Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom- Crabs. Being from Maryland I am spoiled by the Blue crab and the Chesapeake Bay and nothing compares to fresh blue crabs. I just need to hold out until June for the crab meat, yummy. I hope you enjoyed the crabs and now I want crab cakes.

    Susan- This sickness really sucks. I am so tired of feeling drained, with a sore throat and congested sinuses. I want to feel better and NOW. I am using sinus rinse of salt water and gargling with salt water. Yes, salt water has become my friend this week. I have not been to the gym since Wednesday and it is not looking good for this week either. My body will get a very long rest period.

    Nettie- Snow Shoeing sounds like fun, so happy you were able to try it.

    Check in-Still not feeling well so no workout today. I really want to get rid of this thing FAST. I am tired of feeling tired, the sore throat and sinus congestion. The good news is my students are cooperating right now since they realize I am losing my voice in this process. At least the 8th graders are working a project this week so I don't need to talk much this week. I am not use to taking so many days off in the week, so I will see how my body responds to all this down time. I just need to make sure I get back in the swing of things this weekend.

    We are expecting another storm this week from Wednesday night into Thursday, not sure how much snow we will get yet. It could be 5 or more inches or nothing. It all depends on the track of the storm.

    Sunday- Walk at gym DONE
    Monday- REST sick DONE
    Tuesday- Walk at gym unless still sick
    Wednesday- AFter work meeting no workout
    Thursday- No workout Class (shoveling snow)
    Saturday- not sure yet
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all my friends. I hope you all had a great day. Mine was very busy but good all the same. I had babysitting like always in the morning and afternoon. In between those I had a super long dentist appointment and then hubby and I played cards with my parents. The dentist went well. I havent had a lot of dental care as an adult since there was rarely insurance until recently. So I was pleasently surprised that the worst problem I had was tarter buildup up so the cleaning was broken into two appointments which means I get to go back on wednesday. Oh well as long as it all gets taken care of. i am also going to get my wisdom teeth pulled sometime in the next month or so. So I had what I considered a nsv today. Between the babysitting, dentist, and all important husband entertaining I didnt get my walk in with the dogs this morning. Not to mention it was pouring rain most of the morning. Well the old Tammy would have just wrote the day off telling my self it wasn't my fault and there was nothing I could do. The new fir Tammy called her son on the way home to get the dogs ready. ran in the house and changed shoes, and managed to get in 3 laps before it got to dark to be safe. I am actually pretty proud of myself for this.:bigsmile:

    Laurie, Susan, and anyone else not feeling well I hope ya'll get some releif soon.:flowerforyou:
    Tom great job on getting those walks in. I hope you enjoyed your lunch though I am in the same camp as your wife on seafood:laugh:
    Nettie your dinner sounds so good. I am just throwing together a quick breakfast tonight for the family
    Karen your schedule this week sounds brutal. I am all for keeping busy but within reason:wink:

    Well dinner is ready so I will just wish you all the best and see you on the flip side:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Todays Workout per HRM:
    35 min
    695 cal/claimed 350
    1.99 miles
    4774 steps
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sorry you are still sick--I hope you are getting lots of rest. :flowerforyou: I'm glad your kids are working on projects so you don't have to be "on" when you aren't feeling well. I'm having a similar week--my AP students are working on a group project 3 out of 5 days this week, and my juniors are working on their research papers today and tomorrow. It was nice to just be able to facilitate and work with students in small groups and one on one.

