Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I am rooting for the Seahawks as well (sorry Broncos fans!), but my reason is b/c I like to root for the underdog if I have no other connection to the teams. However, I really do like their uniform colors as well, so that's a bonus!! :laugh:

    @kelley--glad to hear zoe had a clean bill of health! I've also had the JD bfast sandwiches, but never the bowls. I would prefer it without the potatoes as well, but we'll see.

    @nettie--thanks! I think I had that picture as my profile awhile back--it's me sitting on a statue of a goat in Lucerne, Switzerland. I'm not sure why I was inspired to take it, but I saw the statue and just thought "I must sit on that goat!" :laugh: I'm also pretty good at getting close to 100 g of protein, but only rarely go over which is why I picked it as my minimum.

    @naomi--that is some very hot weather you are having. I know when it gets that warm here in the summer, I try to avoid too much outside activity. I won't run outside if it's over about 85 F, and when it's over 90 F I try to get gunner's walk in earlier in the day, or I wait until the sun is going down in the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.

    @p1xy--that's a great GD goal. I don't eat out that often during the school year--maybe 2-3 times/month--but it might be a challenge I give myself for one of the summer months.

    @susan--I've seen recipes for those egg cups and they look yummy. I will probably try them at some point, but I already spend a lot of my Sunday afternoons preparing my work meals for the week, so that would be another task for me. My Lean Pockets are my go-to when I don't have time to cook/prepare enough meals for breakfast and lunch at work, so I'm hoping the breakfast bowls are a good replacement. Great job on that protein goal yesterday!!

    @everyone with bean advice--thanks so much! I actually ended up using almost all of them, so it didn't end up being as issue.

    Sunday Share:
    Nothing really new here--weather stinks and the groundhog says 6 more weeks of winter--shocking news, right? :laugh: At least things have slowed down a bit at work. This next AP unit is a long one which means no essays from them for about 5 weeks. However, my juniors are just getting started on their big research papers, so that will replace the AP grading. At least they don't overlap.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    1/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 8/52 JRP thesis statements

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Tues--gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (it was still way too cold!)
    Thurs--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE (shoveled instead)
    Sun--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Superbowl Sunday. Being from the Seattle area we are of course die hard Seahawks fans here. It really sucks that the year they make it to the superbowl and my hubby wont be home from the boat till nest weekend. Oh well that hasnt stopped the betting on the boat so heres to hoping for a very high scoring Seahawks win so my hubby can win his bets:laugh:
    I took the dogs for a three lap walk today. I was going to go longer but the bottoms of my feet are getting some calluses and they were hurting so it looks like a foot spa for me while I watch the game:tongue: My sons b-day went well and there are enough snacks left to get through the game today as well. The apple pie bars I made were REALLY good so took half of what was left to my dad this morning so I couldnt eat them:laugh: Between Christmas and his b-day about the only thing my son still needs for a long summer of outdoor activities is a tent. We all got him kitted for camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting. Upside is I can join him on some of that and get a lot more outdoor activity this summer.
    My February challenge starts today and is going to be no fast food or convenience store food for the month. I might go to a sit down dinner a couple times since hubby is coming home but no fast food for me. I think these are two of the things I had started to let slide a little to much the last few months.
    Well heres to a great day for everyone and of course a Seattle victory:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    45 min
    884 calories which I will claim 500
    1.91 mile
    5300 steps
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody sorry it has been awhile since I have posted anything.:embarassed:

    My Groundhog Day challenge is going to be walk at least 2 miles a day. I just realized that I missed that by .05 miles yesterday. If I do not get 2miles I’ll be hitting the dreadmill until I do. Walgreens gives me 10 balance rewards points for each mile and I would like to get the points every day. That is really a small amount but they all add up. If my math is correct that is 1 penny for every mile. So that is 2 pennies a day. So starting today I will make 54 cents for February. With all the prescriptions Amy and I get their (500 points per Rx) and other stuff we get there we will get a lot of points. I can get motivated by the strangest things.:bigsmile:

    I have not figured out a better way to log restaurant food that you do not know all the ingredients and amounts of each ingredient so I will keep entering something that sounds close from a place already listed in the MFP database.

