Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I was accused of being 'judgmental" this morning by one of my MFP friends when I commented on my own feed about people who post pics with dirty laundry and crap laying around in the background, or countertops covered with all sorts of crap.

    I totally don't get why people do that. I mean, I'm not a tidy person at all but I would never want anyone to know! Oh wait.... Ooops.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    OMG are you serious!! Have you always been such a whiny little B+*#ch? I work in an Emergency Department and seem to spend a lot of time and other peoples money working on people just like you. Everyone has choices, and I'm sure yours haven't been perfect your whole life. Each to their own!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Last time someone did that with something horribly unhealthy, I just put the recipe in the calculator and posted how many calories it was :laugh:
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride

    Plenty of people injure themselves on bikes, which is preventable in most cases. Shall we stop that too?
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member


    Talenti black raspberry chocolate chip gelato. ...

    cause you know, I'm clearly overweights.

    I'm still gonna post my food.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I don't like seeing those recipes on Facebook because I can't chew through the screen. If they were real friends they would make a batch of Banana Nut Brownies and snail mail it to me!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    Thank them usually.

    Though I have to say I wish I had a friend who went to all the trouble of calculating the cal and macros per serving for some of my recipes for me. It would save me the bother of doing it myself if I were still using those methods to be awesome.

    Which I don't.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    What is wrong is that you are upset by them. Otherwise, you are free to respond to their posts however you like. I don't personally think it is mean to post the nutritional information. And if someone did, it wouldn't upset me either. Now if you added some snarky message along with the data...And all the drama? That is your problem. And I suspect it is around more than Facebook posts.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................
    You just lack self control.

    Myself and many others, can and indeed enjoy foods in moderation.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride

    Plenty of people injure themselves on bikes, which is preventable in most cases. Shall we stop that too?

    I know a guy I'm going to start riding with in the spring, last summer shattered his pelvis in a fall on his bike.

    Not just broken, shattered. It's now pinned together.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I despise people who cause drama on FB. Get on with yourself, ignore it, and let them post.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member


    Talenti black raspberry chocolate chip gelato. ...

    cause you know, I'm clearly overweights.

    I'm still gonna post my food.

    YOU ARE WRONG. You cannot post that. Because the Talenti Sea Salt Caramel is the way to go.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    How's none of your business what people post on their Facebook?

    It's really REALLY simple. If you don't like it, there's an option to hide the particular 'offender's' posts.

    Good gravy Mavis... :yawn:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Why don't you just ignore it? Posting calories is just going to make you look like an *kitten* (oh. well. yea.) Mind your own business; it's their page. If I don't like what someone is posting, I keep scrolling. Sweet baby jebus. You act like only fat, overweight people eat those type of things. What a stupid post. You couldn't have possibly thought this thread would end well.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Googling Millionaire Spaghetti Pie pissed me off royally on many levels.

    1) there is a Millionaire Pie with no spaghetti
    2) there is a Million Dollar Spaghetti pie..get the name right
    3) There is a Millionaire's Spaghetti with no pie.
    4) they consist of cream cheese spaghetti and ground beef, etc. not the stuff I think a millionaire would eat?
    5) they seem suspiciously more like a poor man's lasagna?

    I have *NO* idea what is going on in this thread; I just popped in on the last page and found this. I don't know what it relates to, what the conversation was about, or what in the hell a millionaire spaghetti pie is, but I could feel this woman's frustration just reading through the list and I get it. I don't get this thread, but I get this post. Google on!

    Yeah, what the ****?
    Ground beef? Not ground buffalo?
    Cream cheese? Not locally source neuchatel cheese handmade by eleventy virgins wearing camisoles of gossamer and utilizing handbrushes made from their olden golden tresses?

    What next, the mullet shall be dubbed the MFCEO crash helmet?

    I must now mull over this millionaire's idea for the spaghetti. The bacon one is pretty spot on, spaghetti needs the same lovin'.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If you don't like what someone posts on Facebook, you can:

    Ignore it
    Hide it
    Cut them
    Block them
    Shut off your computer and do something else
    Why do people only apply this reasoning to other people and not to themselves? It's not just on facebook, but on this site as well.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    I hate when people care what other people are eating/want to eat.
    Make your food choices, but you don't need to preach how many calories is in something to anyone else.

    Agreed. You're going to get tempted everywhere. I post healthy recipes on Pinterest/Facebook, but like it or leave it, don't pass judgement
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.

    While your piece about history may be correct, during none of this time have the streets being filled with people walking around staring at a screen. I have no problem with cavemen talking about food. This is fundamental social interaction. What bothers me, however, is that the side-effect of staring at a screen because of addictive sites like Facebook has negative effects that range from the seemingly harmless to the blatantly dangerous, and no-one seems to care. And for what gain?

    So what am I going on about? Walking through a busy high street not watching where you are going, potentially ignoring other people, not taking in surroundings - seemingly harmless, but this bad habit leads to other things.

    Social environments such as being in a park watching the kids. Mums and dads just hooked on Facebook, seemingly checking the same messages as they did so about 5 seconds ago, not paying any attention or interest to kids.