    @nettie--hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

    @helena--yeah, I have friends who stay after school to grade and do more work most days. Most of them have kids at home, so it's easier to get things done at the office. I almost never stay past 4 or 4:30--I would rather take work home or to starbucks than stay at school. Sorry to hear about your BF's car--that stinks. :grumble:

    @susan--Yes, gunner is gorgeous! :wink: :laugh: I would love to get together when you come to town! Let me know your travel dates and where you're staying once you have your itinerary. Hope you also get some rest and are feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    AFM--I had decent workout at the gym and a healthy dinner to make up for my indulgence in the sugary treats at work today. Tomorrow and Wed. will be more challenging b/c of teaching the night classes, but I should be able to make it all work.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    10/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/1 AP essay
    2. rec letter
    3. re-read Great Gatsby DID SOME

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Tues--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Wed--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Hi I'm a newbie:) read some of the posts, very inspiring ! :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--we must have been posting at the same time before b/c I almost missed your post. Great job getting that walk in. I also don't like to go after dark, both for safety concerns, but more so b/c there are too many critters out at night that gunner wants to hunt. Yes, this week is a brutal schedule, but the money is way too good to pass up--I basically make $100/per hour to teach the prep classes, so definitely worth it. Especially since we only offer the course each Feb. and I typically only get 2 or 3 sessions total.

    @nikkita--welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening. I'm sorry so many of you are sick. Get well soon.
    Today DH and I had our 6 month checkups with our doctor. My numbers are all very good, but not good enough to take me off any of the meds. I have been having a lot of trouble with gas. I wake up in the night with so much gas that I could hold my own in any group of boy scouts in a belching contest. He took me off of my meloxicam, because it could be causing the problem. That won't help the inflammation in my knees. He also discovered that DH has atrial fibulation. He is now on an anti coagulant and will see a cardiologist in March.
    It has been a busy day and it was too icy to walk outside. I'll use the pedaler in a few minutes before bedtime.
    Keep on keeping on! Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Like so many others, I've been enjoying the Olympics. :drinker:

    I went to get my taxes done on Saturday and instead of waiting in the waiting area all day for my turn (no appt. just walk-in sign in sheet), my daughter and I went to a county park down the street. We walked the jogging/walking/biking trail. It was a little over a mile and I thought I was going to die! I have been walking for the last several weeks, but not that distance all in one shot. I have been walking in 5 minute bursts. I have some physical limitations that make it a little difficult, but I know from past experience that the limitations will lessen as the number on the scale goes down.

    Today, I walked with Leslie for the first time. It was rough, but I made it thru without stopping or easing off. Persevere!! I am determined to walk this first mile with Leslie with enough ease to move onto mile TWO! Next month my son will be home for Spring Break. I am hoping he'll devote some time to his mom for some personal training in the gym. I mean, it IS within the realm of his major is after all! :bigsmile:

    @nettie - sounds like you had a wonderful time. Was snowshoeing difficult?

    @rain - welcome aboard! Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed with a big number. Like several other mentioned, take baby steps, set small goals along the way.

    @kaye - wow, I had no idea your family was so large! Absolutely wonderful! You use so many abbreviations, I find myself (probably) over analyzing what they represent. DH, DD, DS, etc?

    @alupinsk - PT may be brutal, but I the end it's all worth it! Hang in there, it will get better!

    @kah - You have had a rough start to your week, that's for sure. It can only get better from here! I was bummed to see Bode not do well. I kept repeating to my daughter, .52 seconds and he's in EIGHTH place!! Just amazing!!

    @L2T - The Monument Men looks like a good movie. It's on my list to see soon.

    @ushkii - congrats on your loss, you are on your way!!

    @tom - THANKS, now I'm craving crab!!! LOL

    @manda - You really seem to be running around like a chicken with her head cut off! I am impressed that you are finding time to get to the gym!

    @susan & Laurie - I hope you ladies start feeling better soon!!

    @Helena - Popeye's is hard to walk away from! Today is a new day so you can always pick yourself up and brush yourself and get back in the saddle!

    Well, the Olympics are done for the night and so am I!!

    Until next time; wishing you all peace, love and weight loss!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    RobinB, sorry the abbreviations are confusing. DH-dear husband, DD-dear daughter, DS-dear son, GS-grandson. Hope you get the gist of my system. Thanks for asking. Kaye
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    You guys ar so good about checking in here! I can't keep up.

    I think that helps me make my next tuesday goal. Going to have to check in here each night.