    JNettie- I have not been to Serendipity 3 yet but have been considering it. There are some really tempting sounding stuff on the menu it will be tough to get something healthy there.

    I am getting more interested in Paleo style eating. I have not been doing it but am considering trying to go part way. I am going to see how the paleo bread comes out since it uses no grains or dairy. Hopefully Amy comes home from the store with the ingredients to make it. I am going to try the recipe Susan posted The Best Ever Paleo Chicken Cacciatore but Amy had left for the store before I could give her the ingredients.

    Here is my hockey post so you can skip reading it if you do not like hockey. Friday we went but did not go to the Pub for dinner as we would probably be late to the game because the Wranglers were thrown out of the Orleans Arena for next year. They were told with just weeks before the ECHL dead line. They had to have submitted their venue to get on the ECHL schedule or not be in the league next year. So the hockey fans of Las Vegas came out to show some support for the team and sold the place out! That is 7,786 people there. They usually only get 3000-5000. The team has been playing really bad this year and we were hoping for the best. They won 5-2! Every time they score 5 goals in a game at home Del Taco gives everyone there a free taco. That is 7,786 free tacos they had to give out.:laugh: Adam Huxley got a Gordie Howe hat trick (1 goal, 1 assist, and 1 fight). The Roxy Gunn Project is a band that plays during the game right from a little section in the stands with the fans. They play funny stuff like to the tune of “I love rock & roll” I love hockey fights, and to the tune of “I like candy”- We want tacos.:laugh: It was a great night. Since it was so full of people we did not want to go get into the traffic jam of everybody trying to leave at the same time. We did not want to spend money in their casino since they were not only not letting the Wranglers play there next year but did not tell them until so close to them having to list where their home rink would be to stay in the league. We did go into their casino to kill some time. I lost $50.00 but Amy won $200.00 so we got out of there $150.00 of the Orleans money.:laugh:

    “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”
    ― Herophilus

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys--just a quick check-in. I met friend out to grade for a bit and am more than halfway done with thesis statements. :happy: Now I'm headed home to watch Superbowl with the DH.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well TOM made it's normal appearance and the weight re-appeared this morning- up 3 lbs in night. I know that is not realistic but it is still disheartening. I will give it a few days to see if it readjusts. Right now, I am even, but still wishing for an overall lost.

    I did make a good veggie pasta salad tonight and it was extremely easy and relatively low in calories. It is a keeper. Ingredients: 2 oz of whole grain pasta, 10 oz of frozen broccoli, thawed and drained, 1 c. tomato (diced), 1/3 c. of oil free Italian dressing ( I used the light), 1/4 c. radishes and served on a bed of lettuce.

    Challenge- I did eat at least 2 fruits and veggies (tangerine and the pasta salad).

    TOM- Sounds like a great goal to walk 2 miles a day.

    Kelley- I have also become a gym rat since starting this process.

    Have a good week. I hope we don't get anymore snow this week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    February Challenge - Hit today's goal with 123 g of protein. I think I need to really challenge myself because I was being safe aiming for 100 grams each day.

    Sunday Share: It's been a very productive weekend. This morning I had a nice 80 minute walk with MFP Glenda. I'm really enjoying our walks on the weekend. Afterwards, I had to run to Target to find Cyrus a new trapper keeper/book bag. How that child destroys his bags is beyond me??!! Oh well. If it helps to keep him organized, it's worth it. I then came home and cooked up the bacon for the week (turkey for Cyrus and center cut for me). I then made the Sun Dried Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Pesto - yum! Fridge is ready for the week to have good food choices all day.

    @ Laurie - That stinks. I know you've been waiting for that scale to move. Get through this week and it will come back off I'm sure.

    @ Tom - You mentioned the Wal-Greens thing before. I really need to check into that. The last few days I've been over 5 miles each day on my Fit Bit. Crazy I'm not taking advantage of adding those points since I have a card as well. I'm not 100% Paleo, but pretty close. I do feel I have a bit more energy, which is good. Serendipity is so yummy, but there's definitely not too many low-cal options that's for sure. We definitely have some really good restaurants in Vegas that's for sure. I don't hit the casinos too often. Once in a great while I may put $20 in slots. Whether I play for 5 minutes or 2 hours, I do not play any more than that. I've heard of too many stories and people not being able to step away.

