Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BHR80
    BHR80 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,
    I have been using for awhile now but have not used the community. What a shame, I should of used it earlier. Reading through everyones stories was fantastic.
    I have lost 18 kilos, not sure what that is in pounds. I had lost 21 but have gained 3 in the last few weeks which has got me down I must say.
    Any advice from those who has flucated also?
    Anyway I just wanted to say hi and enjoy reading your stories.
    Ta from Australia.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ok--so I got a few more outlines done and I reworked the schedule for this research paper. I need to get the rest of the essays done by Friday in order to make this new timeline work.

    Now I need to get to the gym or I will never make it there!

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    16/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 13/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    loves :love:
  • posting here to join this motivated group ! I really began weight loss before joining MFP and have set only a small goal to begin with but yes, I started needing to lose 100 pounds :) I have lost 45 so far :)
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @hayley--the first few steps are always the hardest. Trust me. Log it! I really HATE seeing my ticker in the red on here, but it makes me realize I shouldn't do it. Most of the time if I know I'm going to eat over my normal calories, I'll work out...or the big one for me was moderation. My mom gave me 2 chocolate covered strawberries and a red velvet chocolate and I logged the red velvet and strawberry and gave my boyfriend the other. Yes they were delicious, but I was content with just the one. Moderation is the number one key in a successful "diet" change.

    @krissy- I'm not sure if I'm a big loser, but you'll get there too! :)

    @robin- my ticker also reflects the goal to the one-derland! :) We will get there! I really hope you're feeling better!

    @tom- you are a beast with that >2 miles.

    @kelley- they ARE evil!!! But, I'm finding that they definitely get my heart rate going, which is great! :) WTG on being down 12!!!

    @tanya- I'm the same way...I know I want to be healthy and under 200, but I've never seen myself in the 100s, so I'm interested to see what it's like.

    @camille- WELCOME! :)

    @pixy- boo on that doctor! But he is right in the fact that healthy eating is important!

    @lives - way to go on being so close to the 100s!!!!

    @nettie- I'd chuck a dumbbell at your brother during your next workout if I were you. I'd be so angry!

    @susan- I get the same side effects the week prior too. It's really bizarre. I've tried playing with my diet as well, but so far I've found nothing. Let me know if something works!

    @lula- welcome! Holy moley! It sounds like you've had a few scares! You're in the right place for motivation though!

    AFM: I'm Aimee. I'm a 24 y/o librarian from Ohio. I started this journey in August, and today marks a full 6 months at it. I've lost about 82 pounds so far, and have another 70ish to go. :) I have 18 pounds to go, and I'm really excited that my second major goal is getting close! :)

    Today: I went to the gym again today, and I've missed it. I need to force myself back into the routine of working out.

    I'm stressing a little because therapy and taxes are going to cost me more than I anticipated. I have a little nest egg, but a few hundred is a few hundred. :(

    Work is going great and I met a guy and we started dating. He used to weigh about 300, and he's down to about 180. It's crazy weird because I've never dated a guy smaller than me, but he likes me as I am, and getting to be smaller than him is a DEFINITE motivator.

    I'm a little irritated with my loss because it's going so slow now. I'm going to recalculate my calories, and hopefully with getting back to the gym I can start making the scale move a little bit faster again. This .5 pounds a week when I'm eating to lose 1.5 is for the birds. >.<
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Evening, well, there was no school today, so I didn't have the kids. I had several things on my list of things to do on a day off and did none of them. I slept in, then attended a graveside service for an elderly friend. We had been very good friends with her and her family. They have moved away so it was very good to see all of them again. She lived a good life and basically died of old age at the age of ninety. Not many tears to shed, just good memories. My sister called and I visited with her awhile about my father. Then we went for an hour walk in the sunshine. I came home, had a light lunch and took a nap. Then it was time to fix dinner. So much for a day off.
    Pix, I think that your Dr is probably not aware of what a big role exercise can play in mental health and diet control. He is absolutely right. Controlling what we eat is the biggest component of this journey. As someone on here said, "You can't outrun your fork." Keep doing what works for you.
    Welcome to the new people here. This group can be a big help if you will come here often and participate with us.
    It sounds like most of you are feeling better. I hope we are all on track for a good week.
    Nettie, I would be furious about the snow situation at your parents' home, but I'm very nonconfrontational so I would probably not say anything. I would just do what I could myself to be sure it didn't happen again.
    Onward and downward. We can make this happen.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    JNettie - Sorry you have to deal with those problems. Many of us have a sibling that could help out more it seems.