    GD challenge, fruit every day 5/10 Not great but picked up again for this week.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    RobinB, sorry the abbreviations are confusing. DH-dear husband, DD-dear daughter, DS-dear son, GS-grandson. Hope you get the gist of my system. Thanks for asking. Kaye

    Kaye - I was SOO close! LOL I was thinking Darling Husband, etc.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~Great job getting out there with the dogs for a walk, great NSV!

    @Karen~I think $100/hr would be hard for me to turn down too, extra cash is nice (will come in handy for your upcoming vacation).

    @Laurie~I’m sorry you’re still sick, I hope you are able to get plenty of rest when you get home in the evenings.

    @Susan~I’m sorry to hear your sick as well, make sure you get plenty of rest! I’m sorry we’re going miss each other on your trip here. :frown:

    @RobinB~Terrific going for the walk with your daughter in the park while waiting, it will get easier – great job with Leslie Sansone as well. Bode Miller has been one of my favorite skiers for a long-time, it just isn’t right that he didn’t medal – fingers crossed that his super combined event on Friday goes better. I was glad to see Julia Mancuso medal yesterday – her downhill was awesome but slalom is not her event so I wasn’t sure how she would do.

    AFM~I didn’t make it to the gym last night, I hit a wall about 3pm (even after a cup of coffee) and was just too exhausted to attempt it. I went straight home and napped for about 2 hours, felt much better and slept better last night. Trainer just texted, looks like we’re switching today/Thursday so playing racquetball tonight. As of right now no new goals, except to keep myself off the scale at home (I may have to hide it). I did get in my 16 glasses of water yesterday and I’ve had 6 so far today, my overworked kidneys are proof! :laugh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Session with Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer NOT DONE (too tired) :yawn:
    Tuesday~Racquetball with Trainer
    Wednesday~Arc Trainer or Elliptical
    Thursday~Session with Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks for all the praise, I am going to start some goals. First to stay under my calorie goal 4/7 days of the week as a starter. I think I can meet that. Another is to walk 3 times a week. I will start there and see how I do.
    Glad most everyone seems to be doing ok and pushing ahead, I love how this is such a positive group.


    Under calorie goal 4/7 days: 1/7
    Walk 3/7 days: 1/7
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    It's Taco Tuesday! I'm planning our family dinners now very regularly, so I guess my January goal has become a habit. One night during the week, I have us eat one of our old stand-bys, which are not neccesarily the healthiest, but gives my husband and kids a break from trying all this new, "weird" food (ie: casseroles, fish and the like). So, we'll have mac and cheese night, brats, etc. This week we're having tacos! We used to eat tacos once a week. It's a tough thing for me to control portions on, but I'm hoping to help control the calories a bit by having my husband make them with lean ground turkey instead of our standard ground beef. (Bonus: lean ground turkey was on sale at the grocery store last week, so I saved money, too.)

    My goal for this week is to get back to the gym (I was sick for about a week and a half with an upper respiratory thing.), and to keep honest in my food diary. I started my goal over the weekend, and so far so good. I step on my scale every morning (not obsessing, just keeping myself in check), and I've shed some of the weight I gained while sick, and maybe more. We'll see how it holds out for my weigh-in on Saturday!

    @Tigredia- Great February challenge! I like biking, indoor or outdoor. It's a nice, low impact calorie burn.

    @Karenleona- Good for you for making the walk to the hospital despite the weather. Stay careful out there on the slippery sidewalks!

    @Gina and Nikkita- Welcome! I just joined this thread in January, and these people are very encouraging and supportive.

    @Susan and Laurie- Hope you ladies start to feel better soon! Keep resting and take care of yourself.

    @Helena- I hate that post-grocery-store hunger. Hopefully your tummy forgives you soon!

    @Nettie-Hope you're not coming down with something, too!

    @Tammy-Great work fitting your walk into a busy day. :drinker:

    @skinnyjeanz- Mmmm....valentine cookies.