    @ Jtconst - I think that's a really good challenge for a lot of people. I don't eat fast food hardly at all, but I do get it for Cyrus almost weekly. It's just so convenient especially when my days are long, BUT if I don't want to eat it for my healthy why am I serving it to my child? Bad mom.

    @ Karen - 6 more weeks of winter? Yuck. I don't complain one bit about our weather. It's a "little" chilly this weekend, but no big deal especially when I see what the northeast and Midwest have been enduring.

    @ Nettie - I can't even imagine trying to get protein in while being vegetarian. I've been really cognizant lately of my grocery store visits. I really focus on the outside of the store, i.e. produce, proteins, etc. . . I hardly ever go down the aisles anymore with all the processed stuff. I do get Cyrus cereal and today was crushed tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, chicken broth, Greek yogurt, cheese sticks and that was about it.

    @ p1x - I think your goals are doable, but I also like the fact you are being realistic too. You're just 6 lbs away from losing 50, which is AWESOME!! My old company will be here in September for their national convention and our convention is that month too. I would really, really like to down 50 lbs, which would put me around 225. I haven't seen that number in a very, very long time. I would love to knock their socks off!!!! LOL!!
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @Robin- That's great that you were cleared of no brain tumors.

    @SkinnyJeanz- Great idea about February Groundhog goals.

    AFM- My groundhog goal will be to drink 10+ glasses of water to ensure that I stay hydrated. I sometimes forget to drink enough water. This morning I woke up not feeling so well so I stayed in bed all day resting. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--with how great you've been doing avoiding those office treats, I'll bet you can reach that 50 lb loss by September. Then we can celebrate it in NY!!

    @laurie--that pasta salad sounds really good! I'm not a big pasta fan, but I bet I could replace it with quinoa and it would be just as good. Sorry your loss didn't stick around--crossing my fingers that it comes right back.

    @tom--that hockey game sounds like it was a lot of fun--so glad your team won, but that really stinks at how the arena screwed them over for next season. Glad you and Amy left with their money lining your pockets. :wink:

    @tammy--congrats to your Seahawks!! What a great game! :drinker:

    AFM--I don't think I mentioned it earlier but my Superbowl plans fell through. My friend who was hosting the party texted this morning to say her husband was sick. Not a big deal as they were last minute plans anyways. Instead, I met another friend at the bar and we graded for a awhile before the game. We were going to stay and watch some of the game while working, but their internet was down. :grumble: Had to relocate to starbucks.

    My white chili turned out really good! And it's pretty low in calories as well--only about 160/ 1 cup serving. DH decided to make some cheese enchiladas to go with which were also yummy. I made my protein goal again, so that's good as well. :happy: I know it will be harder on days when I don't get as much exercise b/c I'll have to get more protein out of fewer calories. Well, I need to go package up some of the chili into containers for lunch over the next couple of days.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    2/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 27/52 JRP thesis statements

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Tues--gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (it was still way too cold!)
    Thurs--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE (shoveled instead)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE (shoveled instead)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Awesome game. The first football game I have watched all the way through. it was alot of fun just me and my two kids:bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Fun game. Tammy, sorry your DH was gone. Do they have a way to watch it on the fishing boat? Glad you had a good week.
    Jeanette, my daughter does get really excited about the progress of her students. Last week they were teaching one of the girls exercises for relaxation and coping techniques. It was storming so the kids couldn't go outside for recess. They had the little girl teach the exercises to her whole class. She really loved doing that.
    Missmanda, congratulations on the new role. I participated in a lot of drama during high school, but didn't follow through in high school.
    Robin, I'm so glad you aren't facing cancer. I hope that you can find solutions for your problems.
    Hayley, good loss.
    P1xy, 7# in one month is great. I hope you can knock the socks off of your in laws.
    Susan, looking forward to meeting old acquaintances is a great goal.
    Stephanie, you are off to a great start.
    Naomi, you are doing great. Singapore sounds like wonderful goal.
    Kelley, I love hearing about Zoe. We have had some really big cats, too.
    Tom, good to hear from you. I miss your quotes.
    Karen, enjoy your little break from grading.