    Walking down a busy road, one hand on mobile phone, one hand on pram with baby inside, crossing a busy road, prioritising sending a message over even minor hazards.

    Social environments with just adults. How annoying is it when you are trying to have a conversation with somebody being compelled to send an non-urgent text to somebody.

    Cavemen never experienced this. Is telling people about food recipes on a social media website really worth it?

    with every new technology came new problems that people have to learn to deal with. I agree, too much screen time is bad, and people need to make time for face to face social interaction more. Having accidents due to playing candy crush while walking down the street is even more unfortunate and should be avoided

    but like with food.... everything in moderation

    seriously, I can picture early middle palaeolithic Homo erectus/heidelbergensis elders sitting around and *****ing about how the younger generation is too reliant on fire and animal skins, that they don't develop resistance to cold like they used to, and don't know how to prepare raw food any more, and are becoming addicted to cooked food, and pontificating about how all the smoke from the fires makes a bad smell and can't be good for people to breathe in, and how wearing animal hides makes the skin itch and makes the young people look stupid. Or about how the substances used to tan the hides smell bad and can't be good for them.

    cultural evolution happens, and every new innovation solves older problems and creates new problems. And some people take things to extremes, but most of what you listed above isn't even the norm with social media, most people can use it in moderation, most people don't have accidents in the street due to trying to text/facebook and walk at the same time, and those that do are generally considered to be stupid. and most parents are very careful to monitor their kids internet use. You read about the exceptions and yes people should be knowledgeable about stuff like that................. that's where moderation comes into it. Learn to be moderate in things and not take them to ridiculous extremes. Posting recipes on facebook isn't a ridiculous extreme, it's beneficial. People who can't eat in moderation can't blame recipes being posted on facebook for that. Just like they can't blame the TV ads for various unhealthy foods that people have seen for decades now.
  • ZoeOnly
    ZoeOnly Posts: 12 Member
    Ummm actually it is not…It is a free country and if people want to be fat and lazy then they can be fat and lazy with no help from you..on the flip side, if people want to be athletic, eat right, and be healthy then they can with no help from anyone else..

    this country was built on self reliance and independence…..not a nanny state that told people what mold they have to fit in …geez….

    But they ARE getting help from me. As I noted in my OP, taxes pay for a good deal of medical care in this country. More medical care for preventable conditions = more taxes. No way around it. For the insured, more claims that the insurer has to pay for preventable conditions = more premiums we all pay. Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride, getting winded after a walk down your driveway, knee pain, back pain. I want everyone to feel as good as I do.

    Having said that, I am re-thinking this practice of telling people what's in the crap they post since so many people think it's mean. And I had already cut the news feed off for one guy who seemed to post nothing but recipes for things I wouldn't eat. Tell me about your vacation or your kid's wedding or show me a pic of your newest grandchild or even express an opinion I disagree with. I'll be gentle if I reply at all. Just don't blindly repost stuff. (And I WILL stay off pinterest.)

    You do know that your taxes pay for a lot of stuff right? Do you get this worked up over all the wars that are fought with your tax dollars? Or the tax breaks that are given to corporations that you don't get? Can we please see your list of things that your tax dollars pay for broken down into things that you want to pay for and things that you don’t, and the interventions in which you are participating for each of the things you don’t want to pay for? Oh wait... :yawn:

    Even if health is entirely within our control (which it's not always, you don't know what people are going through), I’d rather my tax dollars go to the healthcare of people who make different choices than I do than live in a world where paternalistic *kitten* get to tell us all exactly how we should be living, to be "healthy" enough for their satisfaction.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Back in the palaeolithic era, people sat around campfires and shared banal pieces of information, like which part of the animal they were eating, or how far they had to walk to gather the roots they brought to the tribe, or how many moons it would be until berry season and good ways to cook roots and berries. and who was shagging who and who argued with who and all kinds of other gossip

    When humans invented farming, they shared useless information while tilling the fields and tending their herds and stuff like that

    In the bronze age and iron age, they had taverns to sit around chatting about banal stuff in

    move forward to the middle ages, people still sat around in taverns or went to each others' houses to share banal information like what they were having for dinner, swapping recipes with neighbours and stuff like that

    And nowadays, we have social media, so all this banal social chat that humans have been doing ever since we evolved the ability to speak, has now moved onto social media like facebook. Humans talk to other humans about banal, boring stuff. It actually serves a vitally important function in human societies, i.e. making and maintaining relationships with other humans, which is critical for co-operation as a group, which is a major, highly critical factor in human evolution. So if people posting boring shizz on facebook is a side effect of us having evolved to be highly advanced, social, co-operative beings with an advanced level of language, then I think I can live with people posting boring shizz on facebook.

    That's a good point. But this woud probably have been shared between a relatively smaller group of people, and people who interacted with each other in daily life. Maybe we (I) have too many FB friends and too many of them are people I barely know and never see. That may dilute the value of this kind of sharing.

    This actually makes me want to cut my FB friends way back and use it as a sort of virtual tavern. Or maybe have 2 accounts. Hmm...

    If someone made a virtual tavern social media site, I'd so be in

    ditto virtual campfire social media site