Why are you fat?



  • I'm an emotional eater and had some things happen in my life that made this a big problem. Now I have all this weight on me and sometimes it gets really discouraging.
  • little_schmidt
    little_schmidt Posts: 27 Member
    It could very well be the DUMBEST excuse but... I stopped caring so much because my boyfriend at the time told me I looked good no matter what. Which is sweet and all but I stopped paying attention to what food I consumed and how active I was being. Not long ago I noticed these HUGE stretch marks forming on my stomach. I broke up with him. Not because I didnt love him or anything, it was because I needed to learn how to put myself first again. Since then (late December) I have lost 13 lbs and I work out almost every day. It felt good to have some one tell me Im beautiful every day but it feels BETTER knowing Im taking care of my body and I to me, healthiness is a form of beauty.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Because I somehow convince myself everyday that I still am.

    It never really leaves my head, especially when I look in the mirror.
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
    Beer, (ohhh...and wine), Pizza and a desk job; without working out.
    ...still eat pizza and drink beer (& wine), just less of it! and now I workout 5 days week!
  • My lack of consistency due to live events or any other excuse I've come up with.

    I always reach roughly 10-12% BF and balloon back up.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    When I was a kid, I was tiny. Seemed like I could eat anything, any time. And I did. Lots. Weighed 123 lbs. when I graduated from High School. I wanted to *gain* weight through my 20s. Kept eating the same way I always had and did, finally, get to a weight that seemed better when I looked in the mirror. Unfortunately, I'd developed some really bad eating habits, and my weight just never stopped going up. I've been up and down a bit over the last few years. Started running and lost weight doing that. But a year ago I was back up to 215. Lost 10 of that training for a half marathon, but got stuck at about 204. This is the most serious I've ever been about making a significant change. Working out, watching what I eat. I'm down 17 lbs to 187. Haven't been this small in years. Going to plug on to 175 then start trying to gain some muscle.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Because to me a package is 1 serving. =/
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    Because I bought into the hype that low/no fat was the best way to eat. because I left the Army and the extremely high amount of exercise that was the only thing that was keeping me from ballooning. Because my marriage broke up and I lost custody of my kids due to serious depression issues. Because I hate cold weather and live where there is snow 6 months a year.

    The real reason I am fat? Because I willfully closed my eyes and lied to myself.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I am not fat. I HAVE fat. My weight does not define me.
  • g0at1982
    g0at1982 Posts: 89 Member
  • There are so many reasons I am fat. I was always on the heavier side growing up. I used food to cure boredom and as a substitute for my feelings. I don't think I was taught very well about what food is supposed to mean to a person and coupled with my attraction to sweets and fattening things it was a dangerous combination. I also gravitate toward being lazy over being active and that hasn't helped my weight gain or loss.

    But I am aware of these and everyday I work to address them.
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    I am not fat. I HAVE fat. My weight does not define me.

    Love this! Going to post it above my desk.
  • BetterThanExpected
    BetterThanExpected Posts: 104 Member
    Because of bingeing that started four years ago. I've always been about an average weight for my height, but the bingeing shot me up to being obese. I've actually lost most of my binge weight now, though.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm overweight cause I'm lazy and I like food. There. Simple as that. I love to cook, its a hobby, but I like savory things and if I enjoy them I like to eat them. I also am not a very athletic person so I find exercise hard to do, hard to schedule in, boring, monotonous and its not a huge interest, you don't burn a lot of calories or gain a lot of muscle doing the small amount of gardening I have to do in the summer. My husband and I like to watch TV together, I like to relax at the lake, sit on the beach, sit in the backyard, read, play the odd video game, lol, a lot of sitting. And I work in an office and sit all day. I know my problems, I just am too lazy sometimes to do anything about them. I can't even blame my thyroid as I'm on meds for it and the levels are perfect as I get tested every 3 months. . . .
  • I partied drank a lot after my ex and I broke up.. went from 130 to 160 in few months. . Then I met someone new. .we had a baby ..I lost almost all my baby weight then he passed away an I got some what depressed. .. and gained some weight back. . Now im trying to manage being a single parent ..working an losing weight at the same time...
  • eccentric88
    eccentric88 Posts: 36 Member
    I am fat because I was in an accident and could not exersize, walk, or make proper and timely meals. I also have a condition that retains water. I gained almost 100lbs in year 1.