    @Kaye- Good for you for fitting in your pedaler on a busy day. Sorry you and your husband are having so many medical issues. Hope removing the meloxicam helps with your boy scout belches. :wink:

    @RobinB- I've done Leslie too. It does get easier the more you do it. It won't be long before you're moving on to more miles.

    @Naomi- Keep checking in. I've made it my GD Challenge and I think it's helping me.

    @Kah-Sometimes you need the sleep more than the exercise. I've been watching my water intake more closely this week too, and I'm doing the same kidney runs as you, I think! :happy:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @ushkii- We posted at the same time. I just wanted to say that I think you've set yourself some very reasonable and acheivable goals. Good luck to you this week!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Tuesday Goals - To have a great day!!! It's my birthday. I am hiding in my bedroom from my bird, he's being super loud and annoying this morning. He is screaming because he wants my attention. I want to watch Rachel Ray, it's waffle week, but he will jump on me and get in my face blocking my view. It is really cute but can be super annoying at times. After RR I am going to get my Gilad in, each lunch and head out to work. Brian is picking up dinner from my favorite restaurant tonight and it will be waiting for me when I get home from work. Then we are going to have a nice night at home. I am going to log my food up until dinner tonight. I don't know quite how to log dinner. I will have butternut squash soup, eggplant special, rice and zucchini. Eggplant special is eggplant parmesan but in addition to that they add in spinach and feta cheese. So it is a mixture of spanakopita and eggplant parm combined. It's so delicious but I am sure super high in calories. I decided I wouldn't worry about logging it and just focus on enjoying my day. :happy:

    Rainandwood - Welcome.

    Kaye - I am glad your daughter enjoyed the story. I am sure she could relate. The smiles I get from my students is the greatest reward.

    Kah - Your coffee mishap made me chuckle. Just last week I posted on Facebook that is was wise when making a pot of coffee to actually put the coffee pot in before turning the machine on. Thankfully I was standing right there and realized right away what I did. I was able to stop it before a big mess occurred. :laugh:

    Humbleheart - You will be surprised what a difference weighing makes rather than measuring. I thought I had a good perspective on measuring until I began weighing. :noway:

    Karen - I didn't realize how challenging snowshoeing was until I did it. That night my legs felt like they were weighted down. I was so tired climbing up the stairs to go to bed. My friend wanted to go out Sunday as well however I just didn't have the energy for it.

    Gina - Welcome.

    Susan - I have never seen the Extreme Makeover show. That sounds interesting!

    Helena - Ugh to the tummy issues from going off routine. I had the same thing after this weekend. I didn't eat over my calories but I had an Auntie Annes pretzel, Starbucks, frozen yogurt and birthday cake. My stomach was off all day yesterday. :grumble:

    Laurie - Sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. That is good that your students are cooperating. I find mine tend to be more sensitive as well when I am not feeling well. I have been hearing rumors about the storm that is coming this way. Someone told me we are expecting another 6-10 inches. This is the same person who also told me we were expecting 30 inches this past Sunday. We only had 2 inches. :ohwell: I am not going to believe it until I confirm it as they aren't the most reliable source.

    jtconst - That is good news from the dentist!

    nikkitacandoit - Welcome.

    RobinB - It wasn't difficult but definitely challenging. With the snowshoes on you can not shuffle your feet forward, instead you have to lift your knees up to take a step. The deeper the snow the more challenging it is as you have to lift higher. It was a lot easier on the way back because we followed the tracks that we made on the way in. The snow was already packed down so it made it so much easier. It definitely is a good workout.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning every one.

    JNettie- HBSmileyBlowsWhistle.gif
    Have a great day!
    I like eggplant. My favorite is eggplant and lima bean casserole. It is kind of like green bean casserole made with soup and those fried crunchy onions on top. It has no green beans but it does have eggplant cubes and lima beans and it is awesome. Back in the olden days before I was 16 years old I was in a car accident that put me in the hospital for a month. While there they put me on a strict 1200 cal. diet. I was in traction and I had my Mom smuggle in some of her eggplant and lima bean casserole. The orderly caught me eating it but did not rat me out when he heard what it was. He said he had seen all types of food smuggled in but never eggplant and lima beans.:laugh:

    Susan- hope you feel better.