    AFM. I enjoyed my walk this morning. Food was a challenge with the super bowl party. I just gave up on logging. My February goal will be to drink 6-8 glasses of water. After all this time, I still don't have a handle on that.
    Okay, I know I'm from a small town, but its getting a little weird. I think I'm getting used to people I barely know telling me they see me walking around town, but yesterday was a little much. My youngest daughter went to help an acquaintance get started running. The woman was telling my daughter how great I'm looking. She said I was the smallest she had ever seen me. The catch is that I have no idea who this woman is!
    In March I am going to do my first 5K. Three of my daughters and I are doing it together. Youngest daughter is a runner so she will run it. The other 2 will walk it with me. The proceeds benefit the Idaho food bank. I'm excited to do this. I walk 3 miles nearly every day, so I don't expect to have any problem.
    Hope we all have a good week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--that is great that people are noticing your success, but I could see how it's a little disturbing too. I guess you will just have to get used to being the town "celebrity." :wink: Congrats on signing up for your 1st 5k--and for a great cause! My MFP friend, Brian. and I finally found one to do this Spring. It is called the Glo Run--it's a night time one and everyone wears fluorescent paint and glow necklaces and such. He lives way south of the city and I am far north--this one is at Grant Park downtown, so a good halfway point. We will also be walking it or maybe doing a combo walk/run--but it's untimed and just for fun, so no pressure to finish quickly.

    AFM--I have a union meeting after school tomorrow, so no exercise. I know getting the 100g of protein will be that much harder given no extra calories to play with, so I tried pre-logging my food for the day. I'm really close (97 g) with about 170 calories left, so I'll have to do some tweaking to make it work, but at least it looks doable.

    I'm also going to set up my exercise goals for the week since I probably won't get on here tomorrow until evening. It almost seems silly to plan it out since much of it is weather dependent. I can't walk gunner if it's bitterly cold or too slick from snow. We have another storm due on Tuesday, so the gym visit may get swapped for more shoveling. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a good Monday.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    2/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 27/52 JRP thesis statements

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Had a nice Superbowl party with family and made a chili. I did get a scale so it is off to work I go. Last couple weeks I guess was just to get back in the grove.
    Wish me luck as I dive back in to logging and starting a walking program.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @hayley - I LOVE that JCP has changed the type of clothes they carry. I HATE embroidery and elastic waist bands. Even at 300 lbs, I always tried to look nice. Also, WTG on your loss! :)

    @mechelemc - WELCOME! :)

    @skinny- LOVE the new profile pic! :)

    @robin - I'm so happy you don't have the tumor! I hope it's all downhill for you now. I'd be upset with your friend as well. :(

    @susan- way to stay off the scale! :)

    @kaye- I also signed up for my first 5k. :) Go us!

    Check in:

    Drove to Pittsburgh with one of my best friends Saturday. We ended up going out for drinks, and woah buddy. There was a football coach convention in our hotel **drools** I did, however, learn proper squatting form in the middle of a bar from two of the coaches. :) Probably the best weekend I've had in a long time. Obviously over my calories for the weekend, but I still dropped .8lbs. I'll take it. I also found it awesome because I noticed a guy looking over at us, but I thought he was looking at my friend. When I told him about it, he was shocked and said she wasn't his type...I was. It's that 300 pound mentality I've mentioned before. Still working to overcome it, but it was definitely an ego boost being there. I don't want to go back to the real world. :( I did get a good run in Saturday, and I'm finding it easier to run. I go back to the specialist tomorrow to see what he says about the cubital tunnel syndrome and what we're going to do about it. **fingers crossed**
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Was sorry to see the Broncos lose yesterday, but the Seahawks defense outplayed the Broncos offense – I knew it was a bad sign when there was a safety in the first 12 seconds. :frown: Peyton is one of my favorite players, so sorry to see him have the game he had – was hoping it would have been his swan song, it may have been his last season.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry your loss didn’t stick. I’m having equal problems with that evil scale, even though I eat right and get my exercise in on the weekend I’m always up on Monday and have to fight all week to lose it – hence I stay the same every week. It’s really starting to tick me off. :explode:

    @Tom~I’m not 100% Paleo, I do tend to sway that way in my eating but have found there are some foods I need to feel my best. There are foods that are restricted on Paleo that I do eat – I have a couple of servings a day of whole grains, usually in the form of Triscuits and flourless bread (Ezekiel). I also eat a little dairy (usually yogurt and aged cheese) and legumes (it’s what Ezekiel bread is made from), but I restrict sugar and consume higher proteins and fats. I am most sensitive to foods containing sugar, because I’m hypothyroid high levels of sugar cause too much of a fluctuation in my glucose levels resulting in hypoglycemia. I’m not diabetic but hypothyroidism can increase a person’s potential for diabetes and with my family history, I feel sugar is best left out of the equation. Paleo is really supposed to help these conditions, but for me it has the opposite effect – so I’m probably about 75% Paleo.