    AFM: Today was a good day, went shooting with my son. He is going on a Mission and will be away for 2 years. We have been trying to do a little more stuff together that we like.
    I did good most of the week with keeping under my cal. but did not lose any weight. I am going to weight again tomorrow and see if it is any different.
    I was active this week mostly working on cars but was unable to get out an walk except for once.


    Under calorie goal 4/7 days: 6/7
    Walk 3/7 days: 1/7
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Ushkii, congratulations to your son. Where is he serving his mission? Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Naomi- Mindless eating is something we all deal with because it is something for us to do. My best advice is to find something to do with you hands as you watch TV. You can try knitting or croqueting, that way you will occupy your mind and hands. Read a book but just do not let the munchies take control of the situation. I still get the munchies and catch myself just eating. The other option is to have some healthy snacks on hands-almonds, granola etc.

    Yarn Crazy Dawn- It is great to see you back and to catch up with you again. I remember you from the old thread as Karen said. It is great that your health is improving again and you are back on track. :flowerforyou:

    Nettie- what your brother did is unacceptable and it would drive me crazy if my brother pulled that.:explode: My problem is that my brother is not able to shovel snow due to his back injury, but he will help in other ways as needed. While I do the shoveling, he does the painting and other household repairs. FYI- the EMS staff will shovel if need be to get a patient into and out of the house. They did that for my friend whose mother was taken to the ER on Friday morning before she had a chance to shovel the snow that fell during the night. It still slows them down but they are prepared for those situations.

    Susan- TOM (Aunt Flo) also influences my emotional status :grumble: and then I become frustrated that I have not found a guy to date. Yes, it also changes the way I eat, since my body wants more carbs and comfort food- not a good thing. FYI- keeps moving during this time and you can work through it. You have learned a lot from your trainer so you should be able to run with that knowledge and to keep moving forward.

    Rain- you have made so many improvement to your food log already,:bigsmile: I hope the dietician will focus on the positives. Then you can pick a couple of things to change in the next month and work on that. We are not perfect and remember that this is a learning process and they are here to help you learn.

    P1- as you start thinking about running make sure you learn the proper warm up other than just walking and that you start easy. Listen to your body as you are running. It is okay to start in small increments with running. Just remember that a jog is really a fast walk. :happy:

    Little Lulu- Welcome. Hope you will post often.:flowerforyou:

    Tanya- have you considered sandwich thins instead of a full roll? They have fewer calories and are very tasty.

    BHR- Welcome- the ups and down could just be normal fluctuations in your weight or it could be due to water weight, too much sodium etc. I would make sure you track what you are eating and search for patterns to figure out what is going on. Just stay on track and your body will catch up eventually. I know because I also deal with daily/weekly fluctuations and I do my best to stay the course and watch my salt content.

    Robin- I hope your appointment goes well and you get some answers. Will a night guard help prevent you from biting your tongue?

    Monday check in- some good news in my life! Dad is improving and actually walked down the hall and back at the hospital today. This is an improvement.:heart::heart: He wants to come home so he needs to prove to the doctors and PT that he is capable of walking with his walker. The blister on his heal is looking better so hopefully the treatment at the hospital is working. The infection is also clearing up.:heart:

    I also made it back to the gym today for a workout with my trainer. It was nice and easy workout so I could rebuild my endurance and have my muscles remember what to do at the gym. It has been over a 1.5 weeks since I have really worked out hard. Wednesday, I will push harder.:smile:

    Not so good news- Tomorrow, I am off again so I can attend the funeral of my cousin. It should be fine, as I will eat something before heading down there since lunch will be served after 2pm. It is also suppose to snow again overnight with the worse coming during rush hour. Part of me wants school to be delayed since my plans are very vague and I hope had enough work copied to keep them busy throughout the entire class period. The joys of writing sub plans while not being in school and I do not want to go in the morning to double check everything. Thankfully, I have great set of co-workers who are willing to help in a pinch :happy: :drinker: . The storm will include snow, sleet and maybe freezing rain so that will be enough to delay school for at least 2 hours, it should clear up by noon. Then the good news is it will warm up to the 50's this week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great week and may you find the time to exercise and make healthy choices when you pick the foods you eat.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii--sounds like a nice day with your son. :smile: Great job surpassing your goal for staying under calories! :drinker:

    @kaye--it's nice that the service was comforting and you got to share memories with your friend's family.