    No although the conditions have not gone away they are manageable and I am looking to regular healthy meals. I am now in bad eating habits as a result, if it is not nailed down or requires preparation it is fair game for wolfing down as I often was without meals and hungry.

    I can now do some exersize, but require etching out a time for doing it and getting into the habit seems each time I get there something happens to my health and I have to start all over again..Stop exersizing wait weeks, or maybe many months to get to start a routine again, from the small beginning again. Im discouraged.

    But are back at it have lost 25lbs but the weight has now been there for 10 plus years. I have about 50-70lbs to drop.

    Thanks for asking.

  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    Because pizza and beer exist.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Primarily lack of exercise and lack of good food choices (ie., would eat about 1800 calories a day, but nothing nutritous, primarily carbs and the occasional protein thrown in.)
  • I loved my abs way to much so i put layers of fat over to protect them :) haha... No
    pure laziness and lack motivation and a lot of ****ty food.
  • skroeze87
    skroeze87 Posts: 18 Member
    Lots of carbs, none from fruit and vegetables. Tack on PCOS and insulin resistance and I got over 200.

    I also snack when bored.
  • I'm a comfort eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, bored, excited, tired, stressed ..... you name it and I could eat along with it .... :blushing:
  • I gave up smoking August 2013 and started eating much more food, and choosing badly too...

    :smokin: NO MORE :flowerforyou:
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    No self-control over food.
  • When I was pregnant with my twins I had to eat an additional thousand calories to support their growth. Then, they were born and I had to continue eating that much to keep my breastmilk fatty for one of my twins who was diagnosed as Failure to Thrive. They nursed full-term, and I was always afraid that if I dieted, they wouldn't get enough nutrients from me, so between that and pregnancy I became accustomed to eating a ton every day. They finally weaned, and then I was still eating the same, so I gained weight. My Mom died the same month as one twin weaned, so dieting flew out the window. I dealt with grieving my Mom's passing in part by eating junk food. Now, it has been a year since she died and I am able now to move in a more positive direction. My husband and I are ready for more babies and I want to be in the best health possible for that.
  • I wouldn't say that I am fat but I am overweight! After having my son 16 months ago I just cannot seem to get the excess weight off but I guess that's because I haven't worked hard enough to lose the weight :(((
  • I blame my love of anything alcoholic. Yes a mere two months two summers ago spent going out had me at + 20 lbs. Two months...20 lbs. Deciding not to do anything about it until now has me at 170 from a healthy 130.
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Because I love desserts like a crackhead loves crack.
  • I was bullied as a teenager as I was a little chubby. Ate for comfort during horrible depression. Then I ate because I was bored and I love food...the worse it is for me the better. This became a habit that I have had for the last 20 years. I am 5ft 2, aged 32 and weight 14st. Lovely. Plus I am lazy and always hated exercise, though I have been attending a zumba class once a week which I love, that may help.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I was slightly overweight during my high school years, even though I participated in sports. No more recess so sports was my only physical activity. I used to eat a lot and gained a bit more weight.
    As a young adult I was in a relationship that went to hell (I was abused) and I used food to comfort myself.
    After that relationship ended I tried to lose weight for awhile but when stupid diets & other fads didn't give me the results I was looking for I pretty much gave up on trying to lose weight.
    Then in a new marriage... I had 2 kids adding more weight. Add on more bad food choices and large portions of said foods... and ta da... big ol' fat me.
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I like lager. And eating the same size portions as my 6'3" husband.