Are we all..sexist?



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Does romance mean strong man rescuing weak girl or something? What does romance have to do with it?

    You said," It's very tough to find two women interacting with each other on a movie or TV screen about something other than a man, and the vast majority of female-led pop songs are either directly about a man or about how empowered the singer is without a man. Women are defined in our society by their romantic value to men. "

    I thought you were refering to chicflicks and romantic storylines. I was just pointing out that that's in alot of our movies.. just because we are romantic/relational creatures... and it just is.

    I'm talking about all media. Look up the Bechdel Test.

    Wikipedia version okay?

    Do you think its funny to not use solid sources to formulate your world view?
    Pot kettle black. lol

    Um, have I provided to you or anyone else the source material for my views and understanding of the world? No. I have not. You have likely made assumptions, meanwhile decrying peer reviewed studies from reputable sources in favor of youtube videos.

    The videos have sources and reason, something pseudo-intellectual feminists are not use to. Back to from whence you came! lol

    Yep, let's see those true colors.

    Yes, your sources and proof are solid alright:

    Let's take a look at them, here they are:


    I haven't made a statement that needed sources. I haven't argued that something is right or wrong.

    I asked you a question that you can't seem to answer.

    So if you want to talk about nothing, let's talk about your non-response.
    I responded to you, and even linked to a study in this thread many comments back. You desperately want to see a world fraught with sexism against women. That is your bias and your ideology - it's the type of skewed world view common amongst feminists - where sexism is omnipresent.

    And yet I never said any of those things in this thread and have actually referenced men facing their own set of challenges and that the struggles of one doesn't negate the struggles of the other.

    Funny how you think you can speak for me though.
  • I think your friend is sexist.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member

    And yet I never said any of those things in this thread and have actually referenced men facing their own set of challenges and that the struggles of one doesn't negate the struggles of the other.

    Funny how you think you can speak for me though.

    and what challenges do men face?
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I think your friend is sexist.

    I think he is angry and is presuming a reason for why someone got the job over him. His presumption isn't without merit as studies do show beautiful people (especially women) do have an advantage (look at study mentioned many comments back).

    Article (study inside):

    But god, it sucks to be an unattractive female according to the article.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Feminism: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

    This is what you would call nebulous. What does equality even mean? How does creating rape culture mythology, the pathetic phoney wage gap, constantly pushing bad statistics on rape and domestic violence, creating illegal protests, or asinine sexual objectification theory fit into equality?

    Simple, it doesn't.

    Let's look at another nebulous definition now:
    Rape: the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

    Many states have their own definition of rape, even the FBI recently changed their definition on what rape is, but popular usage from common dictionaries tells us everything we need to know on wehat rape is *eyes roll*. I linked a video explaining this simple concept.

    Have you ever been, or known a woman who has been, raped? Do you go around questioning sexual assault victims as to the validity of their claims to make sure it was a legit rape and that it wasn't some nebulous pseudo-definition of unwanted sex? This post makes makes me sick. Legit sick.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member

    Have you ever been, or known a woman who has been, raped? Do you go around questioning sexual assault victims as to the validity of their claims to make sure it was a legit rape and that it wasn't some nebulous pseudo-definition of unwanted sex? This post makes makes me sick. Legit sick.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Feminism: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

    This is what you would call nebulous. What does equality even mean? How does creating rape culture mythology, the pathetic phoney wage gap, constantly pushing bad statistics on rape and domestic violence, creating illegal protests, or asinine sexual objectification theory fit into equality?

    Simple, it doesn't.

    Let's look at another nebulous definition now:
    Rape: the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

    Many states have their own definition of rape, even the FBI recently changed their definition on what rape is, but popular usage from common dictionaries tells us everything we need to know on wehat rape is *eyes roll*. I linked a video explaining this simple concept.

    Have you ever been, or known a woman who has been, raped? Do you go around questioning sexual assault victims as to the validity of their claims to make sure it was a legit rape and that it wasn't some nebulous pseudo-definition of unwanted sex? This post makes makes me sick. Legit sick.