    @alupinsk--glad you met a guy who understands what it takes to get healthy--sounds like he'll be really supportive. I still can't fit into my husband's jeans--we are probably close to the same weight, but he has no butt. :laugh:

    @tanya--I used to be the same way with carbs--especially bread. Now I tend to have more control, but it has literally taken years to get to this point. I've also found that if I eat carbs or sugar too early in the day, I have a really hard time staying away from them. That's why I try to eat a really protein-heavy breakfast--it helps me quite a bit.

    @rain--I also have trouble balancing what I do for myself vs. what I do for others. For example, today it was really hard to tear myself away from grading to go to the gym. Not b/c I didn't want to go--I enjoy the gym much more than grading. But b/c I feel the need to get things done for others (my students in this case) before myself. A big part of this process for me has been learning to put myself 1st. It's hard, and I'm not always successful, but I try.

    @nettie--you have every right to be upset with your brother--that's ridiculous! Regarding WD, yes, Lizzie is a bit creepy, and I had the same reaction during the scene with Judith. Also, I didn't realize she had been mutilating bunnies until I watched Talking Dead afterward. When they panned past the log, my husband said "were those bloody bandages in the log?" I backed up so we could look again, but we couldn't tell what it was. I also didn't realize that's what she was doing in the next scene, but it all came together when Chris and his guests started talking about it. That's why I love TD--you find out little details that you might otherwise miss. I'm also really excited that Michael Cudlitz is going to be on WD. I absolutely love him in Southland!

    @hansea--great job checking in every day!!

    @robin--I'm really sad that you are still having so many health problems. I hope the ENT can do something for you. Aside: every time I see someone commenting on your appointment with the ENT, I think of talking trees. Yes, that's how big of a Tolkien nerd I am. :laugh:

    @robinB--glad you found some closure at your friend's funeral. :flowerforyou: Most of my students really will appreciate the opportunity to revise and improve their writing--that's the trade-off teaching honors and AP level classes. Yes, it's more grading, but the kids are great!

    I know I've missed some folks, so I apologize for that. I need to go eat my evening snack or I won't make my protein goal, and I've already written it, so it shall be. :happy:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    17/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 13/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Ushkii, congratulations to your son. Where is he serving his mission? Kaye

    Thanks, Johannesburg South Africa! Pretty far away!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Ushkii, congratulations to your son. Where is he serving his mission? Kaye

    Thanks, Johannesburg South Africa! Pretty far away!
    That is great. It should be very interesting for him. They always learn and grow so much. DH and I served in the mission office in Fukuoka Japan. I can hardly believe that we have been home almost 9 years already. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - 12 lbs in a WEEK?!? I was impressed when I thought you meant in a month so this blows me away. I didn't lose that much in the first month when I first started. You are amazing!

    @nettie - I too get frustrated with my brother so you have my sympathy. He still doesn't seem to get that it's our time (we're both well into our 50s) to take care of our mom (who is in amazing health but is 84) instead of the other way around. He's always whining about the latest way life has been unfair to him and she's always writing him checks. I stay out of it, but it does bug me and I see it as him taking advantage of her.

    @robin - Good luck with the ENT and I hope they have a strategy to get you some relief.

    @susan - I think Kelly gave you great advice to play around with your macros and find the best balance for you. I started with the 55% carbs suggested by MFP and found that too high, so I went to 40% and found that a bit too low. 45% is ideal for me, but I know I may have to change the balance again in the future.

    @skinnyjeanz - I feel your frustration. I've found that I'm OK with going between tabs on my laptop when I do personals, but if I do them on my iPad, I have to copy the text before going between tabs because sometimes it disappears. I learned that the hard way.

    @karenleona - I think that doc overstepped his bounds by a lot. Yes, he is correct that controlling your diet is key, but to discourage exercise is baffling. If it makes you feel good and supports healthy eating, go for it!

    @laurie - Gald to hear your dad is getting up and working toward going home.