    Laurie- The place I went for crabs is very Maryland themed. It was very good. I could spend a ton of money in there. I loved the blue crabs, oysters, and clams. I sure hope the crabs are cheaper in Maryland. Four large sooks were $22.00. I need to try the crab cakes next time. I did pretty good picking the crabs.

    RobinB- I hope you live near somewhere you can get crabs.

    KarenL – Hope you are careful walking in the slippery stuff, I am glad for you that it does not get you winded, but please be careful!

    The girls have come to pick up their pre-sale orders, so now my car fits back in the garage! One of the kids play room has the Girl Scout Cookies stacked up for the cookie booths. I have not eaten a single one!

    GHD – 2.23 miles, 10 days in a row of over 2 miles.

    "You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you'll never be a failure.---Tommy Kelley

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    JNettie- Happy, Happy birthday!!!! hope you have an awesome day

    got my morning walk done but was very slow and careful cause the road and sidewalks were covered with black ice. Saw a truck 'parked' crossways on the sideway after attempting a left hand turn on a slight hill. Hopefully will warm up by tomorrow!
    Drink that water!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    It stared snowing about 10 am, so I've been sitting at my desk working, but mostly watching the snow fall. The trees and plants are covered in white and the 4 male cardinals that sit in the tree behind my house are beautiful against the white snow. It's supposed to stop soon, but another storm is coming right behind this one and will bring even more snow and maybe sleet. Last I heard the total is going to be 4-6 inches in all. I know that's nothing to some of you, but here in Charlotte it's a lot and will cancel school and unfortunately my evening exercise class. Hope the roads are OK so I can go tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is safe and warm and those of you who have been feeling poorly are on the mend. I'm more than ready for Spring, but seeing the world blanketed in white is so beautiful, I guess Winter can stay around a while longer.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all. I hope this Tuesday is treating you all well. I am having one of those rare days where I just seem to be getting everything done:laugh: Got the kids off and came home. Since I have walked the dogs, cleaned up the house, threw a soup concoction I am experimenting with in the crockpot, cleaned the floors, and took a shower. I think that is a good days work:laugh: Now I get to relax until it is time to get the kids from school. My hubby went to work with my dad to help him out so the crockpot meal will be hot and ready when he gets home. So my daughter was given a big container of ferrero rocher candy for christmas which she doesnt like. She gave it to me and hubby and he put it up somewhere and I forgot about it. When he came home he got it out and put it on top of the pantry cabinets and amazingly I have managed to keep myself to one or two pieces a day when it is right where I can see it. Trust me when I tell you that this is a minor miracle. My goal this week is for there to still be candy in that container on Sunday. A little test of my self control.

    Nettie I hope you are having a very happy b-day:flowerforyou:
    Tom your self control with the girl scout cookies is amazing to me. If I was there your wife would come home to find me passed out in a cookie coma surrounded by nothing but crumbs:laugh:

    Well have a great day everyone and hey while your up grab a glass of water:bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Todays Workout per HRM:
    65 min
    1144 cals/claimed 700
    3.11 miles
    7801 steps
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    JNettie, Happy birthday! I hope that you have a great day.
    Tammy and Tom, Great self-control!
    L2T, I love to watch the snow, too, from inside. I just hate it when I have to go out in it, especially driving.
    Karenleona, congratulations on getting in your walk. I really worry about falling when it is slick.
    Today is a great NSV for me. For a couple of years now, I have had to have oxygen with my CPAP. Today Norco came and picked up the concentrator. I no longer need the oxygen! It was a nice little gift after a less than exciting visit to the doctor yesterday.
    Baby girl will be a year old on Saturday. She has been practicing walking today. She should be quite proficient by her birthday.
    Enjoy your evening. Onward and downward. Kaye