    @Kaye~Hooray for your first “official” 5K, with all of your walking I’m sure you’ve got it in the bag. Have a great time!

    @Alupinsk~Sounds like you had a terrific weekend! You’re right that 300# mentality is really hard to overcome, I struggle with that as well.

    AFM~Had good session with trainer yesterday, he worked on my calf some – lots of knots which in turn were causing the knee pain on Saturday. I can still feel inflammation in my knee, but it feels better after he used the tiger tail on my calf (I hate that thing). I may run tonight on the treadmill, we’ll see. Not quite sure what my fitness goals are this week – I have training session scheduled for Wed but he said yesterday he may want to train me Tues so we can play racquetball on Thursday. I’ll know more tonight. I was short yesterday on both of my Groundhog Day goals. :frown:

    Fitness Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical or running on TM
    Tuesday~Gym, arc trainer or training session
    Wednesday~Gym, training session or arc trainer
    Thursday~Gym, treadmill/stairmill or racquetball
    Friday~Gym, elliptical
    Saturday~None, shopping
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • SraCr8on
    SraCr8on Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all! Just checking in. I'm actually impressed with how I handled the weekend! Friday night was a birthday party, so I definitely acknowledge that I didn't need a full extra helping of meatballs, pasta, and bread, or two or three extra cookies beyond the first and the cake and ice cream! However, Saturday and Sunday were a complete turn-around!! I didn't go anywhere beyond the gym and church, and despite the fact that that usually turns into binge-snacking all day, that didn't happen this time! I had a great work-out, and Sunday I just stuck to planned meals and snacks. I did not eat junk right before bed either! I'm really praying at this point that the ball just keeps on rolling!

    I've been reading everyone's February challenge goals, and they look like great ideas! For some reason it is really hard for me to make a goal, commit to it and then celebrate in the end! Sometimes I just like to keep my nose to the grindstone and look back from the success later, and say, "oh yeah, that was my goal all along and I did accomplish it!" BUT everybody making the Feb goals looks fun, so I'll join in too! Last night, I made a gigantic pot of my mom's awesome vegetable soup, so I think my Groundhog Day/February challenge goal is to eat a bowl of vegetable soup every day for lunch! I hope it is going to be good! I have tomato juice, and a beefy onion dry-soup packet as the base; stew meat, corn, potatoes, black beans (not a fan of soup or lima beans :sick: ), tomatoes, onions, green peppers, celery, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower in it! Would anybody suggest other veggies to throw in next time?

    Let's all get out there and kick OUR OWN butts! :bigsmile:

    To RobinsEgg and all others struggling through all kinds of uncertainty in terms of health issues at the same time as trying to lose weight, I just want to say how thankful I am for you (all) as a model and inspiration to keep at it, no matter what! I wish the best to you (all) and for peace of mind whenever health scares do come up!! :drinker:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Monday Check In - My weight has been fluctuating all week. I did see some new lows but this morning I weighed in at the same weight as last week. I had two really nice losses over the past two weeks. So I am not upset over this morning's results. I know another loss is headed my way and I am ok with that.

    This morning I was startled awake at 5:30 am by the ringing phone. I jumped out of bed, thinking the worst, and answered it. It was district calling to tell me that due to the weather they would be closed. I looked out the window and thought "WTH? It doesn't look bad out. Why close?" Yesterday was in the 50's and I had the windows opened airing out the house, today snow. I climbed back into bed and attempted to go back to sleep but was too stirred up by being startled. 15 min later my cell phone began ringing with the same call. I decided to just get out of bed and start my day. I lounged on the couch, snuggling under a blanket, cuddling with kitty while watching the sun rise. The snow quickly changed from rain/snow to pure snow and it looks like we have had a few inches so far. I cannot believe how quickly the storm changed. It is supposed to last all day. I definitely will be burning some extra calories today outside!