    Do you even read before making posts?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    And yet I never said any of those things in this thread and have actually referenced men facing their own set of challenges and that the struggles of one doesn't negate the struggles of the other.

    Funny how you think you can speak for me though.

    and what challenges do men face?

    Honestly, why does the individual list matter?

    We are working out of a tradition that established that men were to be strong, powerful, and non emotional and women to be hysterical, weak and defenseless. That hasn't worked out well for anyone. But the reason it hasn't worked out isn't because feminists swooped in and suddenly made a fair game unfair.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member

    Have you ever been, or known a woman who has been, raped? Do you go around questioning sexual assault victims as to the validity of their claims to make sure it was a legit rape and that it wasn't some nebulous pseudo-definition of unwanted sex? This post makes makes me sick. Legit sick.

    You seem to be equating rape to the "nebulous" concept of feminism, thus questioning its validity as a solid action and leaving it up to interpretation. It really isn't.

  • We are working out of a tradition that established that men were to be strong, powerful, and non emotional and women to be hysterical, weak and defenseless. That hasn't worked out well for anyone. But the reason it hasn't worked out isn't because feminists swooped in and suddenly made a fair game unfair.

    I'll agree with this to an extent. Though I do think that feminism has had negative effects on women and men... I do think that the early waves of feminism saw a problem and wanted to fix it. I think we face the same problem now... just to the opposite extreme. Women knew there was more to life than just ironing mens shirts... but the solution to the problem was that women needed careers to be fullfilled. Now... women have careers and are either fighting for BETTER careers or fighting to be "just" mothers or homemakers. (Hence the rise of domesticity via Pintrest.. recipe sites.. ect.) It's like women are on a teeter totter and have a hard time finding a balance.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Honestly, why does the individual list matter?

    We are working out of a tradition that established that men were to be strong, powerful, and non emotional and women to be hysterical, weak and defenseless. That hasn't worked out well for anyone. But the reason it hasn't worked out isn't because feminists swooped in and suddenly made a fair game unfair.
    I don't think feminism is itself to blame, there are a lot of ideologies that exacerbate this such as traditionalism. Besides, feminism puts a stigma on women who don't work, now women are wage earners, this means men do not have to support them (provider) which means freedom for men. Feminism also wants women to be eligible for selective service and have women put on the front lines in combat. There are some positive things about feminism, however scant and still operating from a political ideology.

    Both genders were stuck in their gender roles, men the soldier who sacrificed his life for women and children, who provided for his family a lot of times doing dangerous jobs (e.g. coal mining), who also was forced into war by a cabal of rich powerful men and women.

    Women's health and safety were vital to the existence of the human race due to their biological worth: men were biologically more disposable compared to women given how one man can impregnate many women while one woman can only be impregnated by one man. Stoicism was a trait conducive to handling the trauma of war, famine, economic depressions, and death. Physical strength is admired as it was extremely vital in primitive combat. Maybe part of the gender role is built out of practicality, not so much sexism. Whether these gender traits are maladaptive and archaic is up for debate.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member

    Have you ever been, or known a woman who has been, raped? Do you go around questioning sexual assault victims as to the validity of their claims to make sure it was a legit rape and that it wasn't some nebulous pseudo-definition of unwanted sex? This post makes makes me sick. Legit sick.

    You seem to be equating rape to the "nebulous" concept of feminism, thus questioning its validity as a solid action and leaving it up to interpretation. It really isn't.

    Using the definition as an analogy to show how nebulous the dictionary definition of feminism is.
  • So one of my guy friends is starting to hate women because he thinks that everyone treats women so much better than guys. What do you guys think?

    I have a couple examples that he gave me..
    1. He's been going on job interviews as well, they were about to hire him until a lesser qualified piece of eye candy came into the picture and got the job instead..this happened to him twice.
    2. We were at a Spanish deli and we both ordered chicken, rice, and beans. They asked me what part of the chicken I wanted and they didn't ask him. Afterwards he points it out. I told him he should've let them know..he said he was being quiet to prove a point that women are always treated better than men. (Side note a third friend who usually goes to that deli says that they treat you better of you're a woman or speak Spanish so maybe it's based on the place..)

