water intake up!
    2. Healthier choices.
    3. Log calories.
    4. Finish my paper.
    5. Start my laundry before I completely run out of clothes.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Today I completed the Plyometrics dvd from the P90X program. Although I did not procrastinate with today's workout I must admit I'm not really not feeling it this week. I hope this feeling passes quickly because I've been doing so well and I would hate to have a setback.

    I want to thank everyone for all the support. I am participating in another thread were the goal is to do some type of exercise everyday and I have been participating since the beginning of the year. As of today, I have exercised every single day in 2010 with the exception of January 4th.

    Today's goals 11/16/10:

    1. Exercise in the morning................................Check
    2. Drink at least 8 cups of water......................
    3. Call the IRS.....................................................
    4. Continue working on college reunion.......
    5. No snacking after dinner (another thread I'm participating in).........................
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Chocolickkyss -- That's awesome! I hope you ladies have great luck with your Jamaica trip. I Love Bahama Breeze! Where do you live at anyhow?

    We're still trying to make this trip to Jamaica happen but it's a bit out of my friend's budget. They have children and I don't so I have a lot more flexibility. I currently reside on the southside of Atlanta.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    November 15 Goals
    1.) 8 cigs today. No matter what. Even under stress. :laugh: ONLY 4!!!!
    2.) Get this house cleaned. :tongue: I DID BUT IT LOOKS A MESS AGAIN!!! KIDS.....SHEESH
    3.) exercise before bed tonight- and don't eat my reduced cals but eat at least 1200 :cry: NOPE, I'M TERRIBLE
    4.) water water water :drinker: I QUIT COUNTING AFTER I LOGGED 10.

    November 16th:
    1.) water
    2.) Not going to say exercise but I will say stay under calories. my house is in shambles and my kids are going to bed later since the work on the kitchen is going on passed their bedtimes. So I may as well not even make exercise a goal because I know it won't happen. If it does-it will be a miracle.
    4.) It's 2:20 PM and I've already had 3 smokes. They were all in the middle of the night since I was up and down with my sick son. I will NOT go over 8 today and if I have to wake in the middle of the night tonight, I will just have to deal with not smoking. Lay there and jitter is all I can say cause I'm not going to smoke one.

    I feel like I've missed too much to go back and comment on everyone. But I did catch that your foot is hurt NAM???? That's terrible!!! You need to get it taken care of. If not you will regret it when you're 55-60. I hope it gets better and you make a speedy recovery. You've been such a great friend.

    And so has everyone else. VERY supportive and attentive. Love you all!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today's goals 11/16/10:

    1. Exercise in the morning................................Check
    2. Drink at least 8 cups of water......................Check (already on 8th cup)
    3. Call the IRS..................................................... Check (appt scheduled for this week)
    4. Continue working on college reunion........Check (researched potential hotels for out of town guest)
    5. No snacking after dinner (another thread I'm participating in).........................
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's recap:
    I'll set up Monday's goals while I'm here.
    1. drink less caffeinine, drink 8 or more cups of water. YES, YES
    2. eat at least 3 servings of fruits AND 3 servings of vegetables. NO, YES
    3. try a new class (well new for me) at the gym, it starts at 9am YES

    1 and 2 will be my goals for all week!
    1. drink less caffeinine, drink 8 or more cups of water.
    2. eat at least 3 servings of fruits AND 3 servings of vegetables.
    3. workout from home, atleast 45 minutes.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Now goals for today.
    1. Sweep the rug again..DONE
    2. WATER!!! FAIL
    3. Clean up everything from dinner last night. Just wasn't feeling it last night so just kinda left it sitting in a pile by the sink. 75% DONE

    Well Its after 3pm right now and I've gotten everything I planned on doing done today:) New tires on my car YAY!!!!! Ordered the dress for my sis-in-laws wedding. Its a beautiful dress and even when I lose the weight I know a woman who will be able to alter it for me so its not a waste of money:love: Went for a walk this morning with my friend and an extra:smile: Our other friend has gotten inspired by us and asked if she could join us. It was a good walk and we had lunch together afterwards. Then my friends little boy who is 6 months old started throwing up and of course I was the one holding him. My pants now smell like sweet potatoes and apples. But I'm just hoping he gets better soon. He's got Bronchitis as his mom found out this afternoon. Poor guy is in for a horrible next couple of weeks while she tries to keep him from throwing up so much.

    So goals for Wed
    1. WATER
    2. Laundry
    3. Make healthy choices all day for food and fight the cravings for so much chocolate.

    Hope you have a good evening! I'm off to get more stuff done around this house:bigsmile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just want to acknowledge what a wonderful job everyone is doing with setting goals and checking back in. Nicole started this challenge during the last week of August. There were a total of 12 pages of posts. For the month of October,part 2 was started, there were 8 pages and now, its only half way through November and there are already 8 pages for Part 3!! You guys are awesome!

    People come and go. People go and come back. This is one of those no pressure boards were you check in as often as you can. I appreciate the committment everyone is making to themselves and it makes me push myself harder!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Water water water - in court all day so usually bad with this must do better tomorrow.
    2. Sensible lunch choice tomorrow. Usually the selection is so bad so try and take something from home.
    3. Do a workout of some description in the evening.

    I've basically failed on all three today and feel very disappointed in myself. Court was so ridiculous today I didn't have time for a glass of water let alone any lunch. I was at Court near my mum's so I went there this evening for dinner and consequently didn't make it back home in time to get to the gym - well actually I guess I did since it is open until 11pm (and it's 9.30pm) but I am so exhausted I'm going to crash out otherwise I'll be a write off tomorrow as well.

    Must do better on Wednesday:
    1. Water at least 10 cups to make up for today and NO EXCUSES.
    2. Do some exercise of some description but try not to overdo it on the foot.
    3. Million and one things to do at work by 12.30pm when I have to leave to for a meeting all afternoon. Write a list in the morning and work through as much as possible by then. Don't stress on the stuff not done and delegate where possible!

    Happy bump day for tomorrow (Jess is that what it's called?!) I know we had this conversation before but not sure if I remembered it right!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I want to thank everyone for all the support. I am participating in another thread were the goal is to do some type of exercise everyday and I have been participating since the beginning of the year. As of today, I have exercised every single day in 2010 with the exception of January 4th.

    You are a rockstar! What dedication and so inspiring to me and I'm sure everyone on here!