    In the meantime, as I lounged, I began thinking about food. We ran some errands yesterday and picked up a ton of veggies as well as my protein powder. I couldn't help from thinking about what I should make for dinner. That quickly turned into what can I make for breakfast. Today's breakfast was homemade waffles with a scoop of protein powder, I was experimenting. It wasn't that bad! I made Brian some bacon, a waffle (no powder) and an omelette. For his omelette I diced up scallion, spinach, and a few roasted red peppers. I mixed it with the egg, added a bit of salt, pepper. chipolte flakes and a garlic herb cheese wedge. I hate the taste of eggs so naturally I don't cook them. I was completely experimenting and making stuff up as I went along. I have to say the omelette looked and smelled really good. Brian said it was excellent, so I suppose I did something right! :laugh:

    Kah - I am glad to hear Zoe has a clean bill of health. WOW, she is a big cat! My kitties are only 7 and 8 lbs. Misti looks significantly bigger though due to all her fluff but she is actually very tiny. Wahoo for being able to take advantage of the sale!

    Skinny - LOL to the goat statue. That made me laugh.
    I am not sure what to pick as my protein goal. The powder I picked up has 30 g protein in it. We stopped for lunch yesterday and I ordered a smoothie and had them add protein powder. When I got home I didn't want to spend more calories on powder so I didn't try it out last night. I am going to see what my protein is like today and make a decision. The powder in the waffles wasn't that bad. It did change the flavor of the waffles, gave a hint of vanilla to it, which wasn't bad. I was happy it didn't change the texture of the waffle at all.
    Glad to hear your chili came out good and you made your protein goal!

    Tom - the "Dreadmill" LOL I love it. :laugh: It is definitely difficult to eat healthy at Serendipity but that tomato soup is outstanding!!!

    Laurie - Sorry about the TOM gain. That always is frustrating. Your pasta salad sounds delish. I will have to try making it. Thanks for sharing.

    Susan - Same with me when shopping. But being veggie it is really easy to stick to the outside. Yesterday we stopped at my favorite store for produce - Meat Farms. They have a huge produce section with some pretty good prices. I found huge bags of tomatoes on the clearance rack for $1.49. The tomatoes were starting to get a bit softer so not ideal for slicing but perfect for making sauce. I made a huge pot yesterday and froze batches of it. I also picked up cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, kale, scallions, peppers (they were HUGE), oranges, grapes, eggplants, carrots, arugula, broccoli and fennel. My fridge is packed solid. I plan on doing lots of cooking this week. I am thinking some nice soups, chili, stuffed cabbage, stuffed peppers, quinoa spinach mac and cheese, stir fried broccoli and eggplant steaks with roasted onion mashed potato and arugula salad. I am pretty excited about the upcoming menu. :love:

    Kaye - I love the story about the little girl in your daughter's class. That's great!
    That is a wonderful compliment that you got from the woman, even though you don't know her. But all the same, I would be a little creeped out knowing strangers are watching me and commenting on my progress. I guess that is what happens when you live in a small town. Congrats to your first 5K. It will be here before you know it!!!

    SraCr8on - I make soups fairly regularly. For some reason I don't like peppers in my soup but I love eating peppers. I toss in whatever veggies I have in the fridge. I prefer using fresh rather than frozen. I am not a fan of canned veggies.
    Veggies I have used in soups/stews before are onions, garlic, scallion, celery, carrots, asparagus, fennel, string beans, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash (butternut, acorn), turnips and various greens such as spinach, kale, escarole. Swiss chard is also yummy in soups or stews. I have never tried mustard greens but I am sure they would add a nice flavor too.
    I am not a huge fan of mushrooms (its a texture thing) so I usually don't add them, but I have seen a lot of soups made with them as well. You can try dicing up a nice handful of fresh herbs and toss in for additional flavor. Or you can tie up an herb bundle, submerge and simmer. Just remove before you serve the soup. I prefer to dice and toss rather than the bundle. Fresh herbs really do not add many calories. I do recommend using dried beans rather than canned. It cuts down on the sodium a bit. Plus you can get a nice big bag of beans for a decent price and it will last you much longer than a can. I also enjoy adding barley, a small cut pasta or rice to soup.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another lousy week with no weight loss (well, .2 of a lb, but I count that as nothing). No clue why. Think I have to try something very different to get things started again. Anyone have experience with cycling calories up and down? If so, please share how you did it and if it got your weight moving down again.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Weekend was good and very productive. House is ready for the week. Food is prepped and no excuses for poor choices. Work doesn’t have many meetings (thank goodness). I’m really going to focus on getting some filling done that I’ve been putting off. Tomorrow night a good friend is in town for a convention so we’re going out to dinner. She was one of my suppliers at Arby’s so we’ve been friends for quite some time. I can’t wait to see her!!