    Goals Update: Creeping ever closer to 199. I have 2 lbs to go now and hope I'll see that number very soon. I'm going to Boston to visit my daughter this weekend and will get in a lot of walking, but will not have the best control over what I eat. I hope the two balance out. I also am going to start including my exercise goals (thanks to kah for the inspiration) to help with accountability.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Exercise class DONE
    Tuesday - Exercise class
    Wednesday - Exercise class
    Thursday - Exercise class
    Friday - Rest day
    Saturday - Lots of walking in Boston
    Sunday - Some walking/Rest Day

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Tuesday Goal: To get through the day without freaking out or having a meltdown.

    The plumber has to come back today with some tools to take a look at the pipes to determine where the problem is. There is a strong possibility he will have to dig up the floors. :sad:

    In other news. it's snowing again. I am hoping the weather doesn't prevent the plumber from getting here today. I have been washing dishes in the bathtub as we cannot use the kitchen sink and dishwasher. :frown: I am not looking forward to having to go out again and clear the snow. I am hoping we get enough that I can use the snow blower rather than a shovel. My left arm and shoulder are still a bit achy from shoveling out my parents on Sunday. I also want to get over to their house at some point today to dig them out again. :ohwell:

    EDIT: to add. The plumber is back. He is digging up floors and cutting into walls. :sad: So far though he has not had to cut into the kitchen. I am hoping that stays the case. We replaced that floor a few years ago with our first flood. I would hate to have to replace it again. I love my kitchen floor.

    IMYarnCraz33 - Welcome to the group.

    rainandwood - Congrats on doing the elliptical. Best of luck to you with school and exercise. When I was going to school I had a very difficult time juggling the two. Unfortunately my health took a back seat. I know how difficult it is. Hang in there.

    Susan - Thank you. I get so frustrated with my brother. There are times he can be really helpful and go out of his way to pitch in but other times he is just a complete jacka$$. He has been like this my entire life. I am always the one who helps my parents whenever I can. If I don't call one day because I am just busy my mother will call and give me hell for it. Meanwhile, my brother does absolutely nothing and my mother acts like he is God's gift to the world. :noway:

    Karenleona - I agree with what you said regarding exercise. It can be done regardless of your size. You just have to determine your strengths and weaknesses then go from there. When I had my physical with my doctor he actually recommended I get in at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. I discussed my plans with him and he gave me the go ahead. There are benefits to exercise besides assisting with weight loss. It's surprising to me that a doctor would not recommend exercise.

    Little Lula - Welcome to the group. Congrats on your loss so far and on the positive changes that you have made. You certainly have come to the right place for support and motivation. I find my journey is one giant learning experience. I have good days, bad days and some days that are just ok. I am constantly reevaluating and reflecting on my progress. I think you are off to a wonderful start. Best of luck to you!

    Tom - That is terrible about Amy's meds. My dad's meds for MS cost roughly the same. Thankfully though it is covered by insurance. I think it is terrible how expensive medications are especially for people who truly need them. I hope the new meds, once she is able to take them, help her.

    Tanya - Could you share your recipe for black bean burgers?

    Skinny - I really like your idea for the spreadsheet. That certainly would be interesting to see.

    BHR80- Welcome to the group. My advice is in addition to using the scale also take measurements and progress pictures. Focus on your NSVs as well. There are a lot of things that can cause weight fluctuations along the way. It happens to all of us. Try not to let it get you down. Keep moving forward and eventually you will see changes in your weight again.

    toomanireason - Welcome. Congrats on your loss so far. That is wonderful!

    Alupinsk - I agree with what you said to Hayley about logging everything. I do the same as you. I log it no matter what. It certainly does help me think twice before eating some type of treat. Like you said, moderation is the key. I couldn't imagine restricting myself to the point that I could not eat certain foods such as birthday cake. Along the way I have learned how to incorporate those types of foods into my diet and still stay within my goals.

    My loss has slowed down as well, I can completely relate. I know this past week I was not as diligent with water and exercise so that does contribute to some of the slow down. I am looking forward to getting back into it this week and seeing some results soon. Today I have cardio kickboxing scheduled and weights. Like I said earlier, my arm is tender from shoveling, so I am not sure how well I will do today with weights. I will see how it goes as I am doing my routine. If I am in too much discomfort I will abandon and save for another day.

    Kaye - I opted not to say anything to my brother. Honestly, I know from over the years speaking to him will not do any good. I didn't speak to my parents about it either. I just listened as they vented. It was obvious they both were very upset over it. If feel really bad for my dad. He was always an active person who was always working around the house. He was the guy on the block who always had his driveway cleared before anyone else. I know it truly bothers him that he is no longer able to do these kinds of things due to his disease. :ohwell:

    ushkii - Congrats on doing so fabulously on your goals! I was looking at your stats and I have to say I am really proud of you!

    Laurie - I think that is a great idea to keep your hands busy while watching tv. I used to know how to knit but I have not done so in a long time. My grandmother used to crochet and make beautiful things. I would love to learn how to do that.

    That is good to know about the EMS workers and shoveling. That is good that your brother will help in other ways. With my brother it is always some kind of argument from him whenever my mother asks him for help. But then on rare occasions he will go out of his way and do something nice which throws us all for a loop. When Brian and I first bought our house my brother just showed up with a bucket of spackle, some tools and ladders. He walked in, didn't say anything and began to spackle our walls. (we had a lot of nail holes from the previous owners) Then stocked up our garage with tools and ladders that he gave us. We had no idea he was coming over and surprised us. When we were hit with the hurricane a few years ago he showed up with a generator and portable heaters, came in and hooked it all up for me so I wasn't cold. (we were without of power for a week) I really don't understand him at all. Sometimes he can be really nice and other times just a jerk. I sometimes wonder if he has some mental issues going on that were not diagnosed that he struggles with. Maybe that would explain his mood swings.

    Glad to hear the good news about your dad. I love that he is a fighter and willing to do whatever it takes to get better and return home!

    Skinny - Thanks. WD and the bunnies - Oh my goodness. I didn't understand the entire scene either until Talking Dead. I missed the bandages on the log. I just deleted WD off the DVR yesterday but I can access it on demand. I will have to go back and check it out. Based on that scene I want to say she was the one feeding the rats to the zombies.

    Lives - That is exactly how I feel. I was just discussing it with Brian last night that I feel he is taking advantage of my parents. Brian thinks he is in a way taking advantage of them but believes he isn't intentionally doing it. I understand what Brian was saying but it still is frustrating. Congrats about only 2 more lbs to go. I bet that is here before you know it!

    As far as the guy situation. I completely understand that frustration. When I was in my 20's I dated someone for 5 years. Everyone thought we were going to get married. Then we ended things. I took some time off from dating and just focused on rediscovering me. I dated a few people here and there but those relationships were short lived. I then dabbled in online dating as I found it difficult to meet guys through friends. I did that for a few years before meeting Brian in my mid 30's. It certainly was frustrating for me along the way. Hang in there. I am sure you will find a nice guy.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tues Goal: Last week I went for 4 days under cal and was able to pull that off. I also wanted to walk at least 3 times, that did not happen. This week I am gong for it again. 4 days under and 3 days walking.

    Skinny - Thanks for the support! I need it.
    grandmakay - We have two boys and now both will be out. Other one is in Boston Mass. Mission.
    Lives2T - That is so cool you are so close! Such an insprition.
    JNettie - Thanks for the support, I will try to stay on the stright and narrow.

    So as I suppected Saturday was a bad day for eating and lots of salty fatty junk. I think the high sodium makes me retain water for a day or two. I weighted today and bingo down 1.8 lbs., I will take it. Funny how if it is up I question it but if it is down I am all over it. Well I just want to keep eating better and stick to it. I will keep plugging along.

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tom~Amy is lucky to have you dote on her like you do! I’m sure dealing with all of those Girl Scout cookies didn’t help with her arthritis, I’m sorry she was hurting so much yesterday – I hope they can start the new meds soon. I :love: Smashburger – good choice!

    @Ushkii~Congrats to your son, what an amazing opportunity for him. It’s important to spend time with your son right now in lieu of a workout, sounds like a great day. Great job staying under your calories and it looks like it paid off – congrats on the loss!

    @RobinB~I’m glad you got some closure from your friends fiancé at the funeral.

    @Nettie~I can’t believe your brother let it get to the point that they needed a plow to clear your parents driveway, I don’t blame you for being angry with him. Under the circumstances, he should be more willing to chip in, especially if he’s living with them. I’m sorry the plumber has to dig up the floors, I really hoped it didn’t come to that – oh, the joys of home ownership! :sad:

    @IMYarnCraz33~Welcome back!

    @Susan~I think you’re hormones are in full swing! Sorry guys of the group (cover your eyes) – peri-menopause can start as early as 30 and last until 50 or so, it wreaks havoc on hormones and you wouldn’t believe the long list of symptoms associated with it. You might google it, you will be amazed! I’ve been in this stage for many years now. Ask your doc to run some hormone tests and see where your levels are, s(he) may have some ideas on how to deal with the fluctuations.

    @Laurie~Hooray for your dad’s marked improvement, I’m so glad he is doing better! I’m bet it felt good to get a session in with your trainer too.

    @L2T~Only 2 pounds to onederland, that is amazing!

    Welcome to the newlings that checked-in yesterday. You found the best kept secret on MFP, you will find all kinds of support here and make some friends along the way – so check back often and join in on the conversation.

    AFM~ I really hate it when I let drama at work dictate my mood/day. :grumble: I was in a funk all day yesterday after the argument with HR & my boss, I was tired from no sleep the night before so it was easy to make an excuse to miss my workout. I went straight home and napped, probably shouldn’t have as I didn’t sleep any better last night. I can't use an excuse for tonight since its racquetball with my trainer – we are playing at a later time but I’m going to go to the gym at my usual time and get in some extra cardio while I wait for him. One of my metabolic assessments has been scheduled for next Monday, but I’m going to see if I can reschedule – last time I did it in the evening it got some wacky results and I had to repeat it.

    Sunday~Weights with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Elliptical NOT DONE :yawn:
    Tuesday~Racquetball with trainer
    Wednesday~Weights with trainer (rest day if my conference call runs long)
    Thursday~Arc trainer
    Friday~Definitely a rest day
    Saturday~Running Drills, treadmill or outside

    Have a great day!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I know that Tuesday is “goal” day, but I just have to say out loud (before the mood changes), I AM PUMPED!!! I am very antsy in my chair at work, I have gotten up and walked around the building several times already today where I have almost met my daily Fitbit goals and I’m still at work! I can’t wait to get home, put my workout clothes on and start walking with Leslie!

    My weight loss has been extremely slow the last few weeks and I think it’s because I have not been eating enough. My exercise has increased exponentially, so it has to be the amount of food. I am working hard at hitting +/- 50 calorie of my daily caloric goal instead of consistently being 100-200 below. (Gee, I guess THAT is my goal for this Tuesday!) :smile: My plan of action has kind of been IIFYM because it makes the most sense with my doctor’s advise from years and years ago, “calories in, calories out”.

    Come on guys and gals! WE CAN DO THIS!! :bigsmile:

    Until next time; wishing you all peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    We now return back to the regularly scheduled programming. :laugh:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just checking in so I keep up with my GHD Challenge of checking in on the thread each day. It's a busy one here at work today....lots of scheduling chaos, and I'm one of the schedulers, so I better get back to it! :wink:

    Maybe I'll get a chance tonight to check in and do personals. If not, keep it up everyone! Or, if you're doing something bad...stop it already, ok? :laugh:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi every one.

    We did have a great dinner at Hecho en Vegas. Amy was able to walk all the way from the parking lot. I think the motivation of her favorite Mexican place made it easier for her.:smile: We did finish up the night by hanging out in the casino and losing some money gambling. We did have some fun people watching in casinos is pretty fun. Brides, Boxers, Rich folk, Poor folk, and all kinds of outfits were there.:laugh: Oh well back to work today.

    GHDC= 2.48 miles 17 days in a row of >2 miles.

    “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I know that Tuesday is “goal” day, but I just have to say out loud (before the mood changes), I AM PUMPED!!! I am very antsy in my chair at work, I have gotten up and walked around the building several times already today where I have almost met my daily Fitbit goals and I’m still at work! I can’t wait to get home, put my workout clothes on and start walking with Leslie!

    My weight loss has been extremely slow the last few weeks and I think it’s because I have not been eating enough. My exercise has increased exponentially, so it has to be the amount of food. I am working hard at hitting +/- 50 calorie of my daily caloric goal instead of consistently being 100-200 below. (Gee, I guess THAT is my goal for this Tuesday!) :smile: My plan of action has kind of been IIFYM because it makes the most sense with my doctor’s advise from years and years ago, “calories in, calories out”.

    Come on guys and gals! WE CAN DO THIS!! :bigsmile:

    Until next time; wishing you all peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    We now return back to the regularly scheduled programming. :laugh:

    We interupt the previously scheduled programming for this breaking news:

    Still an hour left in my work day and I have exceeded my daily Fitbit goals!! I am psyched!

    We now return back to the regularly scheduled programming, AGAIN! :bigsmile: