Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Way to go Christine! At least you're doing something! I hear ya on the legs! His leg workouts are no joke! Good job!

    I did Total Body today and I had quite the mishap! See, I use my resistance (tubular) band for pulls up because #1. I have no room for a pull up bar and #2. I get a better workout for my back. I have no problem wrapping it around one of the rafters in my basement; it's very sturdy but this morning, my band's life had run out. It snapped and because I was doing back, I was looking down and it came flying back, hitting both of my hands/knuckles! They immediately swelled up and turned black and blue! It hurt like hell!!!! I looked at the band and it was in fact worn down. So, from now on, I'll stick to bent over rows! lol This could have turned out A LOT worse!!!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, this morning started with horrible cramps!!! You ladies know wheat I'm talking about. Ugghhh!!! I hate this TOM because I have no will power to workout, especially if it's cardio. But, I took some ibuprofen and did Bulk legs since I sweat like I'm doing cardio! I also added in push ups in between sets! Good news is, my cramps only seem last 1 day! How are you ladies doing?
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    I have been doing Insanity and ChaLean Extreme for the past year and took the leap and ordered Body Beast today....super pumped!!! Question.....I've been using 10-15lb dumbbells.....should I buy the next sizes up or wait?
  • hotmammatotwogirls
    I'm currently on round 2 and love Body Beast !!!!!

    Let's Go Beast Mode Ladies :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey beastettes! Well, today was a cardio day for me; I did Les Mills Combat 60 Extreme Warrior Cardio. I absolutely LOVE that one! Man, do I break a sweat!

    SwimSoccerTax: Woo hoo! Welcome to the group! If you loved Chalean Extreme and the heavy lifting, you are going to love BB!!! I would say that for the first month, you should be ok with what you've got but you'll definitely want to invest in some other weights! The adjustable are great. I have the Weider weights and love them.

    hotmamma: Woo hoo! How were your results with the first round? Are you doing Huge or Lean?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies! How's everyone doing? Today was Bulk Chest and then I went to my all time favorite kickboxing class! Needed to burn off a few extra calories from the weekend! Have a great day and keep pushing play!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Happy Friday! How is everyone doing? I got my new Polar FT7 yesterday and love it! Burned 630 calories in my kickboxing class and that wasn't at full potential! Not bad!

    Today is Bulk Shoulders for me and abs! What's on tap for you?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Don't slow down just because it's the weekend!!! Got my kickboxing cardio in this morning and burned 657 calories!!! Get it done and feel great! Have a great weekend!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi. Just started Body Beast on Monday. Any beastettes feel free to add me.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi. Just started Body Beast on Monday. Any beastettes feel free to add me.

    Woo hoo!!! Welcome! How are you liking it so far?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning beastettes! Today's workout is one of my favorites.......shoulders!!!! LOVE working shoulders! And recently, I've started to love working triceps too! I gotta hand it to Sagi Kalev (creator of BB); he sure got me to love leg day too! I mean, I already loved lifting weights but this just took it to a whole other level! I've got my Turbo Fire abs on tap too! Make it a great day ladies! :drinker:
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi. Just started Body Beast on Monday. Any beastettes feel free to add me.

    Woo hoo!!! Welcome! How are you liking it so far?

    I really like it. Today my body isn't too happy with it (DOMS) but it will soon enough.
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Hi Ladies, I'm excited to see this group! I've ordered Body Beast and will be starting it in about a week! Looking forward to the challenge :smile:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm excited to see this group! I've ordered Body Beast and will be starting it in about a week! Looking forward to the challenge :smile:

    Welcome!!! You're gonna love it! What program are you currently doing now?
  • vivimaga
    vivimaga Posts: 3
    Hi there, new to this group. In on my second day of bodybeast after finishing a round of insanity and Chaldean extreme. Really loving it at the moment. It's nice to see so many women giving this workout a shot. I can't wait to see the results!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi there, new to this group. In on my second day of bodybeast after finishing a round of insanity and Chaldean extreme. Really loving it at the moment. It's nice to see so many women giving this workout a shot. I can't wait to see the results!!

    Yeah!! Welcome! I finished my 5th round (not in a row) of Chalean Extreme about a month ago; absolutely one of my favorite programs! And......she's coming out with something new! Looks awesome, as always! But, no details yet.

    I think you are going to love Body Beast!
  • vivimaga
    vivimaga Posts: 3
    Thanks for your message, I really enjoyed Chaleane, she increased my confidence a lot and made me love and lose the fear of weights! I am looking forward to her new work! Body best rocks so far did legs today and I'm already sore. Tomorrow back and bis!! Do you use any supplements?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Thanks for your message, I really enjoyed Chaleane, she increased my confidence a lot and made me love and lose the fear of weights! I am looking forward to her new work! Body best rocks so far did legs today and I'm already sore. Tomorrow back and bis!! Do you use any supplements?

    Oooohhhh.........Build Legs!!! The first time I did that workout, I couldn't walk for like 3 days! LOL But now, I love it! I like Bulk Legs even better!

    My first round, I used all of the Body Beast supplements and really liked them. However, I learned that I still need to lean out a bit. Are you using supplements?
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Last year I did Jamie Eason's Live Fit, Insanity and T-25. Then I slacked a couple months this winter :frown: I've been doing T-25 and P90X3 for a few weeks. I love P90X3, but I really need more weight training. I've been doing too much cardio.
  • vivimaga
    vivimaga Posts: 3
    I know it's been two days and hurts more than it did yesterday!! I'm using sci-mx xplode for pre workout and sci-mx whey post workout. Also taking cla with my meals. I did back and bis today and I loved it!