    @ Karen – I think September is a great goal for me too. I’ll have so much to celebrate and with my friends who helped cheer me along. Can’t wait! You’re having a great start to the February Challenge. Keep it up!! I’ve not done a Glow Run yet, but the Bachelor took one of his dates on one a few weeks ago. It looked like a lot of energy, loud music and fun – my kind of race!!

    @ Kaye – I’m so proud of you. There is so much energy at races, which is why I’ve participated in the past plus there normally benefiting a good cause. I will walk/run, but mainly walk. My goal is to run the majority of the T2T that Karen, Laurie, myself and whoever else wants to join us in NYC in September. I can’t wait and this is going to be a great challenge for me to strive for.

    @ Ushkii – Yes, baby steps. I was in a funk myself, but pulled out of it (thank goodness). You feel so much better about yourself and the journey ahead. Just try to check in with us as much as you can. You know you’ve got our support!!!

    @ Alupinsk – It sounds like a fun weekend. Good for you!! I think one of the hottest football coaches is the Pittsburgh coach. He’s a hottie in my book. What is cubical tunnel syndrome? Is it similar to carpal? Hope you get some answers soon.

    @ Kelly – It was a sad game that’s for sure. Peyton had one of the best years of his career and the win would have been the icing on the cake, but Denver was never in the game. Knots in the calf are no fun. My trainer will stretch me at the end with that stupid foam roller and those knots I just want to scream. So painful to get out, but does feel a lot better when they come out.

    @ SraCr8on - Way to bounce back! So you enjoyed Friday night and went a bit over, but you rallied for a great weekend – good for you!! I do great during the week because I’m at work, meals all planned out and I’m good to go. Weekends give me a little too much free time, access to the fridge, and I just have a tendency to snack ALL day. I was really good this weekend too and it felt great!

    @ Nettie – School closed again? You guys will be going until the middle of July at this rate. LOL!! I know it’s better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully, Atlanta finally learned their lesson. It’s always so funny to hear everyone’s different qualms about food. For many, it is a texture thing. Where I love eggs and can’t imagine NOT eating them, you don’t like them. I love mushrooms, but its texture for you. One of my little quirks are raisins and strawberries. I love them both fresh, but not cooked in things, i.e. raisin bread, strawberry ice cream, etc. . . yuck for me!!! Crazy people we are that’s for sure. LOL!!

    @ L2T – Hugs to you. I think there’s quite a few of us in the same boat. We’re making good food choices, exercising regularly, but the scale just kind of sits there. I definitely do not have any words of advice because I can’t get past it myself. I’m thinking I need to lower my calories, but my trainer tells me NO and I need those calories. I’ve changed my eating pattern and leaning more towards high protein/fat with low carb. It’s still early, but I’m hoping the scale will cooperate with this new eating. I guess I just have to wait and see. Sigh.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Had a nice Superbowl party with family and made a chili. I did get a scale so it is off to work I go. Last couple weeks I guess was just to get back in the grove.
    Wish me luck as I dive back in to logging and starting a walking program.

    So the scale I got does not seem to work right, it has me 30-40 lbs less then I think I should be. it would be nice but, going to get a replacement and check at the store for my weight. boo hoo, another bump in my coming back.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Susan--Jim Tressel in his younger years always did it for me. Dat sweater vest. nom nom nom. :)

    Cubital tunnel syndrome is where the nerve that runs from the shoulder to hand gets "caught" in the elbow or irritated. It causes the pinky and ring fingers to go numb.