    Do you think we as a society are sexist???

    Oh yeah, women get treated so much better than men! Let me list the ways:
    -rape culture
    -most women can't walk outside at night for fear of being raped (1 in every 6 American women have been the victim of attempted/complete rape in her lifetime)
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -we can't dress provocatively 'cause then we're *kitten* deserving of rape
    -women still make less than men (77 cents to a man's dollar) in the US. Never mind other countries where it's devastating less
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -women often lose high ranking positions to men despite being of equal/more qualified
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women are expected to be rack thin and dolled up because otherwise we're ugly and plain and lazy
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -women are continuously sexually objectified by everyone, but particularly the entertainment industry
    -women who bring these things to light and try to change things (feminists, womanists, etc) are called all number of things, such as: *kitten*, crazies, femi-nazis, radicals, etc. the word "feminist" carries so many negative connotations despite the fact that feminists are the ones who helped us get this far
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.
    -to a lot of people our worth amounts to how much leg and cleavage we show, and how attractive we are
    -the worst insults you could give a man is apparently calling him gay (which, to a lot of people, is synonymous with being girly) or comparing him to a girl
    -ETC, ETC, ETC (because I could seriously go on and on and on and on and on)

    And that's only in the USA.

    Here ya go. So the next time your friend whines about how hard he has it there's a list you can shove at him.

    (BTW: I'm fully aware that gender expectations goes both ways. I could easily make a list of the ways men are mistreated and discriminated against because of stupid social constructs, if anyone would like. It probably wouldn't be as long, but it wouldn't be short, either.)

    I overhear many of the statements on your list at work and school on a daily basis, guys talking to guys about women. And, weirdly enough, the younger the guys, the more scathing the comments. My own father says some these things regularly.

    I have occasionally wondered if I wouldn't be better off as a guy. Sure, it may not be easier to be a guy, but it seems less complicated at times...
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    If you're a convicted criminal, the best thing you can have going for you might be your gender.

    A new study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan, found that men are given much higher sentences than women convicted of the same crimes in federal court.

    The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.

    Watch what you wish for:
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I think the takeaway here should be that this friend of yours is sexist. Assuming a woman got hired because she's "eye candy"? How is THAT not sexist? Reducing women to objects and reducing their achievements so flippantly is just... erhhghg. And how does he know her exact qualifications, anyway? Finally, a lot of the hiring process is decided by the interview, where the interviewer will assess your working style, your energy, etc, and see if you'd be a good fit to their team. It's not all about looking good on paper.

    And finally, if these women were hired because they're "eye candy," that's still sexist against women. That means the employer is sexually objectifying them and is not taking them seriously. And it opens a door for some potential sexual harassment down the line.

    Just because some guy at a restaurant was courteous to a woman once doesn't mean that we live in some MRA nightmare world.

    I wouldn't say it is sexist since it does happen:

    OP said her friend had one year experience and her none. His assumption is probable, but without better evidence impossible to determine. Maybe the company has a gender quota. lol

    WELL, it's still sexist and insulting to the woman. Being hired because you're attractive is demeaning, and like I said, opens the door to potential sexual harrassment.

    Also, it's pretty common knowledge that being an attractive man also gets you hired. Generally, being well-dressed and being fit (no matter your gender) will give you an edge on your more slovenly or heavyset rivals. People prefer attractive people. :cry:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you're a convicted criminal, the best thing you can have going for you might be your gender.

    A new study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan, found that men are given much higher sentences than women convicted of the same crimes in federal court.

    The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.

    Watch what you wish for:

    Interestingly, if you think about it, this is probably a result of gender roles.
  • If you're a convicted criminal, the best thing you can have going for you might be your gender.

    A new study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan, found that men are given much higher sentences than women convicted of the same crimes in federal court.

    The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.

    Watch what you wish for:

    If I'm still me, only in dude form, I'd still get to carry over my intelligence and inhibition, so it's not applicable. Gotta love these hypotheticals. But thanks. :flowerforyou: