Are we all..sexist?



  • I see the thread has been going on for a while now, so I may be way to late for people to still be reading... But this type of stuff is my bread and butter so I'll respond.

    First... Both sides have their "woes" so technically... yeah, we are all sexist... to the opposite sex to some extent or the other. Just because men and women differ from each other.
    Recently, a few of my guy friends told me that I was logical and that most girls weren't logical. It rubbed me the wrong way, because we are both equally logical just in different areas.

    With that said, I believe that women get away with being more sexist than men because its generally more accepted in our society. Turn on the TV and watch any sitcom or movie and you will find men being treated as idiots and women as super intellects. Men are put down way more than women and women throw a fit when the tables are turned. Its like the saying "Men should never hit a woman... even if a woman hits him." Thats dumb. No one needs to be hitting period. HUGE double standard.

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


  • The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Edit: I was also taking a light stap to those who get angry over gender roles. People who let their children "choose their gender." But... not really the subject.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Feminism is broad term that means different things to different people. You're saying things and not really explaining what you mean, just assuming that people have them same understanding that you do. So this reply is equally vague.

    The idea that men shouldn't hit women, but it's ok for women to hit men isn't because FEMINISM! It's because women have traditionally been viewed as the weaker sex -- fragile.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Edit: I was also taking a light stap to those who get angry over gender roles. People who let their children "choose their gender." But... not really the subject.

    So, you want children to grow up doing girl things if they are girl and boy things, if they are a boy and not question if anything is actually a "boy" thing or a "girl" thing instead of "These are things you can do"?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    He's a crybaby.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Maybe the person they hired was positive and not a whiner. And more qualified. And even if she wasn't as qualified, I personally would choose someone with a good attitude I thought I could work with over someone with a little more experience.
  • greshka
    greshka Posts: 33 Member
    does he want some cheese with that whine? I mean damn, everyone has some level of being self-centered, its just how long you stay there.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Um, you 100% missed the point.

    Attractive people in general get preferential treatment -- this means both men and women. If a man had beat out OP's friend, even if he was more attractive than the friend, his looks wouldn't be talked about as the reason.
    Hiring because of beauty is benevolent sexism that hurts men more than women in this scenario, but discriminating because of beauty or lack thereof may not be as gender specific as it seems.

    But the question I am asking you is, would we be talking about the appearance of person who beat out the Op's friend if she was male? Would people assume he got the job over the OP's friend because he's more attractive?

    There is no doubt that attractive people are given preference. But would anyone have attributed Op's friend not getting the job to looks if the person who got the job was an attractive man?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I see the thread has been going on for a while now, so I may be way to late for people to still be reading... But this type of stuff is my bread and butter so I'll respond.

    First... Both sides have their "woes" so technically... yeah, we are all sexist... to the opposite sex to some extent or the other. Just because men and women differ from each other.
    Recently, a few of my guy friends told me that I was logical and that most girls weren't logical. It rubbed me the wrong way, because we are both equally logical just in different areas.

    With that said, I believe that women get away with being more sexist than men because its generally more accepted in our society. Turn on the TV and watch any sitcom or movie and you will find men being treated as idiots and women as super intellects. Men are put down way more than women and women throw a fit when the tables are turned. Its like the saying "Men should never hit a woman... even if a woman hits him." Thats dumb. No one needs to be hitting period. HUGE double standard.

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What the eff.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Edit: I was also taking a light stap to those who get angry over gender roles. People who let their children "choose their gender." But... not really the subject.

    Feminism contends that the difference between the genders is a social construct besides the obvious physical differences. Research offers a different explanation, I just watched a 60 Minutes episode about this topic: How feminist theory impedes research on gender differences.

    There is also an in depth Norwegian documentary on the topic titled "Brainwash" here:

    Of course feminism is ubiquitous, when you have President Obama regurgitating feminist myths like the wage gap or bad statistics on sexual assault on college campuses it is inevitable.

  • The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Feminism is broad term that means different things to different people. You're saying things and not really explaining what you mean, just assuming that people have them same understanding that you do. So this reply is equally vague.

    The idea that men shouldn't hit women, but it's ok for women to hit men isn't because FEMINISM! It's because women have traditionally been viewed as the weaker sex -- fragile.

    Well, I think wikipedia covers the way I am using the word feminism, itself. All of it. My vagueness was a bit intentional, in the last line, only because I think that feminism has so many effects that we could talk about it forever. (If you want to ask a specific question then, I'll answer.) In this case, the OP is asking if we are all sexist and if women are treated better than men. I'd say yes to both.... as a rule with exceptions.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member

    Um, you 100% missed the point.

    Attractive people in general get preferential treatment -- this means both men and women. If a man had beat out OP's friend, even if he was more attractive than the friend, his looks wouldn't be talked about as the reason.
    Hiring because of beauty is benevolent sexism that hurts men more than women in this scenario, but discriminating because of beauty or lack thereof may not be as gender specific as it seems.

    But the question I am asking you is, would we be talking about the appearance of person who beat out the Op's friend if she was male? Would people assume he got the job over the OP's friend because he's more attractive?

    There is no doubt that attractive people are given preference. But would anyone have attributed Op's friend not getting the job to looks if the person who got the job was an attractive man?
    If he were male I would assume some people would say it was the result of cis heterosexual white male privilege, that is until OP clarifies that he is black, gay, and a female-to male-transgendered person, then it would go back to diversity quotas.

  • Edit: I was also taking a light stap to those who get angry over gender roles. People who let their children "choose their gender." But... not really the subject.

    So, you want children to grow up doing girl things if they are girl and boy things, if they are a boy and not question if anything is actually a "boy" thing or a "girl" thing instead of "These are things you can do"?

    I don't think it really has to be so black and white. I definitely want my girls to be feminine and boys to be boys... and I don't think I am taking away their freedom by raising them that way. On the other hand, girls don't have to wear only pink and play barbies.. and boys only blue and play trucks.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Feminism is broad term that means different things to different people. You're saying things and not really explaining what you mean, just assuming that people have them same understanding that you do. So this reply is equally vague.

    The idea that men shouldn't hit women, but it's ok for women to hit men isn't because FEMINISM! It's because women have traditionally been viewed as the weaker sex -- fragile.

    Well, I think wikipedia covers the way I am using the word feminism, itself. All of it. My vagueness was a bit intentional, in the last line, only because I think that feminism has so many effects that we could talk about it forever. (If you want to ask a specific question then, I'll answer.) In this case, the OP is asking if we are all sexist and if women are treated better than men. I'd say yes to both.... as a rule with exceptions.

    Oh Wikipedia, the highest of authorities on everything.

    Feminism is about equality. What you described in your posts was sexism. Brush up on your terms.

    ETA: The OP's friend didn't get the job and made up external excuses rather than focusing on what he could do to better himself. Sounds like he will go very far in life.
  • I see the thread has been going on for a while now, so I may be way to late for people to still be reading... But this type of stuff is my bread and butter so I'll respond.

    First... Both sides have their "woes" so technically... yeah, we are all sexist... to the opposite sex to some extent or the other. Just because men and women differ from each other.
    Recently, a few of my guy friends told me that I was logical and that most girls weren't logical. It rubbed me the wrong way, because we are both equally logical just in different areas.

    With that said, I believe that women get away with being more sexist than men because its generally more accepted in our society. Turn on the TV and watch any sitcom or movie and you will find men being treated as idiots and women as super intellects. Men are put down way more than women and women throw a fit when the tables are turned. Its like the saying "Men should never hit a woman... even if a woman hits him." Thats dumb. No one needs to be hitting period. HUGE double standard.

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What the eff.

    To which part?

    Thinking maybe I should clear up that I don't think ALL men are feminine and women are manly. I just hear alot of women saying that men need to step up and be men... then women "stepping up" instead.
  • lexcoulstring
    lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
    No one is sexist and everyone is sexist. Seems like the perfect human formula.

  • The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What exactly are you trying to say here ...


    Feminism is steeped into our everyday life....?

    Feminism is broad term that means different things to different people. You're saying things and not really explaining what you mean, just assuming that people have them same understanding that you do. So this reply is equally vague.

    The idea that men shouldn't hit women, but it's ok for women to hit men isn't because FEMINISM! It's because women have traditionally been viewed as the weaker sex -- fragile.

    Well, I think wikipedia covers the way I am using the word feminism, itself. All of it. My vagueness was a bit intentional, in the last line, only because I think that feminism has so many effects that we could talk about it forever. (If you want to ask a specific question then, I'll answer.) In this case, the OP is asking if we are all sexist and if women are treated better than men. I'd say yes to both.... as a rule with exceptions.

    Oh Wikipedia, the highest of authorities on everything.

    Feminism is about equality. What you described in your posts was sexism. Brush up on your terms.

    ETA: The OP's friend didn't get the job and made up external excuses rather than focusing on what he could do to better himself. Sounds like he will go very far in life.

    I'd say that feminist say that they are about equality... but normally fight for "equality" in sexist ways.

    EDIT: and example of this would be how Betty Friedan and others in the Womans Sufferage movement used a tactic called conscious raising--- basically man bashing parties.

    As far as wikipedia... sorry.. its had the definition with the most historical references.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I see the thread has been going on for a while now, so I may be way to late for people to still be reading... But this type of stuff is my bread and butter so I'll respond.

    First... Both sides have their "woes" so technically... yeah, we are all sexist... to the opposite sex to some extent or the other. Just because men and women differ from each other.
    Recently, a few of my guy friends told me that I was logical and that most girls weren't logical. It rubbed me the wrong way, because we are both equally logical just in different areas.

    With that said, I believe that women get away with being more sexist than men because its generally more accepted in our society. Turn on the TV and watch any sitcom or movie and you will find men being treated as idiots and women as super intellects. Men are put down way more than women and women throw a fit when the tables are turned. Its like the saying "Men should never hit a woman... even if a woman hits him." Thats dumb. No one needs to be hitting period. HUGE double standard.

    The negative effects of feminism is so steeped into our everyday life that most people can't identify it. Its why men are so feminine and women are so manly. (Oh, no! Gender roles!!!)

    What the eff.

    To which part?

    Thinking maybe I should clear up that I don't think ALL men are feminine and women are manly. I just hear alot of women saying that men need to step up and be men... then women "stepping up" instead.

    The whole thing. Gender inequality is one of the biggest problems in Western society today. Yeah, feminism as a movement isn't all rainbows and unicorns but the way that women are depicted in the media, and therefore treated by society in general, is a big freakin problem. It's horrific. Heck, just look at movies, TV, and pop music. It's very tough to find two women interacting with each other on a movie or TV screen about something other than a man, and the vast majority of female-led pop songs are either directly about a man or about how empowered the singer is without a man. Women are defined in our society by their romantic value to men.

    The expected gender roles in western society set millions of people up for a great deal of misery and mental anguish when they don't fit into those roles. Your entire post just blows my mind.